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open Highschool of the dead


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''Anything that could help us in that desk?'' Said Michael as cocking an eyebrow. ''I'll look in the desks.'' Said Michael as beginning to search through the desks.

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''I found Duct Tape, 6 Sharpened Pencils, and a Baseball.'' Said Michael as sticking his hands in more desks. ''I may know what to do with the pencils and Duct Tape... But that can wait.'' Said Michael as rolling his eyes.

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"You can break class, use as knife!"

Thorn said smiling.

"I only one have gun?" She asked, surprised.

"I can get you gun!"

She nodded excitedly.

"Let me... Say again... I can get..you two.. A gun."

She smiled.

"I'll try.. to speak with.. better English."


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Kohta smiled and said,

"If there was no infection, I'd kiss you right now. That would be absolutely perfect. But for now.." Kohta went back to the desk and brought out the stable gun he found earlier.

"I need to make us an escape plan. A... Silent, escape plan. "They" respond to noise, and a stable gun makes none of it."


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''Well, Have any of you ever heard of Wolverine?'' Said Michael as taping 3 Sharp Pencils to each hand.

Edited by Calirolls
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(Control time)

Suddenly, a loud bang was heard on the door. Kohta turned his head to the sound, then to the two others. He knew that if more zombies came, they would all be dead. They had to take care of this one. Thorn moved the cabinet from the door, and Kohta swung the door open, and Michael swang his fists, but before they could collide, Kohta screamed at him to stop. This was no infected. It was a young woman.


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"Sacre bleu!!" exclaimed Fleur as she jumped back in surprise, her hand over her heart. "Save ze punches for ze ones who need it!" she said regaining her posture, "Perhaps I may now come in?" she asked. She had a heavy French accent.


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Without thinking, Kohta grabbed her arm and said,

"Forgive me."

He pulled her inside quickly while Michael closed the door, and Thorn moved the cabinet in front of the door. Kohta let go of the woman and said,

"I'm sorry, but of -them- were right behind you, and I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I saw you die in front of me. My name is Kohta, by the way." As he finished his sentence, he then realized how pretty the girl was. He tried not to think of this, but his cheeks soon turned red.


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Fleur was a little rustled by getting pulled into the room so quickly, but she soon regained herself. She smiled kindly and nodded to Kohta, "Thank you kind sir, zees... things... Zey are quite frightening no? Anyway, my name is Fleur Jeant'elle. A pleasure to make your acquaintance."


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Kohta nodded as well, although he was slightly turned to the right.

"The pleasure is mine Fleur. Welcome to our little family."

Kohta regained himself and pointed at Michael, then to Thorn.

"He's Michael, she's Thorn."


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Fleur saw the truck, then calculated all the buildings and other object around it, already devising a way to help. "I see. Do you have anyvone to act as a decoy? Perhaps to distract zem zen make zeir vay to ze truck?"


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Fleur rubbed her chin in thought, "Hmm. Vell, I can be quite silent. I could travel along ze rooftops to ze truck, make sure it has a key or hot-wire it for ven ze rest of you get zere". The rooftops mentioned, were high, not to mention widely set apart from the other buildings.


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Kohta shook his head once more.

"And what if there are infected on the roof? Or what if you fall and injure yourself? You'll be dead. We need to stick together."


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