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private Canterlot College : Dorm Life


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She was gone, but Star wasn't too fussed about that. No, his main thought now was to kill Dogboots. Star galloped to him and grabbed his collar. Never had he contemplated such an act.


"You slept with her?!" Star shoved him back, his voice now searing with anger. "What exactly did I do that made you do that? What kind of a faggot are you?"


Star turned and left the room. He hit his head against the wall, no words able to express his thoughts. "You cunt."


Dogboots rushed out the room following Star. He went up behind the stallion and pushed him up against the wall. "Look, yes! what I did was wrong but there's a bigger problem right now! Rockshire might be pregnant. If she is then I don't know who the father will be but regardless of whether its mine or yours I need you to do me a huge favor. I might have to be on the run for awhile and I will may not be able to see the foal. Therefore, I want you to be the one to father my foal." He said letting go of Star. He hated the thought of leaving Rockshire behind but he knew he couldn't drag her along with his problems.

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Dogboots rushed out the room following Star. He went up behind the stallion and pushed him up against the wall. "Look, yes! what I did was wrong but there's a bigger problem right now! Rockshire might be pregnant. If she is then I don't know who the father will be but regardless of whether its mine or yours I need you to do me a huge favor. I might have to be on the run for awhile and I will may be able to see the foal. Therefore, I want you to be the one to father my foal." He said letting go of Star. He hated the thought of leaving Rockshire behind but he knew he couldn't drag her along with his problems.

He snapped. Star bolted around and socked Dogboots in the side of the face. It hurt his hoof, but he didn't give a crap about that. Above everything done by Eris, Cherished, anypony... this was the worst. They had gone behind his back and ruined everyponies life by doing so.


"Why should I, what have you done for me? You both thought it fun to skulk around while I wasn't looking and now you want me to pay further. I lost my life once already."


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*Oh my god... I'm going to be a mother.. This is unbelievable... Dogboots must know about this...'


Rockshire pulled out her phone, looking over the contacts. She scrolled down to Dogboots.


'I'm pregnant...'


Before she hit send, she added another contact to the message... Star.

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*Oh my god... I'm going to be a mother.. This is unbelievable... Dogboots must know about this...'


Rockshire pulled out her phone, looking over the contacts. She scrolled down to Dogboots.


'I'm pregnant...'


Before she hit send, she added another contact to the message... Star.


Dogboots face turned from the impact of Star's punch. It wasn't the worst he felt but still he felt he deserved worse than that. "I deserved that and your right i've given you nothing but I'm making up for it by giving you a chance at a new li-" He stopped mid sentence taking out his phone and checking his message. His eyes widened at the message and sunk to the floor. He picked up the phone and texted her back.


Who's the father?

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She just shook her head as Rockshire left. "Coward. Its so easy to spread your legs but not so easy to confront those you hurt. GENTLECOLTS! Stop your fighting, its not helping anything. You will draw the guards here!"


She moved over to Vinyl, standing proudly next to her mate.


"We have to put this behind us everypony. We have to focus on classes and we have to focus on raising these foals. Star Keeper, I know your hurt and trust me, Dogboots is going to pay for what he did, and frankly if it did turn out to be Dogboots, which we can find out, I honestly don't think you should take care of it. Why should you pay the expensive and be with an unfaithful mare?"

  • Brohoof 1

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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Dogboots face turned from the impact of Star's punch. It wasn't the worst he felt but still he felt he deserved worse than that. "I deserved that and your right i've given you nothing but I'm making up for it by giving you a chance at a new li-" He stopped mid sentence taking out his phone and checking his message. His eyes widened at the message and sunk to the floor. He picked up the phone and texted her back.


His phone seemed to buzz into life, pulling it out of his scarf. He soom after reading the text dropped it.


I'm pregnant


Star slumped down against the wall, everything seeming crashing down on top of him. If Dogboots was the father... he didn't know what he would do. But he did know one thing for certain; he would make sure Dogboots had nothing to do with it.


Star felt a slight trickle down his eye, lifting a hoof to see what it was. He already knew in his head, he was tearing up. What an emotional wreck I am. "It's my fault..."



Why should you pay the expensive and be with an unfaithful mare?"



"Because I have no choice..."

Edited by The-Master
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I'm pregnant


Star slumped down against the wall, everything seeming crashing down on top of him. If Dogboots was the father... he didn't know what he would do. But he did know one thing for certain; he would make sure he had nothing to do with it.


Star felt a slight trickle down his eye, lifting a hoof to see what it was. He already knew in his head, he was tearing up. What an emotional wreck I am. "It's my fault..."




"Because I have no choice..."


Dogboots was still reeling from what had just happened. He was amazed at how a simple text could affect him greatly. "No, it's my fault. I did this. Nothing I can say or do will make up for what I did." He said turning towards Star. He felt awful for what he had done to him. He wished he could go back in time and be up front with him when he visited him. "I should've been upfront with you before. I'm sorry." He said feeling ashamed for what he had done to him.

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Immediately Dogboots wanted to know... How would she? This test wasn't THAT advanced... How would Rockshire decide? She sighed as age pulled out the phone one more time...


*Im sorry... But this is how I make things better...*


She sent a text, throwing her phone to the ground.


'Its Star.'

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I'm pregnant


Star slumped down against the wall, everything seeming crashing down on top of him. If Dogboots was the father... he didn't know what he would do. But he did know one thing for certain; he would make sure he had nothing to do with it.


Star felt a slight trickle down his eye, lifting a hoof to see what it was. He already knew in his head, he was tearing up. What an emotional wreck I am. "It's my fault..."




"Because I have no choice..."

She walked over to Star and placed a hoof on his shoulder. "Star, you always have a choice. Always. You are not doomed to be with somepony just because she may or may not be pregnant or even if the foal is yours. You can still be a father and still not date the mother. Rockshire is a brilliant artist, but shes a slut. You deserve better, Star. Let Dogboots have her. frankly they deserve each other."


She looked over at Nightfall.


"Nightfall and I are not together but I will not keep his foal from him. I think he may still find his spine buried somewhere deep inside of him. I think he can pull himself together. Yes Star, this is your fault, but only as far as the love potion goes. After that is ponies personal choices. Don't feel guilty for their mistakes"

  • Brohoof 2

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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Dogboots pulled out his phone and a wave of agony and relief hit the stallion. He was a little relieved but also sad that he wasn't going to be a father. He glanced toward Star. "Catch." The stallion said tossing his cell phone to Star. He had to show him the message.

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Dogboots pulled out his phone and a wave of agony and relief hit the stallion. He was a little relieved but also sad that he wasn't going to be a father. He glanced toward Star. "Catch." The stallion said tossing his cell phone to Star. He had to show him the message.



Star felt a small welp escape his mouth as he read the message. His pupils narrowed and his heart seemed to stop. He looked back up at Dogboots still with the same expression of shock. Even through everything that had happened it was still his. He should be distraught but he was at least for one brief moment happy.


"It's mine..."

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Dogboots got up from the floor and dusted himself off. He no longer felt anything anymore. No hope, just sorrow for the stallion. He turned looking at the group one last time and started walking away. "I need a drink." He thought to himself as he made his way to the pub.

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She walked over to Star and placed a hoof on his shoulder. "Star, you always have a choice. Always. You are not doomed to be with somepony just because she may or may not be pregnant or even if the foal is yours. You can still be a father and still not date the mother. Rockshire is a brilliant artist, but shes a slut. You deserve better, Star. Let Dogboots have her. frankly they deserve each other."


She looked over at Nightfall.


"Nightfall and I are not together but I will not keep his foal from him. I think he may still find his spine buried somewhere deep inside of him. I think he can pull himself together. Yes Star, this is your fault, but only as far as the love potion goes. After that is ponies personal choices. Don't feel guilty for their mistakes"

"Me?! Pull myself together? Look, I may not be the most manly colt, but I will say this: I am seriously injured! I am assigned to the ICU, for crying out loud! If you want to keep telling me to buck up, then fine. I'll do my best, but don't you expect immediate results. Like you said when I was first in the hospital, it takes time to heal."

He laid back, expecting some new wave of pain to descend.

"Lie to me... Watch me bleed... I'll still be here when you see that your not alone, Obsidian... You don't have to run..."

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Star felt a small welp escape his mouth as he read the message. His pupils narrowed and his heart seemed to stop. He looked back up at Dogboots still with the same expression of shock. Even through everything that had happened it was still his. He should be distraught but he was at least for one brief moment happy.


"It's mine..."

"How can you know that? Its too early to know...." She sighed and waved a hoof dismissively then looked at Nightfall.


"Yes Nightfall, I know you were in the ICU and I feel terrible for it. I just want the drama to stop. I thin everyone has said their peace here. I need to return Nightfall to the hospital. I think I have enough magic to transport him. Vinyl, help me teleport please? I'll see you there"


She stood next to Nightfall and vanished in a cloud of frost and snowflakes then reappeared in his hospital room. She picked up her cell phone and called the Caterlot guard. "Hello, Canterlot Guard? Dogboots is at the Red Hoof Inn, room 13. He just left for a pub." She hung up. "He needs to deal with his problems and stop running. No one knows better that fact then me."

Edited by Obsidian_Winter
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"How can you know that? Its too early to know...." She sighed and waved a hoof dismissively then looked at Nightfall.

"I know that they can't tell this early, but it means that Shire wanted me to be the father. I don't care now if it's Dogboots child as far as I'm concerned he's mine. I'm not going to let him or her take even that away from me. Dogboots will get what he deserves, as for Rockshire... " He paused, unable to fully finish his sentence. "Maybe it would be best if she stayed out of the foal life."

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Dogboots made his way back to the hotel to pick up his supplies when shock had taken him. The Canterlot Guard had raided his room. "How the hell did they find my- OBSIDIAN! THAT BITCH! DAMMIT! I'm in checkmate. I lost...I might as well just turn myself in now. Not like anypony will care anyways." The stallion thought hopelessly. Obsidian had practically beaten him. "Wrong!" A feminine voice said. "S-sugar?" He asked staring at her. He knew that she was part of his dementia caused by his recent injury but he was still surprised. "Normally I would scold you about how bucked you are but you still have somepony. Rockshire." The illusion said before disappearing before the dazed colt. "She's right. I'm being selfish. I didn't think about her! I need to contact her immediately. She's the only one that can help." He thought racing off to find a payphone. He inserted the last of his bits and dialed Rockshires number. "Rockshire! Obsidian, she led the Canterlot Guard to my motel room. They haven't seen me yet but I need a place to lie-" He stopped himself mid-sentence thinking back to Star. He was right about him. He never did anything for Star or helped him. The stallion only made things worse for him. He hung up on Rockshire and made his way back to the college to turn himself in as a way to atone for his actions. He betrayed Star and stole his marefriend. Campus Security had surrounded Dogboots as soon as he entered the school grounds. It wasn't long before they handed him off to to the Canterlot Police.


After booking Dogboots in he was soon led to a small holding cell. The cell was much smaller than his dorm at the college but he felt satisfied in a small way. He was atoning for what he did to Star and Rockshire. "Well, at least I won't harm anypony here. Wonder if Eris is here? Doubt it. His bucking family probably paid to get him out. Though I know for sure that the college wouldn't want him back either for what he did. Then again it can be said about me as well." The stallion thought as he began to smile a little bit. He was a little happy knowing he couldn't hurt or ruin anypony's life anymore.

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Parso looked at Obsidian in disgust

"the island may have fucked with my mind but not my eyes, Dogboots wanted to clear his name and you call a pig on him! I caught fish with more backbone than that. I'm out, I'm going to help a salvagable pony clear his name"

with that, Parso jumped off the hotel balcony and took to the air, trying to find his friend

Edited by ParsoOfEquestria
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laying on his bed Whirlwind just though about how though most of this day he had remained there waiting for obsidian to come over, "where is she" he said as he lifted his phone in front of him, ignoring the crack in the corner from when he just threw it.

there was still no message from Obsidian and Whirlwid didn't want to keep massaging her as he didn't want her to think of him as a bother.


hey, i'm gonna leave my dorm for another fly around, let me know when you're on you way over and i'll rush back. XO


he sent the massage to Obsidian as he left his room and headed back to the hospital 



"hello, how can i help?" asked the nurse at the hospital reception.

"hello....i'm here to visit a patient here, a blue Alicorn by the name of Nightfall"Whirlwind replied 

"ok, you don't seem to be registered for visiting so i'll need to call up first to confirm.  give me a moment"said the nurse as she tuned away to call, as Whirlwind waited he thought what if Nightfall doesn't even know his name they haven met and Obsidian may not have even told Nightfall about him, or maybe she did....... how would he react to this visit.


the nurse came back "i'm sorry, he isn't here and he hasn't been cleared to leave" she said in quite a paniced tone, must not look good on the hospital if they lose track of a patient.... never mind a high profile patient such as an Alicorn.

"we've sent some of the hospital security out to look for him, but i am afraid you will be unable to visit when he returns , Whirlwind gave a nod to the nurse to say thank you before leaving and taking off, "stupid Alicorn, he not likely in any shape to leave the hospital" he said to himself as he took off to look for Nightfall...... tho the why he is escaped him.


(OOC this post is set during the time you were all at the in)

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"How can you know that? Its too early to know...." She sighed and waved a hoof dismissively then looked at Nightfall.


"Yes Nightfall, I know you were in the ICU and I feel terrible for it. I just want the drama to stop. I thin everyone has said their peace here. I need to return Nightfall to the hospital. I think I have enough magic to transport him. Vinyl, help me teleport please? I'll see you there"


She stood next to Nightfall and vanished in a cloud of frost and snowflakes then reappeared in his hospital room. She picked up her cell phone and called the Caterlot guard. "Hello, Canterlot Guard? Dogboots is at the Red Hoof Inn, room 13. He just left for a pub." She hung up. "He needs to deal with his problems and stop running. No one knows better that fact then me."

"So your an expert on dealing with problems? Or is that your only bit of advice?"

Nightfall was still lying down.

"Either way, it's not the solution to everything.somethings work better unnoticed, Obsidian. And, well... You haven't been quite yourself recently..."

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"So your an expert on dealing with problems? Or is that your only bit of advice?"

Nightfall was still lying down.

"Either way, it's not the solution to everything.somethings work better unnoticed, Obsidian. And, well... You haven't been quite yourself recently..."

 She turned around and peered at him. "Yes, I am a sort of expert on problems, actually. What good is there on running? It only makes it worse. I can actually help him if he was in custody but every moment he runs he makes it worse. I may not have been myself recently but I am certainly myself now."


She pondered something for a moment, wondering if she should tell him.....well why not. He might as well know.


"Oh and by the way. The letter I got from the school, the one when I first arrived that mentioned my blood line, we're related Nightfall, like most Alicorns are. I wasn;t going to mention it but maybe now you can understand why I haven't been myself lately."

  • Brohoof 1

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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"Oh and by the way. The letter I got from the school, the one when I first arrived that mentioned my blood line, we're related Nightfall, like most Alicorns are. I wasn;t going to mention it but maybe now you can understand why I haven't been myself lately."


His felt his heart jolt. What? Related? He was attracted to her and now that he got her pregnant, she tells him?

"How- how are we related..?"

Nightfall felt sick. He felt worse than he ever did before. If they were related, then things could only really go downhill from here.

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Dogboots was still sitting on the crusty bed of his holding cell. His gaze was still fixed to the ground. He felt nothing anymore. Everything had been taken from him. After a short while the cell door opened revealing an officer in uniform. "You get one phone call, though I doubt it'll do you any good." The officer said leading the depressed stallion to a payphone. "Who would I even call? I can't call Rockshire. It would only upset her and the same can be said for Parso. Knowing him he'd try to break me out which to be honest I don't think I want. There's only one colt that I can call. I know he wouldn't make a big deal out of it but at least I can reassure him." The stallion thought as he soon dialed in the number for the ICU. "Hello? Canterlot ICU. How can I direct your call?" A cheerful feminine voice asked on the other side of the line. "Would you kindly connect me to Nighfall? I'm a close relative of his calling to check up on him." The stallion lied. He knew they wouldn't let him talk to Nightfall even if he said they were friends. "Sure thing, one moment please." The mare said as he was put on hold. A few seconds had passed before he was connected to his room. "Nighfall, listen I don't have a lot of time to talk so i'll be brief. I decided to turn myself in at the college. I'm currently in holding at the CPD. Don't worry though as I promised before. I won't say a word about what happened to you and who did it. I hope things turn out okay for you. Tell Rockshire..." The stallion trailed off thinking what he could say to her. "Tell her I said goodbye." He said hanging up the phone. The police officer led the criminalized Dogboots back to his holding cell. "Lost my job, lost Rockshire, not going to be a father and put into prison. At least I did one good thing right? I protected an Alicorn that put me in here to help Nightfall...Did I really do the right thing?" He thought to himself.

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Dogboots was still sitting on the crusty bed of his holding cell. His gaze was still fixed to the ground. He felt nothing anymore. Everything had been taken from him. After a short while the cell door opened revealing an officer in uniform. "You get one phone call, though I doubt it'll do you any good." The officer said leading the depressed stallion to a payphone. "Who would I even call? I can't call Rockshire. It would only upset her and the same can be said for Parso. Knowing him he'd try to break me out which to be honest I don't think I want. There's only one colt that I can call. I know he wouldn't make a big deal out of it but at least I can reassure him." The stallion thought as he soon dialed in the number for the ICU. "Hello? Canterlot ICU. How can I direct your call?" A cheerful feminine voice asked on the other side of the line. "Would you kindly connect me to Nighfall? I'm a close relative of his calling to check up on him." The stallion lied. He knew they wouldn't let him talk to Nightfall even if he said they were friends. "Sure thing, one moment please." The mare said as he was put on hold. A few seconds had passed before he was connected to his room. "Nighfall, listen I don't have a lot of time to talk so i'll be brief. I decided to turn myself in at the college. I'm currently in holding at the CPD. Don't worry though as I promised before. I won't say a word about what happened to you and who did it. I hope things turn out okay for you. Tell Rockshire..." The stallion trailed off thinking what he could say to her. "Tell her I said goodbye." He said hanging up the phone. The police officer led the criminalized Dogboots back to his holding cell. "Lost my job, lost Rockshire, not going to be a father and put into prison. At least I did one good thing right? I protected an Alicorn that put me in here to help Nightfall...Did I really do the right thing?" He thought to himself.


The news from Dogboots made him feel even worse. He was barely able to get a bucket over to him before he threw up. He was tense; it was clearly obvious the stress that was on him was more than he could handle. He laid back down on his bed, shaking, tears nearly coming out. He knew Obsidian would tell him to buck up, but with all the recent news, plus the fact that he had gone without drugs for maybe 15 mins and then been suddenly reconnected to them, was breaking him apart.

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"Cousins. We're Cousins. I didn't think about telling you before because there was not reason but you needed to know now. I should have figured it, the way how Alicorns all have some royal connection if you go back far eno-" the phone rang. She motioned for him to get it and he did. She watched him pale, get sick, and hack some more.


"Feel better?" she asked. "Who was that?"

  • Brohoof 1

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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"Cousins. We're Cousins. I didn't think about telling you before because there was not reason but you needed to know now. I should have figured it, the way how Alicorns all have some royal connection if you go back far eno-" the phone rang. She motioned for him to get it and he did. She watched him pale, get sick, and hack some more.


"Feel better?" she asked. "Who was that?"

"A bit," he managed.

"It was Dogboots. He's turned himself in and told me to tell Rockshire goodbye."

He shivered, and his shaking slowly stopped, but one could easily tell he wasn't well at all. He was growing a bit pale.

"Cousins... Why don't I ever think..? I should have known..."

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