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open Cultures Unite (1x1 with GeneralDirection)

Samurai Equine

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@Samurai Equine

“Sounds good, I’ll wait to see what the chef has to say, then.” He says to the waiter.

 Silver thinks for a moment before deciding on a song. He walks up to the machine and makes his selection but doesn’t play it yet. “I think we should eat first before we get into the singing.” He says before sitting back down.


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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"Well said." Denki says with a nod and a smile. "I'll return shortly with your orders." The waiter says before taking his leave.

Minutes later, surprisingly fast really, the waiter returns, knocking on the door. "Your food is ready." He says before getting permission to enter, this time with a big tray full of food and beverages. He starts putting said items on the table. The waiter puts some unique Japonies foods if front of Silver, as well as a few western-inspired dishes. "The chefs would like to know how accurate these dishes are." He tells Silver, referring to the non-asian food.

With the food here, the waiter leaves once more, and the conversation kicks up with fun topics and some laughter! "Hehe! I know I gave Silver the right to perform first, but I can't wait to sing one of my songs!" Asahi says. "What else is new? That's kind of your thing." Denki says. "That's not fair! All of you have done musical numbers too, you know." Asahi says in a playfully pouty way. "Yeah, but we usually just have one. You could go through five a day." Denki says, and even Samurai and Fukami get a little bit a of laugh out of that. "It is true. But that's also part of why we enjoy your company." Samurai says. "The wind can carry many things, including the sound of laughter." Fukami adds.

Edited by Samurai Equine


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@Samurai Equine

Once their food arrives, Silver nods and thanks the waiter, before digging into the selection placed in front of him. Everything there tastes excellent, and he’ll be sure to let the waiter know when he comes back. He chuckles at Asahi’s enthusiasm. “If you wanna go first, Asahi, that’s fine. I don’t mind at all. This is what you enjoy, after all. I’m content to just enjoy the company of everypony here.”


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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"Hey now, don't keep us waiting!" Denki says enthusiastically, pointing with his chopsticks. "Indeed. We know our songs, but we want to hear the song a kirin would choose." Fukami says with a nod and holding his glass of juice. "We want to learn just as much about you as you do us." Samurai says with a bow. "Yeah~! I'm not selfish. I wouldn't let you go first if I didn't mean it." Asahi tells him with a tilt of her head. In this moment, Silver is surrounded by smiles and welcoming faces. Moments like these let you know that you are in the company of good friends.


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@Samurai Equine

“Alright, alright then. If you insist.” Silver gets back up and moves to the karaoke machine once again. “Just keep one thing in mind, just because I like the song, doesn’t mean every other kirin does. We’re just like everpony else in that we all like different things. The only real difference is that, well, we’re not ponies. Anyway, with that being said, no more delays.” Silver presses play on his selection and the song begins. He looks back at their smiling faces and smiles himself before starting to sing.


(OOC: The song has no special significance here I just picked something I liked currently lol)


The kirin does his best and while he’s a bit out of practice, he does a good job overall. He makes his way back to his seat once the song finishes.


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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(Dude! That song slaps so hard! I'm adding that to my personal collection. Thanks for that!)

To say that the song got mixed reactions is putting it lightly. Denki looks like his face is melting. "Sono uta..." Fukami smirks the whole way through, pretty much his default expression. Asahi nearly looks like she's in tears for a moment. "So much emotion...!" She quietly says. Samurai tries to clap along, but he misses the beat a few times. But when it's over, they all loudly cheer for Silver! "Silver-san! I had no idea you that in you." Samurai praises. "We should have invited Ryugane. He likes music like that. The two of you could have TOTALLY rocked out like a metal band!" Asahi says.


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@Samurai Equine

(OOC: I’m glad you like it! :D Highly recommend you check out the artists’ (Jay Ray) other songs if you want more. ^^)  

Silver bows and smiles before taking his seat. “Thanks, guys. I’m glad you liked it. And well, to be fair, I don’t think any of you really knew what to expect. I’ve never talked about music with any of you before. It’s not something I get to do much anymore because of my adventuring, so it was a nice change for sure. So, who’s gonna go next?” He asks, looking around the room eagerly.


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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"Obviously me!" Asahi says, raising a hoof. "Was there every any doubt?" Denki says as she gets up and goes to the karaoke machine. "Now, which should I choose..." Asahi thinks as she browses through the selection of songs. "How about something festive and traditional?" Samurai says. "Well, it's not exactly festival season... But sure!" Asahi says, still browsing. "Hmm... Not this one; I can only do that as a duet with Mizuko. Oh! Perfect. This one." She selects the song, then takes center stage before the music and lyrics pop up on screen. "This one is called Shinken Matsuri!"



As Asahi sings, the guys clap and sometimes pound on the table to the beat of the song. At times, they join in, shouting things like "Ha!", "Ho!", "Chanbara-bara wasshoi!", and "Chanbara-bara appare!" where a live crowd is suppose to sing/shout those parts. Even when the song speeds up near the end, they keep the pace. When the song ends with fireworks exploding on the large screen, the guys all cheer for Asahi's fun song. "Soya soya soya!" Samurai cheers. "Marvelous, Asahi-chan!" Fukami says, waving his bangs away from his eye. "Kanpekini, Asahi-chan. Almost makes one yearn for the days of an actual festival..." Denki says.

Asahi joins them again. "Thank you all the support! Arigatou~! But who goes next?"


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@Samurai Equine

“Ah yes, of course you wanna go next, Asahi.” Silver smiles at her enthusiasm. Once the song begins, he does his best to clap along with the others, though he doesn’t understand a word of what’s being said. He cheers for her along with everypony else in the room when she finishes. “Great job, Asahi! You did wonderful.” He says, looking around the room once more. “Hmm, not sure, I already went, surely somepony else here wants to give it a go?”


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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Everyone thinks about it, but Asahi gets a mischievous idea. "I know~ How about...!" A faint gust of wind, and Fukami suddenly leaps to his feet! "The wind calls me. It's my turn now." He says. "Aww, that's not who I was going to nominate." Asahi says with a playful pout. "I can't help it. When the winds of destiny call, I must give head."

Fukami makes his way to the karaoke machine. "And I know just the song... Everyone, this will be a classic of mine. It's called Aozora Ni Naru." He picks the song, takes the stage, and pulls out a harmonica of all things. As the music starts, he flaps his wings, creating a wind strong enough to make the harmonica float beside him. Furthermore, as he sings, he uses his mastery of wind to make the harmonica play without putting his mouth to it.


There's also a rough, mostly accurate English version here.


As Fukami sings, Asahi, Denki, and Samurai are suddenly feeling very relaxed. They recline and occasionally slowly wave a hoof left and right in the air in time with the melody. The song conjures images of vagabond days with an open sky, the wind at your back, and a blank open road ahead of you. When the song is over, they all clap, and Fukami takes a stylish bow or two. "Arigato. Merci mille fois~!"


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@Samurai Equine

Silver smirked as he was pretty certain he knew who Asahi wanted to ‘nominate’, but instead, Fukami steps up to the stage. His song choice is very different from the others, but that didn’t make it any less enjoyable. Silver is also quite relaxed and claps along with the others when Fukami finishes his song. “Yes, well done, Fukami!” He exclaims. Who knew that samurai were also so talented at performing?


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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Fukami leaps into the air, does a ballet spin, and lands back in his seat. "Heh. This guy takes a few years to learn how to speak fancy, and it goes to his head." Denki laughs a little. "Don't laugh too much, Denki-bo. It's your turn to sing next." Samurai says with a sly smirk. "Eh?! Me next?! But--" Denki is caught off guard. "Yes, you. Who did you think I had in mind? Hehehe." Asahi says mischievously. "This I have to see. Denki! Denki! Denki! Denki!" Fukami says, starting a chant and getting the other two involved. Will Silver join in the chant? If he agrees, Denki will HAVE to do it!


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@Samurai Equine

“Heh, of course Denki should go next.” Silver responds with a sly smile. “That’s exactly who I thought Asahi had in mind. So go on, show us that you’ve got what it takes.” He says, joining the others in the cheer.


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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Denki looks around, but quickly realizes he is out voiced. “ALL RIGHT ALL READY!!!” He yells, ending the chanting against him as he gets up and goes to the karaoke machine. He selects his song and runs a hoof through his mane, making his otherwise neat hair frayed. “This is Ride On Right Time.” He says as he takes up the mic and begins to both sing and rap! When he sings, he looks like his normal, well-groomed self. When he raps, he looks like a wild animal!

As Denki preforms, jolts of his electric magic surge out from his body. Samurai waves his hooves to try and warn Denki while everyone else is enjoying the moment, but it seems he worried for nothing. Denki managed to stay in control the whole time, and his song ends without a hitch. Denki even smirks despite himself.


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@Samurai Equine

Silver’s face goes blank for a bit once Denki starts rapping. He didn’t really know what to expect, but he certainly has no idea the samurai would start rapping, of all things. The display of his control of electric magic is also very impressive. Once he’s past his initial surprise, he enjoys the rest of Denki’s song and clops his hooves in approval once he finishes. Silver then turns to Samurai. “You wanna have a turn up there?” He asks.


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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The others join Silver and applaud for him as well. Denki shakes it off and returns to his friends. "See? Letting loose is good once in a while." Asahi says, going in for a hoof bump. "You did so well. It really is a pleasure to see you perform again." Fukami says, also going in for a hoof bump. Denki gives them both a hoof bump and pats Silver and Samurai on their backs. "Heh. Thanks for the applause, now try following that up." Denki says, taking his seat.


Making contact with Denki instantly makes everyone's manes puff up with static electricity. Samurai laughs it off before fixing his mane. Asahi panics a little before fighting to fix it. Fukami stays level headed and fixes his mane with a simple shake of his head. "Of course, I do. I was waiting so that everypony else could have a chance first." Samurai says. But now all eyes are on him, so he gets up to perform.
Or rather, he smirks, grabs Denki and Fukami, and brings them on stage with me. "That song? Again?! It's the only one you ever choose!" Denki says. "Ryugane and Gotaro aren't here with us. We'd be downsized by almost half." Fukami says. "That's because it's my favorite one. And that's fine, we don't need the full cast. Just having you two is enough." Samurai says before going to select the song. "Ugh. So incorrigible." Denki says, shaking his head. But he's smirking, and he's not exactly leaving the stage either. Fukami just smiles and shrugs, going with it. When the song is chosen, Samurai stands in the middles between the both of them. Using a little magic, the three of them are now in traditional Japanese clothing, complete with swords at their sides. "This song is called... Dancing Samurai!" Samurai says before the music starts.

As the song begins, Samurai is the only one singing it. However, he does a dance while singing, and the other two match his choreography perfectly. According to Samurai, this was clearly meant to be a 5-member dance. However, he is making do with three. Silver will have to use his imagination for the rest.

Edited by Samurai Equine


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@Samurai Equine

Silver’s already wild mane doesn’t look too much different from the static electricity and simple shakes his head a bit and chuckles. Samurai soon takes the stage, bringing Denki and Fukami back up with him. The kirin is somewhat pleased to see that these performances of singing and dancing seem to be a regular part of the samurai’s lives, as they perform the routine perfectly synchronized throughout the entire song. The song itself is very upbeat but is simple enough that Silver can clop his hooves along in time fairly well. Of course, once they finish, Silver gives them a good loud round of applause.


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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Asahi joins Silver in the applause. Samurai bows in appreciation while Denki stands smug and Fukami just remains fabulous. They all return to their seats. "So what happens now? More singing?" Fukami asks. "Well, I guess that's up to Silver. We can do this all day, explore the rest of my half of Japone, or do something completely different. What do you think, Silver?" Asahi asks. "If we stay, we may need more drinks, maybe a snack or two." Denki says. "I can't really feel the wind that well indoors." Fukami observes.


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@Samurai Equine

“Well, kirin have a large culture of theatre, so I’m right at home with this sort of thing. But as much as it reminds me of home, I’m here to have some new experiences, so I think we should do some more exploring now.” He decides, looking to the others.


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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"Then that settles it. Let's get going!" Asahi says. "Should probably make our weapons disappear, so we don't scare or confuse the staff." Samurai says before magically making the weapons vanish.
As they all get up to leave, Asahi pays the front desk for everything.
Once they step outside of the karaoke bar, a gentle breeze flows, and Fukami suddenly starts to fly. "Leaving all ready?" Samurai asks. "When the wind beckons me, I always head the call. Silver, I get the feeling the wind will bring us together again some day. Stay awesome until then. Okiotsukete okaeri kudasai! " Fukami gives a salute before flying off. "Ja mata ne!" Samurai replies with a wave. "Otsukaresama desu." Denki replies. "Thanks for joining us!" Asahi relies.

Edited by Samurai Equine


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@Samurai Equine

Everypony soon gathered outside, and Silver looked around, wind blowing through his mane gently. Apparently, this also meant that it was time for Fukami to take off to… wherever it was that he was headed. Silver waved goodbye before turning to the others. “So, where to next?” He asked.


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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"I've got just the place." Asahi says.

One tram ride later, and our four friends arrive at the rainbow fields out in the countryside. (For reference, it would look a lot like this: Photo 1Photo 2) "Welcome to the rainbow flower fields. When I'm not making any major public appearances in the cities, I come here to focus on my ecology work and to become one with the earth again. If I am going to tap into any kind of earthly magic, I'll do it here first." Asahi explains, reminding everyone that she is not a unicorn, but a pegasus. She's barely used her wings all day, in fact.


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@Samurai Equine

The group exits the tram and makes their way to a quaint countryside field. What makes this one different is the rows and rows of colourful flowers that stretched as far as the eye could see. “Wow, what an amazing place, it’s very pretty!” Silver exclaimed. “What sort of work is it that you do, exactly?” He asked curiously. He still didn’t really understand what Asahi’s powers were unless you wanted to count singing and dancing.


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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The place is huge, but there are plenty of safe stone-line paths for walking on. There are is a small number of civilians passing through, collecting their own flowers from these fields. "Asahi made all these plants." Denki says, ever so sly. "Hey! I didn't make all of them..." Asahi says, a little flushed and hesitating a little with her reply.

Silver asks an important question. "You're about to find out." Asahi explains. There are some simple buildings in this part of Japone, but Asahi goes to the biggest one. Inside, customer are purchasing the flowers they have picked, but Asahi leads them further in the building. Past the Employees Only doors, and into a place where ponies are working on plants with magic and science. "If I remember correctly, this is where some of the best minds in Japone try to invent new kinds of plants and flowers, and find new ways to sustain the ones that all ready exist." Samurai says. "Hai~! But it's also the place I come to practice my Earth magic. Watch this." Asahi goes over to a desk with some small pots filled with soil. She flutters her wings a bit before closing her eyes and concentrating.

"There once was a philosopher who believed that our world is surrounded by trace amounts of magic at all time. It's in the air, the water, the ground; undetectable at any given time. This philosopher believed all ponies have magic within them; and if Pegasi and Earth Ponies could find a way to harness that magic, they'd be just as capable as unicorns." Samurai says. Asahi lifts up a hoof. The tip is glowing a wonderful pink light! She taps it to the soil in one of the pots, and the light vanishes. ... She opens her eyes. "Did I do it?" ... The plant on top of her head grows an inch or two bigger and wider, the petals looking more lush, and the old branches falling off. "Ah mou~! It never works when I want it to." Asahi says, making an annoyed scrunch face.


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@Samurai Equine

Silver mills around in the flowers for a bit before following his friends into the biggest building in the area, and past the doors marked ‘Employees Only’. The room is bustling with activity, and Silver passes many scientist ponies until they stop in front of a desk with small pots on it. Asahi focuses on her magic, and for a moment, it looks like something is about to happen! But, then the light vanishes, and Asahi has an annoyed look on her muzzle.

“Ummm, so… what was supposed to happen?” He asks.


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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