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open The Arena


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"i am simply here. i am neither a being alive nor dead, i work for death respectfully, not to say you can't best me in battle i will never die simply start in a new body in a different time, and i am not your enemy either, here have some deer." Simon said pointing to the deer shank that was a few meters away from him, "i have picked you as an allie and although you may not agree with this i will not fight you unless we two are left." Simon was still meditating under the tree his eyes closed he would look perfectly harmless to some foolish man or woman who decided to bother him.

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Zer0 replied to Simon's offering of meat with a with a few words. "I do not require food." He then used Decepti0n to make it look like he was still there with Simon and quickly ran away. He eventually came upon a huge canyon. "Reminds of Pandora's canyons." He thought to himself. He decided to hide in one of the caves and sleep for the night, for a challenge in the morning he would kill the giant ants he saw on his way to the caves.


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Simon decided to leave Zer0 alone for the rest of the night, he already knew that the Zer0 infront of him was a fake, he slowly got up walked up to it and took a slow swing with his scythe through the Fake Zer0, the Fake Zer0 then buzzed out in a flash of static and light and then disappeared, "well that was too easy." Simon then turned around and headed back towards the tree, before he went up the tree for the night he brought out a special glass jar from his pouch, "this will stop anyone in there tracks." thought Simon, then taking a scoop of the blue jelly he smeared it across the ground all around the tree the jelly then went clear and was no longer seeable. Simon then climbed up the tree and made his bed for the night.

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(Going to school now)


The Rake did not sleep that night. He never needed to sleep.


He silently stalked the area around the clearing, looking for any animals or combatants.


He spotted a shadow in the distance, and silently ran full speed at it. He charged right into it, and it fell over. He then jumped to the top of the creature, and prepared to slit it's throat.


Before he could do this, he was bitten by whatever it was he was on. The Rake jumped back, then looked at the thing he was fighting.


It was a giant ant. He charged at it again, this time aiming his claws at the head. There was the sound of the Ant's head tearing off, then it stumbled for a moment and finally dropped on the ground, dead.


"Is this all the arena is going to throw at me? That was too easy" the Rake said, then continued to stalk the night.


Arena Update :

Night Time.


The mountains are snowing, the rest of the arena is cloaked in a thick fog.


More dangerous wild animals have been added, such as bears, cougars and Wolves.

Edited by Zalgo


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Simon woke up early in the morning, he looked around from the height of the tree, no one, Simon looked down and at the base of the tree where collected of a few bunnies and one giant ant who had all gotten stuck in Simons trap, Simon took out his Scythe and jumped down onto the back of the ant then swinging his blade down cut the ant in two, after wards Simon killed the bunnies from the base of the tree and collected them for food, Simon then closed his eyes and concentrated, where was Zer0 today? there still in the east there was a small rising and falling of movement in a cave, either this was Zer0 or a bear, either way Simon would find out, he jumped back up a tree and started hopping towards the cave.

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Deadpool was 2 pages la- ''Hey! Don't rub it in, asshole.'' Deadpool said while interrupting the poor, poor narrator. ''So.. Where am I this time? An arena? Out of all the things. You take me to an arena?'' Deadpool said while putting his hand on his head. [Well, of course! Why shouldn't we? It's a good opportunity to show people you're strength!] {And kill them?} [Hell yeah man!] ''Well, i'm excited. Now, where is everyone? I wanna began kicking ass as soon as possible.'' But you were 2 pag- ''Oh shut the $#%& up!''

Edited by Random Sushi
  • Brohoof 2
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The dungeon master looked at the arena, unsatified. No one was really fighting each other.


"Okay then, how about we throw in some more dangerous creatures into the arena" he said to himself.


He looked at the billions of species that exist across the multiverse, and found a couple that would certainly make things more... Interesting.


In the mountains, he placed two dragons. One is capable of breathing ice and cold winds, and the other is capable of breathing fire and hot winds.


He also put in 40 creatures from the universe known as "Minecraftia", called "Endermen".

These tall creatures only attack if they are hit, or if you look them in the eyes.


For good mesure, he put three tyranosaurus from ancient earth into the canyons.


He smirked, then awaited for the fighting to continue.

Edited by Zalgo


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Deadpool had noticed a black thingy standing in the middle of nowhere. ''Hey! It's moving black licorice! Good thing I don't like licorice!'' Deadpool said while pulling out a small handgu- ''Can I have a shotgun?'' [No.] ''Pleaaaassssse?'' [Nope.] ''I hope you burn in hell.'' [When you burn in hell, so will I.] ''Aw, screw it. I'll take the handgun.'' Deadpool said while shooting the enderman from a distance. It quickly teleported to him. ''You smell like nachos.'' Deadpool said.

  • Brohoof 1
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Zer0 walked through the fields and noticied something was amiss. He pulled his katana out and struck behind him, striking an Endermen right in the chest. He pulled the sword out of it's chest and started walking towards the big beast he saw in the distance. As he was walking through this field, due to all the creatures around him he started to play "Wimoweh" on his speakers.


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''WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU, BRO? I JUST WANNA HAVE A STARING CONTEST!'' Deadpool yelled while the Enderman bi**h slapped him. ''Okay. I can't take this anymore. Time to kill you!'' Deadpool said while shooting an entire clip of ammo at the Enderman. [Heh. Good move.] ''Thanks.'' {You know, I always thought it would take more than just a clip of handgun ammo to some licorice.}

Edited by Calirolls
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Simon was still moving on Zer0's trail, but things where getting more dangerous, there were Black tall things all over the place, Simon looked at one from the top of the tree he was standing on, suddenly it teleported up to the branch he was on and tried attacking him, "you know two people on one branch is never safe!" Simon jumped on to another branch the branch the Enderman was on snapped sending the Enderman falling down 30 feet killing it on contact, "that will teach you physics!" Simon said with a laugh suddenly a big creature started coming in to view as well as strange music that Simon knew he had heard before, Jumping up to the tallest branch he could get to he saw a huge tyrannosaurs standing around in a open field, then Zer0 popped out from the line of trees running at the dinosaur "might as well sit back and watch!" Simon thought to himself, lying back on the main trunk of the tree he got out some meat and watched what Zer0 did next.

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Simon was still moving on Zer0's trail, but things where getting more dangerous, there were Black tall things all over the place, Simon looked at one from the top of the tree he was standing on, suddenly it teleported up to the branch he was on and tried attacking him, "you know two people on one branch is never safe!" Simon jumped on to another branch the branch the Enderman was on snapped sending the Enderman falling down 30 feet killing it on contact, "that will teach you physics!" Simon said with a laugh suddenly a big creature started coming in to view as well as strange music that Simon knew he had heard before, Jumping up to the tallest branch he could get to he saw a huge tyrannosaurs standing around in a open field, then Zer0 popped out from the line of trees running at the dinosaur "might as well sit back and watch!" Simon thought to himself, lying back on the main trunk of the tree he got out some meat and watched what Zer0 did next.


(Now you're just god-modding. Luckily that was my intent.)

Zer0 dashed towards the fearsome creature and used his Decepti0n, making the creature attack his hologram which was just standing there while he slid under it's legs, he jumped onto the tail and ran up the back and onto the neck, he took his katana out and stabbed the monsters spine, instantly killing it.


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Simon was a little disappointed, "that was faster then i thought it would be." Simon thought to himself, looking down again he watched as Zer0 plunged his katana in to the beast, "now what will i do for fun?" Simon put away his meat and got his scythe out, he waited on the branch and waited for Zer0 to leave, "when he's gone i will get myself a new set of armor!" Simon thought to himself.

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Zer0 decided, for survival and other things, he would scavenge the monster for any supplies including meat and such, and bones. He thought about how he would carry the stuff back to his cave and then devised a plan to have some of the giant ants do the work for him by making them push the dinosaur to try to get to him. He went over to get a giant ants attention.


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Simon saw Zer0 go over to a giant ant, That was his chance jumping off the branch as fast as he could he sliced right throught the Tyrannosaurus head with one good slice, then cutting up the head even more he stole the skull, this will make a great helmet!" then as fast as he could he ran back up to the tree he was in before the skull still not cleaned yet on his head.

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Zer0 lured the ant to the other side of the monster and ran backwards as the ant pushed the body to try to get to him, he looked back and noticed the head was missing. Even though confused, he kept running until the monster was in his cave, he then quickly killed the ant.


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Simon stood on the top branch of his tree, looking at the skull he took, he noticed that the blood of the monster was dripping down his face, then taking his magic he burnt the skin off of the skull until it was shiny white, with still a few drops of blood on the inside, putting on his new helmet a single drop of blood landed on his tongue, "yum..." suddenly Simons eyes turned red, taking his scythe out he jumped down and looked around for something to kill, sensing a giant ant hill only a few meters away Simon went in to the ant hill, from inside the anthill the sound of demonic laughter and the sound of metal on flesh, a few minutes later Simon walked out of the hill completely covered in blood, his eyes no longer red, plus he had padding from a dead ant on his arms. he then went walked back to his tree, went up to the tallest bracn and laid down for a short rest.

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Kaldr took the pleasure of watching... whatever those two things down there were. Not something he would call a grand battle, but it was something of worth that could help him pass his time in this so called 'Arena'.

Kaldr was hoping to befriend the ice breathing dragon, use it to his advantage. The more ice he gathered the better.

Cyril Coltefeller, the Head of Magical and Technological Development.

Fierasil de Rosa Canter, the optimistic flyer.

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Simon woke up from his short rest and noticed he was covered in blood, "dammit not again!" Simon couldn't help yelling to himself, then he looked at the rest of his body he was fine except now instead of just having the dinosaur helmet he also had a pair of ant exoskeletons on his arms as padding, "i wonder how many died this time?" simon said a little ashamed of the pointless murder of a family of ants, standing up on the branch he cleaned of the blood as much as he could and decided to go look for Zer0 again sensing around he found movement in the cave from before, "definitely him." Simon then jumped from tree to tree until he landed on top of a tree hanging over the entrance to the cave. Simon then waited on top of the branch blended in with the scenery.

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The Rake grew bored, and decided to go hunting. He had heard some roaring in the direction of the mountains and the canyon.


Something large must have been put into the arena. "Best stay away from there..." he thought to himself.


As he was silently stalking through the forest, he noticed a tall black humanoid.


Was this another combatant? The rake wasn't too sure.


He stared at it for a while, when suddenly the creature's head turned towards him in an instant. The Rake looked into it's completely purple eyes, then it disappeared.


The Rake looked around. It was gone...


As soon as The Rake started moving forward again, the creature attacked him from behind. The Rake managed to slash it before it teleported away again.


It took him a few minutes, but he managed to kill it. He tried eating it... But even to the Rake, the flesh tasted disgusting.


The Rake was about to move on... But he noticed a small blueish pearl lying on the ground.


He picked it up. After examining it for a moment, and trying to eat it, he came to the conclusion that it had no use, and tossed it in the air.


A few moments later, the Rake was transported to the place it landed.


"This orb can be used for teleportation..." The Rake stated the obvious.


He picked it up again, but it crumbled into dust.



Enderpearls are dropped by dead endermen. They allow one teleportation to wherever it is thrown.


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Deadpool had discovered the power of the ender pearls, and decided to act like (obviously) Deadpool with them. ''WOO! TELEPORT HERE! TELEPORT THERE! TELEPORT EVERYWHERE!'' Deadpool said while wasting the ender pearls he had owned at the moment. [be careful! You may never know when you would need those things!] {Don't listen! Keep using them! There so much fun!} ''I KNOW, RIGHT!?''

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