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private Welcome to Fillydelphia RP!

Solar Wind

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Wait, Fluttershy, come back! But she already ran off too far for her to hear Applejack.


It's good to see you Rainbow, but Is it me, or does anypony else think Fluttershy is being more... well, shy than usual? Maybe there's something on her mind?

Applejack just then noticed Rainbow's friend as she finished her sentence.

Or... is she shy of you? No offense Sugarcube, but last time Fluttershy met one of Rainbow's friends, it didn't go so well. Maybe when she comes back, you can slowly make your introduction to her, and make her realize your nice! Uhh... you ARE nice, right?

Edited by Twi Rubix

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I don't know about you guys, but I really want cake! I also want ice cream, and donuts, and cake, and ice cream, and cake. Did I say I wanted cake? Who else wants cake? I know I do! I know you do too, Twilight! Edited by bagelbass


Credits to Cloud Chaser for the signature and avatar.
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Celestia rrived at the train station with Rarity in a few minutes. She saw the pny there but didnt say anything not knowing it was Rascal. She turned to Rarity and explained how ponyville had been eaten by parasprites and tried her best to tell Rarity that most of the dress' in carousel boutique had been devoured. Back at the house Solarwind had just left and was making a steady pace towards the station. "This is getting absurd..." He thought getting agitated that he had to trek through the entire city multiple times. He just hoped things wuld get a bit easier soon.

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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Rarity almost fainted when she heard the word 'All of the dresses have gotten devoured'. She felt herself getting a bit cocky, and she flopped down on her sofa that came from nowhere.

"Why? WHYYYY? THIS IS THE WORST. POSSIBLE. THING! ALL OF MY DRESSES! DEVOURED! WHAT EVER SHALL I DO?" Rarity whined, crying and being the drama queen she is.

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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"Umm wow she's really beating herself up about this." he thought to himself as he listens to Rarity whining and takes a good look at her and Princess Celestia "Could these be the guests Solarwind was talking about?" he pondered but on a 2nd look and notices then crown on Celestias head then gasps "That must be the Princess then!" He thought to himself grinning but shakes his head from side to side remembering what he was there for walks closer and opens his mouth " Welcome! " he said in a cheery voice

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Twilight was relieved to the fact that they had found Fluttershy in the cargo car, but the fact that Fluttershy seemed to be actively avoiding everypony puzzled her. She went over to one of the corners of the car and sat over there all alone. It saddened Twilight, and she listened as Applejack noticed this as well. She added that id could be the fact that there was a new pony in the area, but said that she was a lot nicer, before going into her normal Applejack asking Lily if she was indeed nice. Twilight could only smile at it before walking over to Fluttershy.


"Fluttershy, are you okay? You seem upset about something and I want to know if there is anything that I can do to help," she told her. She hated seeing her friend troubled like this and was determined to make it right. "Come on, you know you can tell me anything," she added reassuringly.


Princess Luna is best pony

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Celestia lightly placed a hoof on Raritys back. "I am terribly sorry for your umm... Loss perhaps if it is no trouble you could help me sometime? I heard you are one of the best at designing dress'" She said trying to cheer Rarity up. She glanced over and saw Rascal speaking to her. "Why hello my little pony. How are you?" She said still not knowing he was waiting for the same guests she was.

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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Applejack felt really bad for Fluttershy when she ran back, but was happy to see Twilight try to comfort her. She looked outside the window.

Uhh... Y'all? Not to be the bear of bad news, but we're about a few miles away from Filly! She walked over to Fluttershy as well.

Listen Sugarcube, I know Rainbow has brought another friend, but she is not like Gilda. She is no griffon. She is a pony just like us! I know its hard Fluttershy, but can you try to make a greeting to her? AJ said with pleading eyes.

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" Oh umm a bit tired honestly i've been running back and forth and...i'm sorry where are my manners? " he said giving a chuckle then bows letting his head down " You must be the princess i've been hearing about it's a real pleasure to meet you! I'm Rascal! " He said raising his head smiling " By any chance are you the... umm i'm sorry hold that thought " he turned his head slightly and noticed that the track was empty " What the?... did it just leave or something? " he asked himself but turns back to Celestia and Rarity " I apologize by any chance are you the guests?" he asked "Also while you were here have you noticed a orange Alicorn and a light blue Unicorn pass by? he quickly adds " The Alicorn goes by the name of SolarWind. " he added

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Celestia was rather pleased with the ponies enthusiasm. "No the guests will be arrvivng shortly via the train. However Rarity here is one of the guests you are reffering to. As for Solarwind I can say im thrilled but yes I do know him I mentored him in magic academy but all he did was well... Sleep. But now I have to rely on him and a few others to help accomodate a few royal guests. They have saved Equestria more than once and I must say I feel you will get along quite well." She said smiling at Rascal. Just then Solarwind rounded the corner and stepped onto the platform where the train would soon be arriving. "Rascal good to... *yawn* see you... And Celestia too what an honor to have you here." He said a bit sarcastically. Solarwind noticed Rarity and he gave her a small smile. "I dont beleive we have been introduced my name is Solarwind. Lazy slacker, and laid back alicorn. Who might you be?" Solarwind wasnt good at speakin fancy but he felt that this pony was most certainlt royalty judging by her attire.

Celestia rolled here eyes and shook her head. Turning back to Racal. "Anyway is there something else you needed?" she asked calmly.

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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" Yes your highness i umm.... umm " he begins to stall becoming nervous he always thought that he can tell this princess his dream without stalling but now that he's talking to her face to face he's starting to panic " Oh umm.... well... you see i... i've been practicing and umm... always wanted to... i even made this." he turns to show the uniform and bands he's been wearing since he left the house then he closes his eyes and replays the words in his head his eyes shot right open as his words sounded like he wanted to be a clothing designer " No no no no no! " he said quickly " That's not what i mean! i mean uhh umm! " is really panicky then his ears fall as well as his head " Umm no your highness that's all " he said raising his head slowly regaining his enthusiasm he then looks at Solarwind " H-hey Solar it's good to see you to i was looking for you but you weren't there i'm sorry for leaving the group... " he said then stares at him a bit sad he starts to move his lips saying " Please don't tell her... " without making a sound

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Solarwind blinked his eyes and nodded. "Well Rascal that certainly was err interesting..." Celestia said trying to hold in her laughter.

Suddenly she saw a dim light creeping in the distance. It was dark now so the train lights were clearly visible not far away. "Look lively you two your new roomates are here." Celestia said beaming at the horizon. Solarwind tried to act his calm and indifferent self but he couldnt help but look in awe at the oncoming train. "Man I hope there not a bunch of mares that could get uncomfortable..." He thought to himself. He was very VERY wrong.

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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In response to Applejack, Pinkie Pie said


Already? Yay! I can't wait! Gummy can't wait either! It's almost his birthday y'know! He can't wait to get to Fillydelphia so he can get his favorite treat - Gummy Bears!


Credits to Cloud Chaser for the signature and avatar.
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Twilight was upset that Fluttershy wasn't answering. What had happened? she knew that Fluttershy had a special connection to all the animals in Ponyville and that it was probably very hard for Fluttershy to leave, but she's never seen Fluttershy... well being this shy. All the more reason that she was worried about the mare. Rainbow hadn't answered either though, which is both usual and unusual for her at the same time. If it wasn't something cool or awesome she generally lost attention in it very quickly.


Applejack then said that Fillydelphia was just up over the hill now and that they would be there relatively soon. "I have to say, as much as I hate leaving Ponyville, I've never been to Fillydelphia though. I'm quite interested to see what it's like there," She replied as Pinkie continued to be Pinkie, saying that she couldn't wait in that constantly hyper voice of hers saying that Gummy couldn't wait either. That it was almost his birthday again and that he couldn't wait to get there so that he could get gummy bears. Twilight could only facehoof and smile at the pun. Then she got an idea. Pinkie was all about smiles. If anypony would be able to get Fluttershy out of her slump if would be Pinkie!! She walked over to Pinkie and whispered in her ear. "Hey, do you think that you could do something to help liven up Fluttershy a bit? She seems... well even more down than usual," she commented

Edited by Ice Storm


Princess Luna is best pony

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Fluttershy continued to sit there as twilight left, she felt terrible for doing so, trying to distance herself away from everypony. Maybe there's nothing to be worried about, their my friends after all, they would forgive me...right?? She whimpered, But because of me Ponyville is in shambles, oh it's all my fault! I couldn't resist keeping one! They were so adorable, how could have I know that they would destroy Ponyville! She looks over at Twilight who's talking to Pinkie Pie. I wonder if they're talking about me right now, oh what should I do?


With the cascade of indecision befalling her and the fear of those around her, she curls herself into a ball in hopes nopony else would spot her...even though she's still in plain sight.

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Applejack couldn't stand to see Fluttershy like this anymore. Fluttershy didnt even hear what she said before. She walked over to her, still all curled up.

Fluttershy... something is obviously on your mind. Please, can you say what's wrong? I won't tell anypony else. I am the element of honesty after all! Pinkie Promise. She then preceded to do the Pinkie Promise.

"Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye."

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Clover, who was sleeping on the train until now, awoke with a loud bell, signalling that the train was about to arrive. She shot forward quickly and hit her head, she then remembered she was on the top bunk of a train bed. At first, she was confused, and then recalled what had happened. "Ponyville was destroyed..." She thought to herself depressingly. She hadn't got to meet anypony who was on the train with her, she remembered Ms.Sparkle however, and how she helped her learn levitation, and how to control her Clairvoyence. She also helped her master her family's special talent and spell, manipulating water and turning it in to Ice. She got out of bed, and decided to walked in to the Cargo bay, where she thought she may have heard Twilight's voice, however, once she entered, she realized her mane was very messed up, and decided to wait until she got off the train to worry about it.

"Hey everypony..." She said Shyly

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Applejack decided to give Fluttershy some space before rushing her to do anything. She heard the pony behind her talk.

Oh, hello! Whoa... heh heh, got your mane in a twist? She said as she tried not to laugh at her distorted mane.

Anyway, i don't think we've met before. The name's Applejack, but my friends call me AJ. Nice to meet ya! She held out her hoof.

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Clover giggled a little, and then gladly shook her hoof. "My name is Clover, you lived in Ponyville too right? It was a nice small place, I wasn't there for long, but I still was fond of it." She said, excited to meet a new friend "So what's your Cutie Mark represent? She asked curiously. "I'm not used to seeing earth ponies that often." She added.

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Well, I worked on a farm called "Sweet Apple Acres" with my family. I live there Apple buckin' trees. Well, until those darn parasprites destroyed a majority of the farm... But I do come to Ponyville very often since it's close by. I got my Cutie Mark when I left Manehatten tryin' to live the fancy life when I left the farm. But then I became very homesick, came back home, and got my Cutie Mark! I guess it represents my great skill for working on the farm! I also represent the Element of Honesty. One of the six Elements of Harmony. What about you? Tell me a bit about you, Sugarcube! Edited by Twi Rubix

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Clover's eyes widened a bit. "You are a part of the apple family??" She said rather excited. "I love your amazing Zap apple jam AJ, I wish I could describe how good it is to you, I can't believe i'm talking to the farmer who made all of that jam for somepony like me. You see, I used to live in Canterlot, but I went on a journey around Equestria to learn more about my powers... While I lived in canterlot, all of the apples all tasted so bland and normal, but your jam was like heaven when we got it once a year!" She said with enthusiasm, but stopped herself before she kept going. "Sorry AJ, your jam is just so good! Anyways... Well, i'm a part of the Icicle family, you probably haven't heard of us, but i'll tell ya about us if ya aint t-too busy."She said a little embarrassed.

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Aw shucks... I'm flattered you really like our Zap Apple jam. It's a hard process, y'know. It ain't very easy. You need to do it all right, or bam! Everything disappears... Icicle family? Can't say I've heard of that before... Why don't you tell me?

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Clover got a little excited to share something about her family. "Well... You probably know by now, that the Pegasi hoove-make every seperate snowflake for the long, cold winter, but because the Pegasi aren't magical like us Unicorn, they need the supplies to make them. Every year before the winter, the Pegasi do what they usually do for the rain, and they use their wing power to lift up a massive amount of water, but instead of using it to make rain clouds, my family has special permission, and with the power of a magical spell, the Unicorn are allowed to go to Cloudsdale once a year to freeze that massive amount of water in to ice, and that is the material they use to make the snowflakes!" She says proudly, trying to keep it as short as possible.

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Wow, that's mighty interesting! Just turning water to ice sounds neat! Heck, sure beats using your legs to buck apples. Well, enough about us. Have you met my friends on the train yet? There is Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and uh... Fluttershy down there. Have you met any of em?

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