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What Would You Change/Rewrite About The Aspect of MLP:FIM?


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On 2024-04-20 at 4:36 PM, Props Valroa said:

I've stated many times what I would change. Main aspect is having no Student 6, No Pillars, no School of Friendship. Also Grogar would be real, remove any instances of the villains calling themselves villains - and have more focus on background characters and world-building. That about covers the vast majority of where my focus would be.

Then how would we get the moments of exploring other species? Like, how would we get to see more interactions between different species without the Student Six?

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  • 5 months later...
On 2024-04-20 at 4:36 PM, Cheerilee said:

I've stated many times what I would change. Main aspect is having no Student 6, No Pillars, no School of Friendship. Also Grogar would be real, remove any instances of the villains calling themselves villains - and have more focus on background characters and world-building. That about covers the vast majority of where my focus would be.

So then what would have been the main plot for seasons 7 and 8 without the Pillars and School of Friendship? Like what would take the place of being the two-parter finale for seasons 7 and 8 and the season 8 premiere two-parter? As well as who the main villains for seasons 7 and 8 would be?

How come you don't like the idea of having more than one group of six friends who have the magic of friendship?

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Newbie Dash gets obliterated from existence. Of all the episodes they had to drop the ball on....

Like, even having RD become a WB offscreen would have been much better than what they decided churn out

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Now that I'm not a fan anymore, I must say that I would've changed a lot of things, so many things that the show would pretty much be completely different, and I don't think that would be necessary as a lot of people like the show the way it is, so I prefer to not say what would've changed now, but I'll say that I still keep the things I said that I would've changed when I was still a fan, whcih are:

1: The Student Six should've more time to develop their characters, the way it was done was too fast, they learned things too fast.

2: Twilight shouldn't have become Ruler of Equestria in the end of the show, for me Celestia and Luna were better because I saw them as deities, Twilight should continue in her csstle in Ponyville.

3: Make more 13 episodes for Season 3

4: This one is the worst for me, for me it was really a bad idea to focus so much in Nostalgia, Fanservice and in rehashing ideas from previous Seasons in Seasons 5-6 and specially Season 9, repeating ideas from old episodes in a less interesting way and bringing back villains we already saw, in Season 5's finale they go back in time and show us a past event we already saw and show us past villains again, Season 6's beginning is King Sombra's attack but without him and Season 6's finale repeats the attack of the Changelings, Season 9 does worse by making us believe that they are going to have a final original villain, Grogar, but they reveal that he's not real, the final villains of the series are 3 villains we already saw before, that was a very bad decision in my opinion, specially because none of them brought anything new, they should've been minions of Grogar in my opinion, with Grogar bejng the final threat. I have the same problem with Dragon Ball Super, but there the returning villains at least bring something new, it was more creative, here in FiM they don't do anything new with the returning villains, it's worse, Season 9 felt more like a celebration of the entire series with its returning villains and characters and repeated ideas than a season that actually tries to tell a story, which maybe makes sense for the final Season of the series, but I still didn't like it very much.

That's pretty much it, I actually don't care much about these things anymore now that I'm no more a fan, but I still think would've made these changes if I had the opportunity 

Edited by Rafa Stary Mini
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  • 3 months later...
On 2021-10-17 at 7:51 PM, Lone Traveler said:

My top 3 episodes of MLP I wish were written differently are Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep, The Cutie Re-Mark, and The Ending of the End. All of these episodes could have and should have been amazing, but had 2 fatal flaws each that destroyed them. 

Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep should have been a two parter so the episode could have had more fun with its concept. In the actual episode only a few minutes were actually spent on chasing the Tantabus through different dreams. This is something that easily could have carried a full episode by itself! I really wish it was a two parter where the first 7 minutes largely stays the same, the chasing the Tantabus through dreams could be the next 22 minutes or so of the episode, and the last 14 minutes or so could be a far more epic final fight with far more exploration of Luna's character and actually getting to see her discuss her issues with Celestia in a satisfying way that didn't give her serious unresolved issues. ( I think Luna's role here should have been rewritten as Joshscorcher suggested in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eFBXXMTLC48 )

If the episode just had more time to have fun with its creative concepts and handled Luna's development properly it could have been one of the best episodes of the show. Even as is I still enjoy the episode and think it is fun to watch despite its flaws, because I enjoy the dream concept so much and really wish more was done with it. It's a shame the Luna dream plots were dropped after this episode.

The Cutie Re-Mark was a fundamentally broken episode since it kept on switching between so many different timelines without doing anything with any of them. It was a bunch of half baked writing prompts being introduced every 5 minutes, rather than a coherent or fun story. This could have been fixed if they actually stayed in a single timeline (preferably the first one in the episode). It could have made for a really fun and interesting story where we got to explore aspects of a changed world and how the Mane Six act in the different environment. They could have teamed up together to stop the villain in their timeline as well as Starlight. Starlight herself should not have been redeemed here. In the actual episode she was immediately forgiven in like 3 minutes because of a quick sob story. After all the horrible things she had done she really needed like a whole episode or so to actually make a redemption feel believable or earned, which there was not time for on top of all the packed time travel stuff. If the episode sticked to a single timeline and didn't redeem Starlight it could have been one of the best episodes of the entire show. Honestly, if this episode and Do Princess Dream used their concepts to their full potential, that alone would improve Season 5 enough in my eyes so that I would see it as actually part of the golden age of MLP instead of a transitional period between the golden seasons (1-4) and the mediocre seasons (6-9). This episode is where MLP truly jumped the shark in my view.

The Ending of the End had another fantastic concept, but was brought down by major missed potential. Tierk, Chrysalis, and Cozy Glow had a fun dynamic and Grogar looked like he would be a very interesting villain in how he understood how to truly use friendship against the ponies. Instead this potential involving Grogar was thrown out the window for no reason, destroying 6 seasons of Discord's character development in the process. This twist was the single worst writing decision of the entire show in my view. Although Tierk, Chyrsalis, and Cozy Glow were still fun, the dynamic would have been so much more interesting if they were still forced to work for Grogar who could basically be the final boss of the show. The other main issue is that the potential of the final fight was also wasted. We should have been able to see the process of how the Student Six and the other side characters teamed up, which could have been exciting and a good way to see so many of these characters on screen one last time. The actual fight should have also involved the side characters far more. Instead the fight in the episode just felt like a weaker version of Twilight's Kingdom. If they went all the way with the Endgame style ensemble fight it could have instead been its own unique thing. On top of the frustration of the wasted potential and the destruction of Discord's character, the episode itself just felt like a more convoluted and less fun version of the Season 9 premiere (an episode I find to actually be really fun and one of the best of the show. As much as I liked the Season 6 and 7 finales, the Season 9 premiere is the only two-parter post Season 4 to truly bring back the magic of the golden age 2 parters imo). If Grogar was actually used as a villain and the side characters got to play a bigger role in the fight, this could of been a truly amazing finale. Instead it is just okay.


So when should Starlight's redemption have happened then? There's a lot of episodes in seasons 6-9 that hinge on her being redeemed so when should the redemption have happened.

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I don’t know how popular or unpopular this view is so of course I’ll start with a disclaimer that this is just my personal perspective and opinion on things. It’s entirely subjective.

Honestly I have an issue with the direction things went with the Cutie Mark Crusaders and the cutie marks they ended up with. In the beginning it was presented that everyone gets their cutie mark in their own way, in their own time. No one can tell you what it will be or speed up the process. The CMC’s obsession with finding their cutie mark was presented as something they needed to let go of and just let it happen naturally. There were a couple of different talents that Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo showed an interest in and affinity for that could have turned out to be their talent but they simply weren’t ready to discover it yet in part because they kept obsessing over getting a cutie mark and trying everything under the sun to make one appear. Trying an activity, looking at their flank for a cutie mark, seeing nothing appear and moving on to the next one. It was often implied that that’s not how things work. That your cutie mark will be something you’re already good at and like, it isn’t going to be a random activity you try once and suddenly it appears. It implied that the CMC’s obsession with cutie marks and special talents was something they needed to outgrow.

At least from my perspective that is.

But then in the episode they got their cutie marks suddenly their cutie marks end up BEING about their obsession revolving around cutie marks and special talents and finding it in others. Sure they finally got their cutie marks by giving up their own search for theirs in order to focus on others cutie marks but they’re still obsessed about cutie marks. I feel it contradicts the messages of the previous episodes and seasons about how no one can help you find or figure out your cutie mark that it’s a special journey you alone have to take and discover naturally in your own time. Because now it’s that they were basically right to obsess over cutie marks this whole time because it’s actually their special talent (which I feel is just a very odd talent to have in the first place but especially one that doesn’t fit into the themes or messages from before). 

I would have scrapped that whole thing and given each of the CMC’s their own unique talent (i.e. singing for Sweetie Belle or scootering for Scootaloo, things previously established that make sense). Maybe even give them each their own individual episode on getting their cutie mark, dealing with the other two feeling upset that one of them got their cutie mark first before the other two did, having them each come to acceptance and make a point of them growing up and maturing a bit as they let go of their cutie mark obsession and instead focus on the things they already love to do leading to them discovering their talent in a natural way. 

There could later be a follow up episode where each of the CMC has to deal with their aftermath of them now each having their own unique cutie mark and special talent that they want to spend their time on. Show the growing pains and the worry that they’ll drift apart as friends now they they are no longer the CMC but finding a way to come back together as friends stronger than ever but in a new way. Show that friendships change and grow and progress over time and that that’s ok. 

I’ve got a few other things I would change about the show (no Starlight Glimmer redemption, no School of Friendship, no Young Six, no Pillars of Equestria, no Twilight Sparkle taking over for Celestial and Luna, etc.) but most of those things are common talking points so I won’t cover them. 

Edited by calliecocat
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1 hour ago, calliecocat said:

I don’t know how popular or unpopular this view is so of course I’ll start with a disclaimer that this is just my personal perspective and opinion on things. It’s entirely subjective.

Honestly I have an issue with the direction things went with the Cutie Mark Crusaders and the cutie marks they ended up with. In the beginning it was presented that everyone gets their cutie mark in their own way, in their own time. No one can tell you what it will be or speed up the process. The CMC’s obsession with finding their cutie mark was presented as something they needed to let go of and just let it happen naturally. There were a couple of different talents that Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo showed an interest in and affinity for that could have turned out to be their talent but they simply weren’t ready to discover it yet in part because they kept obsessing over getting a cutie mark and trying everything under the sun to make one appear. Trying an activity, looking at their flank for a cutie mark, seeing nothing appear and moving on to the next one. It was often implied that that’s not how things work. That your cutie mark will be something you’re already good at and like, it isn’t going to be a random activity you try once and suddenly it appears. It implied that the CMC’s obsession with cutie marks and special talents was something they needed to outgrow.

At least from my perspective that is.

But then in the episode they got their cutie marks suddenly their cutie marks end up BEING about their obsession revolving around cutie marks and special talents and finding it in others. Sure they finally got their cutie marks by giving up their own search for theirs in order to focus on others cutie marks but they’re still obsessed about cutie marks. I feel it contradicts the messages of the previous episodes and seasons about how no one can help you find or figure out your cutie mark that it’s a special journey you alone have to take and discover naturally in your own time. Because now it’s that they were basically right to obsess over cutie marks this whole time because it’s actually their special talent (which I feel is just a very odd talent to have in the first place but especially one that doesn’t fit into the themes or messages from before). 

I would have scrapped that whole thing and given each of the CMC’s their own unique talent (i.e. singing for Sweetie Belle or scootering for Scootaloo, things previously established that make sense). Maybe even give them each their own individual episode on getting their cutie mark, dealing with the other two feeling upset that one of them got their cutie mark first before the other two did, having them each come to acceptance and make a point of them growing up and maturing a bit as they let go of their cutie mark obsession and instead focus on the things they already love to do leading to them discovering their talent in a natural way. 

There could later be a follow up episode where each of the CMC has to deal with their aftermath of them now each having their own unique cutie mark and special talent that they want to spend their time on. Show the growing pains and the worry that they’ll drift apart as friends now they they are no longer the CMC but finding a way to come back together as friends stronger than ever but in a new way. Show that friendships change and grow and progress over time and that that’s ok. 

I’ve got a few other things I would change about the show (no Starlight Glimmer redemption, no School of Friendship, no Young Six, no Pillars of Equestria, no Twilight Sparkle taking over for Celestial and Luna, etc.) but most of those things are common talking points so I won’t cover them. 

So where would Diamond Tiara's own redemption feed into this changed plot since it tied in with the CMC getting their cutie marks? 

And why is it that Starlight's redemption is bad enough that you wouldn't even try it at all? Like, what would happen to her in later seasons? Plus characters she's friends with later on like Sunburst, Trixie, Maud, and Firelight.

Why don't you like the idea of there being more than one group of 6 on the show?

If there are no Pillars of Equestria, then what would season 7's overarching plot be and what story would the two-parter season finale have?

Ditto on what season 8's overarching story and two-parters would be without School of Friendship or Student 6? How else do we get more interactions between different species and knowing more of their cultures?

And what would season 9's direction for Twilight even be then?

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14 minutes ago, SunsetShimmerStan said:

So where would Diamond Tiara's own redemption feed into this changed plot since it tied in with the CMC getting their cutie marks? 

And why is it that Starlight's redemption is bad enough that you wouldn't even try it at all? Like, what would happen to her in later seasons? Plus characters she's friends with later on like Sunburst, Trixie, Maud, and Firelight.

Why don't you like the idea of there being more than one group of 6 on the show?

If there are no Pillars of Equestria, then what would season 7's overarching plot be and what story would the two-parter season finale have?

Ditto on what season 8's overarching story and two-parters would be without School of Friendship or Student 6? How else do we get more interactions between different species and knowing more of their cultures?

And what would season 9's direction for Twilight even be then?

I don’t know the answer to most of these questions as I am only an amateur writer I just wanted to answer what bugged me and what I would change but I don’t exactly have a detailed outline plot to replace these things with. 

Idk how or where to bring a Diamond Tiara redemption into the show but I would like it to still happen in some way.

For me I felt like Starlight Glimmer’s character had already long since passed the moral event horizon (which is basically an action that leads to the point of no return for a villain) with her basically having a cult in her first episode and then became even worse with her actions in the cutie remark. I’ve often felt like the redemptions were a bit too easy most of the time for characters and that they tried to redeem too many characters. Quality over quantity would be my preference. 

I don’t know what direction seasons 6-9 should go in instead just that I had many things I didn’t like about them and wished they had gone differently somehow. They weren’t bad by any means and I’m ultimately okay with them existing as they do. I still enjoy rewatching the entire show as a whole. I just found a lot of things that weren’t my cup of tea in the later seasons. Maybe someday when I break through my writer’s block and improve my skills I can come up with an alternate seasons 6-9 that’s to my personal liking but even so I would never claim to be able to do a better job than the writers of the show just to be clear. 

I can see why these plot points happened to keep the show running as long as it did, I just don’t care for them myself. 


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I would've made Discord's successful part of his redemption happen sooner, if it were up to me. Discord still kind of acted like a jerk after season 4, which is one of the things that completely undid the remorse he felt for betraying Fluttershy in Twilight's Kingdom episode.


As for Starlight Glimmer, she needed professional help, as her actions were reckless even after having joined Mane Six. I don't believe it's necessarily helpful to say she is beyond redemption, I don't feel like she is, her motives became different since she left her cult and stopped attacking Twilight and her friends later on. Fear of failure is something I can sympathize with, it was less about wanting slaves and more like her wanting Mane Six out of her way, but she should've done more than a simple apology at the end of the episode Every Little Thing She Does, and she clearly needed help to work through her behavioural problems. For me, it's not the action that makes someone beyond redemption, it is how they go about attempting to prove they changed, that determines this, if they're too stubborn, as Queen Chrysalis was, one can reasonably say a character like that is beyond redemption, if they don't want to be helped to reform, there isn't much that can be done except take decisive action against them, which resulted in her being turned to stone in season 9.

I've seen shonen anime where characters did far worse than Starlight Glimmer in MLP FIM, and they still reformed some of those villains, despite how egotistical Vegeta was in Dragonball all the way through Majin Buu saga, yes he is reformed in Super, but by then, people were already annoyed about his presence in that show because of all the chaos he had caused heroes in previous arcs.



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3 hours ago, calliecocat said:

For me I felt like Starlight Glimmer’s character had already long since passed the moral event horizon (which is basically an action that leads to the point of no return for a villain) with her basically having a cult in her first episode and then became even worse with her actions in the cutie remark. I’ve often felt like the redemptions were a bit too easy most of the time for characters and that they tried to redeem too many characters. Quality over quantity would be my preference. 


So then what did you think of Sunset and Discord's redemptions? What made them easier to redeem than Starlight? Especially since Discord did way worse in his debut than Starlight ever did.

Plus on which character you thin would've been a better fit as the redeemed friend of the Mane 6? After all if EQG could do it with Sunset, the ponies could've done it too.

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12 minutes ago, SunsetShimmerStan said:

So then what did you think of Sunset and Discord's redemptions? What made them easier to redeem than Starlight? Especially since Discord did way worse in his debut than Starlight ever did.

Plus on which character you thin would've been a better fit as the redeemed friend of the Mane 6? After all if EQG could do it with Sunset, the ponies could've done it too.

I don’t have an opinion on anything involving Equestria Girls as I was not a fan of the movie and have not seen it in ten years.

Discord is such a mixed bag for me because on the one hand I could foresee a redemption arc given that he’s so alien that he didn’t really seem to previously have or understand concepts of morality until it was taught to him while Starlight Glimmer knows right from wrong and chose wrong. But ultimately the Discord redemption was also too quick and easy (especially for a character so alien compared to the other creatures in the show) and then it felt off because he still kept being a jerk to those he called friends and kept pulling crap making it feel like he was regressing or never really learned his lesson. 

The ideal redemptions for me are ones like Zuko’s from Avatar The Last Airbender. Where the character is shown from the beginning to have good in them but made a lot of mistakes and whose journey of redemption happens over the course of multiple episodes or seasons with them coming to realize they were wrong, feel genuine remorse, and have to really work to make things right particularly with those they have hurt and wronged.

Zuko had to work with each member of the gaang to really earn their forgiveness and trust. Starlight Glimmer was forgiven instantaneously on the spot without having to put in any work. And even after she was supposed to be redeemed she still ended up mind controlling her friends in Every Little Thing She Does. 

I really didn’t want this whole thing to turn into a debate I merely wanted to share some things that bugged me about the show that I would have changed if I could as per the thread’s topic. We’re simply going to have to agree to disagree on this subject. 

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