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open Cultures Unite (1x1 with GeneralDirection)

Samurai Equine

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@Oni Musha

Silver smiles at Asahi’s reaction to his offer and follows his new friends onto the tram that takes them into the city. As they walk along, Asahi indicates certain points of interest. The kirin nods and looks around as they’re given a bit of a tour on their slow walk through the city. “So, was there anything you needed to do here, Asahi? I think you mentioned a couple things earlier.” He asks.


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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The sound of young foals laughing can be heard as they run through the city. "Patrolling was one. Visiting her sister in the hospital was the other." Samurai answers Silver's question. "And we're almost there. See that building?" Asahi points to a super tall building that is slightly under construction. For the most part, it is done, it's the top half that is not quite finished. There are ponies on scaffolding that are working on it. "That building over there is the Kome Yotsuba Building. One of the oldest businesses in this region. You see, their family originally set up the first rice fields in this area, helping to--" Asahi is giving a history lesson when something catches her attention and cuts her off. Samurai and Denki notice too.

Back up to a few seconds earlier... After Asahi pointed at the building, the construction worker ponies near the roof see her. "Oi! Everyone, look! Asahi-chan is down there! Asahi-chan~!!" The construction workers happily wave to her as she is talking to her friends. And then, with all the waving and rattling around, the scaffolding comes apart and drops the construction workers. What turned into cheers of happiness quickly turn into horrified screams as they plummet to their possible death from many stories up. They are all earth ponies.

As Asahi and the rest watch this unfolding, adrenaline kicks in, and it's as if they are seeing this play out in slow motion. Denki narrows his eyes with a determined look. "Inazuma no Mae!!" Denki's horn glows before he comes a bolt of lightning and disappears. "THUNDER POINT!!!" His voice loudly echoes through the area as the entire building becomes electrically charged with loud, visible electric bolts. At the same time, Denki keeps disappearing and reappearing as a series of super fast lightning bolts. With his electric magic, he is grabbing ponies one-by-one midair and using his powers to put them safely on the ground, but it's still a tall order! However, immediately after Denki shouted the name of his attack/spell... "Tochi no Mae!!" Asahi begins with an equally determined face, raising her hooves to show that the tips are magically glowing. "GAIA BARRICADE!!!" Asahi cries out and slams her front two hooves to the ground. The pavement in front of her rumbles and breaks as a series of trees suddenly grow and turn into adult trees in no time. The soft, leaf-heavy branches manage to catch the remaining ponies that Denki isn't fast enough to catch on his own.

Edited by Oni Musha


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@Oni Musha

Silver looks to the large building in front of them as Asahi explained why it was originally built, until they were all distracted by some construction ponies who apparently recognized her. Seems Asahi really was quite a big deal in this city. However, the celebration was soon cancelled when the scaffolding broke apart and several the workers started plummeting to ground below. As they stand and watch the scene play out in horror, Denki is first to react as he charges up his magic and releases a bolt of lightning and disappears. He soon reappears and is seen grabbing ponies one by one and bringing them safely to the ground. Asahi leaps into action soon after and uses her plant magic to quickly sprout and grow a number of trees to assist Denki in catching the remaining workers. Meanwhile, Silver watches from the sidelines in astonishment at the whole display.


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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"Hi no Mae! Flaming JUMP!!!" Samurai's voice can be heard as the others are saving lives.
Denki looks down at the ground when he is in the middle of grabbing falling ponies. He sees Samurai, but not jumping upwards to catch anypony. Rather, he has jumped forwards, using his flame magic to jet propel himself away from the scene. "Hmpf." Denki says to himself before going back to his job.

Seconds later, the disaster is prevented. Denki has saved half of the construction crew and transported them safely to the ground. Asahi caught the other half with her trees. They might be a little shaken, but they are perfectly fine. Asahi gently guides ponies down as the trees slowly shrink back down. Denki is also making sure no pony is in shock from traveling as a thunderbolt with him. But over all, the construction ponies saved could not be more grateful. They thank Asahi and Denki with all their hearts. "Ha~ Thank goodness. That was almost too close for comfort!" Asahi says. Denki nods. "More importantly, did you see Samurai? I never thought I'd see the day where he runs away from danger like this. I guess I've finally surpassed him." Denki says, making Asahi wonder what could have happened. "I didn't run, Denki-tan!" Samurai speaks up from a distance, getting their attention.

Samurai is standing at the next block over. More over, behind him are a bunch of wide-eyed foals. "I had to make a tough call, but I decided you and Asahi-chan were better equipped to save those construction workers than I am with my fire magic. But what you missed were these kids." Samurai says. "Those little fillies and colts? What about them?" Denki asks, confused. "They were in the neighborhood, passing by and minding their own business. They were directly under the building when the scaffolding collapsed. If I hadn't rushed toward them and gotten them out of the way..." Samurai begins. Denki thinks about it, then the realization hits him. In his attempt to save the falling ponies, he momentarily electrocuted the building. Not only that, Asahi destroyed the road, making huge chunks of payment go flying everywhere so her trees could grow. "...Then the children would have gotten hurt due to our recklessness." Denki finishes Samurai's sentence. The revelation also hits Asahi. "Oh no! I was so locked on to what was happening above, I forgot to check below. Children, it's okay, we're here for you~!" She rushes over to check on them, but they are perfectly fine! Samurai saw to that.


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@Oni Musha

Suddenly, Samurai leaps into the air and takes off, seemingly away from all the action. Silver is somewhat confused by this, as are the other samurai. They don’t have much time to focus on that however, and return to the task at hoof, successfully rescuing all the construction workers. Once everypony is safe, they turn their attention to Samurai. He explains that he didn’t leave, but rather, he spotted some foals who happened to be passing by as the scaffolding collapsed. Thanks to Samurai’s keen eye and quick action, they were all saved from harm. Silver stands by and watches as the samurai receive thanks for their heroic efforts.


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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Denki lowers his head a little. Samurai walks up beside him and puts a hoof on Denki's shoulder. "We both saved lives today; that's what matters most. We can settle things between us any time." Samurai tells him. "I don't care about that right now. I'm just glad you didn't run away. The fact that you also leaped in to save lives is another reason why I wouldn't want anyone else but you to be my rival." Denki says, lifting his head with a smile. He throws a playful punch, and Samurai blocks it easily, also smiling. "Besides, you totally know saving children is worth double the points. You're still ahead of me." Denki says. "How many times do I have to tell you to stop treating lives like good-dead points? There are no points!" Samurai says before reaching over ruffling Denki's hair with a head rub. Denki laughs a little and retaliates with a headlock. Then Samurai retaliates with a tickle attack. This friendly rough housing goes back and fourth a bit.

Asahi returns to her friends. "Well, the good news is, no one is injured, hurt, or negatively affected by this. Once I finish fixing the road I broke, we can keep going. Was this too much action for you, Silver?" Asahi asks.


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@Oni Musha

Silver smiles as the two samurai go back and forth with each other with friendly roughhousing until Asahi gets his attention. “Oh, me? Nah, it's fine. I’m an adventurer, remember? I’ve travelled all around Equestria had plenty of crazy encounters myself. Maybe none quite like this with all the magic, but still. Anyway, you all did an amazing job here, very impressive.”


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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"Well then... Let's keep going. Unless you'd rather head home, Silver-san. It is getting late. If we go visit Asahi's sister, it'll probably be the last thing we do today." Samurai says before going to help Asahi repair the road, grabbing large chunks and putting them back into place. Denki does the same.


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@Oni Musha

“I don’t have anywhere to be.” Silver says, turning to Samurai. “I’m as free as the wind. I mean, I do have to go back home eventually, but until then, I’m gonna try to experience as much of your country as I can. Let’s go visit Asahi’s sister, then.” He decided, before trying to be helpful and picking up some of the smaller pieces of the road. A kirin’s telekinesis magic is functional, but nowhere near as powerful as a unicorn’s. Especially one who trains for battle daily.


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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"You're a good guy, my friend." Samurai says to Silver, helping him out so he won't have to contribute alone.

Minutes later, the four of them have finished their work and are off again. As they reach the hospital, they go through the mundane rituals. They have to check in and head to right floor. And though the approach the door, Samurai stops Silver from entering. Denki doesn't enter either. Only Asahi enters. "Let's let them have their moment first. They'll call us in if they need us." Samurai explains.

Even though they stand outside the room, the door is open just enough that they can see Asahi talking to a pony that looks just like her; except she's older and looks a bit more frail. This must be the sister that they've been talking about.


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@Oni Musha

Silver smiles at his friends’ comment. “Might as well try to be useful somehow here.” He said jokingly. “You all did an amazing thing here, least I can do it try to help clean up.”

Once they arrive at the hospital, the friends check in and they let Asahi head into her sister’s room first to give them some time alone. Not really knowing anything about the situation, Silver simply sits quietly and waits.


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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For a few minutes, it seems like the two sisters are happy just talking to themselves. But then the bed-ridden sister starts to talk a little bit louder. "...and that's all I really need. And by the way, the REST of you in the hallway can come in now. I know when there's other ponies just outside my door." She says.

Samurai and Denki look at each other and Silver before proceeding to go in. If that's what she wants, they why not?


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@Oni Musha

Silver looks to the others and lets them go in first before following behind and closing the door. Assuming that she’s probably met the two samurai before, Silver stays quiet until he’s addressed. When it’s his turn, he replies “Um, hey there, Asahi’s sister. My name’s Silver. I’ve been exploring your lovely country with Samurai here, and Asahi invited me to visit her, so I’ve been tagging along with everyone here today.” He said with a smile.


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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Samurai puts a hoof on Silver's shoulder. "Hanako is Asahi's older sister, and she was originally suppose to be the pink earth samurai." Samurai starts off the explanation. "I showed a lot of potential when I was younger, but I came down with a degenerative medical condition, making me unable to be a samurai of any kind. And so my younger sister took my place." Hanako says, holding up a hoof as if she wants to try earth magic, but can't.


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@Oni Musha

“Oh, I see.” He replied, his smile fading. “I’m so sorry that this has happened to you. I can’t even imagine how you feel, or how hard it’s been on yourself and those who care about you. I don’t… really think there’s a whole lot I can say. I’m glad to have met you even if the conditions are less than ideal. Your sister and her friends have been doing an amazing job of showing me around and making me feel welcome.” A slight smile returning to his face.


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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"Occasionally, I do wonder if Japone would have been better off if my sister had become a samurai instead." Asahi says. "Now don't you talk like that! I don't want anypony feeling sorry for me, understand? And I don't want anypony living in my shadow either. You're all doing just fine on your own. Besides, I may have this condition, but I'm still as strong as ever. So don't think of me as a charity case." Hanako flexes her arm, showing some muscle.

Edited by Oni Musha


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@Oni Musha

“Alright, fair enough.” He replied to Hanako before turning to Asahi. “And you’re sister’s right, Asahi. Regardless of what’s happened to her, you’re doing a great job as a samurai. Did you tell her about what happened on our way here today?  That was a shining example of how you stepped up and used your magic to do what was needed to be done.”


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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"Oh, I all ready know about that. An older sister has her ways." Hanako says confidently. Asahi blushes a little and puts a hoof behind her head. "Now Samurai, Denki, and you as well Silver. Come closer, please. There is some vital information I need to trust you with." Hanako motions for them to stand right beside her.


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@Oni Musha

Silver couldn’t help but chuckle a bit at Asahi’s reaction. He nodded slightly upon hearing Hanako’s request and moved in closer with his friends to hear what she has to say to them. He listened carefully but wondered what in Equestria she could have to say that would involve him.


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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Samurai and Denki also move in close, standing next to Asahi. With a smirk, Hanako pulls Silver and Asahi into a hug with one hoof and uses her other to grab hold of Samurai and Denki's hooves. Asahi gives a little Eep. Samurai blushes and smiles, rubbing the back of his head, perhaps overwhelmed by all the affection today. Denki panics a little. "Take care of each other, okay? You'll all need each other out there. Silver, I have no idea what it's going to be like having a kirin living among us, but I hope it brings many happy days. Denki, don't be so formal all the time, a little openness doesn't hurt anypony. And Samurai, don't be so shy about your birthname, Taku is a cute name. And please keep supporting my sister. She needs all the friends and family she can get."


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@Oni Musha

Silver is a bit surprised at first, especially considering what he learned earlier, but he quickly relaxes and smiles, returning the embrace.  Living among us? Silver thought to himself. He couldn’t say that he had been planning on staying here long term, but that would have to be a discussion to have with Samurai later. For now, he simply nodded his head and responded, “I’ll do whatever I can while I’m here, Hanako. But I also believe that she’s doing a great job for herself, as well.”


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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Hanako's words seem to calm everyone, and they accept her wishes. "Please, call me Hanako-chan." She tells Silver with a smile before letting them all go. "Now if you'll excuse me, visiting hours will be over soon, and I want to read my favorite manga before dinner." She pats them all on the back to get them moving, except for Asahi of course.


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@Oni Musha

“Very well then, Hanako-chan. Farewell, until we meet again.” Silver exits the room with the others and closes the door, leaving Asahi alone with her sister.

He sits quietly while the events of the day replay slowly in his mind. He wonders just how long he’ll stay in Japone, having already been gone a while on his latest adventure before stumbling upon his new friend Samurai, for his friends and family back home surely missed him. But his new friends here would also miss him. He couldn’t be in two places at the same time, so he needed to decide about this rather soon. Moving here was also an option, but would be a huge change for Vesperr, and for Charlotte too if she chose to join. Silver realizes that no matter what he choses, he’ll be leaving somepony behind, it’s just inevitable. The kirin silently processes all this information while waiting for Asahi to join them outside her sister’s room.


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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