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open Celestial Conquest: Equestria Fallen

Salacious B. Crumb

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The chaos came so suddenly that it took the sea pony off guard. The flare, the panic, the mass of guards, all seemed slightly suspicious to Inky. He had eventually made his way to The Mantis by now, and he glanced over and saw an old Rebel propaganda poster he had bought at a pawn shop in Las Pegasus. It showed an earth pony, a pegasus, a unicorn and a buffalo, all with blank expressions and white, empty eyes. They had a connected dream bubble, in which was Luna, or more specifically, Nightmare Moon. It had the caption "No mind is safe from Luna's tyranny!"


"Oh  carp!" Inky yelled a bit to loudly. He realized a bit to late that Las Pegasus is much more accepting of rebels than Canterlot. A guard turned around, and Inky quickly grabbed a box of valuables/necessities, and made himself look inconspicuous. "Look, captain, I think that ship has some rebel propaganda onboard!" The sea pony sadly got a special Zebrayik-only device, and remotely deleted the ship's computer's memory. "Who know's?" he said to himself, "Maybe, someday, I could buy it back from the Coalition. Or steal it."

His thought's know turned towards finding new work, came back to the gray and black stallions he had seen in the cantina earlier. They seemed like his type.


"I hope I'm right." he thought to himself. "Hey, maybe then I'll have someone to talk to." And with that, he continued on, inconspicuously whistling through his blowhole. He hoped they hadn't left without him.

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(OOC: Sorry for being away guys terrible terrible week =( ill try to get things back to where I left)

The troopers all looked like ready to fire but the commander officer screamed You all have your orders”

“Well that’s a relief” were the thoughts on Colts mind that were followed by his greetings to the royal guard “I am Colt Strahl, captain on the S.I. Ragnarock and responsible of its crew. We are here as your Majesty Princess Celestia requests us to. I am unarmed and my crew has orders to lay down any kind of aggression towards the Coalition we all sworn to protect.”

That’s when the shooting started. For some reason the troopers opened fire the troopers left some lost shots in the direction of Colt. He had to drop down the catlwalk and spread his wings gliding to the wall and climbing it with his claws.

He took a peek when getting up to the edge and saw a gray unicorn doing some nasty work on the non friendly royal guards. He climbed up and folding his wings took down two guards by sweeping their hooves then busting their heads to the floor with his claws. Then Colt move swiftly around the confounded guards hitting their blind spots with electricity charged blows. Until being close enough with the unicorn, he took the blaster of the last guard he paralyzed and with a flap of his wings a gust of wind took him to the side of the two eyed color unicorn who looked kind of distracted and speaking to somepony.

Colt pointed the blaster towards “his savior” head and roared “Enough!!!” the now dragon like voice resounded on the docking bay “As a Colonel of the C.o.E. royal army I can’t let you keep killing this stupid troopers in the line of their duty” he said with a royal Canterlot voice volume for all the ponies there to listen then with straight eyes over the unicorn he said “Lay down your arms son, and I can still take both of us out of this”.

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He deactivated his comm- unit, and threw down his weapon, cutting into the ground in front of him. "Colonel? Is that all? Buddy, you really need to call up Celestia and ask for a promotion. Anyway, the only one dead is that one," he said pointing at the unicorn on the ground, whom he had used as a shield, "and technically that was this guy's fault," he continued pointing at another goon. "And I think it is you who should lay down your arms because you are in my world now; hunted by your own country for no fault of your own. All of these guards will shoot you on sight," He said noticing more running towards them in the the distance. "They don't care if you're on their side. All they can see is a that you're a dragon. You need to get out of here if you want to survive, and I can help you. There' s nothing you can do for your country here anyway. I've uncovered a secret plot by the changelings. Come with me and we can work together."

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"They don't care if you're on their side. All they can see is a that you're a dragon. You need to get out of here if you want to survive, and I can help you


 The dragon smiled at the cocky liitle youngster " A yes the soldier mind is one of stupids and simpletons but between this blaster against your skull and those others against my scales which do you think has the best chance to... as you say... survive?" the dragon said while grinning.


There' s nothing you can do for your country here anyway. I've uncovered a secret plot by the changelings. Come with me and we can work together.

Colt left out a laugh “My my aren’t you a terribly volatile foal, you shoot your own soldiers, blabber about ranks, threaten my life with a “superior fire power” and then ask for my help on a supposed crusade” he paused of a second with laughs. “You should work on your diplomacy son”.


“And you should stop being such a trouble maker Colt” a digitalized voiced was played on the screens around the dock, one that everypony there knew. Moments after the screens showed the alicorn of the night. “Put down that gun, you are not going to shoot him anyway”


The dragon sighed and smiled “Hello there Luna, long time” he let the gun slip from his fingers “I assure you they shot first” he said in a with some irony on his words.


The princess sighed with a little annoyance and gave her command “That what you always say, guards, Put Col. Strahl Into custody with his crew, and bring them to the conference center” with this the screens went off.


Colt surrendered himself to the guards and presented his arms to the two eyed unicorn to get clawcuffed. “If the reason why the sisters call me is this changelings issue of yours, then we will work together.” The dragon smirked to the unicorn.


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Before he could reply Smart Flank heard a crunch and two voices; that of his co-conspirator and one other. Was that the dragon from earlier he heard? And by the sounds of it he wasn't the measured individual he had thought him to be. He sounded rather arrogant in his words towards DeadEye.


Then he heard Princess Luna's voice on the other end, ordering the arrest of the dragon, and it was quiet from there. He shook his head in a bewildered fashion. What the hell was wrong with Equestria these days?

"Humanity is the end; knowledge is the means; I will not rest until there are no more secrets to be discovered; I will not rest until there are no more ways to improve; I will not rest until there are no more problems to be solved; I will wield no weapon but my wits and intellect; With these weapons I will battle ignorance until the light of knowledge shines bright; When the light of knowledge shines upon us all, then I shall rest, and not before." - Atmomancer Creed

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As Colt was lead away by the guards, DeadEye touched his beret in a sort of salute and yelled after him, "Tell the princess, Moon Shiner sends his regards! Meet me here when you're done." He smirked. He usually didn't get such a thrill from a fight anymore, but this dragon had made things interesting. He stowed away his weapon, leaving an indent in the ground, and walked back towards the ship, while calling back Smart Flank. "Sorry about that. Now could you give me a basic summary of what you found?"

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"Sorry about that. Now could yo give me a basic summary of what you found?"

SmartFlank swivelled in his chair to face the monitor. The file occupied the screen, showing fleet figures and a diagram of fleet postings along the western front. "It appears to be tactical data showing the status of fleets to the galactic west. Thing is... Well, there aren't any. This fits the bill completely; if the changelings were to discover this, they could move in and eradicate ponykind. We would be wiped from the face of the universe by those parasites and we wouldn't be able to do a thing," he opened his secure e-mail client, attached the file and sent it off to the address in the folder. "I've just sent the file to you now. I hope this helps you with... Whatever it is you're doing."

Edited by Archi

"Humanity is the end; knowledge is the means; I will not rest until there are no more secrets to be discovered; I will not rest until there are no more ways to improve; I will not rest until there are no more problems to be solved; I will wield no weapon but my wits and intellect; With these weapons I will battle ignorance until the light of knowledge shines bright; When the light of knowledge shines upon us all, then I shall rest, and not before." - Atmomancer Creed

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"Interesting. This explains a lot. I'll read it soon. Great job, Smart Flank. Now that I know this I know what to do. You may have just saved the universe. Listen though, if things get bad in the future, feel free to call me. Take care of yourself," he said solemnly before hanging up on him. He approached Axel and the purple stranger.


"Nice to make your acquaintance, miss. I take it you'll be operating the computer on our voyage?"

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Usaf picked up the three other ships on his scanners "Buck this! FILIS set hyper-drive coordinates for the dark-side of the moon."


"Yes Sir."


"Why the moon Usaf?" called Simmons from the gunner seat.


"It will mask our radar signature so that those Buckers can't track us anymore."


And with that Usaf activated his hyper-drive and flashed to the back side of the moon and landed in a crater.


"All right time to let this cool off. If someone needs me they can call me."

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The pursuing ships lost Usaf, so they started combing the area for any sign of him. Returning to the planet wouldn't be easy.


Meanwhile the guards led Colt in a ship, which brought them to a large, impressive building. They brought him inside, where hundreds of individuals from dozens of different departments scurried about busily, trying to make sense of the utter chaos that was going on. After a while, they entered a heavy oaken door, which opened to a large, comfortable looking room with a long, heavy table in the middle. Luna stood on the far end of the room. "Hello, Colonel," She greeted him passively.

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((Sorry O3O I've been really really busy.)) Axel nodded to MoonShine. "Yep.  Turns out right as you left she came over and asked.  So, where was it ya needed to go, Moonshine?"  He sat on his flank, resting against the landing leg thing that stuck out his ship to hold it up.

Edited by Ian

"In the new approach, as you know, the important thing is to understand what you're doing rather than to get the right


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My First OC,

Steel Forest
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He pulled a flat device out of his bad. He turned it on, and a map of the know cosmos appeared. It zoomed in on the planet he needed to go to. "Here. Delta 9OG136. It's a small Federation planet currently occupied by the changelings. Here are the coordinates and everything," he said, handing him the device. "I assume it will take a little bit of time to get everything ship-shape, correct? If we wait an hour or two, we may have that dragon and his crew to assist us."

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He pulled a flat device out of his bad. He turned it on, and a map of the know cosmos appeared. It zoomed in on the planet he needed to go to. "Here. Delta 9OG136. It's a small Federation planet currently occupied by the changelings. Here are the coordinates and everything," he said, handing him the device. "I assume it will take a little bit of time to get everything ship-shape, correct? If we wait an hour or two, we may have that dragon and his crew to assist us."

"Hmmm...  So that's... da da da...  Yep.  We have about an hour before my ship's done refueling.  Let's see..."   He eyed the star map closely, looking for anything that would stop a clear path to Delta 9OG136, to allow them to slip into warp space to make the trip much faster.  Three stars along the way blocked direct flight, so he'd have to bounce around a bit.  Then a specific planet caught his eye.  Not because of where it was, but where it wasn't.  In fact, the whole system was missing.  He struggled to remember the name, but all that came to mind was what the natives called it, Weiß Weideland.  "Ey uh... How recent is this map?"

"In the new approach, as you know, the important thing is to understand what you're doing rather than to get the right


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My First OC,

Steel Forest
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Shuttle Fire

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At first, he took this as a shot at his age, but when he looked closer, he saw what Axel meant. "It syncs to the CoE mapping system. If that's not there on the map then it means...It's not there!" They had to hurry. Something was happening even beyond their expectations, and they had to stop it.

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Colt arrived on the conference center, surrounded by troops the place was how he remembered it the last time he was there 10 years in the past. A big conference like room with a metallic long table chairs for the people involve on those meetings, walls and ceiling were a screen with a spherical shape for strategic conferences and military reunions.

Some minutes after he was left inside de room his crew arrived making the fuss he expected “Took your blood dirty hooves off me!” North Star’s voice filled the quiet room as soon as the door opened. “You don’t know who I am? This fool doesn’t know who I am…” Brown Brown screamed to the guard opening the door. As the voice and hooves of Cid pointed to his commanding officer “I told you!, I told you stupid good for nothing Captain that this was going to happen”

Colt smiled and wave his friends with his cuffed claws “We are not dead you say we were going to die.” The ruckus in the room kept on as the crew of the Ragnarock screamed to one another and to the guards around them that was until the voice of the moon herself reached all of their ears

“Its good to see none of you have changed in this decade… you are as ridiculous as you were when you stole that ship” Luna princess of the moon spoke as walking into the room.

“OUR SHIP!” all of the Ragnarock Crew replied to Luna with unison voice . The guards drop their jaws as they saw the princess giggle after that loud reply from the prisoners and even more after the following orders. “That would be all gentlemen you can leave the rest to me” the guards didn’t knew what to do and hesitate but in the end they all followed the order.

As the door closed the last guard was able to catch the princess voice “Thanks for answering the call dear friends, the realm is in great need, it needs you my sister and I need you…”

-SHUT- The door closed leaving the conversation confidential to everypony outside that room.

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Axel nodded.  He shouted, "POPO!" and the ramp to his ship dropped down.  He tapped the control panel on the landing gear of his ship, and the cargo elevator lowered down, setting on the ground quietly.  "Ladies and costumers first."  He motioned to @ and Moonshine to step on.

Edited by Ian

"In the new approach, as you know, the important thing is to understand what you're doing rather than to get the right


Newest addition,

My First OC,

Steel Forest
His foster son,

Shuttle Fire

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With DeadEye's thanks, Smar Flank deactivated his radio, left his study and flopped onto his bed. It had been days since he'd felt the warm embrace of its linen sheets, and within moments he was fast asleep, a small puddle of drool pooling on his pillow.

"Humanity is the end; knowledge is the means; I will not rest until there are no more secrets to be discovered; I will not rest until there are no more ways to improve; I will not rest until there are no more problems to be solved; I will wield no weapon but my wits and intellect; With these weapons I will battle ignorance until the light of knowledge shines bright; When the light of knowledge shines upon us all, then I shall rest, and not before." - Atmomancer Creed

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A projector came on in the back of the room, revealing the image of a particular cluster of stars.


"Several days ago, our intelligence agency noticed that a star had gone missing in the next galaxy over. Since then, more and more stars have disappeared mysteriously. There disappearance is not characteristic of a black hole or any other know phenomena. This has continued and by now, this cluster has all but vanished," said Luna, flipping the slide to the current picture of the cluster. "This problem has caused my sister and I great alarm, and soon, this problem will reach the borders of the Coalition. We suspect that possibly, the changelings are involved. We need you to go here," she said, pointing to a location on the map, "investigate what's going on, and stop it. Do you have any questions, concerns, or comments? If so, please state them now."



Meanwhile, DeadEye walked onto the ship, dropping off most of his supplies in the cargo hold.

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Usaf sat looking at the scanners realized that there was no way to get back to Equstria with out being spotted. "Dam, Simmons were not going to make it back to ponyville for a while. It's too bad I know you wanted to see the Twilight Sparkle Memorial Library."


"It's ok Sir. I would rather be alive then reading books. But where are we going to go?"


"How about Weiß Weideland? I haven't been there in years and it's a great place for some R&R. FILIS set a course for White Pasture."


I'm sorry sir but that system is no longer in my data base.


"What. How? your connected to the COE database."


"Unknown, Sir."

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"Why do we think the changelings are trying to kill us all?" Was the first enquiry from Cid “Yeah didn’t they kind of need us to feed? It would be stupid to get rid of us in a vortex of hyper dense gravity” North Star enriched the question.

“This surely is a big concern Luna but you have countless of resources to tackle such a problem“ Colt said with kind voice to the princess “I don’t see why you or Tia would call us for something like this after 10 years, I have know you for more than 1000 years and you aren’t telling us everything” the dragon said with concern.

“I think a decade is not enough to erase centuries of knowing each other right?” the princess said to the dragon “The truth is I need friends, friends like you, ponies that I can trust, ponies that I can believe in, Equestria and the Coalition are worst than how it was when you all left me behind ” she said with a painful expression on her face.

“But we…” said Cid “I know Cid, you did it because you had too, and it was a foolish dream, but the more the times goes on the more scared the coalition gets, Its starting to affect me and my dear sister, and there aren’t much friends among us now.”

“So, this is a cover?” added Brown Brown “Yes in a way it is, with this we will be able to clean your record and establish all of what you lost for the Beyond the Bounds incident…” The alicorn replied.

“That is IF we want to regain what we left behind” said Colt “I am not asking this as a princess Colt, I’m asking you as a friend” She replied to the dragon’s appoint “Then you allredy know the answer Luna, we will always back you up, both you and Tia”.

“I cant say no to that” “That make two of us” “I bet those old geezers in the council are bucking mad about this ” the Ragnarok crew added taking the royal request in their hooves.

“We will depart as soon as we can, Its kind of sad we wanted to show you so much of what we found but there will be time to catch up later.” Were the words from the dragon to the princess.

“Ill have ordered the Ragnarock to be fueled and carried with supplies. I will tell my operative DeadEye to get in contact with you.” Said Luna to the crew.

“If that is so then you can rest until departure crew” Colt said and the crew started to relax planning their stuff before the mission. “Don’t worry Luna we got your back” Colt added with a gentle smile looking to a now relive princess.

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As Colt left Luna, DeadEye's comm-unit detected an incoming call...from someone he personally knew. "Hello?" he answered

"Thank you for what you did today," spoke a cool, crisp voice like the night air itself.

"..Princess Luna?" he asked, dumbstruck.

"I know what happened, my old friend; with Celestia, and you, and the zebras all those years ago," she said solemnly. She wouldn't ignore the elephant in the room.

"But how?"

"I am princess of the night. I have seen your dreams, and every one has been about that day."

"And why do you tell me this now?" he yelled into the comm-unit, withholding his rage.

"Because I knew you didn't want me to know. But now, we need you. We need you personally."

He bit down, restraining his feelings. "For what?" he asked.

"You are to meet Colt, the dragon, at his ship. His mission is in the same direction as your destination, The directions are being sent as we speak."

"How do you know where I'm going?" he asked.

"Where else would you go?" she responded. "Good bye my old friend. I wish you a safe  journey, and I hope you find what you are looking for."

"We have to talk when I get back," he responded tersely before hanging up. He got up, and headed for Colt's ship. He slammed his hoof angrily into the wall of the docking bay as he walked by, leaving a large dent. He tried to calm himself for the meeting with the dragon. He sent a voice message to Smart Flank.

"I'm sorry. It's not over. I need everything on Colt the dragon, DeadEye the mercenary, and Moon Shiner, the soldier," he managed to growl out.

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Axel watched DeadEye as he left, unsure of what had just happened.  He sighed and sat on the Bridge Seat of his ship and clicked the panel, beginning a rather similar game to Tetris.  He clacked his hooves on the metal below his hooves with said hooves, and hummed a little tune as he waited for both his customer to return and the ship to refuel.

"In the new approach, as you know, the important thing is to understand what you're doing rather than to get the right


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My First OC,

Steel Forest
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Shuttle Fire

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"Interesting. This explains a lot. I'll read it soon. Great job, Smart Flank. Now that I know this I know what to do. You may have just saved the universe. Listen though, if things get bad in the future, feel free to call me. Take care of yourself," he said solemnly before hanging up on him. He approached Axel and the purple stranger.


"Nice to make your acquaintance, miss. I take it you'll be operating the computer on our voyage?"

(OOC: So... Many... Posts...) "Yeah." She turned to the stallion. "I'm Purplepower, by the way."


Axel nodded. He shouted, "POPO!" and the ramp to his ship dropped down. He tapped the control panel on the landing gear of his ship, and the cargo elevator lowered down, setting on the ground quietly. "Ladies and costumers first." He motioned to @ and Moonshine to step on.

"Ok." Purplepower said as she entered the ship. She watched DeadEye leave, still trying to figure out what was happening. Ok I think I'm missing something here.... What the hay just happened?



Current Project: The Seal of Tartarus: Audioplay, Animation, Comic

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Axel lost his game and turned to Purplepower.  "Are you as lost as I am?  I'm a tad bit confused...  Anywho.  You think you wanna start getting accustomed to the controls?"  He cracked his neck.  "Or a tour of the ship.  Your choice, either way, welcome to the crew of the Dying Star."

"In the new approach, as you know, the important thing is to understand what you're doing rather than to get the right


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My First OC,

Steel Forest
His foster son,

Shuttle Fire

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Axel nodded, adding, "Just ask if ya need anything."  He smiled back, and returned his attention to his display.  Now quickly bored with the Tetris knock off, he began playing with an ancient relic passed through his family.  It was a three inch, by three inch by three inch cube, seemingly made up of twenty seven smaller cubes, six different colors scattered on the faces of the smaller cubes.  He turned each edge carefully, not wanting to break it.  He's solved the puzzle many times before, but his interest in it has shifted to just turning the sides, each click a therapeutic sound.

"In the new approach, as you know, the important thing is to understand what you're doing rather than to get the right


Newest addition,

My First OC,

Steel Forest
His foster son,

Shuttle Fire

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