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Princess Cadence theory

Captain Marvelous

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you know, you're like the fifth or sixth person thats thought of that...which never once crossed my mind


​I guess when you write crazy stuff, people come up with crazy responses ;)


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If Love was from 200 years ago, and her daughter is Cadence, wouldn't Cadence be a lot older than she is?


The theory explains how Cadence spreads love wherever she goes. I like it! Is "Love" a character mentioned in the show? I recognize the image from the Hearts and Hooves Day episode.

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  • 2 weeks later...

If Love was from 200 years ago, and her daughter is Cadence, wouldn't Cadence be a lot older than she is?


The theory explains how Cadence spreads love wherever she goes. I like it! Is "Love" a character mentioned in the show? I recognize the image from the Hearts and Hooves Day episode.


I just threw a random number into the story...though it could of been around 100 year... cause I had a different theory that explained Cadance age in the flash back, why one that would be royalty foal sitted for someone that wasn't anypony special and still showed longevity (a everyone wins in the Cadance's age)


and no, love isn't mentioned in the show, save that she was the princess from the Love Poison story


And that's how Pinkie Pie got her cutie mark.


But, I'm not so sure. It's a fun theory, but there's simply no evidence or background for this. It's kind of... Giant Space Flea from Nowhere.



well when you think about it, I doubt the show will ever mention Cadance's parents (unless a hilarious episode of Shining and his in-laws) and the Love Poison duo

Edited by Captain Marvelous

okay ponies, give me all your treasure.


"I will destroy all the riders"

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If Love was from 200 years ago, and her daughter is Cadence, wouldn't Cadence be a lot older than she is?


The theory explains how Cadence spreads love wherever she goes. I like it! Is "Love" a character mentioned in the show? I recognize the image from the Hearts and Hooves Day episode.


Alicorns are inmortal.


Good theory, just came to realize that it is actually canon that at some point there was a pony kingdom ruled by someone different than Celestia


And that's how Pinkie Pie got her cutie mark.


But, I'm not so sure. It's a fun theory, but there's simply no evidence or background for this. It's kind of... Giant Space Flea from Nowhere.


It relays on the Love Poison story from Hearts and Hooves day. It is actually quite concebiable

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Love Beyond The Circles Of This World


Then Shining Armor will eventually die and leave Cadence alone suffering the pain of immortality..

Essentially the story of Arwen and Aragorn from The Lord of the Rings. It's one of the reasons why Tolkienian Elves are so emo. It's also one of the first things that came to mind when I found out Cadance is an alicorn.


It's not clear if Cadance is really like Celestia and Luna, though. Alicorns may not necessary live for thousands of years or be naturally powerful enough to control the sun and moon. The regal sisters may have become immortal somehow when they used the Elements to overthrow Discord, or due to some other cause, for example.


Besides, ponies don't die. We'll never see a funeral in this show. So everypony will live Happily Ever After,™ and we need not worry our pretty little heads about it. As for the theory of Princess Cadance's origins, it's fun and imaginative, but I doubt we would see anything like it come from the show's writers.


Cadance was written to be the perfect bride and foalsitter we never heard of before to marry the perfect big brother we never heard of before so that somepony could get royally married and provide a setup for an evil Queen we never heard of before to go all Disney on them.


Filling in the blanks is always fun, however, and the official Olympic sport of pony fandom.


As for future appearances of Shining Armor and Cadance, the most we'll probably see are maybe a cameo or two. If the characters prove popular enough, perhaps Hasbro might make a spin-off series, Everypony Loves Cadance, animated in front of a live audience cued by applause signs.


If they didn't want to show it on The Hub, Fox would run it. They'll run anything.

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Besides, ponies don't die. We'll never see a funeral in this show. So everypony will live Happily Ever After,™ and we need not worry our pretty little heads about it. As for the theory of Princess Cadance's origins, it's fun and imaginative, but I doubt we would see anything like it come from the show's writers.



Posted Image


Heart's and Hooves day...though it might be a big box of candy, but I get what you mean.


I kind of love the idea of such an episode.


for some reason I want Cadance's parents to be like the couple from Married with Children

Edited by Captain Marvelous
  • Brohoof 1

okay ponies, give me all your treasure.


"I will destroy all the riders"

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Dead And Harried


Heart's and Hooves day...though it might be a big box of candy, but I get what you mean.

Oh. My. Celestia. I can't believe they went there! And I'm surprised I didn't catch that, but in fairness, it was a rather quick cut during a CMC musical number. Still, it's right there for all to see.


So there's Mr. Waddle, reading from a Bible during a funeral, and Sweetie Belle comes flying in, lands on his back, gives him a noogie, messes up his hair (such as it is) and sings "this one's too old" before leaping merrily away, leaving him clearly very upset.



Fig. 1: Congratulations, old-timer. You're next.


I mean damn! He's probably eulogizing a close friend who just died (Ponyville isn't a very big town, after all), and Sweetie Belle just bounces on in and carelessly disses him.


During a funeral.


Sweetie Belle, you are one cold filly. :o


I hereby recant my claim about ponies never dying, marvel that they slipped this rather significant metaphysical tidbit into a sweet little song about finding Cheerilee "the perfect stallion", and very much appreciate your pointing this out.


Nice catch! B)





P.S. From the collar, it just dawned on me that Mr. Waddle is a priest. I wonder which denomination? It looks like a Catholic collar, but I tend to think of the ponies as generally being Celestians. Maybe Celestian priests wear those kinds of collars?


And maybe instead of a Bible, he's quoting from the Book of Celestia, perhaps the same book Twilight was reading at the very beginning of the first episode of the series. I can hear him reading it now...


"Once upon a time, in the magical land of Equestria..."


Mind Officially Blown. :blink:

Edited by ponyvangelist
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The regal sisters may have become immortal somehow when they used the Elements to overthrow Discord, or due to some other cause, for example.


That's actually quite interesting, because if the Elements grant the users immortality, then the mane 6 would never die!
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