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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf

private Academy of Magic


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(I have no idea what happened to not sharing the powers thing, so I'm not even going to try anymore. As of this post I am handing the RP over to someone else. I evidently do not have the skills it requires to keep you guys interested in what plans I do have for this, and I want you all to enjoy this, so anyone want to take over?)

(Also, Horus dearie, you need to tone down your powers. A whole group of people is very excessive. Also, the Corrosion thing is only happening with you thus far. He will have no interaction with any other students until anyone who takes over deems otherwise.)

Olivia lifted her eyebrows. "How ironic that she's also coming to the school, then," she said in a friendly voice, though her face wasn't smiling. In fact, she was even more on edge than she had been before. "So did you have a crush on her, or what?"

Luce slowly felt her eyes open. Her vision was fuzzy and she could feel her clothes and hair sticking to her body, and the taste of salt was in her mouth as she sat up and retched seawater. Blinking the rest of it out of her eyes, she noticed the note, but it was too wet to be legible. Red was playing his guitar, but she wasn't in the mood right now, and rather walked away towards town.
Her head hurt from the bright sunlight, and she knew her dripping clothing would make her a spectacle, but she didn't care. All she wanted to do was sit down.
She found a spot and sat down, still dizzy, but heard a commotion and saw Ajax nearby. She merely looked away, hoping that no others had noticed her presence, but she was incredibly thirsty-the seawater had dried her mouth out.
A tourist who had been moving away from whatever happened with Ajax was holding a still unopened water bottle, and Luce stared at it longingly A curious sensation came over her quite suddenly, as though she had arms coming out of her eyes, and the man froze and turned towards her. He robotically strode over and handed her the bottle, before doing the same odd walk away. Her body collapsed back in the chair, and, feeling even more exhausted than before, Luce opened the bottle and drank greedily until she was done.
Feeling only a little better, she stood up rather shakily and tossed the bottle in a recycling bin. She was still sopping wet and several people looked at her in disgust, but Luce tried to ignore them as best she could as she silently observed the town around her, trying to figure out what to do next.


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"Oh UH...It's okay, they aren't fancy or special clothes or anything. It's cool." She managed to bumble out.She wiped the water and grime off of herself the best she could. Trying to hide her look of disgust at the grit she smiled. "So are you a local or one of the train kids like me?" She asked the strange figure. She then realized she should have first introduced herself. "I'm Keren by the way. Like key-rin. And what is your name?" She wondered what this boy was doing out here, and why was he wet.

"Also, sorry I have a lot of questions, but what are you up to and why are you soaking wet?" She asked, starting to ramble, as she realized this she blushed a bit then shook it off. She laughed awkwardly to fill the silence.

"Ha...hahaha...hehe...he...." She tried to fill the space and acknowledge the awkwardness." Maybe I should let you answer." She then went silent and began rocking back and forth on her heels, as she did when nervous.


She thought to her self: "Well, the prospects of having any friends at this new school seem slim to none, I can't even hold a conversation."

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Red jolted right up as soon as she moved, his guitar vanished. "Hey, wait up! Are you alright?" Red shouted to her, "What happened?"

once he caught up with her some random dude handed her a half depleted bottle of water, she gulped it down. Several people were shooting her dirty looks, so Red spoke up, "Hey! What's your problem? My sister tripped on the bridge! Don't act like you're perfect! Fucking dickweed....." once Red was satisfied that the people would leave her alone, he sat down next to her, put his hand gently on her shoulder and asked, "Are you alright miss?" He looked directly at her with a calm face, he didn't want to irritate her, he just wanted to make sure she was alright. Another bystander walked by and made a remark about how Luce stank (from the water), Red immediately glared at this person, raised his middle finger, and said, "Move along unless you got something else to say asshole!" The person took off, startled by Red's hostility. He turned back to Luce, took off his jacket, and draped it over her shoulders, "'Ya gotta be pretty cold huh? Take this, don't give it back until you don't need it anymore...."

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"You do realize that attitude of yours is going to get you shot in the face one of these days, right?" Ajax asked as he approached Red and Luce. Not wanting to cause any more trouble, he began to try and weave a calm feeling into Red's emotions to avoid causing a fight in front of everyone.

"You could've just played it off as something else without flipping and cussing people out."

Ajax turned his attention towards Luce, who was still soaking wet.

"Wow, when you said you were going to the docks I thought you meant to relax, maybe even go fishing. Apparently you had other things in mind," he said jokingly. "Come on, we should probably head inside. Wouldn't want to get sick now would we?"

Ajax scanned the area for a hotel, or a resort, or anything else thzt would offer clean rest stations for all to wash up and change attire in. Taking notice of a spa type area, he pointed towards there.

"Would that suffice. Because I don't see anywhere else you could fix yourself up."

Ajax hoped he wasn't being a nuisciance. Everbody seemed troubled enough already, and he didn't feel like adding to their vexated state.

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Red looked at Ajax, surprised that he was talking to him so nonchalantly, "yeah, but this gets the point across to other people as well, that way I don't have to keep saying it over and over again........how's your side and your neck after our..........conflict?"

Red stood up and held out his hand to Luce, "This guy's got the right idea, let's get you inside okay?" Red loooked back to the goth looking guy, feeling...something coming from him and messing with Red's mind. "hey, I don't want to sound crazy but.....are you.....doing something.........in your head right now? Alot of weird things have been happening to me lately, I don't know if you just saw, but I had my bass guitar in my hands and it just disappeared.....I sound like a damn moron right now don't I?" Red looked at the ground in embarrassment....he didn't know this guy at all. The only thing they had in common was the way they dressed, the last time they met they were in a fight, and now here he was and Red was spouting insanity at him...........this was not a good way to make an impression on someone.......Red felt himself start blushing from embarrassment......

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Ajax smiled in amusement at Red's comment about shouting at people to make a point.

"While that may work in some cases, sooner or later you might meet up with someone who doesn't exactly tolerate being pushed around," said Ajax. He directed Red's attention towards a police officer. "You also have them around, and if they catch you shouting again in public, you could get hauled into questioning for disturbing the peace. Shout your way out of that," he said with a smirk.

Listening to Red's second question regarding his neck and side, he simply rotated his neck to show he wasn't at all bothered by their earlier skirmish.

"Everythings good with me, what about your side?" Ajax asked, remembering the strong stomp he had sent towards Red's ribs earlier in the train ride. At the redhead's third question however, Ajax frowned a bit before returning his countenance to its usual calmness.

"Am Idoing something in my head? Other than thinking howwe're going to convince those spa attendants to let us in for free, nothing. Oh, and then there's also theblood that normally courses through my head," he said while further trying to weave that lie into his mind. "As for your circumstances, you sure you don't have amnesia or some multiple personality disorder?" he asked Red to try and play it off that he thought nothing was wrong.

Ajax began to lead them towards the area he had seen earlier.

"You should probably wait for the Summer to go swimming, and perhaps bring a bathing suit next time," he told Luce.

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Luce's teeth were chattering. The early September water was already freezing and Red's jacket was surprisingly warm, albeit a little dirty. She removed it and handed it back to him. "I...I don't need anyone's help," she snapped through the clicks of her teeth, yet her voice said otherwise. She tried to compose herself. "It's nothing. I just...slipped."

Her terrible lying shocked her. Usually, she was able to tell tales in circles around people and get away with it easily, but with these two especially she found it far more difficult. It was like there was some roadblock in her mind that she couldn't quite slip around, and it aggravated her to no end.

She looked at the ground, avoiding their eyes. Luce had been raised never to accept charity or help. Her family beat into her the idea that she was superior, that people should listen to her rather than order her around or even try to help. The last time that she had accepted someone's offer, they had mysteriously disappeared, and her parents beat her bloody for it. One of her cuts had bled for weeks and got a horrible infection that she needed hospital care for. THAT had earned her yet another beating.

<Your parents aren't here,> said a little voice in her head, yet she couldn't shake the feeling that they were somehow spying on her.

After a few more moments she lifted her head. Her face was stiff and perfectly blank, but behind it she was conflicted.


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Watching Ajax walk off sent a "What the f****?" to Jason's mind, obviously confused about the recent turn of events. Suddenly embarrassed in front of Sasha, Jason blushes, his new friend now turned him into a fool in front of a girl. As Ajax strolled away with seemingly no trouble except for the small mess he made, Jason chuckles, relieving some of the awkward atmosphere in the room.


"I suppose he is." Jason replies, then agrees with Sasha's suggestion. "Yeah, let's get that book."


Searching for the item the two looked for wasn't an easy thing, seeing that the building had little to no working computers. "We're looking for anything that could help us out. Something that could shed some light upon our powers." Jason didn't question his powers much before today either, since he didn't want anything to do with them. After today however, seeing that there are more like him, he felt a strange desire to learn more about this curse...


And about Sasha too.


Sasha's comment about their gifts sparked a second thought about Jason. "I don't know." Jason mumbles, thinking about his dreaded power as he shuffled through the various books. "It's not like burning down buildings or lighting people on fire is a very good gift." He continues scrolling through the archives, before coming across a large brown book.

And stuff.

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*Xander looked at Olivia in disbelief for a second, then chuckled.*

"A crush? On Fluff? No, not in the slightest. Fluff was more like a little sister to me, and I like an older brother to her. Neither of us would have it any differently."

*Xander smiled a warm smile at Olivia.*

"Me and Fluff being a couple would just feel awkward for the both of us. Well, thats what I think, but she and I know each other pretty well, so I'm pretty sure she never had any advanced feelings for me, just like I didn't for her. We take care of each other, like siblings are supposed to. Even if we aren't related by blood."




"I guess. I'd be lying if I said the shadows hadn't gotten me in trouble on occasion."

*Sasha replied as she walked over to Jason.*

"But thats what we need to master. Control. Discipline. After the first time my shadows got out of hand, I signed up and started taking Judo classes. That beat some discipline into me. Made me strong and controlled. Except, well, when I get angry, like back at the train station, before we left, that guy Red got me really pissed of, and well, lets say there is a bathroom thats in need of some repair."

*Sasha chuckled.*

"But thats how things go sometimes, we just gotta move on and keep ourselves calm. Im sure when used right, fire can be a helpful ability to have."

*Sasha said to him. She then saw the large brown book. The title was in latin.*

"Elementorum Exciderunt, Element Wielders."


(Pinkie, if this post is too much, then just tell me and I will happily edit it.)

I play the friendly, fearsome, fiery griffin characters.
GildaShy is best ship.
Please stop mistaking me for a girl....

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Red put his jacket back on to Luce's shoulders, "I said keep it until you don't need it anymore alright? And I'm not so sure that that's what happened, I'm not gonna say you're a liar, but I think that there could be something else going on here." He looked at Ajax and thought in a voice that was pretty loud in his head, Does she usually lie about small stuff?

He looked back to Luce, she was trying to put on a straight face, but he could see pain behind it, clear as sunlight. He gave her a look to try and show her that he could tell her mind was elsewhere and said, "How do you feel?" He wondered if she had a childhood as traumatic as his. Maybe if she did, they could talk about it, and help each other through their pain. Her attitude reminded Red of himself shortly after his older brother's death: untrusting of anyone in the world even those closest to you. He began to feel the same pain he felt back then, he remembered how much he hated the world, how he blamed it for his brother's death. He remembered how he had nearly killed himself two years after his brother's death............

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Ajax rolled his eyes in response to Luce's reaction to Red's kindly gesture. Apparently, even if she was freezing to death, she was willing to reject other people's help if they were from a lower class, and all so that she could look good on the outside.

"Hmph, you know, you should probably change your name from Luce to Lucifer or something. Stop pretending that you're Supergirl, because sooner or later you're going to have to learn that not all help should be rejected," Ajax said as he turned around and stopped walking. "Tell me, if that person were to come back again and assault you once more, would you be so arrogant to push those who want to help you away? Let him get what he wants from you and leave you half dead in a gutter?"

Ajax did a mental facepalm, knowing he had probably spoken too much in front of Red about her incident with the shadowy stranger, apparently called Julian.

"Sorry..." he said. He could sense that they were all severely distressed in some sort of way, and his little monologue about Luce's character and problems wasn't going to make anything better. Focusing again, he tried to weave a net of calmness once more in both of them, but two at once? Ajax knew it would take some effort, so he decided to leave Luce unfinished and switched his full attention to Red, using most of the calming illusion on him. Afterwards, Ajax tried to block from Red's memory everything he heard him say about Luce, and hoped it would be effective.

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Red was slightly distressed by what Ajax had said to her, "Hey, cut her some slack bro, she's freaking out a bit. Big deal she only wa-" Red felt something in his head. A sort of poking sensation in his mind, he could almost visualize Ajax as he closed his eyes. Somehow Ajax was getting into Red's mind? He couldn't rule it out this time, not after everything that had been going on. Red tried to get Ajax out of his head, but simply thinking about other things seemed to do nothing. So, Red tried a different tactic. He reached out to Ajax in his mind, and pushed him. As soon as he did this he began to feel a bit of his own thoughts returning. He took this moment of clarity to ask, "What do you mean? She got jumped? Well shit why are we just standing here let's go fi-" the clarity faded, and Red's thoughts were not his own again. He reached out to push Ajax again, but this time it was harder. Red felt his frustration begin to build, he kept reaching for Ajax but he was always just out of his reach. As Red's frustration turned to anger, he saw a rope in his mind, he threw it at Ajax and tied him up then punched him. This time, Red felt Ajax's presence completely leave his mind. Red shot a glare at Ajax, though he wasn't entirely sure what had just happened, "As I was saying, let's go find the dudefarmer and jump him!"

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Ajax frowned as he felt a blunt pain inside his mind. It was as if he and Red were having a tug-of-war, but mentally instead of physically.

"Hmph, so apparently his will is a bit stronger than I though... but... there's something slightly off about the way he fought against my Illusion magic..."

Ajax looked towards Luce, a bit remorseful he had snapped at her rather sharply. She was still shaking because of the cold despite the fact she wore Red's jacket, so he decided to lend her his coat once again as a sign of an apology.

"Don't wreck it again," he thought silently as he listened to Red rant on about how they should go and get payback on Luce's assaulter for her sake. Sadly, Ajax had a feeling it would take alot more skill with the supernatural to successfully fight against Julian, so even if he wanted to go after him, it would be a dead cause in the end. So... Ajax tried to play it off a bit, at least so that Red could dismiss the comment about the incident as his imagination and him going a bit bonkers.

"Wait, what exactly are you talking about... Red?" Ajax said casually as he used his remaining energy to try to weave a forgetful Illusion into his mind. "It's been a long day, maybe we should all just sit down for a while man."

Ajax tried to lead Luce towards the rest station afterwards, hoping Red would do as the magic compelled him to.

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Red finished his suggestion when suddenly he felt a sharp pain in his head, the past five minutes were becoming hazy. Ajax said something, but Red couldn't process it. The pain was immense, and once again seemed to emanate from Ajax. Red looked at Ajax and screamed, "GET OUT OF MY FUCKING HEAD!!!!!!"

He looked at a nearby chair, he reached out. It was a good fifteen feet away from him, but Red could feel it. It was like it was right in his hand, he "grabbed" the chair and began to raise his hand. As he did so the chair moved as well, Red threw his arm towards Ajax. The chair soared at Ajax, but the shot went wide. Red's thoughts cleared from distracting Ajax. Red looked at his hands, then at the chair, then to Ajax, "What in the hell am I?!" he pleaded to Ajax. Red was genuinely frightened now by these events, they were seeming to be triggered by Red himself. Red was afraid of the things he could do if he ever lost his temper. He looked to Ajax to, hopefully, explain what was happening, rather than toss it aside and treat Red like a moron again, like other people had...."What is happening to me Ajax?! Please dude! I'm totally freaking the fuck out right now! HELP ME!!!!!!!!!"

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(Woah, easy there! Technically that is revealing your powers... I'll play it off to where Ajax and Luce(?) had there backs turned so they wouldn't notice Red using telekinesis.)


Ajax slightly jumped as he heard the sound of a wooden chair breaking into various pieces. He quickly turned around to see what was going on and to make sure Red wasn't running towards him with a makeshift club or something.

"Ok, what the heck just happened?" he asked, rather surprised that a random object flew out of nowhere. He surveyed the area, and noticed that one of the outdoor tables had been knocked over and had only three chairs instead of one. However, there was no one near enough to the chair to have picked it up and thrown it, and even if someone was, that person would have had to have some serious arm strength to lob it far enough to Ajax's and Luce's direction and strongly enough for it to break. Suddenly, Red began to break down into a nervous fit and was even on the point of crying. He looked as if he had been to Hell and back.

"Geez, maybe I should've taken it easy on the Illusion magic with him..."

A thought formed in Ajax's mind. Maybe Red had some sorts of mental abilities at his disposal as well. Maybe he had thrown the chair in frustration of feeling his mind tampered, but with telekinesis instead of physically touching it. He approached Red and patted him on the back, sending a more direct course of calming illusion into his head.

"Easy there man, it was just some random guy who happened to throw a chair and run off. Heck, I think he went as far as jumping into the water to hide himself!" Ajax said to try and loosen up the tense air around them all. "I'm guessing you've had bad expriences with... stuff like that? Though I'm not quite sure as to what you mean by, 'What am I?'... I mean, unless you're secretly a Skin Taker alien or something, then I'd say all of us here are.... normal," Ajax said with a slight stress on the word normal, obviously a slip in his tongue indicating that there was some pretty abnormal stuff going on with everybody...

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Red stood up and pressed his face against Ajax's, "Stop treating me like a fucking RETARD!!!!!!! You don't need an IQ of one hundred twenty-five to know that SOMETHING is going on here! NOW YOU ARE GOING TO TELL ME WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON OR.......I'm......gonna.........." Red stopped, his eyes widened, and he backed off of Ajax. He had begun to loose his temper, this time he had almost gone over the edge and hit someone. His eyes began to tear up, "I'm sorry," he mumbled reverting back to his introverted self, he sat down and placed his face in his hands. Red was scared, he felt true genuine fear right now, he was losing his temper more frequently than normal, suddenly he was able to throw chairs without touching them, he was making guitars appear and disappear, and he was hearing other people's voices in his mind. He was either turning into a freak, or going insane. Neither prospect was particularly appealing to him. He just wanted to go to a nice school and learn how to further his career in music, he didn't need, much less WANT, any of this spooky, supernatural shit that was going on around him!

Edited by Red
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Luce turned on her heel sharply and stared him down. "Calm the hell down or I swear to god I am going to punch you in the face," she said sharply. "There is nothing wrong with you besides the fact that you are freaking yourself out. Stay in that seat and calm down before you do something that you regret, or I do something that I will regret. Do you understand me?"

She shrugged out of the jackets and handed his back. "You're probably in shock, so just try to take calm breaths and put this on." She shoved it into his arms for the second time, this time more gently. Knelling next to him, she examined his face. "Yes, you're definitely in shock." Her forehead creased a tiny bit, but as soon as that slight look of worry was on her face it was gone, replaced once again with the passive mask. Neither of them were her concern, and she didn't want to intrude. Anyways, getting to close to Luce came with consequences, as too many people had found out the hard way.


She turned to Ajax and also handed him his jacket. "You probably don't want this soaking wet," she said, crossing her arms and tilting her head back slightly in a way that made the weak sunlight light up her eyes like particles of clear crystal. "I would prefer it if you just kept it to Luce, thank you, but if you have difficulty getting that through your head then perhaps Ms. Bolton would suit you better." She shifted sightly as though uncomfortable. "And anyways, it's not like you owe me any favours. You already helped me enough, and I don't like being in debt to people. Anyways, I was handling myself fine, thank you. That is not an affair I would wish to discuss in public, so your silence on the matter would be most appreciated."


Luce shivered again, and this time the clacking of her teeth was even more audible. She wanted that jacket, but she couldn't afford to get dependent on anyone. She had fared all right on her own thus far.

<Just once couldn't hurt,> one side told her, but the other reminded her of what had happened last time, and she quickly shut it out, not caring to remember that right now.

However, her next shudder was even more violent, and she coughed up more seawater, gagging slightly. She could hardly stand and wobbled as gracefully as she could to a chair then fell into it, trying to make it look natural. If she didn't get help she was sure to catch an illness.

"No, it's not worth it, not after last time. " she thought firmly, then realized she had said it aloud and covered her mouth quickly, looking at the ground.




Olivia nodded slowly. "I think I say her headed to the library, if you want to head over there," she said kindly.




"Are you sure this'll work?" as Thalia doubtfully.

Julian nodded slyly. "Oh, yes. All you need is those two, and it'll all be fine. Trust me."

Thalia shrugged doubtfully, her skinny shoulders tight with nervousness. "I'm not sure if it's right. I mean, I'm spying on them."

"All's fair in love and war, dear," said Julian boredly. "Really, and here I thought you were a good person. You know this would better, oh, so many lives. I suppose I'll have to find someone else." He began to stride away, but Thalia grabbed his shoulder.

"Okay, okay, I'll do it. Just tell me what I need to do."

"Tell you?" Julian laughed as he turned to face her. "Oh, let me show you."

He suddenly began to waver and a small ball of black light floated where he was, entering Thalia's chest. She bent over in silent pain, and when her eye opened again it was near gold.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Red put his jacket back on, then looked back in her eyes, "That's a load of bullshit."  He told her, "I just made a chair go flying just by reaching for it, I seem to be able to make my bass guitar appear out of nowhere, I heard some dude's thoughts on the rain ride here, and, on top of all that, I think I just had another person get into my head and then kicked them out.  There is obviously something going on here!  If it's not with me and these weird happenings then I can at least say that I can tell that you obviously have some sort of internal conflict going on!"  He stood up, "You obviously don't want to talk about it.  I get that, believe me I've been there, but shoving people away when they simply want to make sure that you don't get hypothermia is definitely not the way to go about it.  And putting on a poker face for the public is only going to worsen the pain."  Red turned around and began to walk off.  He stopped, turned his head, and said back to her in a more compassionate voice, "If you do change your mind.  You can come talk to me.  I promise I won't get involved in it, I won't even offer advice unless you specifically ask for it.  I'll just be a can for you to dump your pains into........"  He then began to walk towards the docks, he waved to her, and gave her his usual goodbye, "cheers."

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Luce didn't say anything and her mask-like face didn't waver, and she just turned around stiffly.

"He's crazy," she commented to herself, as though she had forgotten Ajax was nearby. "I don't understand how these people haven't gotten the message yet."

She leaned on a large stone wall that overlooked the beach and stared out at the choppy waters, the clouds drawing together and blocking out the sun as if to reflect her mood. She had stopped shivering, but her mouth was taking a slightly blueish colour.


As Red was walking towards the docks, a shadow from a storefront suddenly seemed to move a ways behind, and a dark shape emerged. As its features became clearer it was Thalia, her eye still gold. Red hadn't seen her and she silently moved behind him, then tapped his shoulder and smiled at him.

"Hey, big boy. So I see you were talking to Deuce. Got anything on her?" she asked, looping her arms around his neck. She creased her forehead, and then demandingly added "I want a piggyback ride."


Suddenly, the pagers Ms. Frey had given everyone went off, signaling time to go to the docks. A few drops of rain had begun to fall and the sky was getting even darker.

"'Dark and cold, like the hearts of men'," quoted Thalia, still struggling to get on his back. "Goddammit, stop being tall!"

Edited by PinkieDaShy


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Red didn't look back but stated bluntly to her, trying to contain his anger, "Go find someone that'll give you one then."  He then turned around and stated, a bit more aggressively this time, "Also, I don't care how much money you may have, keep me out of your little games.  I'm not your puppet, I'm not your slave.  If you want to be friends, fine, I'll consider it.  But if you think you're just gonna manipulate me, then go piss up a rope!  I'm here to go to school and learn how to become a better musician, not to play slave for some pickpocket who thinks she's in charge of me simply because she's a little sneaky!  When you want to treat me like a normal person, let me know!  Otherwise, you have nothing to say to me!"  Just then the pager that Ms. Frey had given him went off, it was time to board the ferry at the docks.  Red started walking off in that direction again, "Keep my freaking wallet this time!  There's nothing in it anyways!"

He got to the docks, none of the other students had arrived yet.  This was good, it could give Red time to cool his head a bit.  He began wondering if this was all he could expect from the students at this school.........

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Thalia giggled wickedly, but then abruptly stopped and frowned. Her eye's golden colour faded a bit.

"You're not making this easy, you know," she said aloud quietly, and then jerked suddenly.

Her shadow twisted itself around and Julian stood in front of her, frowning. 

"You're blaming me, you ignorant fool? Stop trying to resist me, then! I know you did that on purpose." His eyes were angry, but he didn't make any move to strike her as he had done with Luce.

Thalia stuck her tongue out at him and crossed her arms. "I still don't get what you're trying to do. You could just do this with Luce and mess around with her a bit."

The man sighed and rolled his eyes slowly. "I don't expect a child like you, even with your abilities, to understand how...difficult Luce is. Your mind is quite a challenge, and you aren't even nearly as complex as her."

She shrugged. "You can try me. I'm not that stupid."

"Yes you are," he enunciated. "I can't merely barge into a body-that's not the way that this sort of thing works, you understand? If I so much as tried that, it wouldn't end well. For anyone."

Thalia processed this for a moment, and then turned away. "I don't think this is right anymore. I don't like that chick, but raiding her privacy isn't the right way to deal with it." She grinned. "I'm thinking more along the lines of a well-set "accident" involving several feet of mud and a leafblower..."

"I'm your only chance at your hearts desire, my dear. You do know who I am, don't you?" he said in a slightly wheedling tone.

"Yes. But that doesn't make what you're doing right," she said, and continued to walk away.

Julian followed her, and grabbed her shoulder to turn her around. "Maybe you should understand my terms before you agree to what I'm saying."

Before she could speak, he conjured a knife and thrust it in her stomach, and disappeared back into her shadow. Her eyes widened with shock and she staggered backwards a few steps, but the knife suddenly disappeared. There was blood all over her shirt, but she had no wound.

Shaking her head, she robotically staggered on, a dazed expression in her eyes, as though she wan't in cotrol of her movement anymore.


"I guess that's the pager...want to head over?" Olivia asked Xander. "Looks like it's gonna rain, anyways..."

Edited by PinkieDaShy


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Luke took out a piece of paper to scribble a note to the girl, but something in his pocket vibrated and startled him. He rummaged around in his pocket for a second before finding the source of the disturbance, a pager. He looked at it quizzically, but then remembered that blonde girl at the docks he wasn't supposed to be there yet. <I think it might be 'yet' right about now> He snickered to himself. He started off towards the docks, but remembered the girl he was talking to a second ago. He turned around and showed her the pager, shrugging apologetically before making his way off to the docks.

As he approached closer and closer to his destination, he remembered that his clothes were still gross and damp from the seawater. <maybe they'll have clean clothes there> he thought hopefully. He looked up to the sky wistfully, and got a raindrop right in the eye for it. He muttered obscenities under his breath as he rubbed his now stinging eye. He wasn't paying attention to anything as he entered the docks.

Edited by Power Ten

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*Xander shook himself out of his daze when he heard Olivia speak again and noticed his own pager buzzing.*

"Yeah, seems like it."

*Xander said with a smile.*

"Lets get going."

*He grabbed the neat new cane he had purchased while they had been wandering around town and he and Olivia headed back towards the docks.*




*Sasha was glad it had started to rain, it helped hide her tears. Jason and her had been chilling in the library, reaserching the town when Sasha had to go use the bathroom. When she had returned, Jason was gone. Sasha called out for him, but there was no answer. She went up to the lighthouse but it was completely empty and abandoned. She searched the entire town over and over again, to no avail. Jason was gone. Sasha stopped and looked at the sea. She could see the docks a little ways away. Sasha looked at the art supply bag in her hand, the expensive box of pencils inside. She almost wanted to throw them into the ocean, but something was holding her back from doing it. She knew Jason wouldn't have wanted her to waste them.*


*Sasha said through her tears. She then noticed her pager going off. She knew that meant it was time to meet up at the docks. She took the hood of the jacket she was wearing and flipped it up to shield her from the rain and headed off towards the docks.*

I play the friendly, fearsome, fiery griffin characters.
GildaShy is best ship.
Please stop mistaking me for a girl....

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"So do you know what they asked you here for?" asked Olivia. "I mean, all of us seem to be on full scholarship...that's pretty crazy, isn't it?"

She nibbled her lip a little, not really sure what to talk about. She suddenly felt very shy, though she normally wasn't like that. Something was wrong at the moment-she could just feel it-but she didn't know what it was, and it irked her. She had to force herself to make small talk so as not to seem like an introvert, but right now she was tempted to leave and find what was going on.

<That's not polite, you can do it later,> she told herself, and forced herself to try and feel happy. <He seems nice, at least.>

She glanced at him casually. "So, uhm, notice anything funny about this place? Sort of gives off that creepy aura, huh?" she tried to ask nonchalantly.


Thalia bumped into Luke and made an a few unintelligible about flamethrowers and someone's excess baggage. She stared at him blankly with her oddly coloured eye, her face wet from the rain. She didn't seem to know where she was or what was going on.


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Keren shrugged at the odd boys behavior and dismissed it, she then realized where he probably ran off to. Realizing that she should also head to the docks she picked up the pace. She didn't have her watch, and her phone..was gone, on her and didn't know the time so she began running to the docks, not wanting to be late. As she nearly arrived to the rest of the group she slipped on the soft and slippery wood of the dock. She sighed and wiped her self off, flicking her hands to get the grime off of them. Keren had no clue what she was doing,  and felt very alone as she looked around the others and saw that they were having conversations and getting to know each other. She looked at her muck and rain covered legs, and shook her head, today was not a good day. She was lonesome and missed her home already. She shook her head and sighed louder than she meant to. She sat on the end of the dock and waited for their departure since clearly nobody wanted to talk to her. She gazed at the rippling water, twiddling her thumbs, thinking of the lake near her hometown and missing it.

Edited by Artemisia
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