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Tales from the players of WolfQuest

KTP Pretorius

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I'm sure that a lot of people here have played that hot wolf game called WolfQuest. If you have, i'm sure that you have your own story to tell about life as a wolf. What was it like? What was your wolf's life like, and how did you react at some parts? Here's mine as an example.


I was a black and brown wolf named Eriu. He was a dispersal wolf (duh) from his pack, and left to find a mate. First, he ran into the forest, and on a stroke of luck, ran into a herd of elk. The elk hunt was not sucessful, but her went on his journey.


Now you know all that wolfy stuff they do, and he nearly died after a confronation with a bear. Soon he found a mate named Eliyah. Me and her ran around for a bit, and then we went to Slough Creek.


Now you know all the rest. We soon got up onto a den that had a great view of the elk hunting spot, and seemed a perfect place to raise pups.


Soon, like all wolves, we had four pups. I decided that I'd make a personality for all of them. I had gone way to far on my sojourn to skip that. They were named Blizzard (albino pup), Hutch, Cobra, and Eriyah; a mix of both our names.


Soon tragedy struck, and Blizzard was eaten by a wolfpup- eating bear, and Hutch disspeared without a trace. We soon had to leave, and we took Corba and Eriyah with us. It rained constantly, which stressed me out, as well as the constant preditor alerts.


Soon we decided that we would follow slough creek until we got to a good crossing. We got all the way to the end of the creek, and I was getting frustrated by then, and we turned around to go the other way.


Leter, an eagle attacked Eriyah (who was a coward) and was an inch away from her when I bit it and it left.


Then I found out that soon as we get to the lone tree, we could rest. When we got there, there were so many coyote that we had to leave.


Finally, the long waited moment came, and we came to the sandbar crossing. Just then, I was probably so stressed I felt like i was really Eriu and silently promised the pups that they would see the great land of which they will grow up in. And then it happened.


I cought both Cobra and Eriyah in the water. I only had time to save Eriyah, but not Cobra.


We crossed, me agian silently narrating my wolf. (He was sobbing in the mourning of his last son) We got there, and everything seemed to float away.



If you took the time to read this very long post, thank you for giving the time to do so. If you have any WQ memorable moments to tell, please do.

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