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Another Fluttershy Drawing. :]

Little Miss Fluttershy

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So here's my latest drawing I did of Fluttershy. Once again, the legs may look a little wierd and I honestly tried my hardest to make them look normal. I will be coloring in her tonight for the first time (hopefully I do it well.) Anywho the smaller picture I drew is a birthday card I'm making for a friend. It's not completed but it's what I've done so far. Hope you all enjoy and I hope I did a little better this time! ;D

Edit: I finally finished the colored version of the first picture. And yes I know I colored one of the legs too dark on accident. Anyway hope you enjoy!



Edited by Fluttershy92
  • Brohoof 1
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Very snazzy, I like how you drew the eyes, and the anatomy is pretty good.


What an nice drawing :) keep it up.


Thank you ScottishUnicorn! I also liked how I drew them too! :D and Pondus30, thank you and I sure will! ^.^


My colored drawing of Fluttershy. I think it turned out great. Hope you enjoy! ;D


  • Brohoof 4
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Wow, you improved since your last drawing. And I must say, it looks really amazing for me, especially the colored one.


Man, I wanna hug dat Fluttershy so badly, she's so cute. :wub:

  • Brohoof 1
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Wow, you improved since your last drawing. And I must say, it looks really amazing for me, especially the colored one.


Man, I wanna hug dat Fluttershy so badly, she's so cute. :wub:


Getting better each time. I look forward to seeing your work in the coming weeks/months/years :)


Well thank you very much Freckle! I'm happy I've improved and I'm so happy you enjoyed the colored one. ;D And haha me too! She's so adorable! :wub:

Thank you FlutterSchoer! (: I'm currently working on my Rarity drawing, so I should be posting it up soon. ;D

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