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searching The New Chapter

Discorded Bluenote

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To Be Posted


It is a few years after the mane 6 have imprisoned Discord, and things are seemingly okay.


However, in Canterlot, some report seeing it rain everyday for a while. However, it wasn't just normal rain. It was strawberry milk, rained from from a blue cloud!


Cloudsdale reported seeing a drastic decrease of residents. The few questioned said they weren't able to walk on the clouds anymore.


Ponyville residents are now said crazy, Those questioned said they noticed Applejack is now lazy, Fluttershy is overly angry, Rainbow Dash has isolated herself, Pinkie Pie is now overly sad, Rarity has lost all of her ideas, and Twilight is too easygoing. Some have even noticed here knack for writing has severly decreased and she has stopped sending Celestia messages. Celestia has bigger problems though.







Rules of RP

  • No G-Modding (Celestia anyone?)
  • No Meta Gaming (Hey, I can see you all the way over here! :D)
  • Only one OC per person
  • No Alicorns
  • You don't have to be excatly like the show y'know. (2 Pegsi, 2 Unicorns, 2 Earth ponies)
  • More rules as time goes on.



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