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Use of anypony/everypony etc.


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Does anyone else find this term strange when used in the show? We wouldn't say "anyhuman", would we? Plus, saying "everydragon" or "everygriffon" would be weird, right?


The show is one thing, but one of my pet peeves is fans of the show saying it. It makes no gramatical sense unless in the context of the show.

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I don't mind it, but it should be required in RPs. In normal posts though, I don't want to see it blown up, such as hooves. I'm fine with the any/every/somepony, however.

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I'm sorry, but after hearing it so much on the show..... it's just addictive.... at least for Pinkazoid


My pet peeve about the fans is just when they talk in chracter.... like their OC or even worse.... as canon characters....




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We say everybody and everyone, things like that. I guess in the pony world: Pony = one/body, because they use it for every creature. I think that since that majority is ponies, they become careless and use it for anyone (or anypony...).



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Considering Equestria is a different civilisation, it is inevitable that their speech is a bit different than ours. After all, if things went a bit differently we could have been saying anyperson/noperson etc.


Usage by the fans, I don't mind that either. It's a non-issue for me.


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In terms of fans, I guess when you use it in real life and in irrelevant situations, that is when you enter "that" territory, you know? Yeah, some people I know do, it's annoying.


That's mainly what annoys me, considering it doesn't make sense. Then again, Chrysalis saying she "could care less" when she meant "couldn't care less" almost ruined This Day Aria for me.
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Eh, I think it makes sense in the show, and I even find its use among the fandom, at least when used on forums, harmless and kinda charming in an eccentric way. Now, if somepony were to use it in everyday conversation, even with bronies that'd be weird, and you'll definitely never catch me doing that, but online on MLP forums, I thinks it's perfectly acceptable and harmless.


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