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open Cultures Unite (1x1 with GeneralDirection)

Samurai Equine

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@Samurai Equine

“Honestly, I have no idea.” He replied with a thoughtful look. “I’ve never tried. I’ve also not encountered many dragons in my lifetime. Like most ponies, I tend to keep my distance. That being said, I wasn’t aware I possessed this ability to communicate with other animals, either. I, um, can’t say I’m in any hurry to run out and go check, though.”


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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"Well, a dinosaur opening up to you is not quite the same as talking to animals. But if your donated DNA doesn't help, perhaps the two of us could go hunting for a dragon together?" Gotaro offers. "I don't know about hunting, but I've always wondered what it would be like to have a dragon familiar..." Samurai thinks about it out loud.


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@Samurai Equine

“Well, Samurai, you’ve... sort of had a dragon familiar ever since I showed up here.” Silver replies. “I may not be able to fly but I do have the scales and fire part. Either way, if my DNA doesn’t help, I suppose we should go try and find a dragon, otherwise this dinosaur will never be able to be at peace.”


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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Samurai brightens up. "Well I appreciate you saying that Silver-san, but a familiar and a friend are two different things." He says before giving Silver a friendly hug. "Well said, well said." Gotaro says with a nod.

A little later, it takes a while for the numerous scientists to put the incubation chamber near the dinosaur's holding facility. It takes some magic and some coaxing, but eventually they do it. It's a sight to see the chamber magically come alive, infusing the t-rex with kirin DNA. But after being at this for about 10 minutes, process completes. The dinosaur is allowed to leave the chamber and go back into holding. The incubation chamber is now empty, and most all, the dinosaur seems a lot less hostile. He isn't trying to break free or anything, but at the same time, he still doesn't seem happy or content. This whole time, our trio have been watching from a safe distance. "...Do you think it worked?" Gotaro asks.


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@Samurai Equine

Silver returns the hug and gives his friend an understanding nod before they head back to the enclosure where the dinosaur was being held. The t-rex seems a lot more docile now, no running about ramming itself into the cage as it was before. But Silver senses that the creature still isn’t content yet.

“I’m not sure.” He replies. “It seems to have helped, but I don’t think we’ve healed it fully of whatever’s been afflicting it.”

Silver attempts to communicate with dinosaur again. “Hello there, we’ve tried to help you out here. It seems to have worked somewhat, but I can sense that you aren’t truly happy yet. Is there any information you can give me that would allow us to help you further?”


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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Everyone takes a collective step forward to see what will happen. The dinosaur just looks around at them for a second. "... I am almost complete." He says. "!! Oh, I heard him that time! He's speaking to both of us now!" Gotaro says. "...I'm beginning to feel a little jealous. I wish I could hear him." Samurai says. "Seems we were on the right track after all; right Silver-san?" Gotaro asks.

Edited by Samurai Equine


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@Samurai Equine

Silver is somewhat relieved to get a response from the creature, however, it is not as helpful as he had been hoping for.

“The t-rex says he’s almost complete. That’s interesting that you can hear him now too, Gotaro. I suppose we are venturing out to find a dragon now, yes?” He asks.

He had mixed feelings about going to look for a dragon. On one hoof, encountering one was no doubt going to be dangerous. On the other hoof, he couldn’t deny that sense of adventure inside of him that was curious to explore the unknown.


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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Samurai understands now, thanks to Silver. "The hardest part will be finding a dragon. I doubt one is in Japon, though we can ask around and see. If not, we will have to get permission to travel outside of Japone to do this. Samurai ponies are suppose to stay within Japone unless a higher authority requires us to travel away." Gotaro explains.

"How much of commitment would it be to try and find a dragon? I can tell Silver-san wants to help, but he came here to learn about your region of Japone and take in the culture. A hunt for a dragon sounds like it could take days." Samurai says. "Oh. Yes, I suppose that is fair... Silver-san, I appreciate all the help you've given me, but if you would like, I can take over from here. The dinosaur is responding to me now, he is not as hostile; I think I can take care of the rest. Would you perhaps like to go to the city for a while? Maybe grab something to eat?" Gotaro asks.


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@Samurai Equine

“Oh, I wasn’t aware there weren’t any dragons here. Well, I have no idea where they would be at all, to be honest. But if you’re not to be leaving Japone then it sounds like it would be a hassle to do so. Plus, Samurai is correct, I am here to learn more about Japone, and some food sounds like a good idea, nevertheless. You may join us if you wish, Gotaro.” Silver offers.


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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Gotaro smiles and nods. He looks back at the dinosaur and bows. "Sorry my friend, but you'll have to wait a little longer. Try to be patient for now. I'll figure this out; I promise." Gotaro bows to him.

A little later, the trio are seen leaving the building and heading outside. "I promise you, Silver-san. There are plenty of sights to see here. It's a cultural wonderland in this region, well, once you get out of the desert of course. You see, here in--" As Gotaro continues, Samurai suddenly comes to a full stop. He looks up at the sky, concerned. "Everyone... The sky has become way too cloudy. I can't even see the sun..." Samurai says.


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@Samurai Equine

Silver is delighted that Gotaro will be joining them, and he also bows to the dinosaur before making his way out of the facility. He trusts that the creature will be in good hooves here with Gotaro and the scientists now that they have a way of communicating with him. He notices that Samurai has stopped and looks up at the sky.

“Way too cloudy?” Silver asks. “It does rain in the desert, too. When it does, it often rains a lot, so maybe that’s what’s going on here.” He offers, not catching any special significance to what his friend is saying.


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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Gotaro notices the sky, but now he becomes suspicious. "It does sometimes rain here, but pegasi control the weather, and there was no dark clouds or any rain scheduled for today... I don't like the looks of this." Gotaro says, growing just as concerned as Samurai.

"As you shouldn't." A voice comes in. As everyone's eyes go forward, they see someone approaching the science building. It is some kind of big, burly, white tiger. Half of its body seems to be obscured by mist and smoke, but you can see his sharp, intense glare through it all. His front claw, the one closest to the haze, is clearly bigger and more talon-like. Each step he takes instantly freezes the ground below him, and it's clear his presence is the cause of the ominous grey clouds in the sky. "I've come to collect that which you've hidden from the world; and it seems fate has brought the kirin here too." Even his voice sounds a bit intimidating, as if someone is speaking through ice or glass.

"Snow Leopard!" Samurai says, seething as he takes a defensive stance. "Snow Leopard? B-but, how could you have known before anypony else?" Gotaro asks. "The dinosaur? ... Fool. With the power of arcane magic at my claws, you underestimate just how fast I can gather information."

Edited by Samurai Equine


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@Samurai Equine

Suspicions about an out-of-control weather storm turn significantly more sinister as the source of Samurai’s worry reveals itself: Snow Leopard.

So, this is the infamous Snow Leopard everypony’s been talking about. Silver thought to himself. His normally friendly demeanour is quickly replaced with a cold, calculating expression. He knew that at some point after getting word of his arrival in Japone, Snow Leopard had taken great interest in him. Now he also sought after this dinosaur Gotaro held captive… and now here they all stood. Their adversary was clearly just as powerful as the samurai had claimed him to be, perhaps even more than they had thought...

“He does have spies everywhere.” Silver comments. “Something as big and loud as this dinosaur would be hard to keep a secret from anypony watching. For all we know, your own facility could have been infiltrated.”


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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Without hesitation, Samurai has donned his helmet and runs full speed ahead towards Snow Leopard. "You won't be getting that dinosaur!!" The sinister leopard stays still and unfazed, only casually raising his talon claw. By the time Samurai makes it over and swings his sword straight out of it's sheath, Snow Leopard is able to block it just as fast. "Don't you dare raise your sword at me, you lowly pony!" When the sword and talon collide, a little bit of frost form on Samurai's blade. However, when he swings it away with great strength, he is able to fling the ice right off. As he magically makes flames appear over his blade, Samurai stands upright and raises his sword above his head. "The warrior officially charged by divine providence, Samurai Equine!" Immediately as he finishes his introduction, Samurai circles around Snow Leopard, swinging his sword skillfully left and right. And yet, Snow Leopard is able to dodge, block, and counter every one of Samurai's attacks just as skillfully. Though he towers over Samurai with a muscular physique, he is anything but slow.

With a fiery blade striking against an instant-freeze talon, it almost appears their powers are evenly matched. Neither one gaining an edge. Even as it begins to lightly snow over the spot where the two of them fight, not a single snow flake dares to get too close to Samurai and his flames.

"I think Samurai-san just gave us an opening. Silver-san, go back into the building, and--" Gotaro begins, but Snow Leopard loudly cuts him off. "NOT SO FAST! No one is going anywhere." The evil leopard breaks away from Samurai's attack long enough to present and throw some scraps of paper, each with a glowing symbol on them. These scraps quickly unfold, expand, and become an army of paper ninjas. Origami shinobi, as they are called, and they are armed with paper weapons. "Coming to this desert will be your greatest downfall." Snow Leopard declares. However, Gotaro doesn't seem worried. In fact, he smirks. "It's true, I don't have my usual army of wild animals all the way out here. However, I don't need them to take out Origami Shinobi. And if Silver-san can tap into his own fire powers, then you don't stand a chance." Gotaro says before looking at Silver to see if he's willing to help.

Edited by Samurai Equine
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@Samurai Equine

Silver watches as the fight unfold between the two warriors, each attack being countered by an equally strong defense. He was surprised at Snow Leopard’s speed given his size. He turns to Gotaro upon hearing his plan to escape, which is soon thwarted by Snow Leopard releasing a small army of Origami Shinobi headed their way.

“Of course.” Silver says in reply. “We can make quick work of these guys.”

The kirin focuses his emotions, and a circle of fire surrounds him for a moment, before dissipating and revealing his nirik transformation. Silver now speaks in a demonic-sounding voice as his eyes go white and his mane and tail are replaced by blue-red flames. His coat is black and bears his fangs as he turns his attention to the newly formed assailants.

“Ready whenever you are!” He says with a growl, eager to attack on Gotaro’s lead.


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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Some of the Origami Shinobi get a little too close to the circle of flames. They wail and panic, running around as their paper bodies catch fire, desperately trying to put themselves out. However, when the flames reach the symbols on their bodies, it's too late. With a piercing cry, they just turn into regular paper and burn up completely. The rest of the incoming army hesitates for a moment when they hear Silver's demonic voice, but for the most part, they look for an opening. They aren't about to make the same mistake.

Gotaro nods. That should be enough to show Silver what to do. As for himself, Gotaro does a quick twirl. He is now fully dressed in his green armor, helmet and all. He then runs head first into the army of shinobi. With a back flip and a powerful kick, he knocks one of them back before drawing a sword to keep the rest at bay. "While a sword is the weapon of choice for any samurai, I personally prefer something with a little more strength!" Gotaro declares as he switches weapons to that of a chainlink flail with a long chain. Not only does he know how to use it against multiple opponents, but he swings the spiked head so hard, it rips these Origami Shinobi to shreds! He even tears through their magic symbols with each strike, making them useless again.

Snow Leopard gives a mighty roar and tries to stampede over to his army, but Samurai gets in the way and holds him in place with raw strength. It's not easy, though. Snow Leopard is still taller and bulkier. Samurai really looks like he is struggling, but with shaky limbs, he starts to walk and slowly push Snow Leopard backwards. "Eyes front... Snow Leopard. ... Your opponent... is ME!" Samurai grunts between breaths. "Did you really think I would come here with such little back up? Allow me to even the playing field with a new trump card of my own." Snow Leopard says, hardly fazed by what Samurai is doing to him.

A loud, predatory cawing sound is soon heard. A shadow is cast upon the land. Something big is flying above them all.

Edited by Samurai Equine
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@Samurai Equine

While Gotaro starts his attack on the Shinobi, Silver literally runs circles around them, leaving a trail of fire in his wake. A lot of the Shinobi run into the flames and burn up, and the ones left are effectively corralled into a small area to make it easier for Gotaro to take them out. While Samurai is barely able to hold Snow Leopard at bay, a loud cawing is heard from the sky. The kirin looks up momentarily but doesn’t have time to make out what it is. He continues to support Gotaro and whittle down the number of Origami Shinobi.

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Samurai pauses long enough to grab Snow Leopard by a leg and toss him away. This allows Samurai time to look up to the source of the sound. Gotaro also breaks from his battle to see what this trump card is.

Eventually, this large creature lands. It's a dragon! A gigantic, extra spikey, rather bird-like dragon; but a dragon just the same. Snow Leopard, who landed on his feet, stands up once more. "Do you like it? It's amazing all the things you can find outside of Japone. Just add a little dark magic hypnotic suggestion, and I've got a new pet to command."


Anypony, perhaps most creatures would be frightened at such a sign. However, Gotaro smiles at the sight of it; and Samurai just looks at Snow Leopard in the most annoyed/unimpressed way. "Thank Celestia! This is just what we wanted!" Gotaro declares. "...You do remember I'm a fire mage, right? A dragon only gives me the advantage, Snow Leopard." Samurai says. "I didn't bring him here to fight, my old nemesis. I brought him here to release the dinosaur. Now go!" Snow Leopard says, pointing forward. The dragon takes flight again, moving forward. But, which a mighty leap, Samurai catches and holds on tight to the dragon, getting carried along for the ride. "He's got this." Gotaro says confidently.

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@Samurai Equine

“Oh, a dragon.” Silver comments. “Isn’t that nice of Snow Leopard to do the hard work and bring one to us so we don’t have to hunt it down ourselves?” He says to nopony in particular. Silver is, understandably, a bit frightened by the dragon, but hearing Gotaro and Samurai’s confidence helps him feel a bit better. Snow Leopard reveals that the dragon was here to free the dinosaur Gotaro had caged up in his laboratory and sends it on its way to do so. Samurai is able to grab ahold of it before it takes off, leaving Silver and Gotaro to deal with the remaining Shinobi. It was unclear at this point if Snow Leopard would attempt to fight them or pursue Samurai and the dragon.

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Samurai is hanging on for dear life to the dragon's tail. He could attack, but why bother attacking a creature under dark magic influence? Eventually, the dragon latches onto the science building. It claws, bites, and begins to damage the structure; giving Samurai time to compose himself and crawl up the beast's backside. Down below, some scientists are starting to evacuate, doing their best to avoid falling debris. And when the dragon charges and releases its fire breath, Samurai throws himself in the way. He gladly takes the brunt of the fiery blast, but with a glow of his horn, he begins to magically absorb the flames! "Ngh... That's right, you beast. Give me EVERY flame you've got!" Samurai says confidently, though he is pinned and starting to sweat a little.

Meanwhile, Silver and Gotaro have pretty much defeated all the Shinobi. "All right! Won't be much longer now. Silver-san, why don't--" Gotaro begins but trails off.
Before Silver can ask, there is a loud clang!
Snow Leopard ran up and tried to attack Silver with his talon claw, but Gotaro leaped in and blocked it with his flail, doing his best to hold him back. "Seems you noticed me faster than I expected." Snow Leopard says with a growl. "Wretched snow beast... There will be no back-up plan for you. SILVER! Help Samurai out. I won't let this big guy take you hostage as well..." Gotaro says, his flail quickly freezing over.

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@Samurai Equine

Silver gives a quick, understanding nod. He doesn’t want to leave Gotaro, but there’s not a whole lot the kirin can do against Snow Leopard. His friends, trained warriors, were struggling to hold him back, a confrontation would only end badly for Silver. He takes his leave and darts off towards Samurai, unsure of how he might be able to help deal with either foe at this point.

He stops dead in his tracks when he sees the dragon attacking Samurai with his fire breath, but it seems that his friend is absorbing the flames somehow. He positions himself in such a way that Samurai can see he’d joined him but remains unnoticeable to the dragon.

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When the dragon stops breathing fire, it swats Samurai down. He crashes on the ground below, but he picks himself up. "Ugh. Good thing I'm wearing armor right now..." He looks up at the dragon and looks closely. It takes a moment, but he spots it. "There! The dark magic symbol is underneath the dragon's talon. I can make keep him distracted, but I need someone to attack that symbol. One good strike should break it."

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@Samurai Equine

Silver’s eyes go wide when he sees Samurai go crashing down to the ground but is relieved when he gets back up, and it appears that he’s ok. Now his friend has a plan to take down the dragon, but he needs Silver’s help to do it. The kirin notices the mark that Samurai points out and charges the dragon at full speed. He launches himself at the dragon’s talon and hits it as hard as he possibly can. Hopefully this will be enough to break it.


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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Samurai picks up on Silver's body language and attacks at the same time. All that fire Samurai absorbed earlier? He unleashes it in a MIGHTY, fiery blast! The kind of blast that engulfs the dragon, but doesn't harm him. Probably because he is a dragon, after all. The only thing it does is distract the dragon, making him stay in place long enough for Silver's strike to hit the intended target.

And somehow, it works! The symbol is disrupted and breaks!
The dragon end up roaring in shock at first, but then stops. So does Samurai's fire blast; he has used up all that excess fire. The dragon looks around then at his own claws. "...How did I get here? I thought I was digging for treasure..." He says with a deep voice.

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@Samurai Equine

Silver is overjoyed to see that his attack worked, and the dragon soon comes back to reality.

“You had a nasty, evil creature named Snow Leopard find you and use dark magic to hypnotize you and do his bidding.” Silver explained. “Speaking of which, Samurai, we need to go back and help Gotaro out!” He says in an urgent tone.

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