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private Academy of Magic


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The giddy little child in a young woman's body was quite an amusing sight to see, especially to Jason who was standing idly by. "Apparently I'm not the only one who's an artist on this trip." He chuckled, suddenly curious to look at some of Sasha's sketches. "Drawing and writing is usually the only past-time I get, so I learned quickly."


As Jason was led into the isle with the colored markers and pencils, he could have swore he saw a familiar character entering the art store down a row of cheesy get-well and birthday cards. He didn't have much time to catch a good peek, so he disregarded it quickly. Whoever it may be, he hoped he/she could wait until another time.


When he entered the isle, he was in awe. So many colors... so much brighter and more vivid than the dull ones he owned. Amazed, Jason admitted, "Okay... You're fun."


He took no time to waste, and immediately headed toward a small section of colored pencils. The cardboard boxed ones were standard, with only 12 or 14 pencils, but what really caught Jason's eye was a box set that contained every shade, hue, and dye of so many colors. It was a beautiful sight, and Jason could imagine the masterpieces he could create with all of these colors. Only problem, it was $125 dollars, nowhere near anything he could afford. Reluctant to put the box set down, Jason began looking at the 12-cardboard box sets again.


Too caught up in the pencils, he didn't notice Sasha talking with the mysterious character behind him...

Edited by Toothless the Night Fury

And stuff.

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"On second thought, maybe I'll just get those 'Five-Subject' Notebooks. Obviously those will offer more pages, albeit at a higher price," Ajax said to himself as he dropped the regular spirals and picked up three of the type of notebook he had mentioned. He picked up some pencil and color packs from a different aisle and then headed towards the cashier. The vagabond from earlier was apparently still there, and frightening the person at the register no less. Ajax rolled his eyes and addressed the woman.

"Get over it, I doubt he's here to cause trouble. Now if you'll kindly scan these for me..."

He plopped the materials in front of her and waited for her to finish ringing up the total cost of it all.

"Oof... thirty bucks total? You wouldn't happen to have a discount on these would you? You know... a really good discount on these items?" he asked with a certain tone in his voice that made it seem more like he was demanding it than asking for one. He had a smirk on his face, no doubt using his Illusion to "persuade" the cashier to give him a price reduction. After forking over the fifteen dollars the lady had left it at, he also pointed towards the Jason, Sasha, and the homeless guy walking around.

"Make sure to give them one too!" he said as he gathered his stuff and left the store.

<That was a poor use of your given abilities,> Plague said.

"Well when you're low on cash and have over expensive materials to buy, it's kinda worth it... I suppose you're right," Ajax sighed. He placed the new materials in his bag and headed over to the library.

"Now to go and look for info on whatever it is E.T told me about. Apossum or something?"

Gathering books over Egyptian myth, he sat down at a table and began to flip through the pages.

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Luke reflexively jumped back a bit when the girl bumped into him. He quickly whirled around to see who had bumped into him, breathing a bit heavily. You couldn't really blame him; with the upbringing Luke had, surprises weren't exactly a good thing. He saw it was just a shy girl trying to apologize to him. He lowered his fists and breathed a sigh of relief. He brought up a hand over his right cheek.

"Sorry" was all he said before he put his hand back down. Something sounded a bit strange in his voice. Maybe it was the handkerchief tied around his face, maybe it was something else. But something just came off as a bit strange to Sasha.

Luke heard Horus's interaction with the cashier and scowled under his mask. He grabbed the cheapest pencil he could see and approached the cashier, who was now trembling in fear. She held out the items Horus told her to give him, but Luke shook his head, bringing his hand once again to cover his cheek.

"I'm not a thief or a beggar." He said with some difficulty. He held out the pencil and gave her the crumpled up dollar bill he was holding. "I still have pride."

  • Brohoof 1

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(Was kinda hoping Rain would post so I could do something with Xander in this post, but whatever.)


*Sasha watched the boy she had bumped into storm out of the store after buying a pencil, seeming to be upset about something.*

"Hmm, wonder whats up with him."

*She said. She shrugged and went back over to Jason and noticed him looking through colored pencils. He was focusing on smaller inexpensive ones, but Sasha saw his eyes dart over to a big expensive box of high quality pencils. She got a small smirk on her face and picked up the box.*

"Wanna share? I have plenty of money saved up from my job, so I could get this and we can share them. I bought this brand once and they were really good, drawings came out beautifully once finished. What do you say?"

*Sasha smiled at Jason, she hoped he would accept, she really liked those pencils but she wouldn't get them unless she had someone to share them with. Last time she had shared them with King and it took them months to make a dent on the box's ample supply of high quality pencils*

I play the friendly, fearsome, fiery griffin characters.
GildaShy is best ship.
Please stop mistaking me for a girl....

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Ajax paused to observe the text and details of one of the books pages. It depicted a large boat with a falcon headed man wielding a sword standing on the edge of the boat. He was surrounded by other warriors, and all faced the open mouth of an enormous serpent.

"Well, I would hate to be them," he commented. He took notice of other faces in the background. Lost souls in a river who all appeared to be in terror and shouting towards the boat's crew for help. Above the image, the title "The Hated of the Twelve Houses of Night" was written in gold lettering. Ajax flipped the page and came upon a set of hieroglyphs which he felt he had seen before.

"Isn't this... the thing which I randomly began to draw for no reason?"

He stared at the image, seemingly caught in a trance.

{They never made it out, poor souls.}

Ajax suddenly found himself in a strange world. Random objects floated in a smog covered sky, and sand covered all. The area seemed to be that of a city, more of what's left of one after a nuclear war. Chaos. Suddenly, Ajax found himself face to face with the same creature from his nightmare. Unlike Plague's aura, this one generated a feeling of sickness, as if "every strand of DNA was unraveling itself". Paralyzed by it's gaze, he felt helpless as it's claws grabbed his neck and began to choke him.

{You won't stay safe forever, not even your babysitter will be even to save you once I escape his pathetic prison. YOU will help me once again, and soon...}

Snapping back into reality, Ajax felt overwhelmed by exhaustion and nausea, and soon threw up all over the table he was on.

"What... the hell.... May need some help over here," he called out weakly.

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(Sorry guys, I was away all yesterday. I can be a busy girl on the weekends :S)


Olivia's face had suddenly saddened slightly more, her eyes a dark grey-green now. She didn't saw anything, just looked out over the ocean in a thick silence.

The moment was shattered when Thalia came running back, her eye aglow with some fierce joy. She was much different then she had been when she had left, but there was some malignant aura she seemed to be radiating, and her eye had a more golden tint to it.

"I'd like to talk to you privately, angry ginger," she said to Red, but her voice was deeper and she seemed more stiff. She continued to walk, passing Xander and Olivia, the latter looking at her carefully. Her eyes narrow, she turned to Xander and mouthed something, and then facepalmed when she recalled he was blind.


Luce sat on the dock, her feet hanging over the edge and trailing in the freezing-cold water. She looked slightly vacant, then, hearing footsteps approaching, glanced up.

Jaime sat next to her neatly, and gently placed his hand on the small of her back. "Do you need an-"

He was cut off as Luce bodily shoved him into the water, then resumed her vacant staring.


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Red looked Thalia, "please just call me Red.......I'm not some huge bottle of rage......" he told her. He began to follow her, wondering just what she could possibly want from him, he checked his pockets just to make sure she hadn't taken anything from him again. He saw her mouth something to another guy then facepalm, he wondered what that was about but decided not to pry. "so....." he said, awkwardly, "um....what's up?" he looked around and started scratching his neck. He was still worried about the whole chair thing.........after giving it more thought, he noticed that he had wanted to throw one of the chairs to vent his anger a bit. But he hadn't actually touched any of them, so he was at a loss for how they had moved. He wanted to ask Thalia about it, but last time she had told him to drop it. He didn't want to piss her off but he was genuinely freaked out by the whole event. He wasn't sure where she was going, but she was moving with a purpose. It reminded Red of how he walked through the halls at school, not walking anymore, but not quite running yet either........

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Jason pretended not to notice when Sasha walked up to him, and instead tried to pick between the 12-case pencils, or the 14 with a slightly higher price. However, when she picked up the expensive set he was looking at earlier, he couldn't help but take notice. But when she offered to buy them, his heart soared.


Overcome with excitement, Jason asked, "Really? You'd buy that for us?" He then followed up with, "Thanks. I really appreciate it." He then hugged her, and, without thinking, planted a small kiss on the side of her cheek. A small tinge of color in his cheeks, Jason then said, "We better get going. That plane's going to leave soon, and we still need to hit the library and the lighthouse."


After the two left the art store, Jason followed the map to the library, a small, one-story building with a garden and lots of windows. Entering, Jason saw that it wasn't that bad, and wouldn't mind to kill a few hours here. It was somewhat old fashioned, lacking many modern computers, but hey. A library should really be about the books, not the high-tech computers.


Except one thing disturbed Jason... one thing... He saw someone, exhausted and overwhelmed at a small reading table, covered in vomit... The same person who seemed so familiar at the art store...



And stuff.

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*Sasha smiled at Jason's agreement to get the pencils. She blushed brightly after Jason kissed her on the cheek. Then, after grabbing a few other items off the shelves, she went up to the cashier, who seemed to be in a bit of a daze, and paid for the items. The total cost, with the discount that Ajax had aquired for them, was $98.57. Sasha handed the cashier the money, got her change and then went back over to Jason.*

"Alright, to the library we go!"

*Sasha said happily. The two of them walked the short distance, hand in hand until they arrived at the library, and saw Ajax looking incredibly sick.*

"Geez, what happened?"

*Sasha asked Ajax after Jason had called out his name.*




*Xander stood confused, wondering what it was that had just happened. Thalia had run back and pulled away the other boy that had been there. Upon examining Thalia with his sense, Xander noticed that something seemed off about Thalia, he couldn't exactly tell what though. He would have gone more into the thought, but something popped up in his range that shook the entire topic off his mind. It was only there for a moment, but it was incredibly familiar. A presence he had not felt in a long time, but had very fond memories of.*


I play the friendly, fearsome, fiery griffin characters.
GildaShy is best ship.
Please stop mistaking me for a girl....

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Ajax weakly looked up at Jason and Sasha, his vision blurred by the overwhelming weakness he was feeling. He noticed that the hieroglyphs on the page of Apophis were glowing faintly with a reddish aura, giving Ajax the initiative to slam the book shut to try and stop the effects of Corrosion's malignant oppression.

"Just.... stop...." he sputtered out as he reached for the book. Instead of closing it however, he ripped out the page and tore it into pieces, remembering how Plague had told him to destroy the image he drew of Corrosion. He felt his strength and wellbeing slowly come back to him, but heard Corrosion's hissing voice throughout the room, where he hoped it was just in his head.

{Fool, such cheap tricks will not hold me back forever and not even effectively. You will help me once more, and even if you don't... I will crush the essence of your will and force you to do my bidding! Your friends will suffer the same fate as your other victims.}

The voice trailed off into silence. A couple of librarian attendants came over to clean up the mess Ajax had made, giving him mean looks after seeing the ripped page on the floor. He shuffled over to a nearby couch and reclined in it, resting his body further. He didn't feel worried as he should've been, but still rather frightened.

"No, he can't do anything to me, he's not a god... He can be beaten right?"

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A surge of memories hit Luke in an instant as he said those words.  

    (a shadowy figure punching him in the face, shouting "WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM!?  WHERE IS HE!?"

    Another moment, Luke is holding a body lying limp in his arms.  "Not you..." he begins to cry, "n-not you...  You w-were too pure...  Y-you weren't l-like us...  Why?")


    Luke snaps out of his memories, noticing tears beginning to form in his eyes.  He blinks them away angrily and runs out of the store.  He stumbled out to the sidewalk and began to sprint off somewhere, anywhere.  He didn't care, as long as the past didn't follow him there.


    Everything became a blur; colors and sounds blended into an indiscernible mess as he ran.  


    Eventually, he stopped.  Wether it was exhaustion or will, he wasn't sure.  But it didn't matter, he was done and calm again.  Anger and fear were replaced by an empty sadness.


    He took a moment to look around.  Noticing he was at a dock, Luke took a seat at the edge, not noticing the girl ten paces to his right (Luce).  He lifted up the bottom edge of the handkerchief up to get a deep breath of the ocean air, but in doing this, he exposed a very dark spot on his right cheek about an inch in diameter.  


    He let the cloth fall back down to cover the lower half of his face again and gazed broodingly at the horizon.  <Promise me you'll try to leave it all behind.  Because I've elected hell, lying to myself>

Edited by Power Ten

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Luce glanced at the boy, who she hadn't noticed on the train, and frowned. "Why are you here already?" she asked haughtily, trying to keep up her mummers farce of anger and stiffness. "No one is supposed to be on the docks yet. Except me, of course," she added hastily.

Jaime had pulled himself out right before this stranger had appeared, sopping wet and probably with horrible ideas of torture for Luce in his mind, but he just gave her a sad shake of his head and a disappointed glance, which made Luce's stomach turn even more than it did when people got angry at her.


Thalia turned to Red slowly, and her eye flickered golden for a moment. "How would you like to become rich?" she asked in her strange voice, and then smiled slowly. "You're talented with music, and you deserve more credit than what you're receiving, don't you agree?" She put her hand on his shoulder and her odd grin got wider. "All I need you to do is one little favour, and I promise you shall be rewarded most handsomely with whatever you want."


"Uhm...fluff?" asked Olivia awkwardly.


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Red sighed, he was hoping that what ever she had planned was legal. "I'm listening," Red then added, "but, that doesn't mean I accept, I just want to hear what you have to say." Red looked around, there wasn't anyone nearby. So, he went ahead and tried to piece together the train ride's events aloud. "I think I somehow managed to make one of my instruments appear before." he told her, "I had left both of them at home, due to fear of breaking/losing them, but I got into my room on the train and started thinking about my bass guitar, then I look down and it's right there in my hands!" I sound like I'm crazy, Red thought to himself. "then later, when I wasn't paying attention, it was just gone!" Red sat down on a bench, "I don't know how, but somehow I think I managed to sort of........conjure my bass guitar on the train," Red looked up, "Does that even make sense?"

Red then snapped back to reality, "Anyway, unless you happen to have a violin, viola, cello, bass, or bass guitar on you, I don't even know how you expect me to become 'rich' right here and now.........." Red looked at Thalia, partly hoping for her to say she did, in fact, have an instrument for him to play, "So, what's your plan?"

Edited by Red
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A small fish swam around under Luke, occupying his attention for the briefest of moments with its glittering scales before he heard someone splashing around over to his right. It was some boy pulling himself up out of the water. He considered helping him, but then again, what could he possibly do to help? He decided to ignore the boy, but before he turned back around he noticed some well-groomed girl giving him the evil eye.


<Just what I need; some snobby rich girl looking down her nose at me> He thought bitterly. He heard her ask why he was there, and then demanding that he leave. The nerve of this girl!


Luke breathed out a sigh and turned to the Luce, trying to mask his frustration. He brought his hand up to cover his right cheek. "Already? What do you mean? Why do you think you can tell me what to do?" His voice strained with the last words, causing him to take his hand down and pant a little.


<These are the worst kind of people, think because thier daddies and mommies have lots of money, they can just act like they own every square inch of the world.> He stared back to the ocean, glowering.

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"Oh, not on me, but I can get you one very soon," said Thalia with a smile. She leaned in close to him. "I need you to help me find out as much as you can about Luce and that other girl, Olivia. If you bring me back anything of use, then you will receive whatever it is your heart desires..."


"Yes, already," said Luce snappily, not liking this boys attitude. People generally would just leave her alone once they heard her tone of voice. "I'm one of the school organizers, and no one is supposed to have arrived yet. There's still...uh...packing to be done." She knew her lie was absolutely see-through, so she sighed and tilted her head back to look at the sky. "Okay, fine, that was a lie. But seriously, why are you down here already? Shouldn't you be hanging out with your nice little cookie-cutter friends in the town?" Her eyes were lighter than ever in the sun, almost white and seemingly translucent and it gave her a bit of an unnerving effect as she stared at him, trying to freak him out enough so he would leave her here alone to think.


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"Oh, not on me, but I can get you one very soon," said Thalia with a smile. She leaned in close to him. "I need you to help me find out as much as you can about Luce and that other girl, Olivia. If you bring me back anything of use, then you will receive whatever it is your heart desires..."


"Yes, already," said Luce snappily, not liking this boys attitude. People generally would just leave her alone once they heard her tone of voice. "I'm one of the school organizers, and no one is supposed to have arrived yet. There's still...uh...packing to be done." She knew her lie was absolutely see-through, so she sighed and tilted her head back to look at the sky. "Okay, fine, that was a lie. But seriously, why are you down here already? Shouldn't you be hanging out with your nice little cookie-cutter friends in the town?" Her eyes were lighter than ever in the sun, almost white and seemingly translucent and it gave her a bit of an unnerving effect as she stared at him, trying to freak him out enough so he would leave her here alone to think.


Red's mind thought for a split second about all the things in life that he wanted. His thoughts went to sixth grade, "That's a promise I guarantee that," he said with a depressed sigh, "Wait a second.....What does that have to do with me being a musician exactly?" Red found himself struggling to see the link between that key point she made, and her plan. Another thought raced into his mind, "Also, why? Why do you need to know about her? She's just a regular rich person going to a regular rich school. What is there to find out from that? Yeah, she's obviously got something constantly on her mind, but is that really any of your business? What if she just went through a huge tragedy before she left for this school? What if she didn't find out about it until the train ride? People are like coins, Thalia, you can only see one side at a time. You can only assume that the other side is there until the coin flips itself over." Red made a mental note of his crazy analogy, he did this occasionally; someone would say something, and it would cause him to have a moment of philosophical genius.......
  • Brohoof 1
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Listening to the gibberish, Jason frowned at Ajax, obviously worried for him. Placing the back of his hand against his forehead, Jason pulled it away quickly, surprised from the high temperature he was burning up in. "Damn he's burning up... It's like he went from hell and back or something..."


Ignoring the glances from the surrounding crowd, Jason looked over at Sasha, asking her, "Think we can carry him to the plane? He doesn't look too good." Taking another look at Ajax, he turned back to her. "I'd hate to ask so much of you, but it would be amazing if you could."


Thinking over a plan, the two of them could probably carry Ajax over his shoulder, and limp him slowly back to the plane. The attendants there could probably help him out... Maybe they stored some medicine around?


Caught up in helping Ajax, he almost forgot what he came here to do. "Oh! We still need to get that book!" Jason said to Sasha, still interested in reading up about elementists and their origins. "We could probably read about it up on the lighthouse."

And stuff.

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"Yes, already," said Luce snappily, not liking this boys attitude. People generally would just leave her alone once they heard her tone of voice. "I'm one of the school organizers, and no one is supposed to have arrived yet. There's still...uh...packing to be done." She knew her lie was absolutely see-through, so she sighed and tilted her head back to look at the sky. "Okay, fine, that was a lie. But seriously, why are you down here already? Shouldn't you be hanging out with your nice little cookie-cutter friends in the town?" Her eyes were lighter than ever in the sun, almost white and seemingly translucent and it gave her a bit of an unnerving effect as she stared at him, trying to freak him out enough so he would leave her here alone to think.


Luke met her gaze, fascinated by her eyes rather than repulsed. <She's clearly not blind, so what's with the weird eyes? Is it a disease? Genetic defect? Whatever it is, they are beautiful eyes. Too bad the girl behind them is just another snob.>


Luke blinked and snapped out of his trance, realizing he had been in a staring match with her for about 30 seconds now. He took a deep inhale and covered his cheek again, trying to speak. "I... sh-sh... not..." he let out the breath in frustration, not used to talking this much. (rarely speaks because of physical limitations)


He pulled out a piece of paper and the new pencil from his plastic shopping bag and scribbled on it briefly. When he was done, he stood up, walked over and handed her the note, then walked back to where he was and sat down again. He pulled out another piece of paper while she read the note, and began to sketch a close up of her eye, not caring if she saw it or not.


The note said, 'I am here because this is where I want to be right now. I didn't interrupt you or try for your attention, why are you taking such an aggressive stance? I'm not with those people because they are not my friends, and I do not have "friends". So now, I am here, confused and a little bit insulted. You can try to mask your reasons for not wanting me here, but it's clear. No one wants to look at a dirty hobo.'

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Thalia was walking away and merely called back "I have my reasons." She ignored anything else he had said, and was heading up the slight incline to where to mausoleum was.


Luce read the note aloud, then scooted around and neatly crossed her legs so she was facing him. "I don't think you're a hobo," she said calmly. "I just would rather be alone, and you're invading my little space here." She noticed the eye but didn't say anything, and merely returned to her staring over the crashing waves. The water looked cool and refreshing, but she hadn't been swimming since that fateful day with her mother on the beach, and she was too terrified to try.

In the distance she could make out a dark figure going up a hill, and, judging by the all black clothing, she guessed it was that one crass girl with the odd eye.

As soon as the thought entered her head Luce felt dizzy and felt her head tilting forwards. Her entire body felt exhausted, and flickerings of her parents faces went through her mind as she tried to force herself to stay awake. She failed and fell unconscious, toppling into the water with a gentle splash.


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Luke frowned under his mask while she read the note. <Wow, that sounded pathetic. Why did I write that again?> He shook off the feeling as she simply told him she wanted to be alone.


<She could have said that in the first place...> He groaned inwardly, and shrugged as he stood up to leave. No sooner had he walked a few steps, he heard a splash. Luke turned around in curiosity, noticing the girl had mysteriously disappeared. <Huh... Where could she have gone?>


Luke walked up to the edge to investigate, and saw Luce's form slowly beginning to sink down under the waves. He looked around, hoping there was someone else who would pull her out, but the dock was barren, and she was sinking deeper. <Dammit. I have to do it, don't I?> He sighed as he dropped his bag and plunged into the water.


1 minute later, a soaking wet Luke dragged an equally drenched and unconscious Luce up onto the dock. Luke put his ear up to her mouth to make sure she was still breathing. Once he was sure, he picked up his sketch, scribbled a note on the back, and placed it in her hand. With that, he grabbed his stuff and went to find a sunny spot where he could lie down and dry out his clothes.


The note read "Sorry for intruding on you. P.S. Try to remain awake when swimming"

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Red watched her walk away. She didn't give him time to answer, but he didn't want to do this. He didn't know Luce, and he barely knew Thalia. He wasn't about to get in the middle of whatever drama there was between them, and he CERTAINLY wasn't about to start it. He heard splashing down the road towards the bridge. Curious as to what was going on, Red trotted over and found Luce laying unconscious on the ground with a note stuck on her hand. The water on her hand had made it impossible to read what was written on it. Red looked at Luce and saw her chest rising and falling, she was at least alive. Red was about to consider walking away, but his conscience wouldn't let him. So, he sat down and waited for her to wake up. After about five minutes, Red's thought began to travel home to his bass guitar again. He missed it so much, the small, sharp pain that raced from the tips of is fingers with every pluck of a string, the aching of his left hand after playing several songs non-stop, the tension on the guitar strap digging into his shoulder. Red suddenly felt a weight in his hands, he looked down and there it was again, his bass guitar. Red spent no time wondering how it got there, he figured it could disappear at anytime like it had before. He started playing some songs from an old movie called Rocky as he waited for Luce to wake up.

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After a few minutes, Ajax managed to snap out of his delirious state. Noticing the small set of people that had gathered, he breathed in deeply and simply started to act casual.

"Yes, a most excellent portrayal of despair and drama. Clearly our program's theatre branch has produced great actors," he said as he weaved the lie into the minds of the people around. He didn't know why, but he felt that his encounter with Corrosion had given a type of... boost to his Illusion magic. A group of people stepped oit from behind the shelves and began to clean the mess he had made. It would've been a normal sight had they not been wearing creepy masks with wild eyes.

"Move along people, you're interrupting our setups!" he shouted. They all began to leave, and soon the masked men stopd before Ajax as if awaiting orders. Taking care to ensure he wasn't seen, he made a fist, and caused them to vanish into shadows.

"That was probably the most normal looking thing I've summoned. If it werwn't for the masks I wouldn't have been able to tell!"

Obviously feeling much better, he got up and left without saying a word to Jason or Sasha. Heading for a bathroom, he washed up and brushed his teeth to get the smell of vomit from off him.

"Luckily I didn't puke all over myself."

Ajax left the bathroom and began to wonder something. During his state of dementia, he had seen Jason and Sasha as two different looking beings. Jason appeared to be cloaked in a strong aura of fire, while Sasha appeared to be clothed in darkness with light ornaments about.

"Another trick I suppose?"

Obviouwly, Ajax knew he had met Corrosion before, and had a slight feeling he knew how the creature liked to work.

"Best ask Plague about it soon..."

But there was only dead silence in his mind.

  • Brohoof 1
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(I apologize in advance for the crappy quality of this post, Im having trouble thinking of stuff to put in these posts seeing as how we are in a buffer zone of the story.)


*Sasha was about to respond to Jason, when Ajax woke up and walked off without even noticing them. Sasha and Jason looked at each other with confused looks.*

"I guess, he's okay then."

*Sasha said calmly but with confusion in her voice.*

"I guess we can get that book now, huh."

*Sasha said. The two of them then began to look for the book.*

"What exactly is it that we are looking for? I've never actually done research on my, abilities, before. Never even thought to, just accepted that I had them and that was it."

*Sasha looked through a set of books before speaking again.*

"Its an interesting gift we have, you know? Sometimes it helps us, other times, it can hurt us."

*Sasha thought silently for a moment.*




*Olivia's words snapped Xander back into the present.*

"Uh, um, sorry about that. Fluff is,"

*Xander sighed.*

"Fluff was the nickname I had for my best friend as a kid. She and I were almost inseparable, we would always be hanging out. Around 8th grade, my family moved away and I haven't seen or heard from here since. Sometimes I get little flashbacks of the past, wishing we could hang out again. We were like siblings. And I wouldn't have had it any other way."

*Xander thought for a moment.*

"Sasha Track was her real name. I called her fluff because her hair was so fluffy when we were little. When we were really little she mispronounced my name as Sander. Eventually it got shortened to Sand, and that just stuck. Fluff and Sand. That was us."

*Xander looked up at the sky with a small smile on his face.*

I play the friendly, fearsome, fiery griffin characters.
GildaShy is best ship.
Please stop mistaking me for a girl....

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Keren woke up in her room on the train dazed. She did not quite comprehend or remember what had happened. She looked out side of the small window seeing that the train had stopped moving. She stretched her arms and legs then rubbed her sore shoulders. She shook her head, not knowing why she didn't feel very well. She looked at herself in the mirror, she saw her long black hair was mussed and her clothes wrinkled. She sat down and retrieved a hair brush from her bag. Her arm went so far into the bag the handles hit her shoulder. She pulled out a brush and began running it through her hair. She paced back and forth around the small room. She quickly changed into a pair of jeans, a tee-shirt and a hoodie. She grabbed her phone and wallet and stuffed it into her pockets. She pulled her hair back into a pony tail. She quickly made her way off the train, and she looked around for one of the girls who said they would accompany her through the town. Not seeing either of them she looked around the town. She kicked a rock with her foot as she looked for someone from the train. She hoped that she wouldn't spend this year with out many friends again. She began to contemplate which classes she would take and what she thought she was looking forward to. She got so distracted that she wasn't paying attention when she bumped into someone. She looked up at the persons face...

"I'm sorry..."



((Okay, whoever finds it most convenient can pick up as the person she bumped into :)))

Edited by Artemisia
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((Okay, whoever finds it most convenient can pick up as the person she bumped into :)))


((Don't mind if I do))


Luke made his way slowly back through the town, now completely sopping wet. <Should have just fished her out with a stick or something, would have saved me the trouble of getting m clothes all soaked in salt water> He grumbled inwardly. He looked behind him to see his dripping clothes had left a long trail of water on the sidewalk behind him. He sighed and turned back around, resuming his walk. <Maybe there's a laundromat near the train station> he mused.


Enticed by the prospect of dry, clean clothes, Luke picked up his pace toward where he thought te train station was located. <Wait... I don't have any money...> he mentally kicked himself for such stupidity. Luke wistfully looked down into his pockets, hoping that by some miracle, money had materialized there. <Nothing... Man, if only I was a magician...> he sighed as he turned out his pockets, finding only lint.


Right as Luke looked back up from his pockets, he ran straight into a girl who was walking down the street. She began to apologize, but :uke saw that he had gotten saltwater all over the front of her shirt and pants. <Shit! Uh... Okay, what should I do?> His thoughts panicked as he held up his hands to indicate he meant no harm, and then truned out his empty pockets and shook his head to show he couldn't pay her for her now dirty clothes.


(He has a handkerchief tied around the lower half of his face, and is barely able to talk, in case you didn't read the character bio ;) )

Edited by Power Ten

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