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Vengeful Tungsten riding an experimental bipedal war machine. She founded a company producing xenogerms and war machines on planet Nuchadus.
From Nuchadus news:
"In today's Nuchadus news. The first imperial company has been founded on Nuchadus. Called Bonbani Xenogerms. They have developed reliable xenogerm technology for pony use. Having xenogerms to greatly improve their body without any change in appearance. With only concerning side effect being extra vulnerability to volcanic ash and for the unicorn version specificaly, which improves magical abilities. With the side effect of being 4 times more vulnerable to fire! The amount of that can undergo the xenogerm procedure and are willing, is limited. Due to the fact that travel infrastructure on Nuchadus is poor."


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Pure Earth: Bigest mining company. Mines large amounts of ores and gems Equus ranchers: Union of various ranchers across the Anocratic empire. Lamiňík: https://forum.nationstates.net/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=511098 Applejack's agriculture: Union of various farmers across the Anocratic empire Bonbani Xenogerms: They have developed reliable xenogerm technology for pony use. Having xenogerms to greatly improve their body without any change in appearance. With only concerning side effect being extra vulnerability to volcanic ash and for the unicorn version specificaly, which improves magical abilities. With the side effect of being 4 times more vulnerable to fire! They also have xenogerms for gootraxians but those weren't approved by medical authorities. Fequm science initiative: Biggest scientific society in Anocratic empire.

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Mixed species beach party
I think this is first time making a drawing in absurd res. It took a while to make, even if parts of it are taken from my older drawings. It is part of an effort to give forgoten Furry goo creatures a new chance, by having them coexist alongside ponies in Anocratic empire. While the people outside of Anocratic empire forget about them, the ponies that live with them won't. Not after the imperial council declared them national animals.

 Gootraxians are all transformed humans, who are twice as resistant to injuries then humans and ponies, at the cost of needing heated clothing in cold enviroments. Few Gootraxians  races have unique racial traits, though they aren't as useful as pony abilities. They need less food then humans, which is important, since they are all carnivores.

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Once again, a group of three unicorns, named Tomato Winter, Lapis Lazuri Key and Visionary Rimmer: who were given a colonization contract. Those three unicorns were bioengineered at the Bonbani Xenogerms company on Nuchadus prior, to heading south with basic resources, like steel. Using their skills, they constructed a small base of operation for protecting the city north of the base. The base being located on a road on the edge of ashland meadows.

Things were alright. Some ruins were nearby, among them being one intact building. The three decided to open it, revealing cryptocaskets, with a insectoid hive. The insectoids were lured outside, where they gunned down by a passing human caravan. From the cryptocaskets, one human was rescued, named Dennis. Who agreed to join, despite his very different ideology. Being well educated in agriculture and having great social skill, he would be a great contribution to the colony.

Things took a darker turn however. One night, Tomato hed a nightmare, involving going outside and finding a partialy damaged mystical monolith, with malevolent. Waking up and eating her breakfast, she ran outside, trying to see if it was real. To her surprise, it was really there. She inspected it closely, trying to move various losse parts of the monolith. Until a lightning almost hit her. After the blinding flash of light faded. The monolith's form shifted to a less damaged form. Unknown to her, the same horrors that Emperor Bigpip hed to stop on planet Acrab, have just been allowed to enter this planet.

The expansion of the base continued, with the added burden of needing to study the monolith, along with the monsters that would soon appear; In order to figure out what was going on. Thankfuly the very first of the monsters were taken care of with ease, thanks to human passerby.

Dennis proved to be a valuable member of the colony. Being able to negotiate an alliance with a private military company, during a dispute with a hostile Ama clan. During which, he was also informed that there was an abandoned mall nearby. Dennis kept that in mind and took two dromedaries with him, from the colony. The military company gifted Dennis their standard issue armor and and submachine gun, which he was grateful for.

Walking with them south, he found the mall in question. Dennis was far from the first human to arrive here. As there was a gunfight outside among scavangers. Dennis ran past them, inside he found much useful and valuable loot. However since there was so much, he could not carry it all himself. Good thing he brought the dromedaries with him, which went unnoticed by the scavangers. Unfortunutly, one of the scavangers decided to attack him ovef the loot. The scavanger hed a white armor and a sawed off shotgun. Dennis only sustained one bleeding pellet wound, due to wearing the armor he was gifted. His gifted weapon doing much better job at penetrating armor then the scavanger's.

While Dennis was away looting. Ponies in the colony meanwhile were studying the monolith. Figuring out that there is some kind of otherwordly magical portal inside it. Allowing a very powerful mechanical mind to manifest it's mad influence on this part of Nuchadus. What to do with this information, they weren't sure yet. The monsters of appearing as a result were of much pressing concern. With a big hole opening south of the colony. Monsters of twisted flesh, jumped out of the hole. They were dealt with quickly, however they would not stop coming, unless they dealt with their source inside.

The three ponies brought a rope and climbed down. Inside, they were met with a tight cave, partialy covered by disgusting flesh. There were were few more monsters but not big deal. What was a big deal, was giant monster found deeper in fleshy cave. Tomato Winter told the other two to retreat to the cave entrance, leading the monster towards the entrance, so they can quickly escape.

Tomato Winter decided to use a shock spell that she learned recently. However instead of shocking the giant monster, It caused it to split into many smaller monsters. Lapis Lazuri Key and Visionary Rimmer were in the process of climbing the rope out. However Tomato Winter quickly called them to fight anyway, because between the monsters, she saw an important looking artifact with some oily metal. 

Reluctantly they ran into a tight tunnel in the cave, away from the monsters. So that the monsters are forced to fight one at a time. Lapis did most of the fighting. Making use of her lazer spell to take care of most of them. The rest got shot down. Sustaining cuts and bruises, the three took the artifact with the surrounding metal and started climbing out, while the fleshy walls down there started collapsing.

Few days later, they managed to convince amas and regular humans to work for them. Earning silver for the colony at the allied military company's two bases. By this time, the mall was fully looted and unused valuables were sold at the bases too. 

One of the new recruits got them into contact with an artifact seller, who wanted lot of silver in exchange for archotech capsules, which were supposedly connected to the monolith. This is why they needed the new recruits and slaves to work patrol shifts for the private military.

The monolith's research was painfuly slow but at least it gave everypony time to prepare defences and an escape plan. Since with their new silver income, Visionary Rimmer was able to buy whiteprints for a rudimentaly spaceship. So they could get around to building it when they have enough resources and experience. Meanwhile Tomato Winter was gathering favors with the local human nobility, in case they needed them.

Weeks have passed. The improvised spaceship was ready and the monolith was fully researched. All that was left was to do, was having Tomato Winter cross the portal and put an end to these otherworldly monsters. The expected monster attacks that followed were easier to deal with then expected. Due to the big amount of autonomous turrets constructed in the colony, along with getting military aid from the allied private army.

When everything was ready. Tomato Winter was teleported into a place, best described as a "metal hell" Seemingly the same place that Emperor Bigpip found himself in a long time ago, on planet Acrab. Tomato Winter approached a moving sphere, towards which pointed several jagged spiked structures. The sphere, it was wonderful, in that moment Tomato Winter forgot about the instructions she was given. Touching the sphere through which the influence of an archotech flowed. She basked in it's beauty before being sucked in. All her sences overwhelmed.

The other colonists were waiting next to the monolith. Hoping Tomato Winter would return safely. However they were instead greeted with a giant who's eyes hed an unnatural look and feel to them. In a matter of few hours it became clear what happened. Tomato Winter failed to disrupt the link of the archotech to the planet. Becoming possessed by it. The spaceship constructed would be used to banish Tomato Winter for the sake of everypony's safety.

Squeezed into a cryptocasket, Tomato Winter traveled in the slower then light ship for many, many years. Until passing close by a glitter world. Which shot down the ship. However Tomato Winter survived the entry to the planet's surface safely, inside her cryptocasket.

Preparing for the worst. She found bunch of animal corpses and attempted to cast a corpse consumption spell, out of her necromancer arsenal of spells. However her archotech void possession kicked in, combined with with extreme boost to magical potential. The spell instead ended up consuming the whole planet. Realizing what happened, she was shocked at this being even possible. Tragicaly with her possessed body refusing to die. She would stay stuck like this, floating in space. One with the planet, unable to move, able to only scream...


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"As you may have heard, our company hed an incident while haphazardly transporting dragonoid goo. I apologize for any unwanted transformation that has happened. I promise this won't happen again and i hope i will be reelected as forepony of Liminík company despite my current age." -Jolly Syringe

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In Anocratic empire. the police is a decentralized organization which consists of localy elected law enforcement officers who come equiped with a shotgun and rubber pellets to enforce law and deal with destructive or violent trouble makers. However they do not usualy fight with armed criminals. That is the military’s job. Police officers wear purple to black gradient uniforms and a ribbon with five didgete number on it and a leg band badge. Police officers also have a special ID card containing a number matching that of their ribbon; in order to prove themselfs as officers of the law.

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Jolly syringe of Lamiňík company got investigated by ministry of honesty and evidence was found confirming a report of a gross health and safety violation. Along with allowing pirates to develop and use their own gootraxian transfur, refered to as "Azurite". The evidence presenting by the prosecutor was sufficient to land her a guilty sentence from the judge as the prosecutor looked over to the defence with a content smile.

This case took place after a settlement was attacked by pirates, most of which did turn themselfs into azurite gootraxians. Providing plenty of subjects to study the creatures which were created by reverse engineering Lamiňík's kaiju gootraxian.


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