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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf

open The Northern Front

Power Ten

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Link to OOC Topic: http://mlpforums.com/topic/28078-the-northern-front/

For all of those recruits not in the RP, follow the link if you want to join. The RP becomes private when we move from the barracks.


Map has been attached


Your characters are currently waiting in line inside HQ of the barracks.


A small brown unicorn mare sat behind a desk, glancing over the ponies lined up. She looks down to her computer and yells "NEXT IN LINE!"


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Lucas Stumbled into the Baracks Hitting the door on the way in "oops Sorry" Quickly moving towards the mare, standing straight "Private Lucas reporting for basic training" Lifting his hoof to salute but hitting the table knocking some papers down "Oh so sorry" diving down and picking the papers up and back onto the table, then standing straight again

Edited by Twister The Twisted


Credit for the Sig go to Kyoshi

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Lucas Stumbled into the Baracks Hitting the door on the way in "oops Sorry" Quickly moving towards the mare, standing straight "Private Lucas reporting for basic training" Lifting his hoof to salute but hitting the table knocking some papers down "Oh so sorry" diving down and picking the papers up and back onto the table, then standing straight again


The mare raised an eyebrow as she levitated her papers over to her side of the desk. "You're not a private until you get through training, recruit. Take your things to Bunkhouse A and await further orders." She waved him off.



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"Yes ma'am" Grabbing his things in his mouth then running out the door past the line of other ponie heading towards bunkhouse, heading inside and choosing hs bunk placing his things down and then sitting on his bunk


Credit for the Sig go to Kyoshi

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Rain stumbled into the room next, knocking her head violently against the desk as she crashed into it.

:Oh, I'm so sorry!" she gasped breathily. "My parents thought this would discipline me a little, so here I am! Oh, I'm Raindancer, just to let you know." She cheerfully bounced to her feet.


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Mark stood in the line while the mare walked into the room, he quickly started looking at his surroundings, he then stood up a looked stern fully at the door, ready for the mare to say "Next" so he could walk in.

Edited by MrL0LZlicious


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Rain stumbled into the room next, knocking her head violently against the desk as she crashed into it.

:Oh, I'm so sorry!" she gasped breathily. "My parents thought this would discipline me a little, so here I am! Oh, I'm Raindancer, just to let you know." She cheerfully bounced to her feet.


The unicorn, used to seeing all sorts of ponies come through this room, merely sighed and tapped a few keys on her keyboard. "Raindancer... Bunkhouse B. Take your things there and await further orders. NEXT!"


(That's you L0LZ)

Edited by Power Ten

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Rain made a clumsy salute and then turned to fly out, rather crashing into the doorframe. With a weak "I'm okay" and wave to the stallion that had been behind her she made her way to the bunkhouse. It took her a while with a headache from the two crashes making her vision blurry, but she found it.


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Mark walked into the room and saluted sternfully. "Recruit Mark reporting for training ma'am." He stared at the mare and quickly took in the room through the corners of his eyes. He looked back to the mare and waited for a response.


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Hypno, Clocks, and Storm all walked in a few seconds later and got in line silently. Clocks looked back at Hypno "This is going to be so much damn work that i don't want to do"


Hypno smacked him on the head "If you wouldn't of gotten in trouble with the police we wouldn't be in this mess"

I'll Give You A Chickey Bucket, Boy.

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Mark walked into the room and saluted sternfully. "Recruit Mark reporting for training ma'am." He stared at the mare and quickly took in the room through the corners of his eyes. He looked back to the mare and waited for a response.


"Ah, Mark... You are in Bunkhouse A. Bring your things there and await orders." She waved mark towards the door and typed some more data into her computer. How many more idiots do I have to wade through before break? "NEXT!"

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The three walked up.


"Recruit Clocks, reporting for boring" Clocks said with a sigh in a lazy tone.


"Recruit Storm cloud, reporting for duty" Storm said respectively.


"Recruit Hypno, reporting for duty" Hypno said last

Edited by Hypno

I'll Give You A Chickey Bucket, Boy.

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Quick Steed walked up


"Quick Steed reporting in!" he said enthusiastically, he was hoping for a few weeks of excitement to make up for his mostly boring life, he thought about how awesome this was,...

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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The three walked up.


"Recruit Clocks, reporting for boring" Clocks said with a sigh in a lazy tone.


"Recruit Storm cloud, reporting for duty" Storm said respectively.


"Recruit Hypno, reporting for duty" Hypno said last


The mare tried to object, seeing as this was supposed to be one at a time, but she realized she didn't care. "You three are in Bunkhouse C. Take your things over there and await orders." She motioned towards the door.



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The three grabbed their bags and walked out of the building. They then walked over to their bunk house and opened the door, walking in and setting their bags down. Clocks immediately jumped into a bed once he found one.

I'll Give You A Chickey Bucket, Boy.

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Quick Steed walked up


"Quick Steed reporting in!" he said enthusiastically, he was hoping for a few weeks of excitement to make up for his mostly boring life, he thought about how awesome this was,...


The unicorn yawned, "Quick Steed... Quick Steed Quick Steed Quick Steed... Ah! There we are!" She muttered, locating his name on the screen. "You are in Bunkhouse A. Report there with your things and await orders."




(you may want to reply to Skullbuster first he reported be fore me)


Usaf walks up to the desk stands one pace away and snaps to attention gives a salute

"Ma'am recrut Usaf reporting in for training."


"Indeed you are." She said dryly. "You are going to be in Bunkhouse C. Report there and await further orders."

Edited by Power Ten

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Quick Steed flew over to bunkhouse A and saw some one was already there, a fellow pegasus, Quick Steed felt better already, he put his things down by a bed and said "hey who are you?" to the other pony

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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A gritty voice rang throughout the Barracks from the loudspeakers. "ALL NEW RECRUITS! REPORT TO THE FIGHTING RINGS ON THE DOUBLE!"


A few ponies were already gathered at the rings, wondering why they were called there.

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Clocks noticed Usaf enter. "Oh, i hope dey send some mares in here. Id like to meet dem" He commented just as Hypno socked him in the face "We were sent here to control ourselves, not take do the same thing..."

I'll Give You A Chickey Bucket, Boy.

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Lucas Looked up seeing the new pony "Oh, Hi, im Um Lucas" Lucas stood quickly walking over to the new pony holding his hoof out "Lucas Shadowcaste, and yourself?" Smiling at the pegasus glad to see another one here aswell


Credit for the Sig go to Kyoshi

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After Clocks slapped Hypno back, the three heard the loudspeaker "Urrrrrgggghhhhhhhh" Clocks moaned "I wanted to rest tooooooo" He whined as the three left to the fighting arena.

I'll Give You A Chickey Bucket, Boy.

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"Im Quick Steed!" the anoument was made "oh we got to go, we will talk later"


Quick Steed made his way to the fighting ring, wondering what was going on, maybe there would be a fight, Quick Steed was good at fighting, or least he thought he was, he was pretty sure he won a bar fight he was in a few weeks ago, but then again he was drunk...he totally won that fight

Edited by SkullBuster

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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