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ooc Life or Death

Strong Hooves

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Equestria, the once peaceful land... has fallen...


An infection, like none seen before, spread like wildfire throughout the country, turning whoever caught it into a mindless zombie. Ponies tried to fight back, but the horde was too great, and ponies scattered, trying to survive the bloodbath. The country of Equestria eventually fell apart, order was lost, chaos ensued, ponies fought one another for the dwindling supplies of food and water that wasn't poisoned by the disease. Those who were able, fled to the last place they knew they would be safe, the floating city of Cloudesdale, unaffected by the disease. Throughout the broken world, civilizations try to build, but building on broken trust makes for faulty foundations. This is the story of two ponies, who become the most unlikely of allies, to overcome the obstacle of trust and work together to reach the last safe haven in Equestria.


This is a private role-play for Krystal and I.




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