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private Prison Break RP


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Surges crew could not help but stair at Vinyl. Yo boss do you see this? This girl is crazy. What a women. Other inmates start to whisper and point at Vinyl. Surge comes off the bag and walks over to her. Well well well kid. Looks like you got some hidden strength in there. But if its a battle you want. Its a battle you'll get. He said with an evil smirk on his face. Just then another inmate yell out IRON PONY LIFT OFF!!! The inmates circled around two benches. Surge speaks to the crowd. All guys! It looks like i have a challenger. The name of the game is Burn Out! We will start at 500lbs and go down by 45lbs every 5 reps until we hit zero! Then we will go back up to 500lbs by 45lbs! The inmates get loud and hype. The first one to give out will be ban from the bench during work outs until they are called back for another challenge! The winner clams King of the Iron! So gentlemen....Look to Vinyl. And lady. Pick your spotters and let the games begin! The inmates get loud again. Surge walks over to Vinyl and offers a hoof. And may the best pony win.

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  On 2012-08-23 at 12:24 AM, 'Razorwing' said:

Surge walks over to Vinyl and offers a hoof. [/color]And may the best pony win.


"Haha you best be ready, I was trained for endurance." She heads over to her bench and takes some weight off

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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As they both take their bench an inmate calls it off. Alright are the two of you ready? They both nod. Ok then lets get it on. 3.....2......1....Go! The two ponies start lifting the weight and blow threw the first 135lbs with ease. Ten minuets had gone by and they both had made it down to the last 100lbs. Surge thinks to himself. This girl is good. Nobody has ever made it this far with me. Then i guess its time to stop playing around. They both get down to the bar for their last rep and the start to go back up. At the 225lbs mark they both are starting to feel the burn. Ill give it to ya kid your good......But im the King. Pulls himself together and starts to lift faster. Vinyl was still keeping up with Surge at the 445lbs mark. The other inmates could do nothing else but watch jaw dropped as Vinyl and Surge went at it. The one inmate says. This makes 500lbs. If one of you does not give out we will move the burn outs over to squats. Vinyl and Surge give it all the got on the last three and finish at the same time. They both sit up on the bench and catch their breath. Surge looks at Vinyl. You got some real guts kid. But the games are just getting started.

  • Brohoof 1

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As they both are given some water. You got spunk kid. Ill tell you this. You definitely earned my respect. And if i am so called to be beaten by you. I would not mind at all. Surge goes for a hoofbump as they reach the squat rack. Now here on the squat rack.you will start at 750lbs and go down by 90lbs every seven reps. Once you hit zero you will go back up. Lifters take your places. Lets get it on. 3.....2....1....GO!


(OOC you do this one Vinyl.Im going to step out for a sec. But dont stop the lift off i still have one more event they will do)

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Martin was observing the action from a distance with Krystal. "I'm starting to get really nervous about him"

"Do you think she'll be able to take him out?"

"Maybe... if she doesn't keel over from this silly little competition they're having. He's onto her and she's playing right into his hooves"

"What do we do if she can't take care of him?"

A small devilish grin appeared on Martin's face "Don't worry" he replied "I've got some fail-safes"

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  On 2012-08-23 at 1:23 AM, 'Razorwing' said:

As they both are given some water. You got spunk kid. Ill tell you this. You definitely earned my respect. And if i am so called to be beaten by you. I would not mind at all. Surge goes for a hoofbump as they reach the squat rack. Now here on the squat rack.you will start at 750lbs and go down by 90lbs every seven reps. Once you hit zero you will go back up. Lifters take your places. Lets get it on. 3.....2....1....GO!


Vinyl and Surge went down to zero and back up to 750 in about fifteen to twenty minutes. Both of them were at the breaking point. Vinyl wheezed, "I'm done... No more."

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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Luke walked out into the yard and toward the pagasus flying aria he walked in got the straps taken of his wings and did several laps around the cage.



Soliman sat at on his new bunk thinking about what he was going to do after the next two years of being in this place, Glass making would be interesting. He thought pulling out a small list of things he was going to do once he got out, he scribbled the word 'Glass Making' and then he picked up a little book next to his bed and began to read.

Something something something something


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Surge looks at Vinyl. Oh no you dont kid. Your going to finish this. As he picks up Vinyl and walks her over to the dead lift bars. This is all thats left kid. You can do this. This is the last event. Dead Lift. You will start at 800lbs and go down by 75lbs and back up. 3....2....1...GO! As they start Surge can see Vinyl is at her breaking point. Surge then drops his bar. This is over. As Vinyl fell over the bar Surge goes and helps her up. He speak. I have won this war but Vinyl has won the battle. Form this day on Vinyl is to be known as Queen of the Iron. And i am adopting Vinyl as my daughter. She is not to be messed with by anybody. Looks to Vinyl. If anyone gives you any trouble you let me know and i will personally deal with them myself. Somebody get this kid some water and a bag of ice for her muscles. As he walks off. Boss are you sure that a good idea? Yea man im to sure about this. Dont question my motives. I have my reasons. Surge looks back at Vinyl and flashes back on his girl on the outside. In thought. My little Hard Heart.

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  On 2012-08-23 at 2:24 AM, 'Razorwing' said:

As Vinyl fell over the bar Surge goes and helps her up. He speak. I have won this war but Vinyl has won the battle. Form this day on Vinyl is to be known as Queen of the Iron. And i am adopting Vinyl as my daughter. She is not to be messed with by anybody.


Vinyl was breathing really heavily at this poin and she was sore all over. "Huh?... What... Are you... Talking about."

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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Maker made it outside and spotted a few ponies from the little "group" of the ponies he knew were up to something.

He was about to make his way to the tan earth pony that was involved with whatever they were doing to confront him, when all of a sudden the entire courtyard crowded up due to some competition. He noticed the unicorn taking part in it. He would never be able to confront anybody in the crowd.

Eventually the competition ended, and the crowd started wandering around, making it easier to pass through.

Maker sighed, and then tried to push his way through the crowd to make his way to the tan earth pony.

Edited by Croaks
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Sky had been watching the competition from his corner. "What is strength without mind?" he mumbled to himself. He got out of his corner and walked up to Vinyl. "You do know it was a terrible idea to do this competition." Sky said to her.

"Even If I were free, would anyone love me?"


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  On 2012-08-23 at 12:05 PM, 'Sky' said:

"You do know it was a terrible idea to do this competition." Sky said to her.


"I didn't really have a choice. I'm sorry, but what else was I going to do? I couldn't just say no, they were crowding around and I wasn't going to look like a pussy in front of everypony. I'm sorry, but I really didn't have much of a choice."

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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  On 2012-08-23 at 12:14 PM, 'Vinyl Blade' said:



"I didn't really have a choice. I'm sorry, but what else was I going to do? I couldn't just say no, they were crowding around and I wasn't going to look like a pussy in front of everypony. I'm sorry, but I really didn't have much of a choice."


"You don't need to apologize. "Iron Queen"" Sky said the last bit sarcasticly. "Well chances are this is him trying to counter our plan of getting info on him. Im betting all my profits one of his grunts overheard your idea of swapping cells with me and hes just trying to get close to you so you'll betray us."

"Even If I were free, would anyone love me?"


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When Luke had finished his flight he got the straps put back on and walked back out into the yard and noticed a competition going on by the weights, he sat down at the bleachers and watched from the other side of the yard.



Soliman got bored of laying on his bed so he walked out into the yard for the last few minutes of free tim e, when he got out he saw a what looked to be an Iron Pony competition happening by the weights, I don't want to get involved. he thought walking to the corner of the yard and sitting down looking to the left he saw two ponies talking to each other from ether side of the fence.

Something something something something


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When the competition ended Martin said to Krystal "Predictable"

"Yeah I totally saw that coming" she said unimpressed "Let's hope she's still got enough energy to 'finish him off'"

"Not much time for us to collaborate" Martin said as he watched the guards get into position to herd out the prisoners "We'll be going to our cells soon"

"Oh yeah. How's that part of your plan going?"

"A little slow" he confessed "If I could just get an extra four hours we would be on schedule" Martin sighed "Oh well. I'm sure I'll come up with something for lost time"


Just as Martin predicted the guards started telling everypony it was time to go back to their cells. Martin got back to his cell where Lionheart was laying face up in his bed staring into empty space. "Get up" Martin said "I've got some work to do and I need you to keep a watch out" Martin took off the sheets from his bed and threw them onto Lionheart "Hang these up across our cell like we're drying them" Martin got his bolt and started to take apart the toilet.

Edited by Krystal

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  On 2012-08-23 at 1:28 PM, 'Sky' said:


She whispered into his ear, "I threw that plan out the window yesterday, it was too much of a hassle and it's too suspicious. Anyway, if you've got my cyanide capsules, I can put my new plan into action by dinner. The plan is: I pay off one of the guards, so that I can work in the cafeteria, using the money that the princesses left me. Once I get back there, I can drop a cap into a drink and leave it on the side to give to Surge. He goes back to his table, drinks it, dies, and then we're good."

Edited by Vinyl Blade

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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As Surge made his way back to his cell he sits down on his bed and thinks. The guys are right. What am i getting myself into? Why would i even say that? Shes just......pulls out a pic of his daughter from under his pillow. So much like you. She would be about Vinyl's age now. Im coming home soon. Daddies coming home to his Hard Heart.....One of these days. He sees the other inmates walk by and put the pic away and pulls himself together.

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  On 2012-08-23 at 8:31 PM, 'Vinyl Blade' said:



She whispered into his ear, "I threw that plan out the window yesterday, it was too much of a hassle and it's too suspicious. Anyway, if you've got my cyanide capsules, I can put my new plan into action by dinner. The plan is: I pay off one of the guards, so that I can work in the cafeteria, using the money that the princesses left me. Once I get back there, I can drop a cap into a drink and leave it on the side to give to Surge. He goes back to his table, drinks it, dies, and then we're good."


"Well I was going to save these for another pony but you seem to have your plan already sorted out" Sky said as he pulled out four cyanide capsules and gave them to Vinyl. "I suggest using all of them on surge he is quite the mountain of a guy."

"Even If I were free, would anyone love me?"


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"Alright," Lionheart said as he hung up the sheets across the cell. "You sure these sheets won't look suspicious? Usually the guards just change the sheets while we're out." Lionheart trusted Martin, but it did seem a little out of place, hanging up sheets and all.

Edited by Driku12
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Luke stood up. Im going back to my cell. He said looking at his gang.

Once he got to the cell block, he noticed Lionheart hanging sheets up so no pony could see into the cell. Martin, Lionheart ? What are you doing ? He asked pushing the sheet out of the way walking in and closing before any of the guards could see in.

Something something something something


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Maker lied on his bunk, relaxing. He never got to talk to anyone about the group of suspicious ponies because he didn't have the time to. He was determined to get to one of them and confront them about the situation; he wanted to escape, and that was what they were most likely doing. That's it, he thought, I'm going to confront that earth pony tomorrow. For sure.

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  On 2012-08-25 at 1:02 AM, 'Flame Dancer' said:

Luke stood up. Im going back to my cell. He said looking at his gang.

Once he got to the cell block, he noticed Lionheart hanging sheets up so no pony could see into the cell. Martin, Lionheart ? What are you doing ? He asked pushing the sheet out of the way walking in and closing before any of the guards could see in.


Martin aknowledged Luke's presence "This is part of the plan. Getting to the main drainage pipe via guard's lounge will be slow and there's a few thing I need to prepare before we finnaly break through there" Marin finished taking apart the toilet and scooted it to the side. He stared to crawl in "I could use some help if you don't mind"

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They both walked down the hall "Slim enough" Martin said as they walked "The guards rarely use this access tunnel. Some don't even know it exists. It was made two hundred years ago when the prison was first built. Since then they've built more modern access tunnels and have almost completely abandoned this one. But it's still in partial use so don't let your guard down." They reached a dead end in the tunnel that ended with a large flat concrete wall "And as for the drainage pipe? It's right behind this wall after about twelve centimeters of concrete" Martin pulled out the hand crank drill he stole from the kitchen "We'll be using this to drill through"

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