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private A Vibrant Future

Star Silk

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Silky would sit politely amidst the small group she had gathered, slightly blushing in the presence of Vibrant Grove @Sir Hugsalotand averting her gaze with a soft humility before she'd notice the familiar glacial colors from the peripheral of her eyes. "Oh no..." she'd utter under her breath in alarm, as if mortified and trying to prevent a complete disaster to be noticed by the stallion at her side. "WILL YOU excuse me?!" Her voice fluctuated and the clanking of silverware against glass could be heard as she made to stand up. A few awkward glances her way but she was a pleasantly eccentric pony all around -- so it was nothing too out of the ordinary. Hurrying off, she'd rush to the two ponies. An icy blue colored kirin with a narrowed gaze to match and tall, slender mare to match his coat at his side. 
@Cagey@Empress Magloria

Silky's elegance and grace was composed, until she had attempted to lure them away from the civilized party to suddenly whisper "What are you two doing here?!" Her expression was one of incredulous shock.

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Silky would briskly look from the familiar pink invitation that adoringly contrasted the blue hues of Magloria's pastel tones and then back to Magloria's face. A single blink. "Invited?!" Now suddenly shooting daggers at Frostbite @Cageywith her stare. "You!" The statement was accusing.


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32 minutes ago, Princess Silky said:

Silky would briskly look from the familiar pink invitation that adoringly contrasted the blue hues of Magloria's pastel tones and then back to Magloria's face. A single blink. "Invited?!" Now suddenly shooting daggers at Frostbite @Cageywith her stare. "You!" The statement was accusing.

Frostbite bristled at her tone. "Me? You got a problem?!" He matched her glare, eyes wide and furious, voice bordering on shrill. "Are you saying you weren't the one to send those stupid letters?"

He recognized @Empress Magloria Magloria, and remembered witnessing their drama, but he hadn't expected Silky's current reaction. 

  • Brohoof 1

Perfection in all forms -- that is true strength. If you aren't the best, you are nothing. 


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36 minutes ago, Magloria said:

@Cagey @Princess Silky @Sir Hugsalot

Magloria huffed and her fake smile vanished. "I am tired of you ignoring me. I spent MONTHS searching for you..." Magloria said in a low tone, her eyes bearing down into Silky's eyes like a hawk. "It doesn't matter who sent the letters. WE are here now." she said, referring to herself and Frostbite. 

Frostbite turned on her. "You -- leave me out of this!"

  • Brohoof 2

Perfection in all forms -- that is true strength. If you aren't the best, you are nothing. 


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Silky would seem to relax upon seeing that this duo wasn't exactly intentionally following her. She'd straighten up to regain her composure and then offer a curt nod. "Right... you're probably here for the uhhh..." her eyes looking over at @Cagey's Frostbite. "Food... am I right?" She'd try to keep a polite smile on her lips despite tensing up as she made her way back to the table, back fully turned to @Empress Magloria.

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Silky's eyelids would lower slightly with exasperation, mindlessly setting up plates and going around a very confused looking @Sir Hugsalotas she set up more silverware and prepared a spot for Frostbite. @Cagey

She'd sigh, setting up the pastries, the food, everything that Frostbite might have found appetizing was on the table. And then, suddenly, Silky would sit next to Frostbite. Turning her gaze to meet his, her expression solemn, "What about you, Frostbite?" Her voice dull, unamused, "Do you have an insufferable mother who follows you around, too?" 

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3 minutes ago, Princess Silky said:

Silky's eyelid would lower slightly with exasperation, mindlessly setting up plates and going around a very confused looking @Sir Hugsalotas she set up more silverware and prepared a spot for Frostbite. @Cagey

She'd sigh, setting up the pastries, the food, everything that Frostbite might have found appetizing was on the table. And then, suddenly, Silky would sit next to Frostbite. Turning her gaze to meet his, her expression solemn, "What about you, Frostbite?" Her voice dull, unamused, "Do you have an insufferable mother who follows you around, too?" 

Still upset, Frostbite glared at her. "None of your business!" And then, because he felt he should: "My family is -- flawless."

The very thought straightened his spine subconsciously. At the very least, his mother wouldn't follow him anywhere. Not that he wanted to trade places with Silky. Not that he wanted to change a thing.

He lifted his head and made sure to glare at all the ponies.

Perfection in all forms -- that is true strength. If you aren't the best, you are nothing. 


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Vibrant Grove was surprised to see @CageyFrostbite and @Empress MagloriaMagloria. "Oh great" he whispered to himself knowing the latter in particular as quite insufferable pony. 

His initial confusion at the commotion their appearance caused quickly cleared off and he gave Magloria a very stern look, making sure she knows that if she tries to jump on Silky again he will also stand up, not letting her mess with a pony so important to him. 

Then he looked at @Princess SilkyStar Silk who just sat next to Frostbite and gave her an innocent smile "do You need help with our new, merry company, my darling?". 

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As Dynamo had stepped off of the Ponyville express to Canterlot, the blue unicorn looked around as he took in his surroundings. "I know it's been a couple of months since I was back here, but it's definitely been a while." He commented to nobody in particular as he recalled the last time he was in Canterlot. While so much had happened, he was still glad he was able to meet friends he had met since moving to Ponvyille. That, and he was especially happy to meet his special somepony in @AuroraGlimmer Caramel. Levitating the invitation in front of him, he scanned the area as he walked. Looking around to find the location in question for the group get together, before taking notice of the Canterlot Gardens. To the blue unicorn, it looked as if the gardens were just as similar to what it was before, or it was even more lovely from everything being set up. Either way, Dynamo smiled as he was happy to have made it, as well as seeing familiar faces.

As he entered the garden, he took notice of a small group gathering near available seats. Food and beverages were spread out for everyone to partake as they conversed. As he got closer, he visibly winced slightly from what sounded like shouting. One of the voice he recognized instantly as one of his friend's. Getting closer, he saw familiar faces such as @Princess Silky Star Silk, @Sir Hugsalot Vibrant Grove. The rest he was not too familiar with, but he recalled seeing some of them at the gathering a couple of months ago. "U-Uh...hey, e-everyone. I hope I'm not too late." He spoke up, hoping to defuse any tension as he was glad to see his friends once again.

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@Dynamo Pad @Princess Silky @Sir Hugsalot

"I think we finally found the place!" Coco the strange earth pony would curse the day he ever thought he could get anywhere in a hurry in a hot air balloon, a tad anxious of the fact that he would be late for another gathering he was invited to- but also that he was engaging in a arrival that was a little to flashy and risky for his tastes. Flying up well above the garden in a hot air balloon in with its Pilot, leaning in towards the drivers ear, speaking in a bit of hurried yell. "Is there anyway you can get us closer to the garden without horribly crashing!?"

Coco brought the invitation card up to his face, seeing a printed image of civil unity of ponies and gracious eloquence. The moment was suddenly broken up by the loud sounds of yelling, lowering the invitation card from his eyes he saw a pandemonium of commotion ensue on the grounds belowPilot: "Look, all it takes is one flying utensil on the side of this hot air balloon and we're toast pal, you are going to have to parachute down from here, -I'm sorry!" In a rush, Coco soon fastened on a parachute, Coco was prepared to go Coco: "Is there anyway you could stick around.. uh.. because by the looks of thing- i might need a lift outa here" Said in a half joking way. Pilot: "No way! I've seen this all before, and it usually don't end well for the pilot, your on your own buddy, I've done my part."

About 5 minutes later coco landed in a bush after successfully leaping out of the air balloon and using his parachute, hoping no one saw him by chance. Arriving on the garden grounds Coco made his way into the small gathering of ponies, he tried to act casual before realizing he was still wearing/dragging his parachute behind him and threw it to the side humorously, casually whistling as he made his way beside a seemingly already approaching @Dynamo Pad, turning a gaze to nervously smile at the blue unicorn, hoping he could fit in with him. The pastry's, and all of the food meticulously set out on the table grabbing Cocos attention as his stomach rumbled, his attention soon shifted back upward to observe the conversations that were currently going on, settling to observe those he was familiar with @Princess Silky @Sir Hugsalot. He nodded silently when his presence was seen by the two, but only planned to speak when addressed, there was a larger storm a foot and he wasn't planning on walking into it without understanding it first.   



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Caamel would soon step off the train that had just arrived from Manehatten and would look about, before looking at her invitation "While I am glad I got to meet @Dynamo Pad and make other awesome friends, I do remember what happened last time" she'd say to herself, shrugging her saddlebags a bit before noticing Dynamo on the other platform and would cheerfully wave and call out to him "Dyny!" She'd cheer and run to him before hugging her special somepony.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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As he was approaching the group, he took notice of @Empress Magloria staring at him with a neutral expression. Thinking back to the gathering from before, he felt he had recognized her, but didn’t know her that well. He client know hey, but he felt nervous as she stared at him as if a tingle ran down his spine in worry. 


He was brought away from the state from the thought of more shouting. Looking around, he tried to find the source, but found that it was nowhere to be seen or heard. Feeling as if it was his mind or ears messing with him, he opted to not question it. Perking his ears at the sound of rustling bushes, the blue unicorn looked to the side to see an earth pony stallion walking alongside him. Taking note of the parachute being thrown to the side and the. We ours smile, Dynamo blinked in confusion, before smiling and waving at the nervous earth pony. “Hey. Did you just get here? Were you at tree last gathering or is this your first time? It’s still nice to meet you. My name’s Dynamo Pad, but my friends call me Dynamo. What’s your name?”

As he walked alongside the earth pony stallion, his ears perked once more as a familiar voice could be heard. Turning behind him, he gasped in surprise as he was nearly tackle hugged by @AuroraGlimmer Caramel. “Caramel!” He grinned as he immediately returned the embrace, while picking her up and spinning her around. Placing her back on the ground and pulling back from the hug, he looked at his special somepony as he gave her a kiss. “It’s so good to see you and I miss me you sweetheart. How are you? How was the trip? How’s your dad been doing?” Since the last get together, the two had sent letters and visited each other, while making sure to keep in touch.

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Vibrant would notice new guests. He decided to for now ignore @Empress MagloriaMagloria, making a mental note to keep an eye on her, making sure the gathering doesn't get interrupted and approached new guests, @CocoCodyCoco @Dynamo Pad and @AuroraGlimmerCaramel.

"Greetings, friends! A true delight to see You again", he said cheerfully. "Come, come, table's ready, let's have some fun together!". He would guide them towards other ponies, feeling his tension go down a bit hoping, that the wholesome company will be enough to prevent further issues. 

@Princess Silky"Silky! Look! New guests have arrived!" He said to the lovely pink mare, hoping it will also help distract her a bit, diverting her attention to a wholesome company that's coming. 

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Frostbite sulked behind @Princess Silky and Vibrant @Sir Hugsalot, using the distraction to eye the table of food, privately lamenting his isolation.

Not that it wasn’t what he wanted. It was. But it felt like he wasn’t succeeding at something. 

Perfection in all forms -- that is true strength. If you aren't the best, you are nothing. 


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As he pulled back from the hug, he heard a voice announcing the arrival of more guests. Looking to the source of the voice, Dynamo looked to see that it was @Sir Hugsalot Vibrant Grove. It had been a while since he last saw him, but he did recognize him from the previous gathering. He recalled learning about him from @Princess Silky Star Silk from the Turks they hung out while he visited Manehatten. Speaking of Star Silk, he grinned as he saw his friend once more. “Vibrant! Silky! It’s so good to see you both.” He waved to the two, nodding at the mention of sitting down together. As he started making his way to the table together with @AuroraGlimmer Caramel, he looked over towards @CocoCody the stallion he had just met. “Would you like to sit next to each other? I know we just met, but I think it would be pretty cool to talk and get to know one another.” He smiled as he was always happy to make friends with others.

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Still a little out of breath, and slumping on the table slightly, Coco took a deep funny inhale in, ... before exhaling out- and responding to @Dynamo Pad "Oh- .. Yeah- I just got here, -i ran into a little traffic along the way, you could say.." His expression drifting into something much more natural as he began focusing Dynamo, making eye contact with him curiously. A smile suddenly sprung loose.

"I would consider this my first true time, the last get together I was only able to catch the tail end. Traveling arrangements are not my strong point, Haha" He sponged into a small fit of laughter as he extended out his hoof to gesture to bump hooves with Dynamo in a friendly assertion. "It's very nice to meet you Dynamo" A deep well of warmth blooming around his expressive smile. "I am Coco"

Apon being welcomed to sit with him Coco advanced the chair beside of him. Giving off a deepening warm friendliness. "Sure! That sounds cool Dynamo." Now sitting beside him.

Coco then shifted a gaze forward for a split second, breaking his attention away from this new friend for a moment, he saw across the table from him @Empress Magloria a wide and vast gap separating them across the table. Seeing for a moment a small break of sadness in her expression but it was obscured by a heavy look of frustration and misery on her face. He began sensing things about her, a cornucopia of something but he had not enough information to really know. Turning his look away but still paying attention, there was something there in her. He then looked forward to Sir Hugsalot and Princess silky. "Hey there you two!" @Sir Hugsalot @Princess Silky

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Caramel would smile, as she would walk with her stallionfriend @Dynamo Pad and their new friend @CocoCody Coco, before she would then hear @Sir Hugsalot Vibrant's familair voice, inviting them to come sit with him and his mare friend @Princess Silky. "Vibrant! Silky!" she would cheerfully exclaim, going to them and hugging them before sitting down "Thank you so much for inviting me, it'll be great to catch up" she says "Dynamo and I have really connected since the Valentine's Day event, and I am so thankful for you two for introducing us to each other"

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Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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On 2023-03-27 at 2:14 PM, Magloria said:

@Princess Silky @Sir Hugsalot @CocoCody @Dynamo Pad

Magloria felt like she was invisible here. Nobody was noticing her. Nobody seemed to even care. She just sat down somewhere near to Frostbite, doing much the same as he was. She truly hated this feeling. Nobody gave her the light of day, and they all misunderstood her intentions. All she wanted was to talk, but no, rejection - just like always...

She frowned and sighed in a frustrated tone. 

Frostbite's eyes flickered over the scene, then over his companion, considering whether or not he should say something. He certainly understood wanting a family member's attention, but he emphatically did not want to. What would he even say?

In the end, he stayed silent but didn't draw away from Magloria.

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Perfection in all forms -- that is true strength. If you aren't the best, you are nothing. 


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