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Starbolt was about to say something.

'Starbolt, I know how you feel about Clover misusing magic, but please calm down.' Fae told her.

Starbolt sighed. "It's okay Clover. I'm just happy Byron wasn't hurt." She finally said in a kinder tone.

(OOC IDK How to explain your Cutie mark as Twilight.)

Twilight continued to flip through pages of the book.

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Byron noticed something strange... with what had happened with him. When he was almost turned to stone... When he was frozen in ice... Most ponies wouldn't be able to survive that! "Wait, does my cutie mark just mean that I have the power to survive anything?" Byron asked. He was very confused.

((OOC: Ok, IDK how to move this along XD

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"I think that it means you are more resilient to extreme conditions." Twilight said. "I would be careful I don't think this means you are invulnerable." She added.

"So... He can survive being frozen solid." She asked the group.

"Apparently so." Twilight replied.

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That was true... He could survive in extreme conditions... But he was sure he was not invincible. "Ok, but what if that's not the case... what if my cutie mark means something bad?" Byron sat and held his head, confused.

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"I'm not sure." Twilight responded with a worried tone.

"Well we should just see what happens." "Star, but what if it did mean something bad and something terrible happens." "Well Twi, if something bad does happen I'm confident you will be able to solve it." Starbolt sat down on a chair in the library.

"Clover you've been extremely quiet. What do you think?" She asked Clover.

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"I think she is just a bit embarrassed from the ice incident." Byron said. "If my cutie mark does mean something bad, I should start learning to control my magic some more." Byron proceeded to cast an ice shield and fire bolts of ice at the shield.

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Sky took a final look at his apartment. It had a nice bedroom with living room, office space (studio), and a kitchen. In his bedroom he had a decent king size bed in his bedroom with a built in closet. His living room had a fold-out couch and a decent t.v. with basic programming. In his office space (studio) he hasn't placed anything yet because he still needs to save up money to buy equipment. This made him think to himself about how much easier it was to be a celebrity, making ridiculous amounts of bits but he decided to start over and that it is what he will stick with. Then his kitchen had a basic fridge and sink with a dishwasher. The landlord said there was a laundromat close by and that there was a free maid service that came by every week. He was set to live out on his own...

Edited by Twilight Sky
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((OOC: Where is Clover???))

Byron continued firing the bolts of ice at his shield. Bolt after bolt, he noticed that these spells didn't cost alot of magic. He then proceeded to cast freeze blast. But then he realized he forgot the shield. Byron became frozen in ice. Inside the ice, Byron started laughing. "Uhmm... Help?" Byron asked.

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"Okay i'll help you byron, here!" she said as she froze his legs over more, pretending like she thought he wanted her to do that. "Now you can practice getting out of my Ice spell." She said as she winked at him. Edited by Arylett Dawnsborough
Off-topic content. The roleplay and OOC threads are for roleplaying discussion only. Things like that should be limited to a status update.
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Byron smiled. Clover was fun to be around. Byron tried to bust out of the ice using ice magic. He wondered what he was doing wrong. If he could move his legs, he would have face hoofed. Byron used fire magic to heat up his body, melting the ice. "Not to hard. Hit me again Clover!" Byron smiled.

((OOC: Noooo! 2 posts in one day! This thread is going on life support! Keep this RP going! I don't want it to die! D:))

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OOC: I want to apologise about going off for so long my computer shut down and is still broken so i am borrowing my friends.


Chocolate Icing walked into town, as he pulled the heavy cart around he saw other pony's staring at him. He felt emberassed and a bit agitated from all the looks he was getting. Where is the house that I bought? He thought.

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Byron felt himself being frozen again. This time he noticed the ice was stronger. Byron tried using his normal Flame Body spell, but it couldn't melt the stronger ice. He tried again and again, and ended up burning himself in the process. The ice melted. Byron stood up, laughing. "This is getting fun!" Byron said.

Edited by Arylett Dawnsborough
Reference to removed content.
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Starbolt observed them making sure the wouldn't hurt each other with a miscast spell.

"Be careful you two. A mistake in casting a spell could hurt one of you." Starbolt warned them.

(OOC Sorry haven't been active.)

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Byron proceeded to try and melt the ice. Byron could see that Clover was having fun too. When melting the ice, he realized that the ice kept refreezing. He would have to break out. Byron sent fire to his hooves, so the surrounding ice would melt enough for him to punch his way out. Punch after punch, Byron eventually was able to break out of the ice. Then he realized something. "Hey! That entire time we cast spells at each other, I didn't lose control even once! I think I learned to control it!" Byron said happily.

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Byron felt confused, too. What if it wasn't that he couldn't control his magic, it was he had too MUCH magic? Byron got that idea out of his head. The point was he wasn't losing control anymore. "Clover, charge up the biggest ice spell you can. I'm gonna get a lot of practice now." Byron said.

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Clover looked at him with wide eyes. "Byron... I don't think that is a very good idea... Trust me, you don't want me to do that Byron..." She said looking down at the ground. She knew it would hurt Byron, she knew she wasn't ready to use it, either, it was a very dangerous spell that was passed down through the Icicle family that only elders could use with perfection.

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Clover looked back up again at him "Now just isn't the time Byron..." Clover said quietly. She knew it would hurt him and felt bad that she couldn't do it correctly.


(OOC Yeah idk what is happening :/ I was having so much fun, it's probably because there isn't a very good plot right now because the GM is always busy.)

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Byron saw Clover feeling quite sad. "It's ok, Clover, don't be so hard on yourself!" Byron said. "Maybe it'll be best if we call it a night." Byron went back to his home. He jumped into bed and fell asleep, quite easily.

((OOC: Good night))

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