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private The Zombie Apocalypse


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Fire Blade





Dusty Soul




Mad Butcher

Sparrow Nocturnus

Thunder Chaser

Snow Flake


Daeva and the rest of the Alpha squad were near an abandoned treehouse within the Everfree Forest. As she walked in with the others behind her she heard a zombie moaning "Braaains.." not far from her.

Everything suddenly went quiet, we all stood still until we heard multiple zombies screaming. It was getting louder and louder as they approached us, we knew what we had to do.

I quickly took out my two pistols and we stood in a triangle so no zombie will be able to flank us.

"Get ready everypony, we've got some zombies heading our way." said Daeva.

Here's a link to the OOC!

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''This is not what I thought when she said she would be bringing us Safety.'' Splinter said while rolling his eyes.

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As the zombies came running from every direction Daeva became pretty nervous, but she knew if she was going to survive she'll have to suck it up and give it her all.


"Lets do this." she said with courage.

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Sapphire walked into a store, she grabed some food for the peaple in her

squad, she then ran back to them and riped it out and gave it to the others

"Here you go, its probly the only thing that you are going to eat today, so be happy!"

"Okay dingos, im going to lead, because im 23 not 19 or 20"

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''Well It's about Damn Time!'' Splinter said while grinning. He got nothing but a pistol and a Peach. ''COME ON!'' Splinter said in a whiny tone. ''Is this thing even loaded?'' Splinter said while staring at the pistol.

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"No, take this!"

Sapphire threw a few shells at splinters face

"Thats all i got"


''Well It's about Damn Time!'' Splinter said while grinning. He got nothing but a pistol and a Peach. ''COME ON!'' Splinter said in a whiny tone. ''Is this thing even loaded?'' Splinter said while staring at the pistol.


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Thunder Chaser sat at the train station with the rest of Charlie squad. "Gaurd duty sucks compared to performing," he muttered as he started trying to scope out any zombies from an abandoned train car with his old rifle, as he pressed the duct tape covered stock on his shoulder.

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"And by that, what do you mean?" Sparrow said perplexed. He eyed the younger Pegasus. "Who said you could have the gun, anyway?" He carefully eyed his shovel. It was a crud intrument, but effective.

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Butcher eyed the two ponies, watching where the argument was going. If it escalated any further, he was going to have a hard time dealing with the two.

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"I'm ready to make the dead.......dead." Jango said, a little confused by her own words. The little filly shook her head and was disturbed by the noises the zombies where making.

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"Ever considered that the zombies might be just hiding out?" Butcher asked, trying to sharpen his cleavers. "Yeah, I know that zombie's aren't supposed to be the smartest ponies in the world, but they could always be in some blind spot that we, or the zombie itself, don't even know about."

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"Alright, 'gunner', what do you suppose we do then? Wander around, hoping we bump into one of the cretins?" Sparrow said impatiently. He was becoming tired of Thunder's cockiness. "Hey, Butcher, what do you think? Yer older than the both of us combined. Surely you have some sort of idea?"

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''Well, Thanks! Now to come back to Alpha!'' Splinter said while running off. He soon was next to Alpha Squad. ''Did I miss anything Important?'' Splinter said while smirking.

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The Alpha Squad was under heavy attack from hundreds of zombies.


"I'm almost out of ammo, Jango!" Daeva said as she headed inside the treehouse hoping to find shelter. "Hey everypony, in here!" as she hopped through a small trapdoor hidden inside one of the rooms.


Jango and Fire Blade jumped in as well and I flew back up to close it before any zombies came in.


"It's quite dark in here, let me get out my flashlight."

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"Hey, Butcher, what do you think? Yer older than the both of us combined. Surely you have some sort of idea?"


"I'm more a pony of action." Butcher scowled, feeling unimpressed with his work on his weapons. "But I don't want to do anything until we figure out what Bravo or Alpha are planning. Besides, you're asking an old stallion about something no pony has no clue about, even I can't help much."

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"I would head to the castle in canterlot or maybe Nightmare Castle in the Everfree, places like those will be safe so gaurd duty is irrelevent," Thunder told Sparrow. "And even if they are in a blind spot we just stay quiet and we're fine," he said to Butcher.

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Sparrow placed his shovel into a makeshift harness on his back. "Well, that sounds like a plan, I guess. Butcher, try and radio the other squads." Sparrow was hoping the others were still alive. The more noninfected, the more likely it was they could hold their own when they reached the castle.

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"It's not that bad. Besides, there's a lot of zombies up there, I doubt you'd like to be up there instead of down here right?" Daeva said while rolling her eyes in the darkness when no one can see.


When Daeva turned on her flashlight she quickly spotted a medical cabinet. "Hey Splinter, check this out!" as she took out some medical supplies that could be useful.

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