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private Canterlot College : Dorm Life


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"I know why you're so highly desired. It's because you're the most amazing pony ever and everyone wants to be like me and spend their life with you." Vinyl kissed Obsidian and started stroking her mane. "But you're all mine and I love you more than anything." If somebody bursts through that door and ruins my moment with my marefriend, I swear to Luna, I'll rip their horn or wings or both clean off. This is my moment and there ain't nobody who can take this from me.

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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She giggled at her touches and kisses and returned them in kind. She nipped and playfully bit along her neck, her forearms wrapping about her close. She looked into those deep pools of crimson and smiled widely. WIth that she brought delicate kisses down her neck, down her chest, down her belly and further into the secret places below. She used her horn to turn out the light. ::Fade to Black::

  • Brohoof 2

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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Vinyl woke up the next morning feeling warm and just slightly sweaty. Her hooves were wrapped around her beautiful Obsidian and she couldn't feel any better. She ran one of her hooves through Obsidian's mane, while the other was around her lower back, and kissed her lightly. "Good morning, my love."


((This is really to keep this thing moving along, since no one else here seems to want to post))

Edited by Feld0's Overlord
  • Brohoof 2

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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(was waiting for morning to be confirmed)

Whirlwind woke up in a tired haze, unable to remember much of last night after leaving that hospital "ow my head what did it do last night" he said as he climbed out of bed to have a stretch before smelling his breath "wiff wiff, ok well i wasn't drinking, that's good" he then moved to the bath room to have a shower before grabbing his phone.


good morning <3



he send that text to Obsidian, he didn't rely know why because they were not together, but Whirlwind was always so used to doing that every morning that it just felt right to do so.

  • Brohoof 1

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Star Keeper woke to a new day, his mind still weighed heavy by Rockshire and Dogboots. He thought he could gain some peace through sleep, but that was unfortunately not the case. He didn't wait to greet Ice Beam, heading down stairs and out to the Cafe, his brown scarf still dangling from his neck. After ordering a quick coffee he sat at the table and thought over the situation at hoof.


Star had made it clear he would aim to claim full custody under the argument that Rockshire and Dogboots were not suitable parents for raising a foal. Star had a house, a well paying job, and as far as he cared would make a better parent than a cheater and a janitor. He would have the backing of Celestia hopefully after she responded to his letter requesting legal assistance and he would probably ask a few ponies to speak on his behalf over the matter, recounting the evening that Rockshire chose Dogboots. Star had given this much thought.


As he finished his coffee Star decided to take a small walk down to the Archives. After his ban was lifted he traveled there quite often, always eager to explore unread sections and discover new events. It gave him some time to calm himself.

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Obsidian woke up and stretched....the covers were still damp...ew...several hours old sweat was not good. She extended her large wing and wrapped it around Vinyl. She heard her phone go off and she checked it. Obsidian had a troubled look on her face and replied to the text.


Whirlwind, please come to Vinyls dorm room. We three need to talk.


She clicked 'send' and waited. She leaned down and whispered in her ear..."I love you. I think I have a solution to our problem."

  • Brohoof 3

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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after sending that message Whirlwind went along with his training.

he meet up with his coach who explained that the college racing team was going to be up against another college and Whirlwind was the wildcard...... which meant he was going to get put though his limit today to knock a second or two off his track record.


Whirlwind was exhausted from all of that first thing in the morning he wasn't sure whether to shower now or wait till he got home




Whirlwind, please come to Vinyls dorm room. We three need to talk.

he left the locker room shower he went to check his buzzing phone and read Obsidians message


Ok i'll be right over 


he replied as he shot into the air and flew towards the girls dorm, as he got to the dorm room he knocked and waited.

  • Brohoof 1

my DA http://heavyecho.deviantart.com/ check my stuff out

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Obsidian had a feeling she knew who it was at the door. She used her magic to open it  and snuggled closer to Vinyl.


"Hello Whirlwind. I think I may have a solution to our little problem if you would like to hear it."


She slowly forced herself up out of bed. Her body was still a little sweaty and stick but she didn't care. She went to the kitchen and turned on the stove and brought out some breakfast material.


"Either of you hungry?"

  • Brohoof 2

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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Whirlwind was some what surprised, embarrassed and a little bit of something else as he saw Vinyl and Obsidian both in bed, and after seeing the the expression on Obsidian's face he knew very well what had transpired.


"Either of you hungry?"


 "no thanks I had something earlier" replied Whirlwind as he stood there not rely knowing were to sit.


"so what exactly is this 'solution'? "

  • Brohoof 1

my DA http://heavyecho.deviantart.com/ check my stuff out

the Anime Club http://mlpforums.com/topic/48196-the-anime-club/ plz join us

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Vinyl turned over in her bed and watched Whirlwind enter and Obsidian start cooking. "I think I could eat." She then heard her stomach rumble a little. "Yeah, I could eat." Vinyl sat up in the bed with the covers drawn over her to cover herself from Whirlwind. "So what's this great solution to all our problems," she asked, looking up at Obsidian endearingly

  • Brohoof 3

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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"Maybe all three but you forgot that since Ice is Star's roommate then there's a good chance that he'll be on Star's side. Nightfall is indeed a possibility and could serve as a bridge to have Obsidian help us. Besides we might need her if he tries to leave. Not only that but it would be a good idea to hold the intervention at the hospital where Nightfall is staying. He can contact Star and bring him to us once everypony's gathered. So, first things first. We need to head to the hospital where Nightfall is and explain the situation. Can you teleport us there?" He asked getting up from Rockshire's bed.

"So Nightfall has the power to contact him... Plus, I bet he knows about problems with foals...", Rockshire said, but shot a hoof to her mouth. She didn't mean it like that...


"And... I know you're thinking the same pony as me... But, do you really want for her to be involved?"

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"So Nightfall has the power to contact him... Plus, I bet he knows about problems with foals...", Rockshire said, but shot a hoof to her mouth. She didn't mean it like that...


"And... I know you're thinking the same pony as me... But, do you really want for her to be involved?"


"Unless you know another way we can restrain Star, then i'm afraid we're going to need her help. Besides, I can't really imagine Star willing to listen to reason. Not only that but I can see her on our side once we explain things to her." He said to Rockshire trying to reassure her that Obsidian could possibly help them. He knew how she thought about cheating, but seeing as how she was also pregnant she might help them at least he hoped she would.

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Well, first thing to do in this situation would be to gain witnesses, and that was Star's plan. He managed to locate Obsidian's dorm, but could hear multiple voices from inside. Well, here goes nothing. Star knocked heavily on the door, announcing himself to those inside. "Obsidian, it's Star. I need to talk to you briefly."

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She was about to open her mouth and explain her plan when she heard Star at the door. Ponies have the worst timing here. "Come in, Star". She splashed some water on her face and then went on to cooking breakfast. "What do you need Star? Would you care for some breakfast? Don't mind Vinyl and Whirlwind, we were about to have a discussion."


She smiled at him, trying to be a good hostess.

  • Brohoof 4

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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She seemed in good sorts this morning, keep your radar up. "Thank you for the offer, but I have something else I would like to discuss in the meantime." Star decided to simply take a seat, not wanting to impose. "I could come back later if now is a bad time, I see you have company after all."

  • Brohoof 2


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She seemed in good sorts this morning, keep your radar up. "Thank you for the offer, but I have something else I would like to discuss in the meantime." Star decided to simply take a seat, not wanting to impose. "I could come back later if now is a bad time, I see you have company after all."

She started mixing up so wheat pancakes. "No, please. Since you are here go ahead. I'm assuming this has something to do with Rockshire, Dogboots, or both yes?" She flipped the Pancakes and motioned for Whirlwind to sit. 

"Vinyl, love, do you want to shower while Star and I talk?"

  • Brohoof 2

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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She started mixing up so wheat pancakes. "No, please. Since you are here go ahead. I'm assuming this has something to do with Rockshire, Dogboots, or both yes?" She flipped the Pancakes and motioned for Whirlwind to sit.  "Vinyl, love, do you want to shower while Star and I talk?"

"You know me only too well." Star decided to at least get a bit comfortable on his chair. Over time he seemed to have gathered a new sense of confidence, which was clearly displayed at this moment. Ask him a month ago and he would have shied away. I guess there's a point where he kinda had to step up to the task.


"I'm sure you and Nightfall have already discussed arrangements in terms of custody grant, but there is still one last point that needs to be addressed. I believe Rockshire is not a suitable parent to be raising a foal, nor Dogboots.."

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"Umm, yeah, sure. I probably need to clean myself off from last night." She got up and went to the bathroom to shower. Vinyl started running the water and getting the temperature just right. I wonder what he wants to talk about. And what's Obsidian's big plan for the three of us? Just a few moments later, the water was warm and she stepped in and began to clean herself

  • Brohoof 3

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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"Unless you know another way we can restrain Star, then i'm afraid we're going to need her help. Besides, I can't really imagine Star willing to listen to reason. Not only that but I can see her on our side once we explain things to her." He said to Rockshire trying to reassure her that Obsidian could possibly help them. He knew how she thought about cheating, but seeing as how she was also pregnant she might help them at least he hoped she would.


Rockshire sighed. "I really didn't want to... But I guess this is the right choice." She levitated her phone over to her side, and began texting Obsidian.


Hey, I know this might not be the best time, but we sort of need your help. Could you meet with me and Dogboots in Nightfall's room?


After the text was sent, Rockshire's horn started to glow orange, and the two teleported out of her room. A few seconds later, they appeared in Nightfall's room.


"Hey, Nightfall... We're gonna need your help with something..."



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"You know me only too well." Star decided to at least get a bit comfortable on his chair. Over time he seemed to have gathered a new sense of confidence, which was clearly displayed at this moment. Ask him a month ago and he would have shied away. I guess there's a point where he kinda had to step up to the task.


"I'm sure you and Nightfall have already discussed arrangements in terms of custody grant, but there is still one last point that needs to be addressed. I believe Rockshire is not a suitable parent to be raising a foal, nor Dogboots.."

"Hm, but what can you do about it? I mean she is carrying the foal. They could just run off and you may never find them again. Its a serious matter taking a foal away from their mother. I would personally kill any pony who tried to take mine from me. What other reasons do you have for thinking they are unfit?"


She set down some food for Vinyl for when she got out. She also set some extra down for Whirlwind in case he changed his mind.

  • Brohoof 1

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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Nightfall's dreams following the news Obsidian had brought weren't pleasant. He woke up from one of them, bathed in a cold sweat. He noticed a faint blue glow in the room, and seeing as his thoughts weren't clear and wouldn't be for some time, he looked over at the source. It was Princess Luna.

"Princes..! I'm- I'm sorry-"

She interrupted him, but softly.

"No need, Nightfall. I have been monitoring your dreams. I noticed distress, and have come to ask questions and give advice. First, did your sister tell you the news..?"

"She did..."

"And is it true..? That you and she..?"

Nightfall gulped. "It is."

"Well... you didn't know then... There is nothing you can do now... I trust you have resolved it mostly..?"

"We have..."

"Well, then... take her advice; don't claim the child for your own. Celestia and I will help when we can, but you must leave it mostly to Obsidian, and if she has somepony else to help, them as well."

She smiled. Nightfall blinked, and she was gone. He laid back down, thinking of her words. But he couldn't sleep again...


Rockshire sighed. "I really didn't want to... But I guess this is the right choice." She levitated her phone over to her side, and began texting Obsidian.


Hey, I know this might not be the best time, but we sort of need your help. Could you meet with me and Dogboots in Nightfall's room?


After the text was sent, Rockshire's horn started to glow orange, and the two teleported out of her room. A few seconds later, they appeared in Nightfall's room.


"Hey, Nightfall... We're gonna need your help with something..."




Nightfall sat up. He looked like he hadn't gotten much sleep at all.

"All right... I'll do what I can... How can I help you..?"

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Nightfall sat up. He looked like he hadn't gotten much sleep at all.

"All right... I'll do what I can... How can I help you..?"




"Me and Dogboots are going to set up an intervention with Star. He's set on claiming full custody on my foal, which is a bit silly, since he's not the father... He doesn't know it, and we're planning on telling him here. Why do I need your help? You're basically the only way that he can be contacted as of now, since he's determined on not talking with me until it gets to court. In the meantime, we;re setting it here because of your condition. We also had no choice but to ask Obsidian for help, to restrain Star if he tries to make any moves. I'm also wondering about that "Persuasive" or "Percussive" that goes here. I think he knows about this, and we could get all the support that we need, so if you have a way of contacting him, please do, since this can really help."


After that, Rockshire took in a deep breath, and conjured a water bottle, taking out half its contents. "Wow, that was a mouthful..."

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She heard her phone notification going off in the other room.


"Excuse me, Star"


She finished cooking her breakfast and set it on the table before trotting over to the bedroom nightstand. She read the text and replied.


Rockshire, I would be happy to meet you but I'm right in the middle of breakfast and Star Keeper came by so I'm talking to him. I will meet you there as soon as I finish breakfast, get a shower and hear what all he has to say. It seems urgent. - Obsidian


She walked back out and sat at the table.


"Sorry about that Star, Please continue."

  • Brohoof 1

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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Nightfall sat up. He looked like he hadn't gotten much sleep at all.

"All right... I'll do what I can... How can I help you..?"


Dogboots fell on the floor in a daze from the teleportation spell. He got up still dazed from the after effects and took in his bearings. "I apologize Nightfall if we're inconveniencing you but it was the best I could come up. Now it seems that nearly everypony except me has met this percussive or persuasive pony. Do we know if he's someone we can trust Nightfall?" He asked pacing around the room. It was an odd habit of Dogboots to pace around but when his mind was on something he couldn't help but walk around the room.

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"Hm, but what can you do about it? I mean she is carrying the foal. They could just run off and you may never find them again. Its a serious matter taking a foal away from their mother. I would personally kill any pony who tried to take mine from me. What other reasons do you have for thinking they are unfit?"   She set down some food for Vinyl for when she got out. She also set some extra down for Whirlwind in case he changed his mind.


"Take your time."


Star would need a small change of tactics, due to the fact that there was the issue of blood relation. He wasn't an idiot, he knew that there was very little way of telling at this point who was the father. Heck it could till be him, but he couldn't leave it to chance. In order for him to have the right to claim the foal he would need proof that he was indeed the father. What better way to do this than to get Rockshire herself to say this? Now he just had to figure out how.


"Obsidian, you may think what I am doing is rash, but you must understand where I am coming from. Rockshire is a liar and a cheat, Dogboots no better. What could he provide for her? He's a criminal, what living could he earn? I have a home, a job and I at least have what it takes to be fatherly."


"I know they will try to stop me, but rest assured that I will do everything I can to make sure that foal has a good life. I don't want to cut out Shire completely from its life, but I want to at least make it a good on."

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