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private Welcome to Fillydelphia RP!

Solar Wind

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Clover looked around the room at them for a moment. "Yeah, i'v met Twilight Sparkle before, when I was in Ponyville she actually helped me master my magic regarding turning Water in to Ice... She also taught me a bit about levitation, but i'm still not as good at it as she is." She said recalling the events. She thought for a moment, and looked to the side, frowning, not sure if she should ask.

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Rarity could just see the train peaking over the hill, and Rarity was amazed. It was fantastic! She waved her hoof back and forth, attempting to get they're attention. Oh, no no no. She wasn't BOUNCING up with excitement. She was just waving like a lady.

" YOO HOO! " Rarity called, and her voice echoed throughout the valley like the wind.

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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Sky just stuck to waiting behind Solar, waiting for everyone to arrive. Sky wondered who his roommates would be because he certainly did have a big enough apartment to fit two other people but he decided to lean up against the wall and doze off instead of worrying...

Edited by Twilight Sky
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In reply to Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie said


I know I can cheer her up! She'll be cheered up in no time! I better go do that right now... I'll probably need to get something out of my bag to help cheer her up...


Credits to Cloud Chaser for the signature and avatar.
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Twilight sighed and relaxed when Pinkie Pie told her that she knew that she would be able to cheer her up, and Twilight knew that if anypony would be able to put a smile on Fluttershy's face it would be Pinkie Pie. As she was talking to Pinkie Pie, another pony entered the room and started to converse with Apple Jack, introducing herself as Clover. She over heard her say that she didn't get a chance to see any earth ponies that often and complemented Apple Jack on her Zap Apple jam, which even Twilight would be the first to admit, was the best thing she had ever tasted in Equestria.


She told her that she was part of the Icicle Family, and this peaked Twilight's curiosity. She lived in Canterlot and she didn't know anything about the Icicle family. She listened as she explained that they were able to turn water to Ice and that they were the family that got to go to Cloudsdale once a year in order to freeze all the water so that the pegasi could make the snowflakes. "That is definitely interesting. I lived in Canterlot for the longest time, and I hadn't even heard of your family. I must say though, it must be a great honor to be the ponies that pretty much make the snow for all of Equestria," Twilight told her. "Oh, forgive me. Where are my manners. I'm Twilight!" she added extending a hoof and a smile.


Princess Luna is best pony

Avid Twilicorn Supporter

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Clover felt a little flattered "Well I mean... You guys saved Equestria more than once... My job isn't that important..." She said shyly as she stuck out her hoof and smiled back at her. "You gave me a couple books in Ponyville that helped me a lot with levitation, I actually think I still have them, the parasprites didn't get them because I was out of town with a friend when we heard the news." She said with her mane still as messed up as ever. "A-and i'm Clover, and it's a pleasure to actually meet you, you were so busy before I tried not to bother you in Ponyville, but now..." She stopped herself before she went any further. "Well yeah it's nice to meet you!" She repeated herself.

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" Yes your highness " he said as he stares out to the distance and thoughts start to pile up about the guests like who they were what they looked like about how they were heroes and then notices Sky and smiles and goes back to watching

Edited by Rascal
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A smile appeared on Twilight's face as Clover commented on the fact that they had saved Equestria twice. As true as that was, it was something that Twilight felt got her too much praise. After all, she was a normal pony just like everyone else. the fact that she is one of the elemental six didn't do anything to change that. "It's a pleasure to meet you as well Clover, and if you ever needed to talk about something, you should have just come in. I at the very least always have time to help a pony that needs it," she said hearing that a couple of the books in Ponyville survived. That they were a couple of the books that clover had checked out of the library.


"Tell you what, how about you just keep them if you do still have them. A few extra books on e someones personal keep is never a bad thing, and since they no longer have a library to be put in at the moment, I can think of no pony more qualified to own them than whomever possesses them," Twilight told her with a smile.


Princess Luna is best pony

Avid Twilicorn Supporter

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((Cadence will just have to catch up. This is going on longer than it should have.))

The train pulled in and Celestia stepped to the front eagerly awiting there guests.

"Man took long enough..." SolarWind muttered and looked at the door wanting to see who was on the train.

"Alright my little ponies welcome to Fillydelphia!" Celestia said happily waving a hoof in the air.

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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Applejack stepped out the train after the long ride. Howdy, princess! Phew, we're finally here! Took a pretty long time... AJ then noticed the other ponies looking at the train.


Hello! Who might Y'all be? She looked at Solarwind first. Hi! The name's Applejack. Nice to meet ya! She held out her hoof in greeting.

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Rascal smiles at the appearance of the new guests " I think i spent my one good welcome on Princess Celestia and Rarity so you gotta go with a normal one sorry so welcome to Filly. " he said having no need to seeing Applejack come out already he then turns looks at the others. He noticed he forgot his manners again and introduces himself " Name's Rascal " he said with a apologetic face

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Solarwind tapped Applejacks hoof and turned back to the train. "Nice to meet you im Solarwind." he said smiling but inside he couldnt help thinking. "Oh dear god thats one mare..." He wasnt scared of mares just intimidated by most of them.

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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It's a pleasure, Solarwind. Heh... you look a tad sweaty there. I guess it is pretty hot outside. She then turned to Rascal.


Hmm, and who might you be? Do you happen to be the pony we're staying with? Oh, and by the way, the name's Applejack.

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Clover looked around as she slowly stepped out of the train, and tries to not draw too much attention to herself because of her obsurdly messed up mane. "Should I meet them like this?.. Or wait?.." She thought to herself, thinking it would be rude to wait to meet the Colt she was staying with until after she fixed herself up, but it would be rude to present herself like this too. She wasn't sure what she should do.

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" Oh i just thought i... oh well my name is Rascal and besides being the welcoming committee no i'm not that pony you just met him right now " He said pointing his hoof to Solarwind " I'm more of an assistant and local crasher of his home. " He laughed as it was a joke looking back at Solarwind then stopped not knowing if it was funny or not

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Heh heh, a crasher are ya? Alright, I see. Well, he looks nice enough, I really hope he doesn't mind me and my friends are stayin. I mean, if I had to have a bunch of ponies over on the farm, I wouldn't like it...

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" But of course he doesn't mind i mean after he read the letter for the princess he fixed the house quickly and has been waiting very patiently for everypony to arrive " He grins making sure to highlight Solarwind

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Solarwind shook his head. "Nonsense there is no problem at all!" Solarwind said happily. "Just one question miss applejack um are.. Are all your friends mares?" He asked feeling a bit less distressed now. "Rascal your more than an assitant. I see you as a close personal helper and of course my best friend!" Solarwind said happily. Truth be told he didnt care about the extra company at all he liked meeting new people but the main reason he cleaned the house was so he didnt look as lazy as he normally was.

Solarwind was happy to meet the others and eagerly awaited the next pony!

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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Clover looked around and saw a colt that was a lot larger than her, she slowly walked up to him because he fit the description, and looked up at the large Alicorn and quietly said. "Hi... I-im Clover, I am sorry that my mane is messed up- I'm not trying to be rude because I thought if I waited to meet you it would be rude but I also thought it would be rude because my mane is messed up but I don't mean to be rude..." She said, nearly confusing even herself with the words that came out of her mouth. She smiled at him, still feeling rather sleepy. "I just kinda woke up, I was going to try to fix my mane with magic but I have never even thought of doing that before... Oh, um also, thank you so much for letting me stay, I was the only pony in town besides the elemental six that didn't have a place to go, at least, I think I am..." She said quietly

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Solarwind smiled at the mare. "My pleasure. Its quite nice to meet you. This Rascal my best friend and Sky the local superstar." Solarwind smiled. Celestia trotted over and said hello to clover. "Hello my dear I dont beleive we have met. I am princes Celestia. Who might you be?" The princess was genuinely interested in this new face she looked nice enough and the princess liked to know all her subjects.

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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Clover became light headed when she saw princess Celestia walk over. She had never actually met her before, she gathered her self and tried not to scream, she was beginning to worry what the princess might say because her mane was messed up. "I'm.. I don't... I am Clover Icicle!" She said yelling a bit, then was slightly embarrassed. "I am in the Icicle... The Icicle family who... Makes ice for the Pegasi to... Make snowflakes with..." She barely said, trying not to mess up.

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"Hmm?" he turned around hearing his name then notices Clover talking to the princess "Uh- oh..." he thought as he begins to approach her but stays a few away seeing her attention is with the princess and didn't want to interrupt and stands next to Solarwind

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"This will be interesting huh?" Solarwind asked finally regaining his calm posture. "Maybe you can talk to a girl for once?" He said teasing Rascal. Celestia smiled down at Clover. "Yes I have heard of them. Wonderful ponies with such a useful job. Im honored to have met you." She said to the unicorn who was getting her words messed up. Celestia liked this student certainly more thsn she had liked Solarwind. She glanced over and caught sight of him standing calmly beside his friend. "At least he has that friend of his to keep him organized..." She thought to herself.

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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Clover was begin to get slight headache from the light-headedness and decided to just smile and try to continue speaking. "Thank you princes Celestia!" She said, almost not believing what she had heard. She bowed down to the princess, and looked over when she remembered that Solar had told her there was somepony here named Sky, that name rang a bell in Clover's mind.

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