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ooc Another Cultural Exchange

Illiad Easle

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@Illiad Easle

Ponies in Ponyville completely accept Chelsea (not trying to make her look like a Mary Sue 'cause she's far from one). She has quite a few close friends. Fluttershy is one of them and so is Rainbow Dash. Applejack is her third closest friend in Ponyville. She also likes the CMCs as well. She has a little bit of a tension with Trixie. Her most notable enemy of course is General Iron Hoof who had their unarmed ship sunk. 

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@Courageous Thunder Dash

Alright, so she'd be recognized by those in town and they would be friendly towards her. Was it always that way? Or did she have to earn their confidence to start out?

I'm trying to judge how receptive the locals will be towards Snipes, given he's also an outsider, even more so than Chelsea in some respects.

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@Courageous Thunder Dash

Sounds good, I think I can work with that, As we go feel free to let me know if you think something or someone should do/act differently. While I'm standing these scene's up this is still your side of the RP, so what you say will be the final word in regards to what happens around our characters.

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  • 3 weeks later...

@Skylight Scintillate

Specifically this section:

16 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:

Queen Sleipnir simply chuckled as she settled down, "It was just harmless fun, nervous embarrassment is a difficult emotion to cultivate, I simply had to take advantage of the situation." She stood up fully so Larynx could get a good look, "It's okay to look, I've had over a millennium to get used to it, and I rather enjoy the attention. My mother, Queen Gelatine, towards the end of her life was... erratic... my sister would use less favorable words, due to being abandoned by her love Rasputin Stalliongrad. Anyway, normally new queens are made at great cost and effort to the hive, and she wanted to see if the process could be made more efficient, so she tried to make two at once. She got me instead. Well, my sister got me, she killed our mother when she found out about me."


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@Skylight Scintillate

Ah, that makes sense, I haven't seen your edit yet since im on mobile right now. 

I was confused by your earlier post, 

2 hours ago, Skylight Scintillate said:

Oh, Larynx wasn’t sure how to ask, but I guess he could come up with a way to ask it.

By IT I thought you meant about her body, not her family. 

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  • 2 months later...

@Princess Skylight

I think now's as good a time as any to regroup, hash out what events and such we want to see happen and look into how we might make it happen.

Due to a number of factors in my own life I find myself with less time and focus to run my own RPs, between work and school I just don't have the same energy that I had over the summer, next semester should be better as I'll only have two classes.

That said, I don't have any plans on my end for where they should go or what they should do. But I'm happy to oblige if there are things that you are excited to see or do while they're still in Manehatten. Otherwise, I wouldn't mind moving to the switch, where Siren goes with Larynx back to the reformed hive.

What do you think? Any ideas, questions, or concerns on your end?

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  • 9 months later...

@Illiad Easle

On 2023-09-02 at 4:55 PM, Illiad Easle said:

@Skylight Scintillate

You know, I think this story has reached a fairly satisfying conclusion. That is to say, I don't know where else to take it at this point. Do you have an idea as to where it should go? Or do you think it's good to end it here?

Yeah I think that this would be a good place to wrap it up. Maybe it's time to explore a cultural exchange with some other characters?

Edited by Skylight Scintillate
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@Illiad Easle

Yeah I have several different ideas. Most of them are the idea of exploring different species of various different cultures as seen in season 8, and how they would interact with the different cultures in your headcanon. For example, how would a Hippogriff react if placed in a certain city? Or a dragon like Smolder? Or a bat pony? Or a kirin? What if an alicorn pony showed up? Or a robot pony? There isn't much information from the show for some of these species, so I suppose we would have to figure out how our headcanons would combine. 

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