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Equestrian Hunger Games

Lightning Fluttershy

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Shade knew that she probably would not win the hunger games. She was weaker than everypony else, and she couldn't camp out, let alone make shelter. Shade sighed and took a nap.


Parabolas. Quadratic equations. Ahahaha, I hate Algebra.

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Once every tribute boarded the vehicle and the doors shut and it flew away, Celestia spoke to her sister.Because this time our friend Game Maker will be allowed to give the tributes little "pushes" in the right direction. If one strays to far out he can send something in to send them more inland or if one tribute is faltering than he can send them some sort of aid. Now come. The game are about to begin. She broadcasts her voice over the entire arena. Let the games begin! Good luck! And may the odds be ever in your favour!


As the craft set down and the doors opened, Boss stepped out an saw seven tunnel systems, each labelled with their numbers. The guards told them to step into their respective number and they would be sent to their biome where they start. Boss stepped into his tunnel and was instantly whisked away to a flat and snowy taiga biome. He smiles. This is good. District one is the coldest of the districts so I should be well adapted. He hears Celestia broadcasting her voice across the land and he immediately begins to look for some sort of shelter so he begins to move more inland. towards the mountain. With all of the cave systems within the mountain I should be able to set up shelter immediately.

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Ezio got off the aircraft and looked upon the tunnels. Each of them would bring them to there starting point. He went toward it, slowly, looking at it almost suspiciously. As one hoof went through his tunnel, he was immediately transported to a forest biome. Trees were everywhere, but you could travel pretty easily between the trees. He looked up and saw the giant mountain, caves littered on the surface. He smiled thinly, and started to make his way toward the mountain. He didn't plan to go on it. He was going to stay at the base until the time was right.

Signature made by me!

Here's a list of my old names so you all remember me, old to new. Strawberries Yum/The Opal Family/The Opals/Luna Opal/Bumble Berry/Rainbow Jack/Colgate Revolution/Bad Seed/Bad Apple/The Alicorn Amulet/Opalicious/Doctor Who/The Tenth Doctor. I can't believe how long I've been here :')

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Quilluison stepped off the hovercraft frowning. Oh great already chosen places for them. She went into her tunnel and before she knew it, she was surrounded by hills. Wow, of all places she could be, this would be the one. She saw the mountain and knew that would be where all the other tributes would be going, so she decided to look around, maybe find somewhere stable to stay in the masses of hills near her.

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As Diehard walked to his gate he gets his mind ready for whats on the other side. As he walks through and puts his hoof down he feels the soft wet ground. As he looks around he sees that hes in a marsh land. Swamps, rivers, trees, and very humid. Just like home. He looks of in the distance and sees a mountain. His first thought is why is that there in the marsh lands, but then he knows that where he will need to go. Well lets get this show on the road. I might need a boat tho. Starts looking for things he can turn into a boat.

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An 8th contestant named Merzai is shoved through the tunnel by royal guards. the reason being he had nearly escaped district 8 after he heard his name in the reaping, but he was captured and now forced into the games with nothing but a hatchet, a bit of twine, and no sponsors...


i better get out of here he thought, so he walked into the dimmly lit forest, cautiously... for every step could be his last

Edited by Duece
  • Brohoof 1
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Shade was lifted into a jungle biome. Looking around, she could see one or two tracker jacker nests. She made a mental note, then looked up to the sky, knowing Gamemaker could see her. She winked and said, "I won't let you down, Gamemaker!" She then proceeded to look for food.

(OOC: So what? no cornucopia?))

Parabolas. Quadratic equations. Ahahaha, I hate Algebra.

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Boss looks around at the snowy terrain and realizes the mountain is farther away than he thought. At least an hour walk. He decides he better get to it but then he thinks about how other tributes may be going to the mountain too however he can't think of a better plan. He continues to walk and eventually he makes it. He settles down in a small cavern and begins to unpack his bag. Every tribute got a water bottle, a sleeping bag, and their gift form their sponsor. He put away the sword he received from Cadence and began to search the cave for food. He hoped he wouldn't run into any other tributes.

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100 meters from the mountain Ezio stopped traveling and pulled himself into one of the trees in the forest. He hoped that the game maker hadn't put anything evil in the tree, but it looked normal to him. It was like the Everfree, only not as bad. He settled himself on the tree, balancing carefully and keeping watch over the area around him.

Signature made by me!

Here's a list of my old names so you all remember me, old to new. Strawberries Yum/The Opal Family/The Opals/Luna Opal/Bumble Berry/Rainbow Jack/Colgate Revolution/Bad Seed/Bad Apple/The Alicorn Amulet/Opalicious/Doctor Who/The Tenth Doctor. I can't believe how long I've been here :')

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Quilluison stood on one hill. Most were bigger than she expected, and they did provide excellent cover. There was however little food around, but she thought she may be able to survive on the stuff she could find. She didn't want to head towards the mountain, it looked far to dangerous, and she knew it would tire her out fast.

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Luna looked at the monitors and saw a pony climb into a tree. She looked a bit nervous for some reason and turned toward Celestia. "Um... Sister, aren't there tracker-jackers in some of these trees?" She turned back toward the monitor and scanned what little area she could see for any signs of the deadly insects

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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Through his anger at the royal guards, Merzai didn't think of where to walk and has found himself in the midst of a swamp. Whats that smell? something was lingering in the air, but he just couldnt put his hoof on it.


Gathering his wits, no longer mad at the situation, he looks around and creates a makeshift hammock between 2 trees with the sleeping bag and twine.


The light dimishing...

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Boss couldn't find one scrap of food through the entire cave. Hmm. The certainly aren't making it easy on us. He walks back out into the snow and sees if he can find any source of food. He can see a couple of snow berry bushes off in the distance. They were poison but they would only hurt him if he took too many. He quickly grabs some and stores them in his bag. He decides a cave likely isn't the best place to stay so he packs his bag and travels out farther, looking for a warmer and more hospitable biome, preferably with more food than his frozen wasteland. He can see a jungle in the distance. He sets out towards it.

Edited by Like A Boss
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(Going back to writing in past tense.)

As Medley stepped into the tunnel, she was instantly transported to an almost empty grassland. There were a few trees here and there and, luckily for a pegasus like her, quite a lot of clouds. Medley opened her wings and zoomed into the clouds. She knew that she was relatively safe from up there, and she could protect herself easily. Medley relaxed a little.



(I used to be Sapphire until I drank some cactus juice.)

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Shade was wandering around for food, and saw another tribute coming towards the jungle. She lept out of a tree, landing right in front of Boss. "Alliance?" Shade asked. She put her bow on her back. "Listen Boss, I don't want to kill you anymore than you want to me." Shade looked at him, knowing that if he declined, she would have to kill him.

Parabolas. Quadratic equations. Ahahaha, I hate Algebra.

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Boss was startled by Shade and almost pulled his sword to her throat but he put it away once he heard she was friendly. "Well hello to you too shade. I didn't know this was your biome. And if I didn't want an alliance you would have been dead by now I'm afraid. Though you got one thing right. I don't want to kill you. So perhaps we should look for food. The only thing I have are these snow berries." Back in his home district where it was cold and snowy everyone knew what they were and that they were poison but Shade shouldn't know that as she came from a warmer district. He decides not to tell her, just in case a time ever comes that he needs to kill her quickly. "We should only eat them as a last resort though. We should search around for some food, water, and shelter." The second reason he had made alliance with Shade is that he hoped that Game Maker would go easy on him if he was helping his tribute.

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Shade and Boss started searching for food. She found a bush with black and red berries, but Boss stopped her right before she went to eat then. He pointed at a squirrel who was eating the berries. As one slid down his throat, the squirrel literally EXPLODED. "Holy shit... Thanks Boss. You saved my flank." Shade said. She began to work on a shelter up high in one of the trees.

Parabolas. Quadratic equations. Ahahaha, I hate Algebra.

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Diehard was going down the river it started to get dark and his stomach was screaming at him. Well it looks like i need to find some food at shelter. Coming off of the river sees that there are fish in the river. And the trees roots were high off the ground and had space under them. Well ill set up a cape here. Walking back over to the river. These fish are looking good. I hope i got a net in here. If not i can see how this every weapon thing works. After starting a fire and fishing for 30min's he had three fish cooking over the open flame. I hope the smell and the smoke dont give away my location.

Edited by Razorwing

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Celestia nods at Luna. As she looks at Ezio climb into the tree that Luna was pointing at she could all ready see one of the nests of the deadly wasps. Ezio better clear out of that tree or else we may loses competitor only a day into the games. Those wasps can be very... problematic to your health.

She then turns her attemtion to the other cameras. How are my other tributes doing?

Edited by Like A Boss
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As the first day in the arena was coming to a close, night had begun to fall. Game Maker watched Shade and Boss from the cameras all around the jungle and waited in anticipation for what was going to happen next. As the sun set over the horizon and darkness flooded the arena, there came a strange scuttling sound that seemed to come from all around the competitors. The sound of many, tiny feet. The tributes were about to face their first mutts...

I would swallow my pride

I would choke on the rinds

But the lack therof would leave me empty inside

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Shade heard scuffling sounds. "Boss, I think Gamemaker just sent in mutts." Shade said, terrified. She jump onto a tree branch, amazed at her own agility. She then helped Boss up. After they were up, they looked around for the game's first mutts...

(OOC: Tell us, GM!)

Parabolas. Quadratic equations. Ahahaha, I hate Algebra.

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Ezio stopped mid-climb as he looked toward the jungle, a clear explosion heard from where he was. He jumped back down and headed in the jungle's direction.


He arrived at the border between the two environments and carefully entered the thick density of the jungle. The denseness of the trees rapidly changing in consistency, he eventually found the cause of the explosion. About to approach the two, he quickly stopped himself as another noise exposed itself to his ear. "Looks like we have some visitors," he muttered looking around for any sign of a predator.

Edited by The Opals

Signature made by me!

Here's a list of my old names so you all remember me, old to new. Strawberries Yum/The Opal Family/The Opals/Luna Opal/Bumble Berry/Rainbow Jack/Colgate Revolution/Bad Seed/Bad Apple/The Alicorn Amulet/Opalicious/Doctor Who/The Tenth Doctor. I can't believe how long I've been here :')

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Shade saw a pony near the border of the jungle and another region. She couldn't make out who it was, but knew she knew that 1 ally at a time was best. Less chance of a backstab. Shade hopped to another tree, out of Ezio's line of sight. She aimed one of her blinding arrows at her. She released the string.

Parabolas. Quadratic equations. Ahahaha, I hate Algebra.

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A zinging arrow whizzed toward Ezio and he immediately jumped to the right to avoid it. Looking at the direction it had come from, he spotted Shade, and he positioned himself in a ready stance. He glanced at the deadly arrow behind him, then looked back at Shade. "You want to play like that? We can play like that."

Signature made by me!

Here's a list of my old names so you all remember me, old to new. Strawberries Yum/The Opal Family/The Opals/Luna Opal/Bumble Berry/Rainbow Jack/Colgate Revolution/Bad Seed/Bad Apple/The Alicorn Amulet/Opalicious/Doctor Who/The Tenth Doctor. I can't believe how long I've been here :')

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Shade saw Ezio, staring at her. "Fine, have it your way!" Shade yelled in anger. She noticed a tracker jacker nest above Ezio. She aimed one of her normal arrows at the nest, and shot it down. The nest fell down, cracking open. Shade quickly ran along the tops of the trees, managing to outrun the killer bees.

Parabolas. Quadratic equations. Ahahaha, I hate Algebra.

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