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[Drawing] Ponies, Silent Hill style


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Hi there,


This will be my first art submission-y thing.


Basically, I was searching up some Silent Hill stuff (SH3 is really hard -_-*) And I had an idea;

Why not, considerin' all of the Silent Ponyville fan-art, I do something like that?

Thus, this was formed.


My idea, Ponies + Zombie-Demon, Monstery things. I realized that my drawing style is perfect for something like this.


I'll be uploading my art once I get back from a few hours of boredom, stuck in IKEA with mah parents.

Look a few posts down for it!



Ah well, I've also got my biggest ever Pixel art piece forming together well. You'll have to see what it is yourself if you're interested, I'll tell you one thing - It's based on Silent Hill 3's Closer enemy (Combined with quad-style pony)


As said, my drawn submission will be up in wonderful 3-pixel quality (Ohh, my camera has almost 3.2 Pixels, Yeah, PIXELS not Megapixels! Radical!) I'll post up later.


I want to know if anyone else is interested in doing some form of Collab. (Be it comic of any style, or any other form.)


Scroll down for the stuff!

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Alright then, sorry about the wait (Internet provider = BT....IT SUCKS!)

So here we are, my first of a few 'Silent' Series.


It's called the Silent Guard, because I'm bad at naming things ^-^

(I'm no artist....As you can tell...^-^)





Both are the same, but my camera sucks so I had to take a few to get a better one.

These are the two best shots.


As in true Silent-Hill style, I'll give you the basic run-down of the beast.


Name: Silent Guard/Blind Guard


Form: Quad


Symbolism: It represents Celestia's guards Blind devotion and Unquestioning following of her orders - no matter what happened or who got hurt.


Detail: The Silent/Blind Guard's Eyes are sewn shut to show it's figurative blindness and It's jaw muscles have rotted away as it would never speak out against it's fear of the ruler.

The Bandages wrapped around it's stumps of back-legs represent it's Bull-headedness and it's inability to assess things for itself, just doing what the Princess says.

The front legs: One has the armor of the royal guard bound to it's muscle through the flesh, showing it's wish for eternal servitude and loyalty to the ruler. The other leg is wrapped in bandages to show it's punishment should it try to save any life in the way of it's ruler's wishes.

The spear shows it's undying (Heh!) loyalty, even on the battlefield to protect it's ruler, it is however, unknown as to whether it was an allied or enemy attack.


It uses the spear to keep itself standing as it's back legs are gone.

The spear scrapes along the ground, producing a loud, high-pitched grate of metal.

It's mouth is forever open in it's great amount of pain caused by the spear and it's slowly rotting skin and muscle.


Well, that was grim, I guess I like this project a lot to write all of that.

More shall come, eventually. I have a load of free-time to draw, so expect more soon (And maybe a BG drawing too!)


Contain your excitement and amazement, please.


Let me know what you think, Criticism is welcome and helps me improve on my dire talent.




The 2nd of these, the 'Broken Guard'

Is Pixel-art and is taking Bloody ages!

It's still going, but I expect it to be up by the end of the week.

Here's a couple of Previews of parts (I put them together once I've done them.)





Front legs:



WARNING BLOOD (as if I needed to say that.)




  On 2012-08-18 at 8:54 PM, 'Doctor Derp' said:

Oh man, I'm anticipating the crap out of these pictures. Ponies + Silent Hill= AWESOME. Just like ponies and Fallout... but creepier. Hurry at IKEA!


  On 2012-08-19 at 12:59 AM, 'LessThanNormal' said:

This will indeed be very intresting. I also cannot wait to see how this will develope. I really hope to see it.


  On 2012-08-19 at 1:02 AM, 'Blueheart48' said:

Ooh sounds like a very good idea, can't wait to see how they'll turn out. I love when games and ponies go together...


  On 2012-08-19 at 1:16 AM, 'Nenni' said:

This is a very interesting concept! I would love to see how it ends up turning out! Best of luck man it's an awesome idea! :wub:


Well here it is, The drawing and previews of the Pixel stuff.


What do you think...(No swears to describe the Awe-inspiring artwork please.)

I know that it;s just AMAZING and you've never see such brilliant art before...............


¬.¬ Imma shut up now...




Jus' tell me whatcha' think.

Be honest.





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I'm not going to lie and say it's on par with the animation of the series, but it's definitely not bad. I like the concept and the symbolism a lot. The mane is short, and there's no tail? Not bad, though. Keep practicing and you may be onto something pretty awesome. I can't wait to see what you do next!

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This turned out a whole lot better than I expected, and I expected something great, so this is beyond what I had in mind! Absolutely amazing, can't wait to see the rest of them. In the digital art, i hope this doesn't offend you in any way, but the colors seem a bit off from silent hill's colors. Other than that, it's excellent, must see more.

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  On 2012-08-19 at 6:42 PM, 'Doctor Derp' said:

I'm not going to lie and say it's on par with the animation of the series, but it's definitely not bad. I like the concept and the symbolism a lot. The mane is short, and there's no tail? Not bad, though. Keep practicing and you may be onto something pretty awesome. I can't wait to see what you do next!


Eh, I'm new to Pony-style drawings, I'm used to my usual Furriku-Style (I don't really expect you to know what that even means - I made the word to describe it myself ^-^)


Just...The animation form the actual series, as in the imagery?

That's a pretty steep expectation there ^-^ I'll try my best to improve over the next few weeks.


I feel compelled to do better, thanks! To even compare me to the actual thing...Woah....I'm honoured.


The mane is short because...It is.......I guess, What a useful explanation.

the tail......Um....no back legs, very little hind-quarters at all really.....Yeah, I'm just using excuses...I think I didn't want a tail in there because it looked a little odd, that's all, I can't change it after I've done it anyway, I draw in Biro, straight away, no pencil or anything.

It allows my style to be darker and stronger than usual.




thanks for the honesty by the way, now I can actually get better!


  On 2012-08-19 at 6:54 PM, 'Blueheart48' said:

This turned out a whole lot better than I expected, and I expected something great, so this is beyond what I had in mind! Absolutely amazing, can't wait to see the rest of them. In the digital art, i hope this doesn't offend you in any way, but the colors seem a bit off from silent hill's colors. Other than that, it's excellent, must see more.


You must've expected a little lower than usual then ^-^

I'm no pro artist.

I'm glad that I met and surpassed you're expectations, that means a surprising amount to me on my 2nd ever pony drawing and 1st ever Silent-Hill style thing (I do dark and bloody stuff a lot though.)


As for the Pixel stuff, I'm finding it hard to make it very SH-esque with my current Pallette, It's all too bright and the colours of SH are all murky blurry reds and greys with bits of green and yellow. My pallette only works in the same way as a standard 16 bit one (Snes I think)


I'll work at it though, thanks!



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  On 2012-08-19 at 8:25 PM, 'Honey Puff' said:

Wow, I love the consept and the art already~

Have you ever seen the Amnesia styled fluttershy before as well?


I'm not really into Amnesia, I prefer actually being able to change the fate of the character with some form of weapon - I guess it kinda makes it more scarey as you react more naturally with a 6x4 nail-board in your hand, the horror really hits home with SH...And doom3 surprisingly..


I'm gonna check out AmnesiaShy now though, PonyXGames, especially horror, is awesome.

Well that was....Cool!

AmnesiaShy is kinda awesome, I think that she was used in my Little Amnesia.

I don't really get the torture though, looks almost like Jigsaw'd pop up on a nearby TV and say something about a device strapped to her neck..."How much blood will you shed to stay alive, FlutterShy? Live or die, make your choice."


Yeah, I'm a SAW fan too!



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Dude thats cool especially since your new to pony drawings. I really liked the art but yea as said before no tail was kinda of weird to me but besides that I liked it. Cant wait to see more work :)

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The next two drawings will be up soon, very soon, today, in fact.

They're already done:


The 'Coward Guard' and the 'Wandering Citizen' are they're names.

The guard went a bit wrong to start with so it's a little rough (well, considerin' it's me, quite rough ^-^)

And it's expression will probably make you, quite literally, shout "The Derp, AARGH! Help, save me from the Derp!" Or something like that....


Guard is based on the Royal guard, with some down-graded armour.

Citizen is based somewhat on LeatherFace and SlenderMane combined (It was an unintentional similarity.) ^-^




>>>[Watch this space.]<<<


The 'Coward Guard'



This guard used to serve the princess, but eventually, the fear and pain it was forced to cause to others corrupted it's loyalty.


It's head is, quite literally, on a pike. It tried to escape the royal service and was executed.

The long, dark tongue symbolizes It's attempts to corrupt other guards from their duties, with it's dulled, but literal 'Silver Tongue' placed in it's head as a cruel joke and as a warning to the other guards by the princess.


Despite being having a large spear through it, this creature can still move about fine. The bandages around it's neck symbolize it's attempts to escape it's ruler's service through means of fake injury.


It's armor is tarnished and dirty but it still clings to the body of the guard, symbolizing the fact that the Ruler's services can never be completed or fled.




Sorry about the lack of quality (Both photo, and run-down of what it symbolizes - I was a bit out of ideas and I don't really like this one much.)



Next: The 'Wandering Citizen'





The 'Wandering Citizen' is nothing more than a generic life of the Ruler's Castle town.


The Pony-leather shrouds around it's body cover it's identity to make sure it doesn't stand out as being special or unusual, so as to not gain the Ruler's attention.


The fact that the shrouds are made of pony-leather show the great lengths that the townsfolk will go to to make sure they don't attract the princesses' attention. The leather is of it's own skin.and that of any weak body or that of any-being that stood out too much, drawing attention to itself and the town.


The shrouds have been padded out to create the impressions of wings and a horn. All of the townsfolf wear their shrouds padded out like this to further remove any oddities. Actual unicorns and pegasi cannot be detected because of this.





Let me know what you think.

I'm gonna call this project the 'Silent Project' unless anyone has a problem with that OR has a better name.


At long(ish) last, the latest is created:

'The Dressmaker'






The cloak is stitch together from various creature's hides, be it pony, gryphon, or dragon.

They show the fact that loyalty to the princess has no discrimination, all that gets in the way shall be destroyed.


The fact that one of the eyes is sewn shut shows that this used to be a pony that cared for others, but she was blinded by her own greed, seeing that she could earn more from creating what the higher-ups wanted, not what would be created by her choice.


The chain represents her eternal binding to the ruler, chained through skin, muscle and bone, showing that the loyalty is more than *Puts shades on* Skin deep! (Yeah!)


The floating needle and thread show her undying forced-will to work and create for her ruler.


The havok-Mane shows the madness that her new life condemned her to, over-work, constant stress and severe punishment if her work is not of sufficient quality.


The floating gem-like item is a cruel torture from the ruler, forever reaching for it, she can never reach it. It is the very meaning of beauty to her, making the torture worse as she can never, ever hope to reach it.


Her skin and tail are also stitched. They are taken from pony's bodies, whether they are alive or dead, when she deems them to be more beautiful than her real skin and fur. She takes the best for herself, leaving the others to fight for what is left.




A little thing I thought up while drawing:


'By thread and needle, I work,

Through the dead and dying, I walk.

Never stopping to look,

Never looking to stop,

I work...'




Next up: Big Mac/Pyramid head. going to be called 'The Darkness of Honesty'

To be uploaded: Within a few days.

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Nice drawings! I like what they symbolize, and their designs are creative too. They're pretty creepy. ^_^ Especially the "Wandering Citizen." They're not very show accurate, but what would you expect, they're deformed Silent Hill ponies...


Anyway, some criticism: the legs on your drawings are too short and stubby (except the first one's) and they're also a bit too far apart. The body lengths are too long. The necks are also a little too thin. That's all the criticism I'll provide since you're supposed to deform Silent Hill ponies :P


(Also, you have nearly my exact handwriting except mine is a bit sloppier. o_o That seriously freaked me out)

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  On 2012-08-24 at 6:07 PM, 'cleva' said:

Nice drawings! I like what they symbolize, and their designs are creative too. They're pretty creepy. ^_^ Especially the "Wandering Citizen." They're not very show accurate, but what would you expect, they're deformed Silent Hill ponies...


Anyway, some criticism: the legs on your drawings are too short and stubby (except the first one's) and they're also a bit too far apart. The body lengths are too long. The necks are also a little too thin. That's all the criticism I'll provide since you're supposed to deform Silent Hill ponies :P


(Also, you have nearly my exact handwriting except mine is a bit sloppier. o_o That seriously freaked me out)


Thanks so much for the review-y thing,

I can see exactly what you mean by the proportions being off and bodies too long Etc.

That's mainly due to my newness to drawing 4 legged animals and also - these few pics are my only ever MLP style drawings.

I'm used to drawing Fur..So...Yeah..


The thing with the handwriting, As soon as I read that I scrolled straight up thinking 'Where's my handwriting? what? How does..Meh?!'


hopefully my drawing will get better as this goes on, 'The Silent Project' (TSP) will continue indefinitely.



P.s. Lovin' the avatar, Scoots is 2nd best filly...(After AB, sorry.)

  On 2012-08-24 at 6:10 PM, 'Lillia' said:

This is absloutely the most thread I have ever seen on this forum. But can I say I hope Hasbro doesn't include THESE ponies?


Okay, I'm a little confused with that...Typo?

'The most thread' ?

I'm hoping it's a good thing, but I have to ask...What does that mean? am I being stupid? was it a typo? is it an expression that happens to be beyond me? is the world flat? Am I real? Is life real? Is this a dream?....Yeah, I'll shut up now :)

Heh, not involving these ponies? I think I could complain about that and get it changed, if you can complain about how a character sounds Etc.. ^-^



P.s. I think I confused myself there ^-^

  On 2012-08-24 at 8:44 PM, 'Dusty Soul' said:

It's a nice idea and the drawings seem well done. The symbolism is awesome. So I have to say I liked the pictures.


Thanks for the complement...Unless you're trying to make me feel better about being bad....Which I'm guessing you're not..?

Ah well, the drawings will hopefully get better as I go, TSP will go on...I think my symbolism has gone downhill since the first one though, It's kinda difficult to think of....'Darkness of Honesty' should be easier though.



P.s. Black Sabbath = Awesome...

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Loving this more and more, the symbolism is superb!! Gosh.. I love when creatures/"things" have big symbolism.. (The Suffering)!!... and as said before, they're a bit disproportionate, nothing thats actually bad; you can obviously tell their ponies, with a silent hill twist; they're whole alot better than other drawings I've seen before...(trust me) Keep on w/ your ideas and the good work!

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  On 2012-08-24 at 9:51 PM, 'NastyMann' said:

The symbolism detailed in your drawings reminds me a lot about Silent Hill 2 (my favorite) where symbolism was everything. I genuinely love these.


Yeah, Silent Hill 2 was my first SH and it's pretty much the most awesome SH ever. Everyone agrees...Shame I my PC stopped playing it shortly after the first appartments...:(


My symbolism isn't half as good as the SHwikia's - That is ridiculously detailed! I wonder if I'll ever be good enough to be mentioned near there....I can dream..Maybe TV tropes first^-^




  On 2012-08-24 at 11:41 PM, 'Scootabloom' said:

Ewww... It looks like Silent Hill alright, so good job on the accuracy, but it's still very gross haha...


Thanks..But gross? You h'ain't seen a thing yet my friend...*Evil laugh/Sturmgeist Accent* Zey Vill only get vorse!

Nah, my normal style is pretty dark, I've got a few drawings that actually (Somehow) scared people...

And then I have 'Stitch Face' - The only Fur-dude to have both eyes sewn shut and a rotten jaw...

I'll shut up now before I creep you out any more ^-^




  On 2012-08-25 at 5:03 AM, 'Blueheart48' said:

Loving this more and more, the symbolism is superb!! Gosh.. I love when creatures/"things" have big symbolism.. (The Suffering)!!... and as said before, they're a bit disproportionate, nothing thats actually bad; you can obviously tell their ponies, with a silent hill twist; they're whole alot better than other drawings I've seen before...(trust me) Keep on w/ your ideas and the good work!


Well, symbolism is about 50% of this project - It really helps to think of what they're gonna symbolize before I draw 'em though...thinking it up afterwards is a bit difficult...^-^


P.s. The message earlier was from my phone, too early for internet and I was awoken at 5:00 after I blinked...Sounds odd and I'll try to explain once I've worked out what happened.....That should take care of my dodgy spellings and grammar on there ^-^




  On 2012-08-25 at 5:18 AM, 'Bailey Peppersprout' said:

Wow, this is pretty... something. Interesting. XD


Someone should totally draw a pony version of Pyramid Head.


You mention that...As I do it!

My original sketch for Him was done, but I messed up slightly and when you draw straight in Biro, you can't mess up as badly as going over something badly.

But using that sketch I'm re-doing it, making it awesome(er).

Here's a hint....It's based partially on a Metal masked Big Macintosh, with a few other amusing details...Like a Buckin' MASSIVE knife.

(Yep, knife, not sword, it's official...SH:R3D creators confirmed it!)




  On 2012-08-25 at 5:28 AM, 'VOODOO' said:

Ohhh, I really like the "Wandering Citizen". Reminds me of that one guy, ummm, Pryramid Head, I think he's called...?


Thanks, 'Wandering Citizen' and 'Silent Guard' are my best so far I think...Glad to see someone else partly agrees with me ^-^

Pyramid Head, Red Devil, The conscience executioner, James' pursuer...He has a lot of names...Assumin' we're talking about the same guy....



This guy...Less amusing though, right? ^-^



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