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open Cultures Unite (1x1 with GeneralDirection)

Samurai Equine

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@Samurai Equine

“Yea, that’s exactly how it feels.” Silver says with a nod. “It feels just as normal as lifting your hoof. It’s not involuntary, but you don’t really think much about it, either. Although I worry one day, things may get out of hoof and, well, I think you can fill in the blanks. It’s one of the reasons our villages will probably always stay the way they are. Having too many kirin in the same space together will eventually lead to conflict, so smaller settlements seem like the way to go. We do have a leader, a respected figure who we can go to with our disagreements, questions, or whatever’s on our minds. So at least there’s that. Now then, was there something else you wanted to show me here, or shall we move on?” He asked.


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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@Samurai Equine

“Sure, why not?” Silver replied with a smile, interested to find out more about what Samurai was capable of and about his culture. He had assumed that the symbols he had seen earlier were also writings from him, so it would be interesting to see what his name looked like in Japonese.


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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@Samurai Equine

Silver brings a hoof to his chin in thought before replying. “Well, my full name is Silver Slate, but nopony ever calls me that. I just go by Silver. To answer your other question, I’ll tell you a bit about how most kirin are named. Most of us have nature-themed or otherwise inspired names, and a lot of times those cues come from our coat or mane colour. Since there’s not much in our part of the wilderness that matches my colours, my parents rather unoriginally named me Silver Slate, which is a combination of my silver coat and slate gray scales. There’s no further meaning behind it.”


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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Samurai listens carefully he finishes preparing the ink. "Nothing? I find that a little hard to believe, but I'll take your word for it."
He pulls out a sheet of paper.
He grabs a fine calligraphy brush and dips it in ink.
He takes a final moment to deeply contemplate before putting ink to paper.

The whole process is like a show of fine art. Finally, he shows Silver the finished work.


"It reads Ginji. The first character means Silver, and the second is just a referrative that aims back at you yourself. In other words, it says that you are a unique kind of silver. I chose this in honor of the origin of your name. However, I also wrote your real name in katakana on the side, 'Silver Slate', so that you may have both names in both languages." Samurai explains.

Edited by Samurai Equine


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@Samurai Equine

Silver nods his head silently in response. It indeed meant nothing more. He stood by and watched as Samurai went to work, producing another masterpiece to go along with the rest of the pieces displayed in the library.

“Wow, that’s impressive! Your culture really does have a way of turning even the small things in life into an artform. Very cool and interesting work.” He says with a smile.


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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@Samurai Equine

“Extinct?” He repeated, raising an eyebrow. “Why?” Silver takes the frame from Samurai and places it into his saddlebag. “Either way, I appreciate you doing this for me. I think it’s a very nice thing for you to do, especially considering we just met earlier today.”


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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"...Hmm? Oh. Because less and less ponies are practicing it. But nevermind that." It took Samurai a moment to realize Silver was questioning the random comment he made, but he waves it off for now. "Doing nice things for each other sometimes? I thought that's just what friends do." Samurai says with a smile. "So, where to go next..."


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@Samurai Equine

“Gotcha.” Silver nodded slightly. “Well, yes, that is what friends do.” His smile returns. “I’m just not used to ponies being so accepting of me. It’s nice for a change. Anyway, you ask where… since we’ve talked about magic so much, how about we keep the theme going?” He suggests. “I do believe you mentioned something about a room for that.”


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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Samurai thinks it over. "There is a magic room with a very specific purpose, but magic can be practiced anywhere. I think I'd rather show you the great outdoors; or rather a specific place outside that is magic related. Follow me, please." Samurai says before leading the way.

As they leave the library, Samurai goes outside of his house through the backdoor. His backyard is really just an open field, no fence or any sense of boundaries. In the distance is the true outdoors. Nature.

Edited by Samurai Equine


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@Samurai Equine

“Ok, lead the way then.” Silver responds, following his new friend outside.

Samurai led him through the back door to his backyard, which turned out to be an open field in the wilderness that surrounded his place.

Silver looks around a bit before turning to Samurai. “Alright, so, what’s there to see out here?” He asks.


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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"You'll see." Samurai says.

After walking far enough, they finally make it to the woods; the only sense of boundary between Samurai's property and the unknown. The trees that greet them come in various sizes. The grass is lush, but there are some patches that are just dirt, including a dirt road. Hidden among the trees is a statue of Mistmane with a little shrine at the statue's feet. There are some walls of rock, and if you look deep enough into this entrance into the forest... You'll see a huge waterfall that pools into a round ravine.

"So, do you like it?" Samurai turns away from the woods for a second to look back at his house. From this distance, it looks like a deluxe-sized doll house. "When I was on the breakthrough of learning elemental magic, my shogun brought me here to complete my training. It's where I finally obtained fire magic. In that spot, we are surrounded by many kind of nature. For a unicorn, connecting with nature is vital if you are going to learn or master an elemental magic. It also takes concentration, discipline, metal and physical fortitude, and most of all... Purification." Samurai points to the waterfall. "Have you ever meditated while sitting under the waterfall? It's not as easy as it sounds. The water is heavy. It builds pressure the longer you sit under it. The challenge is focusing and clearing your mind; letting nature and its splendor grant you strength instead of trying to build it on your own."

Samurai stops himself. "Heh. Sorry. Hope I wasn't ranting too much. You can also just go for a swim, if you want to have fun."

Edited by Samurai Equine


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@Samurai Equine

The kirin follows Samurai into the woods where they soon come across a rather large waterfall and a statue of Mistmane, certainly not something Silver was expecting to find.

“This looks beautiful, Samurai. I can see why he would’ve taken you here. No, I can say I’ve tried meditation much at all, much less under a waterfall. There’s no need for you to apologize, my friend. You can tell me as much as you want about you, your culture, or whatever it may be. Part of the reason why I adventure so much is to try and expand my knowledge of the world around me. I also do report these findings back to my village, so that they can learn about these things as well.”

Silver’s eyes went wide at the mention of swimming. “Um, no, no thanks, no swimming for me. You can go right on ahead if you want to, though. I’ll just sit back and admire my surroundings.”  


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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Samurai was delighted to know that he wasn't making any bad impressions.
But then Silver's sudden reaction catches Samurai's attention. "...Eh? What's wrong? Don't know how to swim? It's not too deep, I promise. I don't know how to swim either, but this ravine is just right for me. And no strange fish or anything you need to worry about either."


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@Samurai Equine

“You’re certainly one who pays attention.” He commented. “Not that I’m surprised. But yea, I can’t swim. I’m… sort of surprised that you don’t know how, though. No matter, if you say it’s fine, then I trust you.”

Silver gingerly steps into the pool and turns around. It wasn’t an overly hot day today, but the water still felt refreshing. Perhaps it was because he wasn’t used to doing this sort of thing.

“This is nice.” He said, smiling. “How about we go behind the waterfall, or was there something else you wanted to show me?”


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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"BANZAI!!" Samurai joins Silver in the ravine, but in a more dramatic way. He runs towards it before jumping into an epic dive!
Fully submerged in the water, Samurai pops his head up, shakes off the water, and laughs. Indeed, he doesn't need to swim. Go out far enough into the water, and he can just barely touch the pool bed with the tips of his forehooves.

"Behind the waterfall, you say? Sure. We can do that." Samurai makes his way back to the shore and lead the way.
Behind the waterfall, there is no much to see. There is just enough space hallowed out for them to stand safely and watch the water fall. However, Samurai decides to step directly under the falling water. Breathing in, Samurai sits down, crossing his legs in a meditation posture. "...You may do the same if you want. The waterfall is wide enough for the both of us."


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@Samurai Equine

Silver noticed what Samurai was up to at the last moment and turned his head away so he didn’t get a face full of water. He turned back and chuckled at the display. The kirin followed him back to behind the waterfall and stood for a moment watching before joining his friend under the cascading water. The two of them sat the quietly for a while until Silver had enough and moved back into the sun to dry off.

“So… what was the point behind that?” He asked. “Never really understood the whole ‘meditation’ thing.


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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Silver must have a stronger hide than most ponies if he doesn't feel the weight of the waterfall and how it is weighted heavier than just a random splash or pour. Still, Samurai doesn't move from this spot. With eyes closed, he gets soaked as he breathes deep and makes meditation Aum's. "The point is endurance, my friend... To see how long you can go without needing to leave, and then try to go longer next time." Samurai answers without opening his eyes.

"A challenge like this easily separates the amateurs from the experienced. Some quit fast because they don't get it. Some quit a little later because they are catching a cold or feeling uncomfortable. Wait a little longer and the pressure from the water builds upon you, as if you are carrying the weight of many ponies. Wait long enough, and the flesh begins to soften and get affected by the water. Infection or injury could set in. This the test of steely determination. Those who can last a long time are truly physically strong, but... !! If you can keep calm and collected, you'll reach spirit purification. ... I can feel it now, my friend. I am becoming one with nature... I can almost count all the woodland animals around us. I can sense their movements. I can hear your heartbeat and mine. I can almost sense the sea creatures just up stream. I can feel the earth breathing new life into itself as the plants grow and become lush. We are all part of nature. All things connected more than we shall ever realize..." Not once did Samurai open his eyes as he explained that. He is locked into deep meditation.


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@Samurai Equine

“Oh, I see.” Came his reply. This was clearly another one of those things where kirin just didn’t take things so seriously. He took a quick look behind him and then turned back to Samurai. “Scales. I have scales back there. That’s probably why I don’t notice the water as much as a normal pony would.”


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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"I wonder how long it would take for the water to soften and and loosen those scales." Samurai says, approaching his meditation exercise as if he were a kirin himself.

However, Samurai soon opens his eyes and leaps out of the waterfall! He joins Silver in the sun and shakes off as much water as he can. His horn glows for a second, his body creates hot steam for a second, and soon Samurai is completely dry. "Ah~ I could go longer, but that's enough for now. I'd like to show you more of Japone if that's okay. You've seen our traditional cities, but wouldn't you like to see our more modern cities?"


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@Samurai Equine

Silver would… rather not think about things like that. He nods his head in approval of Samurai’s next destination suggestion. “Sure, I’m ok with going to check out whatever you have in mind. That’s what I’m here for, after all. Modern city it is, ready when you are!”


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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Samurai happily leads the way. "I had a feeling you'd feel that way!"

They make a quick stop at Samurai's place. He decides not to wear any of his nicer clothes this time, opting to let his hair down and go for an au naturel look. As they head back into town, they wait at the train stop. And unlike other places, Japone has a bullet train!


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@Samurai Equine

“A train, huh.” Silver comments as they arrive at the station. “And here you are trying to convince me that your culture isn’t sophisticated. I’ve done a lot of travelling, and there’s very few places that have their own train system.” He takes a seat on a nearby bench. “Well, how long do we have to wait?” He asks nonchalantly.


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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