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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky

no critique Sabo x Ace x F Reader Part 1


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I write insert fan fictions


! Ace & Sabo are not introduced in this part. This is set up !




Your alarm clock goes off.

You turn over in your bed to face the noisy item and reach an arm out to press the button on top to turn it off, giving you sweet silence. Unfortunately, you cannot enjoy it for long because you have daily chores to attend to. Slowly rising to a sitting position and keeping your eyes shut, you take a deep breath in through your mouth and exhale deeply through your nose. You slowly open yours eyes and shift toward the edge of your bed and plant your feet firmly on the floor. You now rise to a standing position and let out a big yawn along with a stretch, both arms reaching all the way up which results in you having to stand on the tips of your toes.

Mornings weren't your thing. You hated them. You always got a sufficient amount of sleep the nights before but, for some reason, it never felt like enough. You felt exhausted every single morning no matter what. Unfortunately, you couldn't dwell on your desire to return to your cozy bed. Work had to be done.

You were temporarily living in a very small village. There were less than 60 people who resided there. You had made a name for yourself as a formidable pirate over the past 5 years and it showed by your current bounty at 1,000,000,000 berries. While you were feared by thousands on the seas, you knew the villagers here personally. This was where you grew up and nearly everyone knew you so they were more than happy to provide you with lodging whenever you needed it. However, you couldn't just lie around and do nothing during your stay. You took it upon yourself to assist in taking care of the livestock, making medication deliveries to the elderly that could no longer leave their homes, and even babysitting once in a blue moon.

Your work was greatly appreciated. The villagers regretted to inform you every time you came that they could not give you a wage for your support. You always told them the same thing: "I don't need the money. I do this because I care about all of you". Therefore, you were constantly being referred to as humble. But what you said was true... You didn't care if you were paid for your work. You enjoyed it and it helped put.

You anticipated being here for at least 1 week but it could easily extend to 2 depending on how things play out. 

It was the end of winter. Where this village was located resulted in bitterly cold winters, temperatures diving down well below -30°F even when the season was on its last legs.

Given that it was still early morning, it was going to be incredibly cold. You heard the day before it was probably going to be -15°F by this time. After getting yourself ready for the day with the basics like brushing your teeth, you put on a heavy jacket, a pair winter boots, a pair winter gloves, put the jacket's hood up and pulled the strings tight to ensure it closed on your head as much as possible while still leaving you visibility, and a mask to put over your nose and mouth.

You open the door admittedly a bit clumsily since you were covered from head to toe in winter gear. The cold hit you like a train and it didn't take long for you to start shivering. You knew, however, that, once you get moving, the cold became a touch more tolerable. The sky was still dark as the night sky and you couldn't hear anything other than the rooster crowing.

Underneath your mask, you let out a chuckle "I don't know how you do it every day, Gustav".

The first thing you did was lay out feed for the chickens and give them fresh water. You also checked for eggs. Any and all eggs had to be documented so you opened a secrete compartment of sorts in the coop that hid your clipboard, pen, and the documentation sheet attached to it. That compartment existence was never explained. No one knew why it was built into the coop and no one ever did anything with it so you decided you would be the one to.

Next, you fed the horses and gave them water. You relished this particular chore because it meant you were shielded from the outside's freezing air. You used this as your mini break place. It also gave you the opportunity to greet all of the horses and make sure they all looked okay. Thankfully, mucking out the stalls was not your job.

You step out of your temporary safe haven and are met with a bitter freezing guys of wind. The one part of your face, you eyes and forehand, felt like they just had ice cubes rubbed directly on it. It burned and the gust's intensity made it difficult for you to breathe so you tuned to your side in an effort to take a breath. The wind continued to blow, blowing the freshly fallen snow off of the snow that fell from last night all into the air. It looked like the world around you was being painted white. While it was indeed still dark outside, it was gradually getting lighter so you were able to take in this view.

You proceeded to check on the cows and tend to them. Then, you made your way back to your house. The heat of the room was relieving to say the least. "Finally" you sigh. You typically waited until after farm work to eat breakfast because you loved having eggs with your usual: pancakes and toast. You wanted to check the chicken coop before the first meal of your day. Thankfully, a decent amount of eggs were laid so you snagged a few. After you eat, you make your way into the village itself but not before putting your cold-reducing outfit back on. You can see people's lights on through their windows indicating that they were getting ready to greet the day albeit a freezing one. They were all used to that, though.

You carefully walked across the slick, iced covered ground to the herb shop. This was where you were told which homes needed medicinal deliveries. There were multiple houses this time. Since you didn't have a horse stable to hide in or the various walls/fences of the farm to shield you from the cold at least in some way, you were screwed to say the least. You couldn't feel your face by the time you were done.

It was now 9:00am and school was starting for the children. You were given the task of escorting them to the schoolhouse up the hill. This was something you weren't asked to do every stay and you'd be lying if you said you loved children but you never denied the job. The kids followed you in a straight line and all of them held hands as a means to stay together. The child at the front of that line held onto your hand. They were all wearing just as bulky outfits as you and they were basically waddling. You successfully guided them to their school and waved goodbye to them as well as the teacher.

The only thing you had left to do was wash your dishes so you quickly yet safely ran back to your house. Once back inside, you removed all of your outerwear. It felt good to take it all off and keep it off. You could hear the howling of the wind and its sound alone sent chills up your spine. Thankfully, it was going to be quite warm for the rest of the day, only being in the 30s. In fact, it would be just that for the rest of the week.


Edited by The Wife of Law
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