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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf

private Soul Eater


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Shizu grunted as her shoulders met the ground. She expected flames, but nothing as sporadic, Seth had got lucky, ans she knew it by the expression on his face. She slid her legs around and kicked Seth in the shin as she jumped on her feet. 'If he's going to rely on luck, I'll just have to make the odds of that luck much more slim...' she thought to her self. 'I cant use permafrost, he'll just evaporate it to methane, but I use regular Ice, it'll melt and keep him wet' she frowned at this thought though, Ice was easier to crush than permafrost or dry ice, but it'll have to do.' she slammed her hands to the ground and froze a great areas around them into solid ice, she had practice sliding on ice because she could add blades to her feet from her halberd form. She stood up and smiled as she let her arms become solidified in ice, "Like a match dropped in water" Shizu muttered as she started to skate slowly around Seth, biding her time to analyze the percent chance of his luck with the added factors.

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Seth tryed to keep his balance "If I don't do something fast this is over" he thought he then realized "Fire!" his feet were now covered on the green flames the ice around I'm melted "Nice trick there" he taunted he then ran at her slideing under her and landing on the other side he then proceeded to punch her with firce speed

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Breech grabed Tobi from behind and punched him in the face to stun him, "That's enough out of you," Breech said, he was trying to focus on the fight and his meister was being very annoying. (OOC, and playing other people's characters... don't say what other people will do, that's their decission, not yours) He let his meister go and ignored the dark looks Tobi gave him. Hearing Nat's question, Breech called over and said, "Yes, it's too late," rather dryly, much less confident his fifty bucks was comming back to his pockets, but not completely sure of his loss just yet...

I am an expert in whatever you don't call me out for not really being, and don't know enough about to realize I have no clue what I'm doing   :)

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Shizu only managed to block half of Seth's punches. He was fast, that was for sure, but he didn't pay attention to the after effect of his punches. slowly but surely, the water from the frozen ground, the methane in the air from her first permafrost attack, and added CO2, all building up to this moment, she just a few more moves until it was all over. 'For now I'll just have to bid time with some addition precautionary measures' she thought of a trick she learned from Marie Mjolnir when she was over monitoring stein, it didn't do the same thing but it did allow her to condense the air in the room, helping her cool the air and increasing the CO2 count by cubic meter, it was dangerous, but when she got into this mood, no price was too high to pay.


'Damn.. this isn't looking too good' stein thought to himself as her gripped his first, 'Shizu... please.. don't take it so far.'

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He poked Breech and shocked him. "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR?!?!?!?!?!!??!?!?!?!?!" He gave breech a look that said Yer a total dickmunch and then turned back towards the fight, and seeing Shizu's nice strategy going...


Anyone up for a romance RP? Just message me <3

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Seth felt something was wroung "Shes planning something but what I need to be perpared or!" he all the sudden punch Shizu straight in the fast his full force in the punch "If I can knock he down she can't charge an attack or anything else"

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Shizu simply stood there, the CO2 around her had veiled it's self as a protective shroud. As Seth's punch came in contact with it, his fist started to slow down, not a lot, but enough to slow the blood flow in his fist. As his fist came in contact with Shizu she flinched from the power that still had manage to come through and coughed slightly, in turn she simply took hold of his hand and held on to it. Permafrost slowly crept up the length of his arm covering the special points in which soul energy is released, she had expected him to take more careful protection of these areas 'Maybe he doesn't even know' she thought grimly. she then let go of his now useless arm and quietly said "I wouldn't go and using your flames with that arm, the moment you do, the heat will cause the methane to expand at rapid rate, and the exothermic energy will cause it to singe your arm, never to be used for combat again." Shizu then stared straight into Seth's eyes and let go of his arm, she then balled her fist up and slugged him in the stomach with as much strength as she could muster.

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Seth couldn't belive how much force she in the punch he staggered back "Useless? Yeah right!" he lifted his arms and toke a stance "You don't know anything" death leaned over to stein and said "Seth is able to bend serten point in his soul which bend the effects of soul attacks" seth kicked Shizu in her face and with iis useless arm he punched her sending the flame through he soul "Pinox burst!" he held

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Stein sighed, "It doesn't matter sir... Surely you see he's playing right into her trap" Stein rubbed his arms for warmth, "Shizu sees all fights in a tactical chess matter, she works up all her moves to one final point, each move has it's purpose, the water, the increased CO2, all the Methane, even though all of her attacks deal with Ice or freezing temperatures, it all ends the same... in flames. It's how she beat me and destroyed my lab the last time.." Stein had a strong urge to light a cigarette, but knew it was a bad idea. 'I just hope it ends here... if they still go on, he'll invoke her mother's witch aura in shizu...' stein gripped his fists even more tightly, hoping it would end here.


"Check Mate" Shizu said gleefully as she smiled madly and began to laugh madly, Shizu knew if she provoked Seth enough he would use one of his powerful fire attacks to finish the fight then and there. As soon as he said his move Shizu grabbed his leg and used the one move she took pride in learning from stein, "Soul Thread:Sutures" she said coldly as stitches of soul thread went all over both of their bodies, as fast as she started she then smiled and turned into her full weapon form "Permafrost Halberd" she yelled as she left him holding her in weapon form, unable to let go of her. As soon as his flames touched her concentrated veil of methane of methane, CO2, and separated Hydrogen ad oxygen molecules of water, it erupted in a violent explosion of fire and ice shards flying everywhere.

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Seth went flying into a wall but he got up "Damn she knows all my moves she changes the air around me to..." relized it then he charged at he grabbing her collar and trowing her down on to the ground he kicked her fircely and jabbed her with his foot and continued to kick over and over

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Seth went flying into a wall but he got up "Damn she knows all my moves she changes the air around me to..." relized it then he charged at he grabbing her collar and trowing her down on to the ground he kicked her fircely and jabbed her with his foot and continued to kick over and over


(OOC: Do you not read? Yer stuck to her, and shes in weapon form. theres fire and ice going everywhere. Failboat on yer end, lol.) He ducked down, dodging a shard of ice that went straight at his face. "o_o woah"


Anyone up for a romance RP? Just message me <3

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Seth continued to kick thw wepon in hus hands death came over "Seth its no use she's stuck to you and for kicking her how the heck?" Seth looks at him "I put her down still attached and kick duh" deth facepalmed "Stei take over"

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"Idiot" Shizu said as a blade of ice expanded out and cut straight through his foot, missing any bones or important veins so as to cause him pain, but not any serious damage. "Are you so blind as to what the hell has even happened!?" Shizu yelled as she was unharmed from ay of his kicks.


Stein put his hand on Seth's shoulder "Seth, it's over. It'd be best you stop now, or I'll have to play the overly protective father" said threateningly with as smile as he held a scalpel to Seth's throat. "I'd love to see your anatomy up close through means of dissection"

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Seth pulled his foot back and growled "Disection? Hello no" he smacked the scalpe away with Shizu "Fine I'll stop besides what happend Shizu exploded and now shes stuck on my hands and it's really hold" he lit flames to try and warm his hands

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Flames spread all over her and changed from green to blue, "Huh, That's interesting. Instead of melting my ice, your flames are just covering me. And it's cold?" Shizu was just as stunned as Seth was. "Hmm interesting" Stein said as he inspected the two closely. "My guess, is that since Shizu has a stronger soul that Seth, her Frost attributes are slowly changing Seth's flames to something that's so cold it's hot. Sort of like dry ice." Stein pulled out a cigarette and lit it with the flames that covered Shizu's weapon form.

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Seth stared at the flames he didn't speak nothing he just stared the flames they didnt freeze him or burn him "what the hell?" he muttered under his breath. All the sudden the flames burst All around the room

Edited by GreenWind
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"GAH!" He yelled. He created a lightning barrier around the 2 and waited for the flames to die out, and after a while his nose started to bleed. (OOC. SR means you and yer partner have to resonate, as in bond soul wise. So Shizu had to resonate with you. Re-watch the show. They rely on their partners to resonate.)


Anyone up for a romance RP? Just message me <3

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Nat jumped for joy at Shizu's victory. "Score one for miesterless weapons! Woohoo!" He shouted nearly squeeing out loud. "Now I just need to train harder so I can be way stronger than her. Then I'll finally become the next lone death scythe.

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just after Nat finished jumping up he and everyone else a chilly aura (the ones near Nat not all in the room) near them but it wasnt from Shizu it was much colder the aura came closer now its so close it is standing next to them (OOC. mysterious chill from me :D)

Current OCs


Heathlife (alt1Heltheain Magmosor

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Seth looked at Nat "Yo dumbass I'm wielding her right now she's stuck to my hands for some resson though" he didn't know what to do he knew his soul wavelength was changing because of Shizu "Thats Probley why all that fire came out" he thought

Edited by GreenWind
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Sula looked surprised. "Shes stronger than I thought... Im jealous Seth got to fight her. I wanna show off my tricks!"

"Hush Sula. Keep our secrets SECRET it isnt their buisness. Besides she fights well but I just dont see her pulling off a win against you. Although in your current state it would be a no brainer she would crush you. They still are new to eachothers wavelengths. That will take time to adjust so there isnt any danger of them challenging us." He said happily. He and Sula were so used to eachothers wavelengths it was second nature.

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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He let go of the lightning barrier. "Anyone got a tissue?" he asked, pointing to his bloody nose. He had faith in him. He thought Seth was going to win. But, Seth did fight well. He held up most of the fight, but he played right into Shizu's trap.


Anyone up for a romance RP? Just message me <3

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Flames spread all over her and changed from green to blue, "Huh, That's interesting. Instead of melting my ice, your flames are just covering me. And it's cold?" Shizu was just as stunned as Seth was. "Hmm interesting" Stein said as he inspected the two closely. "My guess, is that since Shizu has a stronger soul that Seth, her Frost attributes are slowly changing Seth's flames to something that's so cold it's hot. Sort of like dry ice." Stein pulled out a cigarette and lit it with the flames that covered Shizu's weapon form.


(OOC, that either makes no sense or it makes perfect sense and your godmoding, it's cold because of all the cold atacks you used, not because you possesed his powers... And how is altering his powers until his fire is cold in one fight slowly? Like Dusk Blade said, their powers merging like that would be a side effect of a Soul Resonance if anything. Honestly, you character has seemed pretty OP to me, especialy considering she was knocked out for a few days by a book...)


Breech was a strange mixture of pissed off and relieved, and said to both Stein and Keshamaru in particular, an angry dissapointment in his voice, "This means my bet is off, and the entire pool should be as well. The wager was on a fight between Seth and Shizu, their both in fighting condition and would want to fight, except Daddy Stein has to be the overprotective father threatening to dissect a kid because he does't want his daughter getting hurt; a real cheap move Professor. Trap or not your daughter didn't win the fight, she was just winning it. Until somebody is passed out on the floor or unwilling to fight because of their own, out of duress, will, their isn't a winner."

I am an expert in whatever you don't call me out for not really being, and don't know enough about to realize I have no clue what I'm doing   :)

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Seth was now eritated "I'm stuck to Shizu and you care more about eats?!" he couldn't belive this guy "Relly dude really?" if he were a real friend he'd be trying to get Shizu instill fr his hands he hated this

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Stein laughed, he couldn't stop "First of all, you didn't have to bet, none of you did, when I set that up it was nothing more than a joke, but now that you've come out about it in front of Lord Death, I'll let him decide what punishment should be fit for everyone who put money on this fight, as well as if he should return everyone's money" Stein sighed and tapped Shizu "You can let go of him now"


"Oh, Right." Shizu said as she morphed back into her physical form, she blushed as she noticed she was now holding hands with Seth and dispersed her sutures from their hands and pulled her arm away from him out of embarrassment. "Lord Death, would you like to explain to everyone the real reason why we had Shizu and and Seth her fight to partner up?" he asked as he dismissively waved and started to walk off, "I have some research to get back to."

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