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adventure Elements of Equestria 2: Chapter 16


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Chapter 16: The Great Escape

At first, Lee could only see darkness all around him and he figured that he perished at the hands of Malice, but he soon heard a voice cut through the darkness and this voice came ever clearer to him.

"Lee!! Lee, can you hear me?!"

Once Lee reopened his eyes, he first heard the sound of whooshing wind and he then saw sparks and flares flying all around him. Lee then looked above him and saw a figure standing between him and Malice. This figure was none other than Queen Chrysalis.

Chrysalis deflected Malice's magic with her own magic and sent it towards the ceiling, making it cave in and make a huge pile of rubble separate Malice and Chrysalis.

Lee watched Chrysalis run over to him next and he shook him to help get his mind right again.

"C-Chrysalis?! Is that you? What are you doing here?"

"Here to save the day apparently! Come on, we have to get out of here!!"

A huge rumble came from the rubble behind Chrysalis and she soon saw Malice walking towards her and Lee. Lee tried to stand up, but he had taken so much injury that he barely had the strength to stand up.

"Gah! I-I can't... I-I don't know what to do..."

Chrysalis quickly caught Lee before he fell back down and she helped him by letting him lean against her. Malice laughed as he looked at the two of them and he readied the Soul Scepter and his corrupted forces, but Chrysalis only glared at Malice.

"Ahh, so you're still around are you, Queen Chrysalis? I figured you run back to your dark little hole and crawl back into the neverending loneliness you so rightfully deserve!"

"Hardly! I'm here to put a stop to you once and for all!"

"Haha haha!! That is quite hilarious coming from you, your majesty! Last time I checked, you could hardly keep your hive in order... What makes you think you have ANY chance against me?"

"ARGH!!! SHUT UP!!!"

Chrysalis let out a burst of anger and tried to blast Malice with her magic, but he simply deflected it with the scepter. Malice laughed once more as he came closer to Chrysalis and Lee.

"And what about this fool here? You are all in this mess because of him... Why even bother helping him?"

As she heard Lee struggling to catch his breath, Chrysalis looked over at Lee and had a concerned look on her face before it changed into a look of determination.

"Because... because he is my friend!"

"Oh, how cute... You have a pet now? Perhaps somepony should... put him down?"

Malice charged a huge ball of energy and sent it towards Lee, but Chrysalis put up a magical shield around Lee and the energy bounced off of Lee.


The corrupted rushed Chrysalis and Lee at Malice's command, but Chrysalis quickly lifted Lee and put him on her back before taking off from the ground. Chrysalis swiped every corrupted pony with her magic and they were all thrown to the ground, which allowed Chrysalis to finally get away from the dining room ruins.

Chrysalis flew all around the outside of the royal castle, but she soon saw multiple beams of magic fly past her and she looked behind her to see Celestia and Luna chasing her.

"The princesses... Usually I don't particularly care for them, but this is the one time I'll say that I need to help the two of them!"

Just then, Chrysalis quickly turned around to escape the castle, but Celestia cornered her and they both soon locked horns, letting Chrysalis see the corruption in Celestia's eyes.

"Even Celestia isn't strong enough for his magic? How am I supposed to fight that?"

Suddenly, Chrysalis gasped when she saw Luna charge at her as well, but Chrysalis quickly pushed Celestia away before moving out of the way of Luna and watching her crash through a window.

Chrysalis quickly pinned Celestia to the wall and used her magic to put ropes around her to keep her from moving, but was forced to stop when Luna tackled Chrysalis and they both crashed onto a balcony and into a bedroom.

As quick as she could, Chrysalis threw Luna off of her and slammed her against the bed, which destroyed it to splinters. Before Luna could get another chance to attack, Chrysalis tied her up with her magic and Luna struggled to get free at that moment.

Celestia then returned to attack Chrysalis, but Chrysalis grounded her by casting a very powerful spell at her and sending her flying towards one of the drawbridges into the castle. Chrysalis then quickly tied Celestia down before breathing a sigh of relief.

"That won't hold them, but it'll do for right now!"

Lee groaned as he tried holding onto Chrysalis, but he looked over the side as Chrysalis dived down below the castle and she made her way to Ponyville. Lee looked all around him and saw burning buildings, ponies fighting one another and nothing but utter chaos.

"T-This... This is a nightmare!"

"Don't worry about them! Let's just get away from here!"

Suddenly, Chrysalis was impacted by a huge blast of magic and this made Lee become separated from Chrysalis and they both went flying away from each other. Lee yelled as he hit the trees and rolled along the ground until he finally stopped in a puddle of mud.

Lee winced and moaned in pain as he stood up slowly and looked around the area for Chrysalis. Lee limped towards the direction of Ponyville and he suddenly heard Chrysalis yelling for him, but he soon panicked when the yelling turned to into screaming.

"Chrysalis!! Hold on!!"

Despite the pain he had, Lee quickly made his way to where Chrysalis was and was stopped in his tracks when he saw Tempest walking towards her.

"Tempest!! Tempest, no!!"

Chrysalis tried to have Lee leave the area and save himself, but he still ran in between and he held a hoof up to protect Chrysalis. Tempest only continued to stare both of them down and her dark black eyes only made the situation more heart-wrenching for Lee.

"I won't let you hurt anypony, Tempest! You gotta fight this, please!!"

Tempest stopped right next to Lee and she only continued staring blankly at him. Lee reached a hoof out for her and she slowly did the same for him.

"You would never hurt me and I am still here for you... my unicorn."

Before their hooves could meet, Tempest shook her head and tears suddenly filled her eyes. Lee started breathing heavily as he saw Tempest's magic start up again, but he still tried talking her down.


"N-no... no. M-Must... serve. MUST SERVE!!!"

A huge streak of electricity suddenly erupted from her horn and Lee was quickly thrown back against the trees and he screamed as the electricity surged through him. Chrysalis shouted at Lee when she saw this, but was soon distracted when she heard a sinister voice fill the air again.


Malice landed next to Tempest, with Celestia and Luna and all the other corrupted ponies standing behind him. Chrysalis glared at Malice and he slowly walked towards the vulnerable Chrysalis.

"No where left to run, your highness. Now you will serve me just like all the rest..."

Chrysalis looked towards Lee, who looked up from his pained position to look back at Chrysalis and Malice and the corrupted ponies.

"Lee... Lee, you have to get out of here! You have to find a way to stop him!"

"No. NO NO NO!!! I won't leave you and my friends!!"

Malice signaled Celestia and Luna to capture Lee and they both went towards him. Chrysalis saw this and quickly cast a spell towards Lee, which made a portal open up behind Lee.

"Lee... Go!!! Just go!!"

Chrysalis then forced Lee back with her magic and he was thrown through the portal just as the other corrupted ponies captured Chrysalis. Lee watched as the portal slowly closed and the last thing he saw was Malice placing the Soul Scepter on Chrysalis' heart and hearing her scream to the skies above.

Lee flew out of the portal and he landed in a huge area surrounded by trees. As he tried to get a bearing on his surroundings, Lee coughed as he held his hurting sides and he slowly stood up.

"Argh! Chrysalis... She shouldn't have done that."

As he continued walking, the pain only made things more difficult for Lee. More than once, Lee fell down from the amount of pain before he started breathing heavily and he quickly stood back up.

"Gah!!! I can't.... I need to... to..."

Lee came to a lone road before he fell down once again and he screamed into the ground as the pain rushed into his head. Lee kneeled down in the grass and held his head against the ground as he tried to process everything that had happened.

"They're all gone... Tempest, Celestia, Luna, Chrysalis, Twilight and everypony else... And it's all my fault!!"

Tears ran down Lee's face, but he ran his hooves over his face as he felt the hopelessness in his heart.

"All of my friends are gone, Malice has won and Equestria is doomed... What do I do? WHAT DO I DO?!!"

Lee looked towards the skies above and yelled as loud as his lungs could allow. In a fit of anger, Lee then started kicking gravel and mud everywhere before screaming into his hooves.

"Please... please just show me the way. Please, just give me a sign..."

Suddenly, Lee saw the sunlight surround him and he looked towards it until he followed it to a nearby sign marker. Lee walked over to the marker and saw a familiar location on one of the signs: Hydrea.

"Hydrea. There's somepony I know there..."

Lee then remembered who this pony was and nodded his head before walking down the road towards the village of Hydrea.

A/N: Looks like Lee has gone through the ringer in this chapter! A certain character from the last story will be making a return in the next chapter however... Hope everyone enjoys it!

  • Brohoof 1
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Even though it was no shock from the art that Chrysalis was going to be the MVP of this chapter...wow. Not at her sacrifice, I expected that, but her holding off Celestia and Luna like a champ...you could've had me fooled into thinking Celestia and Luna were your favorites of the Divine Six, crazy. ^_^

Lee's definitely been through the ringer. He just needed a former villain to save him after all. I wonder if this pony guiding him now will also be... :toldya:


Comet meets the original Comet.

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