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private Welcome to Fillydelphia RP!

Solar Wind

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SolarWind shook his head at Sky. "We dont have time to flirt with Ice storm. In fact we have to get back and ask what in the name of celestia is going on. Apparently we have to house six ponies for a while and I dont know how she expects us to do it.. Ice storm if you want to help you have to find Celestia shes in the town ask her how in the hay we are supposed to house six ponies. Im gonna go home and take a nap... A long nap if any of you guys wanna stop by thats cool I think we have some salad in the fridge. If this doesnt work out I think we may have to divide the six up amogst ourselves... Man this is so uncool Celestia owes us BIG time for this one." He said shaking his head. He hated having to run around the town all he liked to do was sit at home and sleep and watch the sun rise.

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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Rascal watched as Twilight Sky left then looks at SolarWind then gives a heavy sigh but nods " All right you go get it. Me i'm going on ahead to see the guests and make sure they know where to go. " With that he started to run off towards the train station

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Twilight smiles as Applejack seemed to cheer up a bit. She didn't like seeing her friends upset, even though everypony had a very good reason to be. She also added that she hoped the pony that they would be staying with wasn't going to be a grump. "Well, if he's anything at all like he was in the school of magic he's very lazy. Other than that I can't say," Twilight mentioned as Applejack asked about Rainbow and Fluttershy. "No, I haven't seen them at all. Rainbow's probably already at the train station knowing her, and Fluttershy, I have no idea... We'll have to comb her for parasprites though to make sure she hasn't been tainted by their cuteness again."


~~Ice Storm~~


Ice Storm nodded when Solar Wind told her that she could help by finding the princess. As long as the princess wasn't around her parents that wouldn't be an issue. Though when he brought up the fact that if it didn't work they may have to divide them amongst themselves. "If this doesn't work then I have no place to go," Ice said bluntly. "I don't know if you're forgotten or not, but I don't not live here in Filly anymore and I absolute refuse to have any contact with the monsters that are my parents. Not all of us have had a silver spoon or the opportunity to take a nap whenever we feel like it," She finished. "I'll go find the princess, If anypony else wants to come. I wouldn't mind the company," she added.


Princess Luna is best pony

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Sky was back at his flat getting ready for the day to come. He took a shower and groomed himself then put some of his stylish clothes. A stylish tuxedo vest and a pair of shades to compliment it. Now he looked ready to go see the Ol' Fancy Pants. He locked his flat shut and got a taxi to take him to SolarWind's place...

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Solarwind laughed at the jab taken by Ice storm. "Because being ridiculed for being a lazy shirker is just fantastic? Because everything is so easy when your an Alicorn. Your the lucky one I'd give you my wings and my horn just for a pillow and eight hours of deep sleep. If I could take a nap whenever I wanted what am I dong here? This is about the most absurd thing that could happen... Oh well come on then lets go find her highness the sooner we do the sooner I can get home and collapse..." He said hanging his head low and trotting in a random direction. He wasnt thrilled about going on this search mission with such a pessimistic mare but at the same time she was one of the only people he actually enjoyed being around.


Celestia had arrived at SolarWinds apartment while he was still out looking for her. She knocked on the door and when there was no answer she decided he was either asleep (highly likely) or out in the town (unlikely.) Still she found it rude to intrude so she left the small apartment and continued walking the streets of Fillydelphia. The train should have arrived in Ponyville by now and that means the three should be on it. She had forgot to mention that there pegasus friends would be in cloudsdale for a while and she hoped the others wouldnt wait up. In the meantime she decided it would be best to go seek out Rarity and inform her as to what had happened.

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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Rascal already at the Filly Train station starts to wait for a few minutes to a 30 minutes till a hour he begins to tap his hoof on the ground getting a bit impatient " Aren't trains supposed to be quick!? " he asked himself still tapping until his stomach starts to growl then he began to remember what SolarWind said and starts to repeat it " if any of you guys wanna stop by thats cool I think we have some salad in the fridge. " he stopped tapping his hoof and his stomach growls again " Ahhh well he did offer " he said and starts to leave the station but stops " No! " he said loudly " I can't do that can i? " he starts questioning his own motive ( His stomach ) but shakes his head and gallops back to where they were last time " Please be there. " he said and tries to go faster and once again his stomach growls " Shut up! " he told his umm stomach

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Applejack was on the train along with the rest. She took a rest for a while, and soon turned to Twilight to assure she knew where the house was.


Twilight, do you have that adress that the princess gave ya before we came here? I don't need to be walking around town looking like I'm completely lost...

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After Everypony got on the train, Twilight looked out to Ponyville. She'd be the first to admit, this was probably one of the hardest things she'd ever done. Most of her memories had been made there, and now because of this infestation they had to move away. IT was heart wrenching when the train pulled from the station, and a few tears even rolled down her eyes. That was her home. There may be a lot of other places in Equestria, but Ponyville was her home. She knew all of her friends were coming with her as well, but the simple fact that it could be a very, very long time before they came back made Twilight very unhappy.


A little bit after the train departed, Applejack came back into the main car and asked if she had the address of where they were supposed to go. That she didn't want to be wandering around Fillydelphia looking like she was completely lost. The comment was lighthearted enough to where it at least helped lighten the mood, but it would definitely take a lot more than that to change the mood completely. "Yeah, I have the address right here. It shouldn't be too terrible far from the station. I just hope Rainbow and Fluttershy didn't miss the train. I haven't seen them at all!"


~~Ice Storm~~


Ice didn't even bother to listen to Solar's excuses. He was another one of those ponies that thought that just because he was an Alicorn he was better than everypony else. The very type of her parents abandoned her for, and the very type of pony she despised. "Well your horn wouldn't be needed considering I have one of my own. As for the wings I'd rather keep my hooves on the ground thanks," she told him knowing that it was mostly vented sarcasm, but at this point so was hers. She sighed realizing that she was being the pony that she hated at the moment.


"I'm sorry. I just really hate this city. It brings out the worst in me. Then again, if you've gone through half of what I have, you'd understand why I hate this place, and why you'd think twice about wanting to be in my hooves," she commented. "Where are we supposed to be meeting the Princess anyway? Luna would be easy for me to find, just go in the direction everyone else isn't Celestia on the other hand isn't as easy to keep track of," she commented. She thought back to when she lived in Canterlot, and how she'd always seek out Luna over Celestia anytime.


Princess Luna is best pony

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Rainbow and Lily realized they were in the wrong room. "So...Their not in the train?" They spotted Twilight and ran out. "Twilight!" Sorry we were late. We were fighting off the Parasprites at Cloudsdale. But luckily, a friend I made helped!"

Edited by DJ Cadence





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AJ was worried about the remaining 2 friends as well, hoping they would make the trip. I hope they make it too... It wouldn't be the same without all 6 of us. Plus, Rainbow is always there to tell jokes, and make us feel bette-- Wait... what's that?


Applejack noticed Rainbow Dash knocking out the door. She got startled, and alerted Twilight.

Twi! It's Rainbow! Use your magic to open the door!

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Sky arrived at SolarWind's place and decided to take the back way.


"I can avoid the paparazzi this way."


He took a few steps towards the back door.


"Almost there..."


Flash...Flash! Flash! Flash! Flash! Sky got pounded by some much light at once that he was practically blind for a second then he realized what was happening and he made a dash for the door.


"Mr. Sky Just a moment please!" "Mr. Sky I just have a few questions!" "Oh, Mr. Sky Just a moment of time please!"


They started squawking like parrots and the kind that didn't take their medicine. Sky made it inside SolarWind's place and he could still hear their muffled voices asking questions through the door....

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(We were in the train, just the main car.)




Twilight nodded when she said that things would be a lot different if everypony wasn't together. Saying how Rainbow was always there to tell jokes to make everyone better. "I'll be honest, if we weren't all together, I don't think I'd be able to handle this. If we weren't..." she admitted as Rainbow crashed through the door. "Rainbow!!!" She yelled running over and hugging her briefly. "Oh, I was so worried you and Fluttershy had gotten left behind." she said with a smile. "Whose the friend? I believe introductions are in order," as Rainbow asked what was going on. Twilight sighed. "Isn't obvious? The Parasprites have forced us to relocate... The infestation has gotten so bad that Celestia is coming here herself to spearhead it. I don't know when we're even going to get to go home!" Twilight said her emotions seeping through. "I just hope this Solar Wind character is understanding about the situation..."


Princess Luna is best pony

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Lily crawled in. "Rainbow be careful!" "Well sorry I was late Twilight. There were millions of Parasprites so didn't have time to say hi!" Lily fell on the seat but flipped back up muzzle-first to the floor. "I just wanted Lily old pal to come along!" Rainbow said ruffling Lily's mane. "I have seen worse with the Parasprites..."

Edited by DJ Cadence





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The cargo room was silent. Fluttershy, who had hidden herself there upon the trains departure, was still keeping a low profile. She made it her newly appointed job to stay from the other ponies, including her friends since she blames the whole incident on herself.


With the weight of blaming herself added onto her average everyday shyness and anxiety, she believes that if anypony spotted her they'd punish her for her actions and would send her to some place where she'd be locked up until she was old, or perhaps...sent to the moon for all eternity!


A noise. Fluttershy squeaked and quickly covered her mouth not to blow her cover. Silence ensued for a couple seconds as a mouse came into view. She sighed and settled down, smiling at the rodent.


What are you doing in a place like this, poor little guy, I bet you got caught by the trains departure having a snack and got swept away. She comforts the mouse, letting her guard down for a moment. It squeaks back at her questionably.Why am I in here? Well...um... I did something bad and now I don't know if my friends like me anymore...if anypony likes me anymore, What if they all hate me now,! And that there hunting me down on this very train! With that realization she ducks undercover once again in hopes that nopony that does come will find her.(even though shes still quite visible with her bright pink and yellow mane and coat)

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Rainbow Dash looked around. "Say, anypony seen Fluttershy?" Rainbow asked. "I wish she was here." Lily crawled and looked around. "Hello?" It echoed around. "Fluttershy?" Lily looked around every table but didn't look at where Fluttershy was hiding "I lost count!"





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Twilight sighed as Rainbow explained that there were millions of parasprites and that she didn't really have time to stop and say hi. That she just wanted her old friend to come along. "That's very noble of you Rainbow," Twilight complemented moving to whisper in her ear. "I hope she's better than Gilda was. You remember what happened last time you brought an old friend along," she whispered skeptically.


She watched as Lily searched the car for Fluttershy, and she gave a soft laugh. She certainly seemed a lot nicer than Gilda that's for sure. Obviously she wasn't able to find Fluttershy because she wasn't in the main car. She faintly heard something come from the cargo car behind them. Like something fell. going to the car she opened the door. "Fluttershy!!! Oh thank Celestia we didn't leave you behind!!!" she said aould with a sigh of relief. Now that everypony was together, things should get a lot easier. Well everypony except Rarity, but she's supposed to already be in Fillydelphia for a delivery order or something like that.


Princess Luna is best pony

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Fluttershy's face was filled with shock and horror as twilight open the door and yelled out, she covered herself, bracing for the worse ,but twilight sigh of relief made her feel a little more comfortable and little surprised. Not expecting that reaction after all. She walks into the main room and camp to one of the corners on the far side.


She was silent, and tried to avoid contact with everyone else in the room, but just enough to survey what was going on. Rainbow Dash was talking to some pony she did not recognize, was it a new friend of hers? Hopefully not like the last. She thinks in her mind as she shudders remembering the overwhelming rush that made her run off in tears.

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Solarwind led Ice storm back to his apartment. He ated searching this city for the royal pain and his hooves hurt. Back at his door he saw a papparazi "What the-" His words were cut off by a loud click from an oversizaed camera. He pushed to the front of the door and saw Sky standing there. He soghed an ushered for the two to go inside if they pleased. He knew the place was relatively clean but only because he didnt do to much to make it dirty. Inside the house he looked around and gave a small call. Inside the house somewhere was his koala Korey. SolarWind liked Korey because he was small and easy to take care of as well as almost as lazy as SolarWind.

He turned on the light and collapsed on the couch. "Oooohhh why cant I just sleep this one out? This is waay to aggravating."

He said into the pillow.

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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Celestia landed onto the ground where she was certain she had seen a pony who closely resembled Rarity walking around. She was highly dressed and thats what made Celestia know it was her. She approached the mare and said. "Hello Rarity. Come on we have to get to the train station." She said and slowly walked in that direction. She was saiting for Rarity to ask what was going on.



SolarWind looked around and sat up. "Its okay sorry for being so lazy... Maybe we should go to the station... I think thats where we can meat Celestia, Rascal, and hopefully our guests.

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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As Rarity was strutting around in Fillydelpha, the fresh spring breeze blowing in her mane, Princess Celestia appeared in front of her. Rarity gasped, and bowed quite low. She mustn't be rude!

"Hello Rarity. Come on, we have to get to the train station." Celestia told her, and Rarity jumped up and followed her. She batted her eyelashes, and kept on worrying about her figure.

Is my dress muddy? Should I have put on more purfume, no no, this eyeshadow does not go with my coat... Rarity thought to herself, but decided to keep her cool.

" Princess, may I ask, what in the name of Celestia is going on here? " Rarity asked, while waking alongside Celestia.

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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Rascal stops directly at the site he once was with the 3 other ponies " Hey Solar! " He yelled " Are you around? " he looked around more then once and figured he and Ice Storm left already " I guess they left already " he told himself then beginning to think where to go next " Maybe i should go back to the house maybe they're back maybe everyone's is there. " he briefly told himself he thought about going back to the station again his stomach starts growling again ignored it and gallops back to the station he'll deal with his stomach later " i did say i was gonna meet the guests i got to keep my word. " he said with a sense of duty

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