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Why can't Pound Cake and Pumpkin Cake be Prodigy?


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So I was wondering why no one likes the idea of Pound Cake and Pumpkin Cake being prodigy? What's wrong with the idea? I have heard many different people say why they can't be. Like, Scootaloo can't fly, so Pound well just stop flying once he get's to her age or Twilight is already the prodigy in the show, so we don't need another one. Even the magical out burst thing comes up a lot. So what is the reason?


Now Pound Cake, I can see being a prodigy and maybe not being one. It must not take long for a pegasus to fly, seeing as most live in the sky. So it may only take a mouth for a pegasus to truly start flying. As for the flying school, I don't think it is a place to learn how to fly, as pegasus have to fly there. It is most likely a place to improve on one flying and skill. It could also be a place where they learn how to control the clouds, animals, and other things down on the ground. As for Scootaloo from what we know she could be crippled, so she may never fly. If anything Pound is just super strong, still it is very interesting that a pegasus, who was born from 2 earth, ponies can fly with in a month.


As for Pumpkin Cake, I think she is a prodigy. The way she was controlling her magic, it just seemed like she was able to handle it very well. Mostly if this stuff happened to a baby, they would be scared of it, but Pumpkin was using it like it was a natural thing. Like breathing or walking. Still unicorns could be very connected to their magic at a young age. Now the big thing is of corse the magical out burst. Now this could be the reason, but we don't know how fare or powerful an out burst could be. Does it last for a minute or a day? What things happens during an out burst? Can they do all the spells that Pumpkin did or can they do more? If we knew more about then I would accept it, but till than I well say she is a protege.


This could also be a good episode idea. Pound and Pumpkin may have to choose one day if they want to be bakers like their parents or try and become the best flyer and magic users in equestria. It can only work if they age at all or get that many seasons.


It' just we are the brony community. We come up with new ideas for characters and improve on some many ideas for the characters. I just don't see why we deny this idea for Pound Cake and Pumpkin Cake.

Edited by pinkiefan1287


Made by Gone ϟ Airbourne

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Is the word you're looking for Prodigy? Protege means that they're being cared for by people (or in this case ponies) that are influential to their career(sorta like an apprentice). So in the case of Twilight, she was actually a protege and a prodigy.

  • Brohoof 1
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At the beginning of the episode, both Rainbow Dash and Twilight (or Rarity? I forgot lol) already stated that at foalhood, Unicorns and pegasi gets uncontrollable burst of flight or magic. Unless it is stated otherwise, Pound Cake and Pumpkin Cake are completely normal

  • Brohoof 2


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At the beginning of the episode, both Rainbow Dash and Twilight (or Rarity? I forgot lol) already stated that at foalhood, Unicorns and pegasi gets uncontrollable burst of flight or magic. Unless it is stated otherwise, Pound Cake and Pumpkin Cake are completely normal


Well you can say it was both Rarity and Twilight who said it. Twilight started and Rarity ended. As for Rainbow Dash, she said nothing about a pegasus having a flying out burst. Rainbow Dash said, "Once little Pound Cake get's his wings going, he'll be all over the place." This is a sign that once a pegasus starts flying, they well never stop flying.


Also Rarity and Twilight did not say what happens during an outburst. So it is still unknown what happens during an out burst.

Edited by pinkiefan1287


Made by Gone ϟ Airbourne

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