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open Rise of the Stars roleplay (1x1 with CatponeCerberus)


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@Catpone Cerberus

"You don't like politics, I can tell. I'm not really into that aspect either. I'm more worried about the whole issue of the two sisters essentially becoming two more villains. We can... shut up on politics. We got other things to worry about."

"We should get out of this place so mother anarchy here doesn't listen in on our discussions on what's next for us."

This was in a joking tone.

"Sky probably will be happy to see be was somewhat right about us. Though he might be disappointed that we're not having any wedding. I don't think we're quite at that point. In fact, I don't think we've had our first date yet."

Arrow was thoughtful at the idea.

"We should discuss that in private. The first date, not the wedding thing... for now at least. We'll... put a pin in that for later."


Quasi would sit down at the table across from Princess Twilight.

"So, we've got a bit of diplomacy to discuss. We'll need to be quick as we have an execution soon."

This made Princess Twilight wince a bit though, she probably knew enough to know it was probably a war criminal from that conflict and gave an understanding nod.

The Princess would show a map, she didn't speak on tactical stuff as she could tell Quasi understood through the way he looked at the map.

"Well, without getting into the politics of it as much as I can, we've declared independence from Equestria, Princess Celestia officially accepted this. This nation is named Harmaland."

"That sounds a lot like emphasizing harm, I get it stems from the word harmony but maybe try another name."

"That's... on the list of things. Besides that, there's an issue. Princess Celestia has secret plans to kill officials to demoralize us and make us rejoin Equestria."

"We will not send out military if that's what you're asking. Starlania doesn't get involved in foreign wars."

"No, I want you to cease trade with Equestria. You can save this world from becoming like mine. You've seen the attempts Earth has made."

Quasi looked at Ruby.

"*What do you think? We have self-sufficient abilities. In fact, we could just avoid anything outside our world that doesn't involve us.*"


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Ember didn't protest changing the topic, even if the problem was bit more complex than her not liking politics period, she didn't want to keep going at it because frankly she didn't care.

"Mother anarchy, that's a new one." Cinder thought out loud, not commenting on it any further, even if it wouldn't have been in joking manner, she wouldn't have minded it, it was always fun to hear what others came up with.

"It really depends what one considers a date, but I guess you're right on that one." Ember said thoughtfully "But yeah, that is more a private matter, though Cinder is not the only one I mean with privacy, others, like random guards or Twilight in this case keep interrupting us out of nowhere too." 


Ruby sat on the floor slightly behind Quasi, she had again put on her prideful act, but it was visible from her that she was in less than perfect shape. "*Considering that it is you who started the whole trading thing in the first place, I am all for ceasing it, less dependent we are on others, better we can keep our nation as we want it to be.*" she hadn't at any point liked Equestria, still feeling betrayed by them, so she had no trouble cutting all contact if they had to. "While Quasi is the one who ultimately handles trade, I am ready to agree to do that, also, for the name, have you considered something like, Harmonia?"




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@Catpone Cerberus

As of now, everything here was seemingly done. Once everyone was ready, a boat would be boarded and a room was purchased.

"So what now? What do you think is best?"


Quasi and Twilight would discuss the issue a bit and they'd finally come an agreement.

"I'll cease trade. Whatever they have to offer now isn't worth our time and money. I'm probably going to buy the other part of the portal first to avoid Equestria blocking access to the land we protect within your world. It will expand naval capabilities as well. Equestria's economy took a hit with so much land being lost, they'll probably agree. Anyone from outside this world cannot have citizenship. In some cases we might let someone from the protected territory in your world live here."

Once Twilight left, Quasi spoke.

"*Now for an execution.*"



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"Best what?" Ember asked "If you mean the living thing, I for now stay in my house, since important part of making sure I won't be traced is to make sure nobody knows I've moved, though I could move some stuff away already." "If you are talking about the date thing, no idea, you are the first one I've gotten this close with, so haven't really been on dates." 


Ruby could have remarked that it would be very bold from Equestria to block their access considering that their protection was not to keep the homelands safe from others, but rather to keep others safe from whatever the 'Superior power' was, but she stayed silent because she wasn't on the mood, She didn't really take part in the discussion itself, only responding to Quasi if he asked her opinion on something, though she would agree with him in everything since as she had stated, Quasi handled these things. Other than that, she focused on staying awake because, while sitting down she didn't really need to worry about her physical strength,  it did in turn cause her tiredness to remind her of its existence, and listening to political talk really didn't help with it.


She let out a sigh as she got up after Twilight had left, it almost worried her how little she looked forward to the execution, by all logic she should have been beaming with joy to be able to get some revenge. If Quasi asked about the sigh, Ruby would state that she was fine, just tired. 

She would pick her act up again when she got close enough to their destination, that being the prisoner who had been made ready for the event, she took the muzzle and blindfold that were still off as she had requested, and started putting the former on the dragon, doing any necessary actions to force it on if he tried to fight it. While she put it on, she spoke to him "Usually I ask for last words, but I don't think you have much more to say." "I hope the small dose of fake power was worth it, as now nobody will miss you, you'll fade to time like all the pathetic little worms before you, heh, I don't even know your name." she didn't put the blindfold on yet, instead she got up and started the lead towards the execution location. 

She held her head high, keeping up the proud look others were used to see her as, but her weaker state was not unnoticeable, as even with her body covered by her dress, her movement let it be known, tired steps with less stability than usual, it was easy to see, but she didn't care, she had hid enough, it was time to walk into the gaze of her citizens and expose her weakness, as she may have been weak, but she was no coward.   


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@Catpone Cerberus

From Arrow's tone, it was pretty clear when he asked this, he had no intention to rush anyone. In his mind everything was just starting to happen really fast and wanted to ensure Ember was getting what she wants through getting her view on the matter.

He was glad to be with Ember, however.

"That is a good point. Princess Celestia knows you're capable of causing trouble to her. Even if you have no such plans, she doesn't know that, she wouldn't know even if you told her with the nature of your work."

"I do have an idea though. Not on the first date yet but, on something else. We're together and that will probably mean you might be invited to events such like holidays. I think maybe I can introduce you to my family. Of course my parents are in prison as I've told but, my grandfather would want to meet you."

"Everything I know about combat and weapons, I've learned from that pony. I remember when he gave me a battle axe on hearthswarming. Spent a long time planning the design and functionality of the weapon, forged that weapon himself."

Arrow would take a battle axe from his bag, the weapon was decorated with great design. Along with the look, this weapon also very practical for combat, it was clearly a high quality weapon.

The bag Arrow used was pretty small. Arrow stated during the time in Starlania that he got this after killing a dragon that hoarded stolen property, he was given this after the owner of that bag saw Arrow was taking the time to track the owners of the items and give them back.

Apparently this item was only able to hold armor and weapons. Anything else would be treated as if it were in a normal bag.


Quasi would tell one of his diplomats what their plan was and tell them to oversee the plan.

When Ruby walked outside, a crowd of Starlanian citizens would begin to cheer. They were happy to see their queen has healed. Sure, she was still healing but her improvement was great.

"This dragon stands accused of terrible crimes and has been found guilty."

Quasi would then whisper.

"*Do you want to speak?*"


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"It's not just because Celestia, it was my original plan before that whole mess, the only way to leave the underworld behind is to make them think I'm dead."  "For families, I have nothing against meeting yours, but when it comes to mine, that has to wait, I haven't seen them for quite a while, so I need to meet them in peace after it's safe before introducing anyone to them." 

She glanced at the battle axe "I'm not really an expert on weapons but it looks like a quality thing." "I mainly know about spears and other pole weapons, since father used them and was the one to train me." "I only know enough about other weapons to keep myself alive against them." 


Ruby nodded, stepping forwards to take the attention from the prisoner for now. !"Citizens of Starlania, the cowardly rebels, and all foreign spies, ally or enemy." quite the unusual start, but was she wrong? "It is no secret I have been out of action for a while, it is also not a secret why. I have learned that some rumors are about, so let me correct things." "Yes, I was mutilated, you may notice my horns being shorter than before." "And yes, I'm still not at full strength, as anyone with the ability to see can tell." "But unlike other rulers, I will not hide behind armies, nor will I use someone else to speak for me."

"Failure is not lack of strength, there will always be something that can get the upper hand over you, that is a fact of life, the real test is if you get up, or if you keep laying down in your hole." "Darkstalker made a mistake, he left me alive, and like Starlania after any attacks against our freedoms, I will rise back up, and you, my dear enemies, will suffer even more." "May this dragon be example of those who try to flaunt their power over us."!

She put the blindfold on the prisoner, then took a hold like she was going to snap his neck, but when she did, she 'accidentally' only ripped off a horn, she then stabbed that horn into his neck, but again 'accidentally' it wasn't lethal, so to finally finish him off, she took something from under her dress, it was one of her own separated horns, and she stabbed that on top of the dragon's head, jumping slightly to put her whole body weight on the stab, and the force was such, that it went clean through, finally killing him. This all happened in matter of seconds. 




“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
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@Catpone Cerberus

"Spears are better for killing dragons than axes so long as you can get past scales. Enchantments are preferable but a little diamond works too but I suggest having it combined with steel."

"A haleberd is better than a spear. Can be used as a spear but can also be used to split a skull if the need arises. Other times, it's better to not get close to an enemy, crossbows and ballistas are great for sneaky attacks against a single dragon."

Arrow loved this type of work, he felt it served a good purpose.

"Maybe I'll hunt bounties locally."

The entire journey was not eventful. After they got off the boat and took a train trip to Ponyville, ponies in chainmail with some plating on the parts most likely to be hit with gunfire. Enchantment was possible though, this was clearly a militia made up of civilians. It would make sense that a proper army wasn't in place yet. Though there seemed to be some former guards at least most of them taking on a leadership position to train and command the less experienced militia ponies.

Arrow would walk up to a home more on the outskirts of the town this place seemed pretty old but, in fair shape and knock on the door.

An elderly pony opened the door, a unicorn stallion with brown fur. Old age was pretty clear, could be in his 80's. Definitely in his late years. But also, there was a strong demeanor to this pony, as though that even though he isn't in his prime, he wouldn't back down from a fight.

The pony would smile.

"Arrow! I've heard about the Starlania problem, wouldn't let anyone leave they say. Well, guess we're Harmonia now."

The pony would mutter.

"That change in name was needed."

The pony would let invite them both in. Weapons were all over the place in an organized way. He'd turn to Ember and then Arrow.

"Who's this new face you've brought?"

The tone was clearly of friendly.

"This is Ember, we're dating."

"Oh, I'm very glad. Clearly a strong one, I can always tell a good fighter."

The old pony would turn Ember.

"I'm sure you may have guessed, I am Arrows grandfather. My name is Bronzespear. I'm very glad to meet you, how exactly did you meet Arrow?"

Bronze seemed not to care about Ember being half dragon, such a thing didn't make much of a difference to him.


The crowd reaction was positive for sure. Of course eventually everyone would leave and go home.

After a decent amount of time, Arrow would get word that the deal was went well. Equestria accepted the purchase and trade was ceased afterwards later when everything was set.

Of course Equestria was pretty mad and Quasi would deny requests from Princess Celestia and Luna to visit for a meeting. No one was going to mess with his country under his watch.

Quasi looked at the most recent report on the state of his nation.

"*Equestria has lost a strategic checkpoint and a valuable trading partner. We defeated outside influence. The extra metal will be used to for various purposes. The Kingdom of Vulpine and the rest of their world has been explored. None of them are capable to influence us, they seem to have no magic and have primitive technology and have no intention to change that. They do have certain types of dragons that breathe electricity and fire. Some have poison toxic to smaller creatures, the biggest thing they can kill with poison is a polar bear. Not that they have many polar bears in their habitat. Our military strength is increasing. Defense of our nation is secure. Equestrian jets have made dangerous maneuvers around so of our fighter and scout drones, such moves gained no response other than that if they crash they hurt Equestria not us. Equestria being focused on issued close to their home, they have no time to try anything else.*"

Quasi seemed to be relieved. With so many problems, things were finally looking well.


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"My weapon is what it is because it is versatile, and the material it is made from is a special magic resistant alloy, thanks to Storm King for coming up with it, the only positive thing he did." It of course probably wasn't him specifically and rather some of his pawns, but still, no doubt he had something to do with it, his guards being the ones to use it. "I've been thinking, maybe after I get the whole retirement thing out of the way, if I feel like working, I may actually take up the work I am doing now on paper, that being, hired bodyguard." 


Ember gave a respectful half-bow as a greeting when Arrow introduced her, she would also shake Bronzespear's hoof if it seemed like he wanted to do so.

She made a mental note to herself to tell Arrow she was fine with him calling her his marefriend if he wanted to, of course saying they were dating was perfectly fine too, but she just wanted to make sure it wasn't because he thought calling her mare would somehow offend her, her being half dragon. Though that would be for later time.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Bronzespear, Arrow has spoken about you." "Our first meeting was in name of business, we had mutual goals in the war that took place, and he had information I needed, so I tracked him down."  



Ruby stayed there for a moment, but as she had nothing else to say, she backed away and let the guards deal with the body as was the procedure, and for that day she spend rest of it in her room, exhausted and mentally drained. That was her daily rhythm in general, she would take part in her usual duties until she got too tired physically or mentally,  at which point she headed back to her room to rest.

"*I knew Equestria would fall but I didn't expect it to be this soon.*" "*There's still no leads on the origin of the collar, but thanks to Cinder's unconventional ways to gather information, another potential threat I haven't mentioned to you has been contained, and with our total control of the portal, we now control the flow of not only all the legal material, but also the illegal material going through it, giving us a powerful string to pull with the various black markets on this world.*" "*There's also reports of unusual weather around the homelands, unnatural barrier of never before seen storms surround the land, the worst effects of which seem to be avoiding anyone and anything belonging to us.*" "*Volcanic activity was also seen to increase before the storms started*" "*I'm also pretty sure one of the books gifted by the elder has gotten few pages thicker, but I haven't investigated it as I haven't had the energy to study them.*" 







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@Catpone Cerberus

Arrow was would respond with approval as her weapons seemed pretty useful for combat and defense.


Bronzehoof would shake her hoof.

"Oh, you're that pony that works a bodyguard sometimes, right? I think I've seen you do that, maybe another person. But the war huh? Had to pull together a little militia once to hold off some dragons until guards could arrive during that war. Been a while since I've fought a dragon, I make weapons and armor to sell now, but, the job got done."

"Strange days truly. But, I can tell you that you'll like Arrow, the pony's got a heart. Well, you're certainly one us now, I'd be glad to have you celebrate holidays over here with us when those days arrive. Arrow cooks pretty well for harvest feasts and hearthswarming."


"*I'll ensure any illegal black markets are destroyed. Working with them is working against our citizens. We'll need to look into this immediately in terms of your land. Check the books. I'll ensure a message gets out to naval and air forces working around the area. If anyone is interfering with that island, they are to make them leave. Should they not leave, lethal force is authorized. If a certain amount is there, lethal force is authorized immediately. I don't want to interfere with wars or politics of other worlds but I am not keen on their destruction, I feel a moral obligation to prevent their extinction. I have come up with plans to fight whatever beings exist capable of destroying entire worlds if I need to. But I don't know if my plans will work but, I will use animus magic if the situation is desperate enough. Animus magic is a last resort. I also know the wearabouts of a draconequus that I may be able to negotiate with. He has connections to a batpony that is actually a wyvern named Somnus, and he is a good buddy to Arrow. Also... those electric and poison dragons are plant eaters, pretty weird.*"


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Ember nodded at the mention of her 'work', and in general had a friendly demeanor and smile on her, again showing how her work self was quite different from her real personality. "I'm thankful of the invitation and would be happy to take part, though Arrow must remind me when they get closer as I haven't formed the habit to celebrate them." she added the last part with slight humor in her tone, but it was also true, having lived alone in relative isolation most of her adult years, she didn't really celebrate things, since what was the point to hold a celebration alone?


"*I know Somnus, he was with Arrow when they came to drag me into the war."* Ruby stated "*And regardless of planned action, it's still good to have some strings in the criminal world, you can't get rid of it fully, so it's better to control what you can't get rid of.*" "*For the homelands, while I'll of course look into it, it could be they are just reacting to what is happening in Equestria, after all if ponies were stupid enough to try to do something to the land, it would take us some time to get our troops there, so it's not hard to believe that they just want to make getting there harder.*" 




“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
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@Catpone Cerberus

It seemed in general, Bronzehoof was a pretty down to Earth guy, didn't seem to think he was better than anyone else, similarly to Arrow, any talks about accomplishments were more of remembering good memories than boasting about how great he was, they seemed pretty much the same in terms of that. And it was easy to tell that this old pony seen his fair share.

Over on a nearby table some similar armor to what the militia ponies were wearing, though there were differences that showed high rank even more than the former royal guards taking leadership roles. Arrow would take quick notice.

"What do you do in the militia?"

"I'm a high ranking general. I work out strategies and plans for combat. I like to surround myself with advisors too for other opinions and things I may overlook. I know strategies and how war works pretty well but that doesn't mean I can't make a miscalculation. Remember what I've always told you about leadership, Arrow, always listen to what others have to say."

Bronzehoof turned to Ember again. 

"Well, I'm very glad for you two, Arrow will certainly treat you well. And if he doesn't, tell me and I'll lecture him for an hour."


"*Regardless, we best work find the issue out to prevent extinction of their species. I want to get into contact with that elder. I'm aware you can't talk them up close, we can use a third party for communication, as I don't think your kind is known for having internet. What an invention that is, made the royal lizard pet his own social media page everyone loves it and finds him so adorable. But regardless, if we can establish better communication we can prevent a disaster. I've already used animus magic to shield this world from the eyes of whatever the threat is but, I want to keep plans to fight them if we must a secret to prevent them from attacking preemptively.*"

As for making getting over there difficult.

"*If they're truly making going over there difficult and that's it. I want drones to fly over them, making a sonic boom as they fly. This will be a show of force. I also want a naval stike force near there area. Far enough that they know we won't attack but enough to know we can if they cause problems. There is no negotiation for trade with Equestria. They have no room to go to war with us, they're focused on Harmonia, a name chosen after you suggested that. If Equestria does go to war with us, they'll be fighting a two front war. We control both sides of the portal, we are set for defense and offense if needed. Dasonia might also defend Harmonia, that is not confirmed but they are on good terms.*"

"*An assassination attempt was made on their Prime Minister, the attempt has failed. The assassin was killed by a pony named Bronzehoof and the Prime Minister was moved to safety. Twilight has released the evidence of Equestrian plans and demands payment. Applejack, a speaker of Princess Twilight has vouched for her, Equestria is now divided on the matter. Harmonia has denied an offer of firearms and artillery saying they will use the weapons of old and use magic to fill in any gaps. War has not been declared so far, as of now, Harmonia is demanding payment.*"

Edited by Lucid_Nightlight


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"I appreciate the offer, but I'll lecture him myself if need arises." Ember responded in joking manner, she didn't address the former comment, partly because it was addressed at Arrow, and partly because there wasn't really much to comment on it, as she didn't disagree with the last part, and she had generally decided to stay out of the topic of conflict until her opinion was directly asked.

The Crow made itself known, as suddenly Ember's mane started to move and the head of a sleepy crow appeared, it kinda just stared at Bronzehoof for a moment before lowering its head back inside Ember's mane, Ember didn't seem to have any reaction to it. "I wonder if you have ever met my father, he used to have rank in the royal guard, but he quit bit under decade ago, I think he went by Moonstone back then." "He's not much younger than you." 



"*Considering that the little communication we have had was directed to me specifically, I don't think they would speak with any third party. I also don't think that Elder is any more use, I have no reason to believe she lied when she said she was simply a messenger, and as you know, since we have send messengers too, they know only what they need to know for the message.*" Ruby pointed out "*We also can't know how effective your spell is since we don't know how they figured out what they did in the first place.*" even with Animus magic being only limited by one's imagination, not knowing exactly what one wanted to stop made stopping it for good harder.  

"*I also didn't mean Equestria when I spoke about making things harder, I meant that it could be that the weird weather around the homelands is meant as defense to make it harder for Equestria or any other nation that is not us to get in there.*" "*If there comes a point when it seems discussion is needed with whoever is watching over the homelands, the best course of action is to send me, as I am native to the land, and thus they can't twist it as trying to change things, besides, they clearly want something from me, so they are unlikely to harm me.*" 



“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
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@Catpone Cerberus

"Was a guard briefly. Left because they seemed incapable of actual combat. I don't I know anyone with such a name. Mostly hunted dragons that had a bounty, retired when Arrow was in my care, passed the skills to him, of course this was voluntary, Arrow has the right to choose his own line of work. Though, there was one guard. Batpony, very skilled soldier from long ago, I remember his 1,498th anniversary of enlistment when I was able to go when I visited Canterlot. Doesn't look older than the newer recruits of today. I was no match for that one. He likes some of the new technology not all but some. Loves playing those shooting games and strategy games where you play as different nations. I guess a Prime Minister needs relaxation time too."

It made sense that Harmonia wouldn't cut technology completely as they did have some of this stuff before Earth.


"*What do they want with you? There was a prophecy about your kind ruling over everyone right? Are they trying to make that happen or maybe prevent this? Think, they want to protect that land. Why is it that they want to prevent change? Could it be that they made society fall there to start?*"


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"Figured, was just curious, he has distanced himself from the guard  after all, that's why I said he used to go by that name, he changed his name after quitting." Ember stated "Not because he did anything wrong, he just wanted to get rid of the association to his rank." "He passed his skills to me, and even more actually, since he didn't stop training me until I beat him. If you know your enemy, and you know yourself, you don't need to fear the result of the fight, as he said, a rule I've followed since."


"*As I expressed after I had studied the books, I do not believe anymore that the prophecy meant my kind, and rather that it spoke of those my kind is descended from, but even putting that aside, that prophecy is beyond ancient, so old that a dragon lifetime is but a tiny moment, I know they can be for the future, but I do not believe that even the most powerful being could foresee this far.*" "*It is clear that the Homelands are of some use for them in its current, hostile state, yet why is it I don't know, it may or may not come more clear when I can continue with my study.*" "*For what they want from me I don't know, but as I mentioned at some point, from what exactly they gifted me, it almost seems like they want me to become more powerful.*" she paused for a moment as she connected some dots in her mind, before whispering something to herself that, for Quasi would lack context, since Ruby hadn't told the exact wording of her dreams to him "*Wings of destruction....it's not me they want.*" 


“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
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@Catpone Cerberus

"I agree, it's important to know your enemy and yourself. Then you know your limits and your enemy's limits. And what to watch out for. Moonstone must be pretty skilled. You must be pretty skilled to have learned from him. No wonder people want you as a body guard. Guarded a tavern once, lots of action dealing with aggressive drunk ponies. Though, I preferred to talk them out of aggression if I was able to. Violence is necessary for defense of yourself and others at times but that doesn't mean we like to hurt people. One lesson a taught Arrow, never take pleasure in killing, with dragon hunting, it's a job to stop danger, not a sport. This is something he takes to heart."

"What weapons are you skilled with?"


"*We should be ready to take whatever action is appropriate. Whether that means aiding them for fighting them. I know I sound paranoid but, I'm a strategist, trying to know how to kill the someone is my job.*"


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"Pole weapons, though I have a custom made naginata style weapon that I am the most comfortable with." "And yes, father was quite skilled, he is an unicorn but he taught me entirely without magic since I can't use magic like that, I say was because he hasn't picked up a weapon after he was satisfied with my skill, and he isn't in as good of a physical shape as he used to be either." "He hadn't planned to teach me fight at first, but then decided to do so because, well, my physical appearance is not the only thing dragon about me, I needed an outlet." 


"*While preparation never hurts, I still believe if they wanted to harm us, they would have done so already, they also wouldn't give books with information that can be used to guess who they are.*" "*In other word, there should be some preparation, but it is far from our biggest problems, for now.*" "*I believe they may be interested in our potential son, and I'm planning to use this time to figure out what.*" Ruby saw no reason to hide the theory that had come to her mind moments before "*I need books about your kind, not history, but information about your species.*"  


“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
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@Catpone Cerberus

"Pole weapons, some ponies overlook the importance of those, claim that sword is more fun. Or axes. Or hammers. These are good weapons but have you ever tried to kill a dragon with them? Very difficult. Pole weapons so long they can get past scales are great against dragons. And a naginata, very exotic looking weapons, the makers of these must have put care into them if they look like they look."


Quasi would refer to scrolls written by a dragon named Starflight, a dragon that lives at Jade Mountain Academy for their library.

"*Them wanting our son concerns me. Maybe that's just my instincts though. Do they want to hurt him? Or does he serve a purpose for good?*"

Edited by Lucid_Nightlight


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"I'd say there isn't really a best weapon for anything, it depends on the user what's best, I'd argue for example that for non-unicorn ponies or pony like creatures pole weapons are best non-ranged weapons because they best fit our anatomy, we aren't really build to swing anything, wielding something with our mouths is inconvenient at best and while one can learn to fight on two legs, we are in physical disadvantage like that." "At least if you consider an average individual, everything can be mastered after all."  

"*Before I say anything, remember that this is mere speculation, I have no solid proof for anything.*"  Ruby stated before explaining her thoughts, waiting a second to make sure Quasi understood "*First, the whole son thing, the words in my dreams speak of son of light, and when considering the rest of the sentence, and what we discussed before....*" discomfort visited her voice when she said the last part "*...I assume light has two meanings, appearance, and moral, you are light in color, and morally good, especially if comparing to....the alternative, so I'd say that if it is an actual prophecy, the uncorrupted one is a son.*" she used uncorrupted because she rather not think about it in the correct terms "*And why I think these unknown individuals want something relating to him? Because the words also say he has wings of destruction, and they sent me books of magic, magic that I will most likely not use most of, both because I don't care for it, and because learning magic is very time consuming and takes lot of effort from me.*" "*But while I have no use for them, what about someone who has my physical tolerance, but your kind's magical potential?*" while Quasi may have blocked natural animus magic, the potential for that was still hard coded into their genes, so Ruby figured that it could mean that all of them have great magical potential in general.

"*And before you freak out, I don't think it says he will destroy us, only that he will be capable of destruction, after all, I am called Death.*" she had also other reason why she believed the mysterious forces could be involved somehow, but she didn't mention it yet as she wanted to hear Quasi's thoughts first. 


“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
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@Catpone Cerberus

"I see where you're coming from, a weapon is as powerful as the weapons wielder."

Soon there was a sound at the door, almost a knock but softer, as if paw pads were knocking.

Bronzehoof opened the door and there was Myra and Sky. They probably were there to discuss preparation for conflict.

"Seems like I got to get back to work. Here, go somewhere nice, I'm sure you to need some time together."

Bronzehoof gave Arrow some money. When they left the house Arrow would speak.

"I'd refuse the money and pay for a date myself but when that pony offers you something, he'll just insist until you give in. He means well. He seems to respect you too. He probably can tell what your... job is, likely doesn't want you to be worried is why he didn't say anything on that part, he probably knows about the license too. He probably didn't mention all of it because he doesn't want you to worry, keeping how you feel in mind."

"What do you think? All the super fancy stuff are in Equestrian territory. If you're daring we could do some hunting or camping in Everfree. Or maybe there's something in Vanhoover if you don't mind the train ride. Or if you have an idea."


"*I see. Figure out what you can. We'll give them what they want if it's right to do so. But if they're wrong, I won't appease them. Let's stay with them for now and try to learn more. Try to probe for answers if you can. On an unrelated note, we got a guard who was found to have distinguished themselves in combat, nearly died to keep the line held when mercenaries attacked before we showed up. This dragon thankfully recovered and I want to promote them. I wanna call them in and make them think they're in big trouble before I surprise them with a promotion.*"


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Ember waved as they left, she had expected the whole meeting the family thing take bit longer than this but well, it was a weird time they were in, that was partly why she wanted to have a moment with her own family alone before introducing anyone to anyone, she didn't want it to be cut short. "Him knowing isn't really a problem since I'll be retiring soon enough, though any critique from him or you would be bit hypocritical anyway, since the only real difference is the employer." it wasn't meant in a bad way, it was more an observation than anything, she would need to learn to leave some things unsaid, but as she saw it, pointing out things like should be perfectly fine, as in any relationship there would be disagreements and other conflicts of minds, the key was to be able to talk about them. 

"I don't have any specific ideas for anything, but I'd prefer if it could be something...peaceful, no fighting, no talk of war, something or somewhere where we can actually focus on us." "Vanhoover could work since from the two available places that are not just uninhabited wilderness, it is further away from not only the border in general, but also both from Canterlot and Twilight's castle, meaning that it probably won't be the first place where conflict may take place." 


Quasi didn't need to tell her to do it, she had already planned to look into it, partly just because she wanted something to do, she felt useless in her current state, and that didn't exactly help her mental state, so she gladly did something useful, even if it for now just meant reading a lot. Another part was the fact that she was. well, she, she was the queen of this nation and the mother of the assumed son, so obviously she wanted to know if something was threatening it, she was not going to let all this slip away from her too, she rather died than let someone take everything from her again.

"*If that amuses you, you are free to do so, though I suggest you to not overdo it, as it will be unlikely to be seen as a pleasant experience.*" she personally didn't find it entertaining, pranks weren't really her thing, but she also lacked the empathy to disapprove of it in grounds of the guard's emotional state, though she did know that she personally would be quite angry if she heard that she was going to be punished for almost dying to help someone, after all, that exact thing happened to her as she saw it, so it would be important to make sure that whoever this guard was would hear the truth before they did something less than desirable.



“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
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@Catpone Cerberus

"Yeah, I'm kinda over going to war, like I fight things and that's what I do but, conflict between nations? That tires me our more than villains always interrupting my day. I'd prefer the yaks destroying everything and declaring war because they didn't get 'yaks hay' or whatever. That's like throwing a tantrum because of off brand cereal! Don't tell me you don't remember that. Then pinkie threw them a party! That's like giving a kid candy after they threw their tantrum!"

After Arrows short rant on that incident with the yaks, he composed himself and returned the subject.

"Vanhoover being on the other side makes it more safe, I agree. There's plenty to do there, amusement parks, restaurants, that museum of modern art that I do not understand. We could do like a vacation thing since it's pretty far over there anyway. But seriously, I went to that museum and someone stapled a banana peel to printer paper and called it art. I dropped my umbrella there and everyone thought it was an exhibit. People across Equestria went there to see an umbrella I forgot."


"*You think I'm going to say I'm mad about their courageous actions, don't you? Oh no, that's too far for me.*"

Quasi called the soldier in and would have a serious face and tone.

"Pvt Nightflyer, it came to my attention that chemlight batteries have gone missing. I was told that you have smuggled them out."

"I... don't know of any chemlight batteries."

"Understand Pvt Nightflyer that I can read your mind. Lying will not help you. I want you go ask around for the chemlight batteries."

The dragon would nod and ask around, Quasi would break down laughing as the frantic dragon ran around asking for these chemlight batteries. When he came back, the Quasi would regain his serious look and tone.

"No one knows where they are."

"Pvt Nightflyer... what a dumb name, you aren't fit to be called Pvt Nightflyer. How does... General Nightflyer sound?"

The dragon would look confused before his eyes lit in realization.

"I understand you were a Private. However, after the one leading was killed, you managed to hold the troops together to prevent further advance, as no one of higher rank was present as they were dead. You did this no experience and with minimal training. The risk you took also proves you are willing to keep your soldiers alive. You will get the title and rank of general immediately but you will undergo training before any assignment or work is given."

Quasi didn't give these promotions lightly, be only have promotions to those who worked for them. The promotion was also recommended by fellow soldiers.

When the soldier left he turned to Ruby.

"*Our weapons left us at a disadvantage and old tactics were being used causing leaders to get killed. He was the reason we got there in time to get the issue fixed. We did modernize our tactics and weapons in a short time after that though, I'm pretty happy with the result of our military improvements. Before we were essentially a joke compared to Earthlings. Though I hate to admit it, Equestria's help with making modern ships and infrastructure helped along with dragon versions of guns we were given from small Earthling nations as a gift. Of course I did have all these things altered to make sure no one knows our exact abilities. Good thing too, the last thing I need is Equestria knowing any weak points on our ships.*"


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Ember didn't comment on the yak rant, only gesturing a 'kinda' when Arrow spoke about not remembering, she did remember the situation, she just didn't actually know the details since she hadn't been home when it took place. 

" 'Vacation thing' sounds fine enough, my vacation until this point has been kind of a flop." she hadn't gotten much relaxing done with the whole situation in Starlania and due to Cinder bothering her everywhere. "For art, nobody actually likes the weird art, they just pretend they do because they think it makes them look smart." "Even the criminals who steal art don't want the modern nonsense." 


Ruby, as usual, took no part in the interaction, she didn't really understand Quasi's sense of humor; as sadistic as she was, she didn't find someone making fool of themselves entertaining, it was more sad than anything, For the promotion itself, Ruby's only contribution was an approving nod, something that most had learned to expect from her; if she ever opened her mouth in this kind of situations, someone had either done something extremely great or they had made their worst mistake.

"*It needs to be made sure that such design changes stay hidden from other nations; if it isn't already the way to do things, we should make sure that our equipment will be destroyed rather than captured in case of loss.*" "*It doesn't matter who may have helped originally, Equestria had no problem casting me away after all I did, so I have no problem casting them away.*" 

A messenger came in, and after proper greetings, they addressed Ruby specifically, "Queen Bekisnhlekil, a dragon came to the door and collapsed, she was speaking incoherently but mentioned you, she was carrying this." they gave Ruby a crumpled piece of paper, she opened it and read for a moment, she then burned it before speaking "Where is she now?" "Healers took her." Ruby dismissed the messenger and got up "'Up to you if you care to follow*" she didn't hurry, but she looked slightly uncomfortable.  




“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
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@Catpone Cerberus

Arrow would boop Ember with his hoof.

"Then let's have a genuine vacation. Might have to skip the beach sadly, enchanted wooden ships armed with magic weapons guard the coast. On the bright side we don't have to worry about an invasion there."

"But everywhere else should be good. They'd advance from Canterlot and attack Castle Harmon first as it was originally the Castle of the Two Sisters."


Quasi got up and followed.

"*Whats the problem? Are we getting attacked?*"


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Ember reacted with slight surprise to the boop as she hadn't expected it, but she smiled right after. She didn't return the boop at least yet.

"While I don't have desire to go to the beach, I doubt the ships are close enough to land to have any effect on public beaches." she slightly disagreed with Arrow on what would be most likely the first target, as she believed it would be Twilight's castle, but she didn't state it because she didn't want to start a discussion on that, after all, she had just said she wished for no talk of war. 


"*Not this time*" Ruby stated shaking her head "*In short, there's one more dragon that was involved with what happened to me, a servant, while she did take part in few of the.....less pleasant actions, she was there mostly to clean up and such, though even that was done in the most unpleasant way towards me as possible.*" "*But regardless of that, I wish to not punish her, as it was clear she did so against her own will,  and while back then I wanted to kill her as much as everyone else, I hold no grudge against her, as she was simply doing it to avoid her own suffering.*" "*I tried to locate her after I recovered enough to think straight, as I wanted her to know that I hold no grudge, but those who went to look for her, came back empty clawed.*" she was heading towards the medical room "*The dragon that just arrived is her, I know this because of the piece of paper, it was a confession, it had detail that only two living dragons know as far as I'm aware, myself and her.*" "*That's why I burned it, those details are better forgotten.*" that explained her discomfort, as she was yet again reminded of everything. 



“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
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@Catpone Cerberus

"Maybe, I'm not a navy pony, I wouldn't know. I have to hire ponies with sailing knowledge to run my warship. It's just there for show honestly."

After they got on the train, of course there was a brief search of Arrow's bag to ensure no illegal items were brought.

After looking through various weapons, it was decided a plastic water bottle had to be thrown away.

Arrow would then sit down in his seat.

"And that guy over there can smoke on the train? Well, at least my only casualty is a bottle. Anything you wanna do in Vanhoover?"


"*I see, well at least no more execution.*"


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