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Assembling a pony RPG Team.


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Are you guys ready... We could make history. I have purchased a copy of RPG maker and I have my whole body and soul focused on making a pony RPG. I am currently experimenting with RPG maker and am going to learn it forwards and back.


But ponies. I ask of you. Do you want to make a pony RPG? A truly epic RPG? A RPG of ponyproportions?


This is the idea I am pitching: "The land of Equestria... Everypony was living happy and carefree... Till pony science allowed vinyl scratch to drop the beat harder than ever. The rhythms and beats were so strong, that they even reached other planets. The (alien name that needs to be made) saw this as a taunt from the ponies of Equestria... And what happens now... Is uncertain"


I got this idea from my good friend, SeriousNinjaBrony when he sent me this videohttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JMP0TJNfCy4&feature=share&list=PLHaKQPVKiHT_1WMMc__fRqZ46U3F9DBVn

and said "wouldn't that be a good game?"


And I was actually in the process of making this post when he said that, with no prior knowledge of me getting RPG maker. Which even deepens my committment to this game.


We will need everything. Story writers, sprite artists, music (some will probably be some of the popular music already established, but original stuff would be great too.)


I'm serious about this everypony. I really hope you all would like to lend a hoof. I believe in bronydom. And I believe in you all.


Edit: Listen to the beginning of the song, youll see where my idea blossomed.



Current Team:

Concept Art: SeriousNinjaBrony


Sprites: SteelForest


Play Testers: N-Harmonia

Edited by Bronyponyfanatic
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I'm happy to contribute in any way I can :)

I'd love to see this become a reality, I think it would be a great success, and a HUGE step for the Brony fandom.

It also gives people another thing to lose themself in, if you're like me that is haha.

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Glad to have your support! You shouldn't necessarily need a copy. For story, you can just put your ideas on a post. For level design you can simply draw out the levels, dungeons and what not. I would like to stay as accurate to the show as possible, but lets face it, aliens isn't really accurate to the show so we still have alot of play room.


And btw I think story needs the most assistance right now, but anything helps! Ill add you on as both on the member list.

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Sprites, and if needed (rpg maker has some resteictions in a way), I know a bit of Java and I'm actually working on an engine for an Equestria Divided RPG


Edit: Also story writing, i can write some good quests, and concept art (if You'd be okay with two ponies on this.)

Edited by SteelForest
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If you have a game idea, if game developers won't make it, and if you can find them maybe you can hire the RPG Team.



Crappy A-Team joke aside this seems like a really cool idea. Too bad I can't help outside of support. Of course maybe I could help a little with the story but im no writer. [Though I could certainly play test the game.]


Either way you have my support. :)

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Sprites, and if needed (rpg maker has some resteictions in a way), I know a bit of Java and I'm actually working on an engine for an Equestria Divided RPG


Edit: Also story writing, i can write some good quests, and concept art (if You'd be okay with two ponies on this.)


Great! I'm so happy to have you aboard! BTW that game looks great! I just want to make a game that has the mane six as the party members and whatnot. This game is more of a community project.


If you have a game idea, if game developers won't make it, and if you can find them maybe you can hire the RPG Team.




Crappy A-Team joke aside this seems like a really cool idea. Too bad I can't help outside of support. Of course maybe I could help a little with the story but im no writer. [Though I could certainly play test the game.]


Either way you have my support. :)


Added on as a play tester!

Edited by Bronyponyfanatic
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Great! I'm so happy to have you aboard! BTW that game looks great! I just want to make a game that has the mane six as the party members and whatnot. This game is more of a community project.




Added on as a play tester!


I was just saying, the engine could easily be modified to your idea :D


Would it be multiplayer, just to ask? I can remember much about RPGMaker...

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I think i'll make a deviantart account and get back into my Anime drawings. It would be good practice for me to get back into a hobby other than web surfing :P

Not only that but I really would like to contribute to this in any way possible. Feel like im actually doing something to contribute to the site too.

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Log 1: 10/06/12 - Began work on the game. Setting up character names and face pictures. Just need sprites and the mane 6 will be all ready aesthetically.


Go the character faces done! Did the opening theme song as the MLP theme song! Added classes : Magic, sharing kindness, beautiful heart, faithful and strong, big adventure, tons of fun

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Hmm. This might be a fun project. I'm downloading the trial version to check out the program. Can I join up as a writer/mechanics designer(thinking up attacks and items ect.)?


Also, are the class names place holders? They don't really work for me.


I would think it would be better to have things like: Party Animal, Unicorn Wizard, Animal Carer, Fashionista ect.




Finally, one attack that I thought up.


CUTIEMARK CRUSADER CANNON! Pinkie fires the CMC from her party cannon at the enemy.

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Also, are the class names place holders? They don't really work for me.


I would think it would be better to have things like: Party Animal, Unicorn Wizard, Animal Carer, Fashionista ect.


I agree with you on that point, I think the class names could do with some tweaking.

Just a quick thought on your idea of Pinkie Pies CCC - depending on the games combat system, I think it would be a good idea to give each character a "special move" that needs to be unlocked or something.

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Sounds great! :P Don't get too bombarded with ideas and comments. Focus on what you know makes a good game and keep it as basic as possible at first until it's done! That's what the Mane6 DevTeam for Fighting is Magic did, and they've got a great game! I'd love to help with play testing, unfortunately I've not got any skills in making games, I've just read a lot on it. I'm sorta the Twilight Sparkle on it, I know how it all works and how to get the best out of it. Mr Winter Wrap up organiser.


Well you could start off the game like other RPG's do, nice and slow with 1 character only. Starting with Twilight while she's still lonely, she gets sent to Ponyville, meets 1 friend so your team is upgraded to 2. Then step by step with each new character coming you learn more and more how the game works, like after 5 how to switch ponies in and out. I dunno (o_O)/


Ofc have the cliche starting with everypony going to a big celebration of some sort, basically you could start off with the Nightmare moon story. Have her as a slightly quick boss. Learn how to use the EofH special


Then after that you could start on your own story that you've got :D Have I got the right gist of the game or am I completely off tangent?

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Just a quick thought on your idea of Pinkie Pies CCC - depending on the games combat system, I think it would be a good idea to give each character a "special move" that needs to be unlocked or something.


I only had a quick look at the RPG maker program before I left the house, but I think there are the facillities to create unique movesets for each pony.



Here's some basic themes I thought up.


Twilight Sparkle: Magic

AppleJack: Bucking/lasso

Fluttershy: First Aid/cuteness/the stare/animal friends

Pinkie PIe: Parties and Randomness

Rainbow Dash: Fast Flying, taunting


Rarity is quite hard to think of moves for. As fighting is unladylike, her moves could be cameos of other ponies, like dr whooves and derpy.

Edited by The Pirate Prince
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I only had a quick look at the RPG maker program before I left the house, but I think there are the facillities to create unique movesets for each pony.



Here's some basic themes I thought up.


Twilight Sparkle: Magic

AppleJack: Bucking/lasso

Fluttershy: First Aid/cuteness/the stare/animal friends

Pinkie PIe: Parties and Randomness

Rainbow Dash: Fast Flying, taunting


Rarity is quite hard to think of moves for. As fighting is unladylike, her moves could be cameos of other ponies, like dr whooves and derpy.


A quick whip from her scarf, Throwing gems. Finding gems? I dunno she could be like Mage with her magic. Gems could do stuff. Whining! :P that could do some damage. Pinke would require a lot of randomness yea :D

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The things I can do:





Level Design

Enemy Design

NPC Scripts

Boss Battle Scripts


So in general i'm good at designing things so if you need to i'll help out in that area. I'm better at scripting then anything else though :/

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I am very good with storyline writing and concept art, I'm also pretty good with using console commands, scripting, and editing features (for example i am very good a using GECK for fallout and programs like that) but i would much prefer being a writer. I have experience writing for plays and animation shorts.

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I've already started on the concept art for the "alien" race of ponies. I'm not going to be the only concept artist hopefully either :P

So if anyone wants to join in with that it would be great to share some ideas and get some more inspirations.


There's going to be alot of art going into the sprites of course, and me and Bronyponyfanatic have had some ideas for certain levels and such that would need alot of working on.

Basically im just scratching the surface at the minute, I need some concept artists to work with me :)


Edit: I would also like to point out that my concept art IS drawn at the minute by hand on paper. I will be creating a deviantart account and uploading them there when I have a decent amount to show.

Edited by SeriousNinjaBrony
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Here's some basic themes I thought up.


Twilight Sparkle: Magic

AppleJack: Bucking/lasso

Fluttershy: First Aid/cuteness/the stare/animal friends

Pinkie PIe: Parties and Randomness

Rainbow Dash: Fast Flying, taunting


Rarity is quite hard to think of moves for. As fighting is unladylike, her moves could be cameos of other ponies, like dr whooves and derpy.


Personally, I don't think Rarity should fight, but maybe she could be that character who finds quests for you to do, or maybe she could be a companion of some sort
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Personally, I don't think Rarity should fight, but maybe she could be that character who finds quests for you to do, or maybe she could be a companion of some sort


It depends on the style of the game, whether we are going to be playing OCs or characters from the Mane 6 I guess.

We could have them as multi-role companions for example, like they could accompany you on quests and even provide you with them, some of them (like Rainbow Dash) may well fight along side your character for a while.

Or perhaps they could even be summoned using a special point system in game or something. As i've said before we're only just starting out here, we can go anywhere and do anything with this. As long as everypony sticks together and keeps faithful to the journey! :)


Just remember Hurricane Fluttershy, what did we learn? Everyone helps :D

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Well, I feel kinda dumb xD


At the time of my post I forgot what sprite makers were...


I think I meant concept/map designs, as spriting is not my forte.

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Well, I feel kinda dumb xD


At the time of my post I forgot what sprite makers were...


I think I meant concept/map designs, as spriting is not my forte.


The sprite workers will be using our designs in their models, we will be making designs for characters, places, landscapes etc.

Basically without the concept art, things aren't going to be anywhere near as good as they could be.

Concept art involves everything, but certain artists are better at drawing certain things. I'll be drawing mainly ponies for example, but I feel I can draw pretty much anything that's needed, even if at only a basic level, I just hope there are people that can draw landscapes/buildings better than I can :P

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The sprite workers will be using our designs in their models, we will be making designs for characters, places, landscapes etc.

Basically without the concept art, things aren't going to be anywhere near as good as they could be.

Concept art involves everything, but certain artists are better at drawing certain things. I'll be drawing mainly ponies for example, but I feel I can draw pretty much anything that's needed, even if at only a basic level, I just hope there are people that can draw landscapes/buildings better than I can :P


Yeah, I can do landscapes and such pretty well normally, and I could do item based designs (Armor, weapons, etc.) It's something I do better than sprites :P

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Yeah, I can do landscapes and such pretty well normally, and I could do item based designs (Armor, weapons, etc.) It's something I do better than sprites :P


Alright good :D

That takes some pressure off me thanks, hopefully when bronyponyfanatic comes back on we'll be organising into groups, or at least everyone will know what they're doing :P

Then we can all focus on our individual aspects and perfect our own points of the game :) Will be the best :D

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