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open Dead Silent Ponyville.

Cherry Blossom

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lieutenant sparkle has just been assighned an out post in ponyville to see if its an "a ok" againts any terrorist."this war is draging on forever " lieutenant thought to his self as he flew to his new outpost. his mission is to figure out whats been going on around ponyville. "one of our platoons went black when they reached somewhere between ponyville and the everfree forest" commander steelwing said.as the lieutenant lands on the dirt road of ponville he remembers that he needs to report his findings to the commander. " well maybe i should ask one of the ponys here and finaly get some answers"

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"I don't have a problem with you being leader." Misty said smugly. Now that Octavinyl was out of the way, they would have a higher chance at survival. And, she didn't have to kill the white mare. It was win-win. "So boss, what is our next plan of action? We got all the food out of that building, and we have weapons and armor. Anything else we need from this outpost." Misty's eyes darted around. She felt like zombies could be closing in on their position. They needed to move soon.


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Octavinyl walked around town, but she was losing her mind. Some figures had started to follow her slowly, she didn't care to notice them. "I remember living most of my life here..." She said to nopony as she started flying to the middle of Ponyville. Her music playing headset kept her from noticing any strange noises.

Avatar made by Krystal and signature made by ~Chaotic Discord~.
My OCs: Cherry Blossom, Octavinyl, and Apple Mint.
"It's not about how smart you are, but how thick your heart is." - Cherry Blossom.

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" strange there is nopony insght" lieutenant said to himself very confused the streets of ponyville were still not even the wind was blowing,everything was utterly still. "well the commander did say that everypony could have went to the camp" wait what am i talking about that camp was unread on the map i have no idea where they are"he said shouting. frustrated. then a image of his parents slipped into his head. but that only made him even angryer. "NO!....GET OUT OF MY HEAD I NEVER WANT TO THINK OF THAT DAY EVER".as he dismised that image a tear ran down his cheek."ever"he sobed in a whisper.


as the lieutenant dryed his eyes with his hoof he noticed a black figure inching out of a home ."hello.... before he could finish talking the pony rushed him.unaware of the event that is taking place the pony pounces on him."what are you doing im friendly" as the pony inched closer teeth bearly touching his face the lieutenant used all his strength to launch the pony into the air causing the pony to crash onto the wall."what the hell *pant* are you doing" as the lieutenant recovered from shock his attention was focused on the slobering pony."oh you want to fight uh. well get ready cause im about to kick you flank"

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"For now, we're just going to hunker down. I'm going to turn on the electrified fence and the rest of the power to the base. We need to wait for Octavinyl, Silver, and Flame to get back before we can move on. If we really need to, we can send out a team to check out that warehouse."

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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"That's good, we should be back by morning, Mrs. Vinyl. Alright, are you ready to go, Flame Dancer?" Silver Heart asked as she looked at him. Silver Heart grabbed two MRE's one for her and one for Flame Dancer, some bandages and set them inside of her saddle bags. She looked at all the ponies and hoped that this wouldn't be the last time she would see them.

Edited by SilverHeart

Silver HeartLapisMirror Image-My OC Ponies.


Signature by PixiGlow

Are you bored? Read my fanfic! Canterlot in Chaos (Criticism is welcome)

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Flame took the MRE from SilverHeart and put it in his saddle bag. Ready as i'll ever be. He said smiling at SilverHeart.

We will be back soon, with Octavinyl. He said looking back to Vinyl Blade.

Fame turned around and started walking towards the entrance of the camp.

Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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OOC: I'm heading to bed, I'm getting up at 5:30 in the morning, so this has to be my last post for the night.


Silver Heart smiled back at Flame and followed him out of the camp. "So where do you think we should look first? She's a pegasus so she could have gotten quite far."

Silver HeartLapisMirror Image-My OC Ponies.


Signature by PixiGlow

Are you bored? Read my fanfic! Canterlot in Chaos (Criticism is welcome)

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She probably went back to Ponyville, So I think we should start there. He said taking out his Johyo (Rope dart, and yes I am obsessed with this weapon,) and slowly flew next to SilverHeart with his weapon at the ready, Sooo... How did you, Um, Get your... Cutie mark ? He asked SilverHeart trying to make conversation and take his mind of the dark forest.

Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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"Well...it's not that great of a story. Mom was a servant for the Blueblood family and dad was a member of the Canterlot Guard. When I was a filly mother drew the attention of Lord Blueblood, and not in a way that was because of her hard work. She rejected his advances though...he wasn't happy that he had been rejected and to make sure that nopony found out that he had tried to have an affair, he poisoned my mom. I got my cutie mark by taking care of her while she was sick. One day when I was taking care of her it appeared...she died soon after." Silver heart said as she fought tears at his eyes. "What about you?"

Silver HeartLapisMirror Image-My OC Ponies.


Signature by PixiGlow

Are you bored? Read my fanfic! Canterlot in Chaos (Criticism is welcome)

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Standoff strolls along the fence, whistling. This universe seems to have been a pretty good cock-up... better do what I can... I wonder if they'd let me have an MRE? Still whistling, he walks over to Vinyl. "Hey, any chance that you'd be able to give me an MRE?"

That's what I was whistling.)



OCs: Standoff and Red Alert, the luckless mercs


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Earth Opal had long stopped having magical grasp on the slab of earth. He needed to get as much rest as he could if they were to take off again. "Say, Vinyl, are we going to stay here because, well, there are no zombies, or are we going to move on when Flame Dancer and Silver Heart come back?"

Signature made by me!

Here's a list of my old names so you all remember me, old to new. Strawberries Yum/The Opal Family/The Opals/Luna Opal/Bumble Berry/Rainbow Jack/Colgate Revolution/Bad Seed/Bad Apple/The Alicorn Amulet/Opalicious/Doctor Who/The Tenth Doctor. I can't believe how long I've been here :')

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"Help yourself, but only one for now. We need these to last for a while," she then turned to Earth, "We're going to stay here for a while. This base has all the necessities and even a few luxuries. There's running water, the base has its own system. There's also electricity, which most places don't have. Go relax, take a shower. They installed some gaming systems in the officer's quarters a few months back."

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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Im sorry to hear about your mother. Flame said with a comforting smile.

I got mine late, I was about 14 and everypony always made fun of me, I did care, allot, but I didn't show it. So I was out one day with my friends and they dared me to do something, and most ponies would say no but I said yes and to their surprise I did it without any problem, it was something really simple, they told me to fly as fast as I could down to the ground but then pull up and keep the same speed but going 3 feet above the ground, That was the day I knew that I was a dare devil, and not so long after that I saw a show where 3 pegasus ponies were doing tricks through rings of fire, and I was bored because everything they did I could do, so I decided I would show off, and I did everything the ponies did but I did more tricks, and I did it faster leaving a trail of flames behind me, and then bam there it was, I knew that I loved speed and doing really really dangerous things, I may be stupid or just really lucky..He said smiling. The pegasus pony's were so angry I flew away as fast as I could, laughing the whole time,Heheh. His smile faded, I guess now that kind of fun can never be, with those damn zombies.


Edited by Flame Dancer

Something something something something


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A monster quickly approached Octavinyl from behind and grabbed onto her shoulder. "What the!?" The white mare yelled as she struggled to pull the zombie off. The zombies quickly bit down on her shoulder and tried to tear off her wings, but she broke off of his hold as she screamed and started limping away. She had kept limping, unoticing a zombie downed on the ground it quickly grabbed one of her backlegs and bit down on it. Again, it was like from the beginning, but she would try to have to make it by herself this time. Octavinyl fell down and slowly tried to crawl in the first direction she had saw. Her vision was getting blurry and some more zombies started to chase after her. A trail of her own blood was being left behind as she continued to crawl away from the monsters.


((OOC: I'm giving full control of Octavinyl so Silver Heart, starting this saturday.))

Edited by Octavinyl

Avatar made by Krystal and signature made by ~Chaotic Discord~.
My OCs: Cherry Blossom, Octavinyl, and Apple Mint.
"It's not about how smart you are, but how thick your heart is." - Cherry Blossom.

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ok i am not sure what to put so im just going to do this


LieutenantSparkles:military personal, enhanced pony, pegases



so thats what i think i have to do so yeah. the links you have been giving me are the same and when i read it i saw that this is how to do it if not then why cant you just put me in.


*pant* "you just wont stay down will you" the lieutenant was growing tired of this fight. i cant keep fighting he just keeps coming.the lieutenant thought to himself. i need to make one final charge and retreat while this freak is recovering. "aaaaahhh" "What was that" he heard a scream across town. does that mean there are other ponys." i have to hurry she sounds like shes in..."the lieutenant caught off guard was sent soaring threw the air and crashed into the wall on his left side.*pop* "aaaaaawww" a sharp pain went through his whole arm."oh gawd" the lieutenant realized that his arm has been dislocated.he had to fly away.the pony ready to charge again missed poorly as the lieutenant flew away."i have to find that pony"but as he flew his visoin blurred and he began to feel weak. he had forgoten that his body is in so much shock that it is shutting down to recover.but why now. why when he is flying. he is starting to lose control and is now darting to a house with no way of stopping"damn it" *crash*

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Octavinyl kept crawling as fast as she could away from the monsters. She was about to yell for help, but a thought came to her mind so she didn't yell. 'I just can't die right here! I can't die right now!' Octavinyl yelled in her head as she crawled faster and more agresslively through the grass to get away from the monsters.

Avatar made by Krystal and signature made by ~Chaotic Discord~.
My OCs: Cherry Blossom, Octavinyl, and Apple Mint.
"It's not about how smart you are, but how thick your heart is." - Cherry Blossom.

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"uh........aw"as the lieutenant woke up he saw a giant hole in the roof."aw" the lieutenant for got about his arm "damn i dont have a good grip on my arm to force it back in" as he limped to a window he saw a crap load of those freaks."what is going on here" as he said that he spotted a trail of blood leading into the tall grass.could that be the same pony i heard scream.thats his first objective. find the wounded pony.but first i need to get passed those ponys.but how all he has is a colt 1911 and a knife. but he cant use the any way he only has one hand and he needs it to keep himself up.he can put the knife in his mouth but theres to many out there to kill with just a knife.and he cant fly now because his right wing is injured cause of the crash. so only one choice remains. go around. which will be hard with out getting seen.

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Drizzle got up and looked around half asleep "How long have i been asleep?" he thought while standing up "Ill just get a snack." he said while grabbing his axe and dragged it behind him then the sound of metal scraping the cold marble floors filled his head but was to sleepy to think that the noise could alert one of the monsters of where he is at.Walking down endless hallways looking for the sign of the cafeteria stocked with some bits of food.

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as he sneakes out agnoring the sharp pain in his arm he makes his way around those freaks."amost there." hold in there miss im coming... he reached the grass without being spotted.there .right in front of him was a white mare with a bite mark on her foreleg.shes clearly passed out from blood lost."hold on miss theres a hospitle near by theres got to be bandeges." he slipped her onto his back and headed to the hospitle." thank celestia there were no problems on the way here" but he spoke to soon. another freak turned the corner and spotted them. the lieutenant reacted fast and ran into the biulding."hello is any pony there. he could hear that fucker getting closer and closer."help" he yelled out again

Edited by LieutenantSparkles
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Drizzle froze in fear from the near by yelling and was fully awake and was fueled by fear and ran to the lobby with his axe ready to strike anything there.Once reaching the lobby he froze again to see a pony with another pony that looks like one of the monsters and another one behind him so he froze once again in fear and started to shake he never killed and thing nor did he want to but this time he had no choice. He walked to it and slashed the axe at him but from the fear he was weaker then normal then he rememberd what those things did to his life .. to ponyville.. to the other ponies after that thought the swings got more violent until the point where it was laying on the floor not moving but keeped swinging until he came back to reality and droped the axe and taken a step back then thought what he just done to that .. thing then notices the slimy blood on him and immediately knew what he had done he murderd one of those things in cold blood he felt happy that he taken one of those things out but then the saddness over takes him with this one thought "Yes its a monster but it to.... was once a pony" then walked over to the dead monster grabbed the axe and walked back to see if the pony was still there.

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as the lieutenant took a deep breath he greeted the pony that had just saved his and this mare's life."sir thank you for saving our lives. allow me to introduce my self. i am lieutenant Sparkle of the canterlot royal guards and this is me newest friend." i explained to him where i found this mare and how she needed medical treatment pronto." and forgive me sir but i dont know your name"

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"I-im Drizzle d-Drizzle dare and yhea j-ust follow me and ill show you the way to the neariest place where i can get cleaned up and her patched up ... and sorry im just a little shaken up from wait i just did." Drizzle said to Lieutenant and pointed his hoof down the hallway and started to walk down it looking for signs of meds the blood started to dry up and the rest dripped off him while he walked and he feard that the blood could cause him to turn into one of them. (OOC: sorry i got side tracked by trolling omegle :| )

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Wait, Did you hear that ? Flame looked at SilverHeart with a worried expression. I thought I just heard screeching, But maybe it was just my imagination. He said staring all around the forest looking for the zombies. Maybe we should pick up the pace. He said with his Rope Dart at the ready.

Something something something something


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As Drizzle lead lieutenant to the medics room he looked at Drizzle and noticed that he was shaking."your scared arent you....but not just scared of whats happening but of what you just did.you killed one of those freaks in cold blood and your afraid"well how can he not be afraid. i dont blame him i have killed hundreds and i regret nothing. but my first kill was the hardest cause my victime was at me mercy. and he was a very close freind..

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