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Lord Theoretical

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Youtube has one of the worst communities on the internet. I'm referring to the losers that don't upload videos and comment under other videos in hopes of starting a fight.


This is an extremely popular opinion as far as I know.


My unpopular counter opinion, I suppose, is that Youtube is not so bad. Sure, videos covering broad, contentious topics tend to draw a lot of the ugly arguments, but go into the comments section of, say, PMVs? I've had nothing but civility from my viewers, including a gentleman who had a multi-paragraph long description of why he thought the musical Assassins was morally disturbing and never once backed down from his polite attitude even when people aggressively defended the play.


I disagreed with the guy (naturally, since it's my favorite musical) and still upvoted him! 

  • Brohoof 1

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"Says they don't like MMDW or Merriwether Williams: Inb4 Stellafera" - Sugar Cube

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I do not like any Sonic the Hedgehog game. I've always disliked how he controlled, 2-D and 3-D. The only thing I really like about the Sonic series is that the music has always been pretty good for the most part.

Edited by AyoMistadurrk
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-I don't care much for shipping. I've done it before in the name of lighthearted fun, but the widespread fascination with this stuff mystifies me. 


-On a similar note, I have very little interest in what a character gets up to outside the confines of their canonical media. Barring a few one-shots, I don't think I've ever finished a fanfic.


-A character's "likability" is absolutely irrelevant to me. One of my favorite characters happens to be a loser with very few redeeming qualities. I like him for the nuances of his portrayal, not how much I'd want to be his friend. 

  • Brohoof 2
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MLP Forums seems like a great community at first and it does for a while.

That is until you realize the ugly side of the site.

Xenophobia and extreme anti-theist opinions are some of the worst problems in this community.

Diversity can be to blame for the amount of xenophobia.

Now I don't have any problem with atheists.

It's anti-theists that get on my nerves.

Lots of anti-theists picture religion as an ultimate evil and that it should be stopped.

This is a very dangerous opinion because you're basically trying to control what people think.

And people are not going to like that.

I personally don't blame religion for a person's actions.

I blame the person themselves.

  • Brohoof 7
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MLP Forums seems like a great community at first and it does for a while.

That is until you realize the ugly side of the site.

Xenophobia and extreme anti-theist opinions are some of the worst problems in this community.

Can you give exmaples as to where this is found?

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  • Public ban lists would be really a good idea, have been effective wherever I've seen them implemented, and it is childish for admins to prevent me from suggesting them.

Since posting political opinions seems to be the hip thing here, I believe that all political decisions should be determined by science and mathematics.

To add to the last thing; anthropogenic climate change is fact. The end. No debate.

Jurassic Park was a great movie.

I don't view anti-bronies as a legitimate problem or threat.

Alicorn Twilight has been the show's best plot twist.

Edited by Arctic Night
  • Brohoof 3


Sig made by Kyoshi.

Cool things people have said about me:

Never heard of him but I guess just you mentioning him is a good reason not to go anywhere near that name.

(In reference to an author I suggested.)



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Can you give exmaples as to where this is found?

Usually you'd see stereotypes like greediness, racist, and prejudiceness thrown at Americans.

Which I am none of those and I'm from New York State which is known as one of the states that defines America.

This site started in Canada so this is no suprise to me. *rolls eyes*


Now the anti-theism you can see everywhere.

Escepcially on the debate section if you look hard enough.

People blame the religion instead of the actual person themselves.

I once got into a debate with someone with this particular opinion and it seemed they kept on repeating themselves.

Religion isn't to blame for wars, prejudices, and racism.

It's stupidity.


(you'd usually find all these things in the debate section)

Edited by Emerald Starlight
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-Atheism is a hopeless outlook on life.

-Every 3D Sonic game is bad

-Most let's players are just Pewdiepie clones or only play Minecraft.

-Emo kids are terrible.

-Emo kids are ruining metal with their shitty, whiny music.

-I hate emo kids.

"For every loud and idiotic kid in front of a computer, there's a quiet and passionate kid in front of a computer."

                                                                                                             --Einstein on Video Games,2014

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Can you give exmaples as to where this is found?


-Atheism is a hopeless outlook on life.

-Every 3D Sonic game is bad

-Most let's players are just Pewdiepie clones or only play Minecraft.

-Emo kids are terrible.

-Emo kids are ruining metal with their shitty, whiny music.

-I hate emo kids.

Here you go!

Not agreeing with OP's opinion just expressing a possible example.

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Here you go!

Not agreeing with OP's opinion just expressing a possible example.

I think you're misreading what I mean.

By no means do I hate atheists, or think they're going to "hell" (which was always a silly concept). I just think that the thought process that, when you die, that's all there is, is a bit depressing. There's nothing wrong with that thought process, it's just not for me.

"For every loud and idiotic kid in front of a computer, there's a quiet and passionate kid in front of a computer."

                                                                                                             --Einstein on Video Games,2014

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-Atheism is a hopeless outlook on life.


Here you go!

Not agreeing with OP's opinion just expressing a possible example.




Sig made by Kyoshi.

Cool things people have said about me:

Never heard of him but I guess just you mentioning him is a good reason not to go anywhere near that name.

(In reference to an author I suggested.)



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And here I am, once more having my opinions misconstrued. If I keep it up like this, I'll be misquoted in a major newspaper in no time!

  • Brohoof 1

"For every loud and idiotic kid in front of a computer, there's a quiet and passionate kid in front of a computer."

                                                                                                             --Einstein on Video Games,2014

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I like Princess Celestia more than Princess Luna.


Navi from Zelda really isn't that annoying (Omachao from the Sonic series is a million times worse)


Flash Sentry actually seems like an okay guy.


Hearts and Hooves Day is a great and funny episode.

  • Brohoof 3

Friendship isn't always easy. But it's definitely worth fighting for.


Twilight Sparkle is Best Pony!

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Flash Sentry actually seems like an okay guy.

I never understood why he was so hated.

Edited by Arctic Night


Sig made by Kyoshi.

Cool things people have said about me:

Never heard of him but I guess just you mentioning him is a good reason not to go anywhere near that name.

(In reference to an author I suggested.)



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I never understood why he was so hated.

He's a pretty boring character.

"For every loud and idiotic kid in front of a computer, there's a quiet and passionate kid in front of a computer."

                                                                                                             --Einstein on Video Games,2014

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He's a pretty boring character.

Regardless, that's no reason to hate him. If he is really as boring as he is said to be, the fanboys would do just as well to hate on the book from episode 1.

  • Brohoof 2


Sig made by Kyoshi.

Cool things people have said about me:

Never heard of him but I guess just you mentioning him is a good reason not to go anywhere near that name.

(In reference to an author I suggested.)



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Regardless, that's no reason to hate him. If he is really as boring as he is said to be, the fanboys would do just as well to hate on the book from episode 1.

I mean, he's a totally pants character. He's pretty useless in the main plotline, only serving as the "love interest role".

"For every loud and idiotic kid in front of a computer, there's a quiet and passionate kid in front of a computer."

                                                                                                             --Einstein on Video Games,2014

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He's pretty useless in the main plotline, only serving as the "love interest role".

That's somewhat of an important role, actually... He compliments Twilight's princess-hood nicely. The writers clearly came to the realization that if the story was to undergo any form of actual progression, Twilight could not play the role of nerdy librarian forever.


Besides, what better way to end the entire series than with a wedding scene. ;)


Sig made by Kyoshi.

Cool things people have said about me:

Never heard of him but I guess just you mentioning him is a good reason not to go anywhere near that name.

(In reference to an author I suggested.)



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That's somewhat of an important role, actually... He compliments Twilight's princess-hood nicely. The writers clearly came to the realization that if the story was to undergo any form of actual progression, Twilight could not play the role of nerdy librarian forever.


Besides, what better way to end the entire series than with a wedding scene. ;)

But they could have made his character interesting instead of flat and boring. Give him some development...

"For every loud and idiotic kid in front of a computer, there's a quiet and passionate kid in front of a computer."

                                                                                                             --Einstein on Video Games,2014

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But they could have made his character interesting instead of flat and boring. Give him some development...


I actually agree. The only reasoning I can give for that is the fact that he was effectively introduced in EQG, causing him to be less complicated so as to appeal to the child audience.


Nothing much has been done with him yet. If he is not expanded upon, I will probably end up agreeing with you. I do however put a lot of stock in the writing team.


Sig made by Kyoshi.

Cool things people have said about me:

Never heard of him but I guess just you mentioning him is a good reason not to go anywhere near that name.

(In reference to an author I suggested.)



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I don't know why people say King Sombra was a bad villain. I thought that he was interesting and I love his design.

  • Brohoof 2



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I never understood why he was so hated.

Waifu Steal-er

Hated by bronies everywhere

I need to make that a poster....

I think you're misreading what I mean.

By no means do I hate atheists, or think they're going to "hell" (which was always a silly concept). I just think that the thought process that, when you die, that's all there is, is a bit depressing. There's nothing wrong with that thought process, it's just not for me.

Well Apologies then

sorry for the misunderstanding.

  • Brohoof 1

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