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private Founding of Equestria (RP thread)

Cherry Blossom

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Cumulus felt the weight on his back double as Flame Dancer left him with the burden. "Oh, god! What the hell! Really?" he shouted as he began to slowly sink into the cloud. "I DON'T EVEN LIKE THIS PONY! Why do you weigh so much?" He pulled himself back up and payed flat on the cloud.


Runner stumbled, letting out a small, "Oof!" as he was dropped on Cumulus, feeling like a gymnast who's losing his balance on the beam. Turning around and lying on his stomach, his entire weight pressed against Cumulus, he shouted, "What am I? Dead weight? Have a little respect for somepony, geez."


(OCC: I'll probably have to go soon, so if you guys continue posting while I'm offline, just drop Runner off in the jail and I'll start off there when I'm back. Don't want to keep you guys waiting on me.)

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Surge went down into the holding cell. He passed Trench on the way. Thank you Trench. You can take a break if you want. *Smells rum in the air* And it smells like you already started. Ill take things from here. Windscar was trying to get free. She was shaking around and pulling at the braces.

My commander will have your head for this! Let me go now and i might get her to spare you life.

Whoa feisty lil this now aren't we? Your in predicament you have no right to make demands. Now why are you here?

Im not saying anything to you you mud dog!

Hmmmmm...Is that so? Well i guess ill have to change my approach.

Surge goes over to a crank that is connected to her wings.

Now here's whats going to happen. I will turn this crank every time you dont answer me. And with each turn....Turns the crank and it starts to pull at her wings. Well you get the idea. And i will keep doing this until one of two things happens. You either talk or.....Your wings are pulled out of the socket or ripped off you back. So....whats it going to be?

Windscar could feel the tug on her wings. It did not hurt it felt more like a good stretch.

Ha. Your going to have to do better than that.

Very well then. Turns the crank more. WS felt the change in the pull. Now....Why are you here?

Ill never speak. Why are you here? *crank turn* Ahhh....Ill never speak....Ahhhh....What are you here for? *crank turn* Ahhhhh....my wings....ill....never...talk....Why are you spying on us? *crank turn* At this time her wings were at full extinction. She could no longer move them without hurting herself. Ahhhhh.....You son of ......*turns crank* AHHHHHH......Stop......Please........My wings.......I....cant....take it....Then tell me why your here. WS looks up at Surge with a pained face. I.....I...i cant....i cant betray my people.....Dony you understand that? Surge takes his hoof off the crank but leaves it where it is. Fine then. Until your ready to talk you will stay like this.*walks out of the cell* Ill be back. Wait...where are you going? You cant leave me like this! Get back here and take me down out of this thing! Surge walks outside to see Shelby and Velnir walking to town hall. Well hello you two. Shelby i see you found my old friend Velnir. So how are you doing now in days Velnir? We dont talk as much as we use to.

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"You'll recall my shack? Emptier than it used to be. I'm moving. Miss Shelby was kind enough to offer me a job. You realize that I'm going to have to splint her wings if you leave her up there for too long, right? Have you tried a gentler approach yet?" Velnir looked around him to see the pegasi mare, "Just as ruthless as always," he said sadly. "Here's the poi- the package you asked for. And seeds to plant the plants around. Also," he says loud enough so the pegasi can hear, "Don't get into the axe or knife collection. The special poison I put together to make the cuts immensely pleasurable isn't supposed to wear off for a weak. I know how much you love to see them squirm!" He said it with false happiness, then sighed inwardly, and more quietly said, "Don't bang her up to bad, alright? We don't need Hurricane breathing down our necks. The Unicorns would benefit to much with a prolonged war." It was obvious that he couldn't bring himself to look into the cells.

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Surge laughed and put his arm around Velnir. Ha ha. You have not changed a bit my friend. And you should know be better than that. This is nowhere near my ruthless. And i dont see why need to leave your shop. Your the only one who knows how to heal ponies without magic.But there is anything i can do for you just let me know. Without you i might be dead. Taking the package. And thanks for this. You know your the only one i can go to if the Unicorns decide to attack us. Whisper to him. You do still remember how to make those gas bombs right? Because we may need some if things go south with the other breeds.


Back in the cell Windscar could feel her wings being stretched out. They felt like they were going to be pulled out of socket. She cringes but tries not to move so much. She can hear Surge talking to some other pony. Someone.....help me....In thought. I cant believe im asking for help. Help me......This is not going to work. There is only one way to get him back down here.....but im not going to like it......Alright!......Ill talk!......Just get me out of this thing......I cant take it anymore.

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Velnir grimaced but nodded, "I still know how to make those... Contraptions. Your guest is ready to talk. More likely ready to spit in your face, though. Have you ever wondered why all of our prisoners become haunted shells of themselves? Or how every single one seems desperate to escape?" He sighed again. He was doing lots of sighing in the prison.

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Alli noticed that the pegasus, Cherry Blossom, was tired. "Very well Ms. Blossom, I will be back after your nap. And after you miss Syline's beautiful night," she grumbled the last bit and followed Snowy out of the cell, locking it up.


(For Nightfall)

Velnir nodded when she said speed, "Yes, speed I could definitely see. Always something to do and places to be with you," he grinned, "A little bit different to a pony who's job is to wait." They came into town and heard someponies talking about a captured pegasus, "I'd be willing to bet that that's where Surge is."


"I'm sorry about that. But I honestly do feel like I must always be doing something somewhere."

She then grew quiet during the talk to Surge. Until, that is, she realized there was a pegasus being tortured in the next room.

"Surge! What the-! Surge, stop this now!"

She tried rushing into the room.



"OMIGOSH I'M GONNA DIE!" was going through Martin's mind when he slipped. When she offered her front hooves he grabbed them without hesitation "Just get me up to the clouds before I start wishing I was back in the Earth Kingdom" he said half jokingly. His teeth were chattering slightly and he refused to look down. He considered himself to be a pretty cool and collect guy but Martin had never been this scared in his life.


Greylight slowly pulled Martin up. It was a good thing she had had training, otherwise... They both might have been dead by now. Once Martin was close enough, she pulled him close to her, holding him tight.

"I guess.. We'll have to travel like this for now.. I mean, unless you can somehow get back on my back.."

She was blushing very extremely. She saw the others come up.

"No, I think we have this for now. Go put the prisoner in a cell, and when I'm done helping Martin, I'll see him!"

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Greylight slowly pulled Martin up. It was a good thing she had had training, otherwise... They both might have been dead by now. Once Martin was close enough, she pulled him close to her, holding him tight.

"I guess.. We'll have to travel like this for now.. I mean, unless you can somehow get back on my back.."

She was blushing very extremely. She saw the others come up.

"No, I think we have this for now. Go put the prisoner in a cell, and when I'm done helping Martin, I'll see him!"


"I-I'm fine h-here..." Martin replied as he dared to look back down with wide eyes. When he heard 'prisoner' he looked over in the direction of the other pegasi and saw that one of them was also carrying an earth pony. He couldn't make him out from where he was but he did seem familiar. "Can you fly any faster?" He asked Greylight. Martin had a feeling he would regret that.
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"I-I'm fine h-here..." Martin replied as he dared to look back down with wide eyes. When he heard 'prisoner' he looked over in the direction of the other pegasi and saw that one of them was also carrying an earth pony. He couldn't make him out from where he was but he did seem familiar. "Can you fly any faster?" He asked Greylight. Martin had a feeling he would regret that.


"Oh, yeah, sorry."

She didn't let him go; she only held him close. She was afraid that if she were to loosen her grip a bit, he would fall. But she realized being this close might put ideas in other ponies heads and made her feel a bit awkward. It was death or awkward; she chose awkward. The soon reached a level where they couldn't see down below them because of a cloud blanket that was thick enough to stand on. But she didn't let go immediately...

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"Oh, yeah, sorry."

She didn't let him go; she only held him close. She was afraid that if she were to loosen her grip a bit, he would fall. But she realized being this close might put ideas in other ponies heads and made her feel a bit awkward. It was death or awkward; she chose awkward. The soon reached a level where they couldn't see down below them because of a cloud blanket that was thick enough to stand on. But she didn't let go immediately...


When Greylight held him close so she could fly faster he held her back, not for intimate reasons but because it just seemed like the normal thing to do as opposed to just sitting there in her arms. Once they were above the clouds and they just hovered there for a few seconds without letting go he looked at Greylight "Ahem..." he smiled a bit.
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When Greylight held him close so she could fly faster he held her back, not for intimate reasons but because it just seemed like the normal thing to do as opposed to just sitting there in her arms. Once they were above the clouds and they just hovered there for a few seconds without letting go he looked at Greylight "Ahem..." he smiled a bit.


"Ah, yes, sorry."

She blushed and set her back hooves down.

"Wait! Don't you have to turn those... hoof things on first..?"

She looked a bit surprised. She looked at his hooves, then back at his face.

"Because if you didn't, you might die, and then..."

She blushed.

"Um... and then I would lose my... my main informant."

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Velnir grimaced but nodded, "I still know how to make those... Contraptions. Your guest is ready to talk. More likely ready to spit in your face, though. Have you ever wondered why all of our prisoners become haunted shells of themselves? Or how every single one seems desperate to escape?" He sighed again. He was doing lots of sighing in the prison.


Well it would seem she is. And she's already spat in my face once. And you know why my prisoners turn out like that. Any prisoner of the EPK for that matter turns out like that. It is what we were taught to do. To break them at any means necessary. You should know this. You use to work by my side on things like this. We were a great team. Out in the fields and in the prison. But anyway back to prisoner. I dont intend to break her. Im just giving her a taste of my madness. But you of all ponies should know i can show mercy.


"I'm sorry about that. But I honestly do feel like I must always be doing something somewhere."

She then grew quiet during the talk to Surge. Until, that is, she realized there was a pegasus being tortured in the next room.

"Surge! What the-! Surge, stop this now!"

She tried rushing into the room.


Surge heard Shelby and saw her run by to Windscar. She'll be fine. Im getting ready to let her down in a second. I didnt do too much to her. Oh and i want to thank you for helping my friend here.


Surge then walks over to WS. She had her head down and was breathing heavy. So....your ready to talk? Yes....please....just take me down.....I cant take the pain anymore. WS looked up at Surge and locked eyes. She would shed no tears of pain even tho she wanted to. Surge Looked into her faded green eyes and could see tears in them. It hit him.....This was wrong.....He had done this many times before but never felt this bad. He hit the quick release switch and the chains fell to the ground. WS fell to her hooves and knees.She tried to fold her wings but it hurt to much at the time. Surge walks in her cell looking at her. She lifts her head and looks at him. So.....i guess you want me to talk now hun? Surge says nothing But walks closer to her. She backs up fearing for the worst. Hey man....back up.....keep away from me.....get away from me......She was now backed up against the wall. Surge was looking her dead in the eye. She was now fearing for her life. She had no idea what he was going to do next. Her instincts kick in and she slaps him in the face. His face barely moves. He just turns his eyes back to her. She she scared out of her mind now. She was breathing heavily and her heart was pounding.She tries to slap him again, but Surge then grabs her hoof and puts it above her head and unlocks the shackles. WS was confused as he took the other ones off as well. Even the ones on her wings. As he turns to walk out she just stays against the wall. Surge shuts the cell door. He speaks in a low voice as he walks past Velnir. I need to speak with you.

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When Surge turned his back, he spat into a corner and turned. He'd never told Surge how much he'd hated it. That was why he didn't have friends anymore. He wouldn't let himself; nopony deserved to have a Confession Herbalist as a friend. He could still here the screams of the ghosts echoing in the hall. "Come on Shelby, let's go," he mumbled, walking away. He turned when he heard Surge, and looked at him, "Then speak. You remember where I left everything for your... Work."

Edited by Dawnpath
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When Surge turned his back, he spat into a corner and turned. He'd never told Surge how much he'd hated it. That was why he didn't have friends anymore. He wouldn't let himself; nopony deserved to have a Confession Herbalist as a friend. He could still here the screams of the ghosts echoing in the hall. "Come on Shelby, let's go," he mumbled, walking away. He turned when he heard Surge, and looked at him, "Then speak. You remember where I left everything for your... Work."


Shelby was confused. Why did Surge just let the pegasus go? What was he trying to do..? She slowly followed Velnir, then trotted up beside him.

"I'm.. I'm confused, Velnir. Was Surge always like this..?"

She got a bit close to Velnir and whispered in his ear.

"I wish Martin was back. Or we at least had a leader like Martin..."

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"I'll tell you about Surge when we get home. But I'm beginning to see something I hadn't seen before; remorse. But let's wait and see," he whispered, studying Surge. Letting the pegasus go was not only unexpected, but totally out of character. "Hey pegasus, I can give you something for your wings."

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Martin, The pony that we caught is an earth pony, So act like you are being take somewhere or something. In the really really really unlikely chance that he were to escape, He would warn the rest of the earth ponies that you have joined the pegasai. So ... I dunno pretend your being taken to the town hall. Flame said, Turning around and flying back towards Flame Runner and Cumulus.
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Letrix was still sitting in the cafe when suddenly an army messenger burst in through the door. "Letrix, you have been called to go a top secret mission. The coordinates are all in this folder." The messenger said to Letrix as he handed him a folder containing mission details. Letrix looked over the contents of the folder and then looked up towards the messenger "I guess I better get going then" Letrix said to him as he teleported to the meeting point.

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Cherry Blossom awoke to the commotion that was going about, outside of the holding cells. She rubbed her eyes and watched as Unicorn guards started to swarm around a Pegasus. "S-Splinter? What are you d-doing here?" she asked as she removed the tight sneaking suit off and put it aside.


((OOC: Can I get a summary please? With a Cherry Blossom on top?))

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When Surge turned his back, he spat into a corner and turned. He'd never told Surge how much he'd hated it. That was why he didn't have friends anymore. He wouldn't let himself; nopony deserved to have a Confession Herbalist as a friend. He could still here the screams of the ghosts echoing in the hall. "Come on Shelby, let's go," he mumbled, walking away. He turned when he heard Surge, and looked at him, "Then speak. You remember where I left everything for your... Work."


Surge did not feel like himself. This is not about my work Venlir. This something else. Im asking you.....As friend.....Can we talk?


Shelby was confused. Why did Surge just let the pegasus go? What was he trying to do..? She slowly followed Velnir, then trotted up beside him.

"I'm.. I'm confused, Velnir. Was Surge always like this..?"

She got a bit close to Velnir and whispered in his ear.

"I wish Martin was back. Or we at least had a leader like Martin..."


Surge saw as Shelby whispered in Venlir's ear. Shelby....If you didnt know i had good hearing now you do. Its Martin who hlepped make me what i am today. And the closest thing we have to Martin in the village is me. So ill let that one slide.


"I'll tell you about Surge when we get home. But I'm beginning to see something I hadn't seen before; remorse. But let's wait and see," he whispered, studying Surge. Letting the pegasus go was not only unexpected, but totally out of character. "Hey pegasus, I can give you something for your wings."


Surge then walks into another room. Venlir....Meet me in here when your done with her.


Windscar was still that she was let go. She snapped out of it as the pony at her cell offered to help her. She went back to her normal self. I dont need your charity. Ahhhhhh......ill be fine She struggled to close her wings. The pain was to much. She fell back on the wall. Ahhh.......Fine......ill take your help. It better not make me one of your kind. Or make my wings unusable. In thought. It is odd. First Surge lets me go. And now this one wants to help me? They must be trying to trick me or something. Well im not letting me guard down for a second.

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He looked quizically after Surge, but is was Shelby he addressed first, "This could be a while, and this is a place that zaps spirits and twists souls. I won't blame you for going home." He walked up to the pegasus, "Hold this in your mouth," he said, producing something similar to a riding bit. He waited for her to put it on, "It's so that when it starts hurting you don't bite your tongue off. It's hard, I know, but I have to put your wings back into place. I'll give you something for the swelling, but if you stay in cold places, you should be alright. I know it's hard, but you have to trust me. If it consuls you at all, I could have killed you in ten different ways already." He looked her in the eyes, "I deal in the buisness of life now. And yours depends on your wings." And with that he pushed her wings back into place. He did it gently, but he knew that it would hurt more than her trying to close them. He looked away, and handed her a bundle, taking off the bit. "For the swelling." He walked into the afore mentioned cell, waiting for Surge to speak.

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"Ah, yes, sorry."

She blushed and set her back hooves down.

"Wait! Don't you have to turn those... hoof things on first..?"

She looked a bit surprised. She looked at his hooves, then back at his face.

"Because if you didn't, you might die, and then..."

She blushed.

"Um... and then I would lose my... my main informant."


Martin looked down at his back hooves which were almost touching the clouds as he was still being supported my Greylight who had yet to let him go and neither had he "No there's no switch to them or anything, they're always on" He looked back at Greylight's worried blushing face "Umm... I'm getting a feeling that you're worried about more than loosing your 'main informant'..." he asked her inquisitively... he blushed...

Martin, The pony that we caught is an earth pony, So act like you are being take somewhere or something. In the really really really unlikely chance that he were to escape, He would warn the rest of the earth ponies that you have joined the pegasai. So ... I dunno pretend your being taken to the town hall. Flame said, Turning around and flying back towards Flame Runner and Cumulus.


When Martin heard this he thought fast and called out "I'LL NEVER TELL YOU A THING!!!!" to cover up the moment he was having with Greylight. After that he looked back at Greylight with his inquisitive blushing face.
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Martin looked down at his back hooves which were almost touching the clouds as he was still being supported my Greylight who had yet to let him go and neither had he "No there's no switch to them or anything, they're always on" He looked back at Greylight's worried blushing face "Umm... I'm getting a feeling that you're worried about more than loosing your 'main informant'..." he asked her inquisitively... he blushed...


When Martin heard this he thought fast and called out "I'LL NEVER TELL YOU A THING!!!!" to cover up the moment he was having with Greylight. After that he looked back at Greylight with his inquisitive blushing face.


"We'll, I mean, if I do lose you, then I will have lost all information... That does worry me quite a bit."

But she was still blushing and suspected that he knew or barely knew. This made her blush more.

"Here. Let me just.. Um.."

She slowly started lowering him, still not letting go and holding him a bit tight.

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"We'll, I mean, if I do lose you, then I will have lost all information... That does worry me quite a bit."

But she was still blushing and suspected that he knew or barely knew. This made her blush more.

"Here. Let me just.. Um.."

She slowly started lowering him, still not letting go and holding him a bit tight.


Martin was now low enough to stand on the clouds. His fancy shoes held and it felt like he was walking on his old bed back in the Earth Kingdom. He an Greylight were still holding each other and only standing on the clouds with their back hooves. He hadn't looked away from Greylight's worried face. He knew something was up and he had a pretty good idea he knew what it was... "Grey?..." he said.
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Martin was now low enough to stand on the clouds. His fancy shoes held and it felt like he was walking on his old bed back in the Earth Kingdom. He an Greylight were still holding each other and only standing on the clouds with their back hooves. He hadn't looked away from Greylight's worried face. He knew something was up and he had a pretty good idea he knew what it was... "Grey?..." he said.


"So.. um, they work... I guess that isn't much of a surprise..."

She looked down, and a relieved expression swept over her face. She looked back up and remembered they were still holding each other. She blushed a bit more, then found herself slowly moving in towards Martin, ending up only inches from his face. She closed her eyes and kissed him.

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Flame Flew black to Cumulus who was now lying on the ground. He cant be that heavy. He said, Pulling Flame Runner onto his back. I have to take him to the prison, You're welcome to come with me. He said, Holding out his hoof he could help Cumulus to his hooves

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"So.. um, they work... I guess that isn't much of a surprise..."

She looked down, and a relieved expression swept over her face. She looked back up and remembered they were still holding each other. She blushed a bit more, then found herself slowly moving in towards Martin, ending up only inches from his face. She closed her eyes and kissed him.


Martin closed her eyes and kissed back. He'd never considered himself much of a romantic pony before but something about Greylight just felt right. So he embraced her; wrapping his hooves around her neck and pulling her in. After what felt like an eternity he broke the kiss and jokingly laughed saying "Of course they work" he said with an alluring gaze into Greylight's eyes.
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