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Is this truly acceptable conduct?


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Lololololololololol. I see nothing wrong with it, it's just a waste of their own time. This is the equivalent of people getting upset over religious people preaching in public I think - it's freedom of speech, all you have to do is ignore them if you don't like what they have to say.


If you have trouble ignoring people that's your own problem.

  • Brohoof 1
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why does this thread exist, then again why make my post about another post that makes absolutely no sense whatsoever as for the video o.k its semi sad but then again why does this matter to people on this forum was this "news" you had to spread i mean look at the date on that...months ago this was posted on the youtube more then one fandom does this and none of you can deny this


but please continue your silly unspectacular presentation of human nature.

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the simple answer is a flat out no.


the long answer, we can all gather in one place and call ourselves a community but all communities have their cliques, their close group of friends and even rivals and social enemies.


look hard enough and you'll find that all of humanity unite as humans but segregate themselves within humanity for no real reasoning besides it being our nature.


which is still kinda no... but we can pretend if it makes you feel better.


While I agree that you make a fair point here, but do you have to be such a prat about it? What I don't understand is the fact that you sit back there and gossip about these guys in the video like you're somehow above them. Aren't you, I don't know, exascerbating the problem by calling attention to it? Sheesh. I haven't seen ineptitude like this in a long while. Jolly good show, old bean. You're a gigantic toolshed! Edited by Sticky Apple
  • Brohoof 1
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My thoughts...

Well judging by the large group, i bet that most of them are just in it for the fad

Also they can't sing, why pust that to the public that we are all singing everywhere we go with MLP songs (I do but it's not the point, i can sing...)

Third, if they don't want to draw don't ask twice, you can refuse a customer...

Fourth, It only makes us look like a gay cult when you tromp around town with a sign...

fifth and last point, It's DOMINOS that does the drawings...

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I have to admit, when I tell people publicly that I am a brony, I would rather not have people roll there eyes and go "Oh great, here comes the loud, bad singing wierdo who parades in random restaurants". It is a fandom not a sexual preference or racial identity, we don't need to have pride parades. It's not like people who watch adventure time get the sudden urge to parade around burger king singing the house hunting song at the top of their lungs and off key. So why should bronies do it? It just puts us in a bad light I think.


NO ONE should have pride parades. To me, pride parades are a way of saying, "I'm better than you and I'll tell you why, whilst interfering with both your lives and societal progress at haphazardly and arbitrarily chosen times.". No matter what the reason, you aren't ever granted the right to act like a self-worshipping prick to everyone else.

  • Brohoof 3
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I couldn't watch all of it before I started crying, that's just sad, like don't they have something better to do, like seriously. Just sit on the couch, play Battlefield, and order the pizza, they bring it to you. So no need to go to the store, get a group of people, and shove mlp down their throats while doing it.

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NO ONE should have pride parades. To me, pride parades are a way of saying, "I'm better than you and I'll tell you why, whilst interfering with both your lives and societal progress at haphazardly and arbitrarily chosen times.". No matter what the reason, you aren't ever granted the right to act like a self-worshipping prick to everyone else.


Now that I think about it, you are completely right. It is probably the most annoying thing about the homosexual subculture. The fact that they throw it in your face every five seconds. So naturally bronies should be no exception.
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that kind of behavior would only ever be acceptable at a MLP convention, going around to a public place and cramming down people throats is annoying.

I feel that all this is, is just protesting something that doesn't need to be protested (especially here in the UK were we already have S.O.P.H.I.E) and the only people who will think this is cool will be Bronies.


Do you do anything besides complain about what you don't like about this fandom? This must be the third thread I've notice you make highlighting something you dislike about bronies... Maybe your next thread can be something positive? You're free to do as you like, of course, but I really do feel the need to make some comment about it.


is what he doing wrong?, you feel the need to point out what threads he makes aside from the posts he makes too, I mean my threads are almost all me posting art ,would you like to show the powers of observation on that too? sorry needed to get that off my chest but i'm tired of people pointing the obvious just to make a response




also can we avoid trying to turn this thread into something to bash pride parades (especially gay pride) because there, as a way for people to protest why they should at least be equal to everyone else. because Homosexual don't have absolute equal rights all around the world and i am damn well aware that gay bashing is still a thing.

Edited by PonyEcho
  • Brohoof 2
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Now that I think about it, you are completely right. It is probably the most annoying thing about the homosexual subculture. The fact that they throw it in your face every five seconds. So naturally bronies should be no exception.


And right there, you just revealed why I hate the LGBT.


The same thing goes for bronies. I sincerely can't give a crap what stupid stuff you do/like (Unless it actively hurts people, then I will hate you with a fiery passion), but don't shove it down my throat. I don't ask, so you shouldn't tell.

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is what he doing wrong?, you feel the need to point out what threads he makes aside from the posts he makes too, I mean my threads are almost all me posting art ,would you like to show the powers of observation on that too? sorry needed to get that off my chest but i'm tired of people pointing the obvious just to make a response


First of all, I have to say that it's very refreshing to see a dissenting opinion. However, I stand by my comment in that post. It was not intended to garner any response except an answer from the person to whom I addressed it. It did end up getting a positive response from many users, which was entertaining in its way, but that result was unintended and is irrelevant. I would not retract my comment even had no one agreed with it.


Some other points: I never stated it was wrong for him to complain; I asked him if he ever did anything else. I freely acknowledged his right to do so, (free speech and all that), and merely suggested that he try to post a positive thread for once. If he doesn't want to take my advice, more power to him. I can't make anyone do anything, I can only suggest.


As far as I am concerned, you can post all the art threads you wish to, because art is usually a creative and constructive form of expression. If you were complaining about someone else's art every time, yes, that might get annoying enough for me to comment. Or not, since I don't make such comments all that often.


I was not rude or insulting to Ceresbane in my post. I could have really ripped into him had I felt like it. I didn't, partly because I don't like doing stuff like that, and partly because I've had enough "wars" on the internet to realize that they are a thorough waste of time, so I make sure to think long and hard before posting something even as mild as my comment was.


Finally, should you wish to continue this conversation, I would suggest we message each other, since this is tangential to the topic of the thread.

Edited by Full Spectrum
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First of all, I have to say that it's very refreshing to see a dissenting opinion. However, I stand by my comment in that post. It was not intended to garner any response except an answer from the person to whom I addressed it. It did end up getting a positive response from many users, which was entertaining in its way, but that result was unintended and is irrelevant. I would not retract my comment even had no one agreed with it.


Some other points: I never stated it was wrong for him to complain; I asked him if he ever did anything else. I freely acknowledged his right to do so, (free speech and all that), and merely suggested that he try to post a positive thread for once. If he doesn't want to take my advice, more power to him. I can't make anyone do anything, I can only suggest.


As far as I am concerned, you can post all the art threads you wish to, because art is usually a creative and constructive form of expression. If you were complaining about someone else's art every time, yes, that might get annoying enough for me to comment. Or not, since I don't make such comments all that often.


I was not rude or insulting to Ceresbane in my post. I could have really ripped into him had I felt like it. I didn't, partly because I don't like doing stuff like that, and partly because I've had enough "wars" on the internet to realize that they are a thorough waste of time, so I make sure to think long and hard before posting something even as mild as my comment was.


Finally, should you wish to continue this conversation, I would suggest we message each other, since this is tangential to the topic of the thread.


I love two things about this post. You effectively got good points across, and you used the word tangetial (correctly, to boot). Therefore, squee.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Lol, what a silly video!


Three things:


1) Why would you ask for a drawing inside of a pizza box? It just seems kind of pointless since you are going to throw away the box anyway and even if you don't, the picture will probably get all ruined by grease, cheese, sauce, etc...Just seems like a silly request


2) It's a good thing Pizza Hut wasn't busy at the moment because that's an awful lot of extra work to ask someone to do. I guess the employees were okay with wasting their time like that, but it's still a lot to ask. I sure hope they gave the "artist" a big tip.


3) If you are going to sing something at the top of your lungs and record it for a Youtube video, it's probably good to actually know all the words. Just saying.

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