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My song commission about the "End of MLP:FiM" arrives on youtube with "Ponies at Dawn"


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Those who have read the story about how I arrived in the fandom, or the backstory behind my Team Moon video projects, probably won't be surprised that this is a thing. I won't waste time reinventing the wheel, and will just copy/paste what I wrote on Youtube about it. Suffice is to say, that every verse, reflected wonderfully what I told 4Everfree Brony about what I was feeling during those dark months.

For anyone out there who thought this song wasn't sad enough on its own... I approached 4EFB about this project at the last Bronycon. I had only discovered MLP about a year prior and dove head-first into the fandom. For how my entire life had gone, MLP:FiM was nothing short of a miracle; a shimmering island oasis in a sea of toxic decay and spiritual pollution. BronyCon was closing, and I also knew that S9 would be the final season. The fear that some fundamental idea; world; community, that I had dreamed of for so long, would die in front of my eyes such a short time after I found it; it was too much to bear. Had I the musical talent, I would have transformed those feelings into a song for sure. But since I sorely lack that gift, I turned to the Brony musician who I felt would be the most suited to completing such a project, and by Celestia, 4EverFreeBrony and Bronwyn pulled it off magnificently. My heart was falling in a maelstrom of emotions, and this tempest is what served as the premise for the piece.




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Heya there. This topic actually works better as a blog since it's showcasing a song you commissioned, but didn't compose it. Therefore, I'll have to lock this thread. 

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