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Link to OOC Topic: http://mlpforums.com/topic/21145-welcome-totrottingham/

Welcome to Trottingham! For updates, a list of characters, and a place to join, please visit our OOC forum. :)


Sunny Mint trots merrily through the main street of Trottingham, Cobblestone Street. She holds her tail high as she makes her way to the park -- her favorite place to be.

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A small weasel teleports into Trottingham. The teleportation spell is rather low-flair. He simply appears with a bit of sparkly smoke.


He looks around. Really dark here, isn’t it? Not to mention the smell. This place is terrible. It smells like garbage.




“Of all the places I could end up in…” The weasel climbs out of the trash can, brushing off the bits of garbage that were on him. Well, first order of business: Find water. Also, preferably soap, but that would be a bit too picky, considering his odds of actually finding it.

Accompanied in posts by…

[[sylver the robotic dog]]

{Draco the veron (think fire-breathing blink fox}


“In fact, it can be intriguing to have real conversations with dream characters, such as physics or philosophy discussions - you may discover they know more than you do!” - WikiBooks

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Krystal wanders into Trottingham. She always liked this town, nice and quaint - nothing like Cloudsdayle. She looks around for a resaurant for her to have dinner (its just past sunset) before she flies up to the clouds to sleep for the night.

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Vortex Wing flies above the clouds, heading up to Cloudsdale and notices Kyrstal.

Vortex just keeps heading up to Cloudsdale to talk to Spitfire about the next water deposit spot.

Edited by Vortex Wing

"It's just my humble opinion, but it's one that I believe in." -Paramore


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(Enter and exit of Vortex Wing?)


Krystal spots a nice diner on the corner of the block. She walks in and orders a hay sandwich.


(This is getting exciting!)

Edited by Jarrettlicious

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Vortex Wing quickly talks to Spitfire about the water deposit, and heads down to Trottingham. He walks into a restaurant ordering a grass and hay sandwich with pepper.

"It's just my humble opinion, but it's one that I believe in." -Paramore


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Vortex Wing looks at her and says "Yeah. Haven't you asked for it before?" Vortex continues to eat his sandwich.

"It's just my humble opinion, but it's one that I believe in." -Paramore


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"Oh. You must be new here! because you have wings I am guessing you are from Cloudsdale?"

"It's just my humble opinion, but it's one that I believe in." -Paramore


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"I was born and raised in Ponyville until now. Well, not exactly, I moved here last year." Vortex finishes his sandwich and orders Rainbow (dash) icecream. "Yum! My favorite."

Edited by Vortex Wing

"It's just my humble opinion, but it's one that I believe in." -Paramore


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"I usually just fly around or I am working with electronics. Watch this." *Presses button and holographic screen with a map of Equestria pops up*

"It's just my humble opinion, but it's one that I believe in." -Paramore


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"Rich. No wonder you got to live in cloudsdale. It is so expensive to just get a cloud bed. I should get going back to my hotel. Goodbye." *Walks to Pony Express Hotel and goes to 15'th floor* *Waves down to Krystal*

Edited by Vortex Wing

"It's just my humble opinion, but it's one that I believe in." -Paramore


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Krystal waves back then leaps into the air and flies straight up to the clouds where she lays down onto a soft one. She always liked sleeping on clouds insead of beds; it made her feel more free, not to mention it's cheaper; which makes her feel less guilty for using her parents money.


(should we just fast forward to morning?)

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Vortex Wing woke up, feeling dizzy. He noticed that he was asleep on his couch from watching TV. *Yawn* "I wonder what Krystal is up to today."

"It's just my humble opinion, but it's one that I believe in." -Paramore


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"Hey Krystal! I was about to go watch the Wonderbolts perform in Cloudsdale! Wanna come?" I say loudly as I fly out of my window and down to see Krystal.

"It's just my humble opinion, but it's one that I believe in." -Paramore


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"Awesome! *teleports my money home using device* so how long has he been their trainer?"

"It's just my humble opinion, but it's one that I believe in." -Paramore


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