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music Any underrated songs you're into?


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Does anyone have a song that not a lot of people like but you love? Some people would not agree, but a lot of people (well teens and young adults) wouldn't like this song called the Toy trumpet by Raymond Scott:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WGitKtOp3sc


Just hear it. The one reason, it's a vintage song from around the late 1930's. Guess many people are into pop songs these days. Posted ImageMany old timers enjoy this though, so it's not that underrated.

Edited by DJ PINK-3

I'm a Y2K Survivor™ 


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um, pretty much everything I listen to? I don't listen to any specific artists or bands, I just pick up music wherever I find it. sometimes it's in a video I like or a commercial that I see on tv. most of the time I find my music by exploring the area of youtube where nobody has more than 500 views. as a result, I find myself listening to a lot of really obscure music. even the more popular stuff I listen to, most people haven't heard of. on top of that, nobody ever seems to like any of my music anyways :'c (which might explain why those videos have less than 500 views...)

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um, pretty much everything I listen to? I don't listen to any specific artists or bands, I just pick up music wherever I find it. sometimes it's in a video I like or a commercial that I see on tv. most of the time I find my music by exploring the area of youtube where nobody has more than 500 views. as a result, I find myself listening to a lot of really obscure music. even the more popular stuff I listen to, most people haven't heard of. on top of that, nobody ever seems to like any of my music anyways :'c (which might explain why those videos have less than 500 views...)


Gee, I know that feel. Well, people are into pop songs these days, like I said before. Those artists that don't deserve popularity (Nikki Minaj for an example, she's horrible at singing.)

I'm a Y2K Survivor™ 


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Most def. there is this band I have found about not to long ago! Maybe you have seen my post on here about them a while back. The band's name is called Million $ Reload and they are from Ireland. If you happen to like them please help spread their name out <3!!


This is one of their songs played live!

play in HD ;)


My favorite song by them IMO their best song


Edited by Gone ϟ Airbourne



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The new Capacities album 'The Unexamined Life' is pretty underrated in my opinion. I think it's almost perfect. Features a lot of ex-members of bands like The Saddest Landscape, You and I, etc.

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Am I the only one that thinks that he sounds like James Hetfield? It's kinda awesome, seriously. I've never even heard them before from someone. I think I'm the only one around here that listens to Am I Blood ;___;


Whoa man they are o.o amazing! The singer sounds like James but different at the sametime! Where in the world did you hear from this band? I'm digging this song :blink:!!!



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Whoa man they are o.o amazing! The singer sounds like James but different at the sametime! Where in the world did you hear from this band? I'm digging this song :blink:!!!


Well, my mom is an extreme metalhead and she told me about them 2 years ago. Now she doesn't even know who they are D: But they are from Finland, and the most good metalbands comes from there m/
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Well, my mom is an extreme metalhead and she told me about them 2 years ago. Now she doesn't even know who they are D: But they are from Finland, and the most good metalbands comes from there m/


Amazingly enough you are right about that ;)! I love finding new bands that literally noone knows anything about. But yeah man they sound really good & I'll def. be checkin' em out soon :D



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