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private Prison Break RP


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Looking dead into her eyes. Your lucky your a mare or i would crush you into my pudding cup. The guards change their magic from stun to kill. STAND DOWN!!! Looks at the horns pointed at him. Then leans down to her ear. You got heart kid. I like that. You take no shit from no one. I can use somepony like you. Next time your on the yard go to the south gate and you will find a pipe with some notes in it. STAND THE FUCK DOWN OR I WILL BLOW YOU FUCKING HEAD OFF!!! Calm down noob. I aint hurten nobody. Ill go peacefully. Is re-cuffed and looks back at Vinyl. The names Surge. Ill be seeing you around kid. Is taken back to his cell.

Edited by Razorwing58

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Sky and his gang of Pegasi all grabbed a tray each and sat on the Pegasus table some of the gang members disliked the fact that Sky had invited a unicorn into the group and wanted her to prove her self. Sky looked over to the pony surrounded by guards. "What a fool." Sky mumbled to himself.


Vinyl looked to Sky and the rest of the pegasi and asked, "Do y'all know anything about him?"

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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Surge's Prison Backstory

Was discharged from the royal army after disobeying orders form the princesses.

Brought Discord back to life twice

Brought changelings into Ponyvill illegally

Stole the Elements of Harmony and made the Elements of Chaos

Put Shining Armor in a coma and tried to kill Princess Cadence

Led an up rising against Celesta and Luna and almost won


Has a life sentence

Death sentence failed when he survived magical execution

Has been in the pit for the last five years

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Lionheart was a little late to lunch, as he got his tray, he saw some large pony being shackled up and leaving the cafeteria. "Strange." He thought "I've never seen him here before. Must've done something pretty horrible to get shackled up like that." He took a look at the Pegasus table, Vinyl was now sitting with them. "Oh well. At least I have my table all to myself again." He thought as he went to sit down. He looked up and saw Martin being escorted to the cafeteria. "Well Martin's certainly getting a lot of attention." Lionheart watches as Martin gets his food and begins to look for a place to sit down. "Hey, Martin! Over here!" He shouts, motioning for Martin to come sit down.

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Vinyl looked to Sky and the rest of the pegasi and asked, "Do y'all know anything about him?"


"Not much, though I do know that hes one dumbass fuck." Sky replied.

"Even If I were free, would anyone love me?"


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Martin got his food and saw Lionheart motioning for him to come sit with him. Martin also saw Luke sit down across the room. Martin mouthed "just a sec." to Lionheart and went over to Luke's table. "I need to talk to you" he looked at Luke's goons "In private" he said.

avatar and sig by your's truly
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Lionheart saw Martin mouth "just a sec." and walk over to Luke's table and whisper something to him. "Hmmm...asking favors from both the Pegasi and the Earth ponies? He's up to something, alright." He muttered to himself. "I just need to figure out what."

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"You think I should go see what he was talking about?"


"Well I dont want you to because chances are he wants you just like every other pony here. But you may as well retrieve the notes and give them to me."

"Even If I were free, would anyone love me?"


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"Well I dont want you to because chances are he wants you just like every other pony here. But you may as well retrieve the notes and give them to me."


"That's what I was going to do. You really think I want to work for, or even with, him?"

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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"That's what I was going to do. You really think I want to work for, or even with, him?"


"Everypony has there price. It wouldn't surprise me if you backstabbed me if he offered you away out of this joint"

"Even If I were free, would anyone love me?"


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Back in lock down. Shut the door.. Next time you give me a hard time i will shoot you. Chill out noob. You know you would go mad with out me...... So did you put my notes on the south gate? Yea. Why did you need me to do that? I have my reasons noob. You just do as i tell you and ill keep making you look good. Ok. see'ya....dad. One going out. Leaving lock down. Yea see'ya...Son.

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"I'm not like that. You don't have worry about it, I don't turn on friends."


Sky was slightly shocked by the word friend. He hadnt been called a friend by anypony in years. "So you see me as friend? I find that rather surprising seeing as a few hours ago you were ready to have a full out fight with me." Sky replied.

"Even If I were free, would anyone love me?"


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Sky was slightly shocked by the word friend. He hadnt been called a friend by anypony in years. "So you see me as friend? I find that rather surprising seeing as a few hours ago you were ready to have a full out fight with me." Sky replied.


"Well, more of an ally. Earlier, I was just testing the waters. I could have straight up punched you in the face if I wanted."

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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"Well, more of an ally. Earlier, I was just testing the waters. I could have straight up punched you in the face if I wanted."


"Yea and if I had really wanted I could of slit your throat then and there and make the Earth Pony that sat with you take the blame but for some reason I didnt want to, you seem to have a strange affect on a lot of ponies here because if anypony else had done what you've done today they'd be dead"

"Even If I were free, would anyone love me?"


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"Yea and if I had really wanted I could of slit your throat then and there and make the Earth Pony that sat with you take the blame but for some reason I didnt want to, you seem to have a strange affect on a lot of ponies here because if anypony else had done what you've done today they'd be dead"


Vinyl stayed silent. There was really no response to that because it was true. If she were anypony else, she would probably be dead

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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"I will talk to you tomorrow," Luke said to Krystal as the guards called them for lunch.

Once Luke had his lunch he sat down but not for long, The new pony he saw talking to Krystal earlier that day walked over too his table."And why would I want to talk to you ?" He said to the pony standing next to the table.

Edited by Flame Dancer

Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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"Alright then," Said Luke standing up.

"I will be back in a second dont let anyone touch my food," he said looking at his roommate Rodger.

as he walked over to the corner of the room with the earth pony he asked, "why were you talking to that pegasus over in high security earlier today ?"

Edited by Flame Dancer

Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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Maker stood in line to get his tray of food. Once he had it, he made his way to the pegasus table, as always. He never talked to anyone.

He say down an inspected his food, wondering if their was poison in it. He didn't know why there would be, but just in case.

He started eating, eyeing the few other inmates a bit before doing so.

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"What you can't tell?" Martin said while they walked off to a deserted part of the room. He looked over toward Krystal who was sitting by herself at a table *sigh* "Well I guess I might as well tell you. She's my cousin"

avatar and sig by your's truly
ask me anything


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"I'm here under a... certain degree of circumstance" Martin leaned in close so he could be sure that only they could hear their conversation "Tell me. If you were to somehow get on the other side of these walls, you could have the right connections set up in order to... disappear... right?"

avatar and sig by your's truly
ask me anything


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"...I could, but why would I do that for you," he said smiling knowing what the pony was about to say," I mean I don't even know your name for all I know this could be some big thing that the pegasus group has set up, I saw you talking to sky today why just go from him to me ?" He said glancing over at the big group of pegasai.

Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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