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private Canterlot College : Dorm Life


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"My, this place is confusing." Taking out his map, he searched around for the cafeteria. "Ah... Ah.... No... Not the hall, ah, the cafeteria! Found it!" Pointing to a huge room on the first floor. He finally found the cafeteria after a lot of confusion and delay. First day of class. Let's not mess this up.

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Nightfall had slipped out of his room and seemingly wandered down the halls. Eventually, he found a hub for attention, and many ponies, all different grades, were in this area: the cafeteria. He saw some pony who looked like he had some kind of influence (Eris Nova), but decided to avoid him for the moment. He past by behind a pony he was talking to, and sat down a few chairs beyond them, drinking some water he had bought.

Edited by Nightfall
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"I don't mean to pry or anything but who were you talking to on the phone that needed to know that I don't talk to girls that much?" frowned Kalypso "I mean I'm not mad but still I don't wanna start my first year of college as the guy who doesn't talk to girls. Anyways i'm going to the room to set up my bed and get unpacked so if you need me i'll be there, bye." said Kalypso as he excused himself and walk to their room.
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After travelling for 3 days Dogboots finally made it to the dormitories. He saw plenty of others outside talking and hanging out which didn't really interest him at all. He pulled out the paper to see which dormitory he was going to be living in for a while. After a few minutes of wandering around Dogboots finally made it to the front of the building where he would be staying. He raised an eyebrow in confusion and double checked his paper. "There has to be some mistake here. Why am I living in the female dormitories?" Dogboots asked himself as he stood in front of the building in confusion. He began to wonder which was going to be worse, getting thrown out of the building before he can even settle in or the awkward conversation with his roommate if the first one didn't happen. He shrugged and entered the the dormitory.

He didn't see anyone inside the building which was good to avoid the awkward conversation with. He hoped that it would be the same case when he reached his room. After climbing a few flights of stairs surprisingly with no one seeing him Dogboots was in front of the door to his room. "Should I knock?" He thought to himself as he stood in front of the door but then shook the thought off reminding himself "Why should I knock? This is my assigned room. Which is in a female dormitory for some odd reason. I just hope my roommate isn't in otherwise its going to be one odd conversation." Dogboots opened the door to his room and to his unfortunate surprise there was his roommate looking at him in surprise. It was at this moment that he didn't know how to respond to this situation.

Edited by thor9356
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After class, he went back to his room. Knock knock. Nopony's there. I opened up the door. Alora was sitting down, reading a book. "Hello." I greeted her slightly as I walked past her. Settling down, he sat down and turned on the radio. What a tiring day. Time to calm down. He dialed the radio to every single possible channel, and then turned it off. Nothing to listen to. Well, time to set up my bed and stuff. He grabbed his pillow and replaced it with the pillow that came with the dorm. He only likes the pillows he uses. Then, he took out his mug (the mug read 'suclearnub is best pony'), and his alarm, setting it to the time that he's supposed to wake up. What an exhausting day. Time to take a rest.

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Sugar stared at the male that was in her dorm room.

"Um, hello? I think you have the wrong room.."

This was the female dorms, after all, and she couldn't share a room with a boy!

Sugar laughed nervously and threw a blanket over her panties, which she'd been putting away in her bed side drawer.

"Uh, I- uh. Panties." she said, and laughed nervously again.

God, she sounded like such an idiot, not to mention a creeper.

Slapping herself in the face with her hoof, she sighed and sat on her bed.

"What room are you looking for?" She asked quietly, staring at the floor.

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"I honestly don't know. According to this paper here this is where i'm supposed to be" Dogboots said as he handed her his sheet. "I honestly think that there's some mistake here cause I don't know why they would put me here." Dogboots continued as he started looking around the room which the only thing that honestly popped out were the blankets of his supposed roommate. "uhhhh, nice sheets you've got there. I'm assuming your name is Sugar?" He asked trying to stray away from this weird situation.

Edited by thor9356
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Sugar took the paper and looked it over. He was in the right room.

"Well, maybe, um. We should go see the principal."

She sighed and noticed him looking at her blankets.

"Uhh, nice sheets you've got there. I'm assuming your name is Sugar?"

Sugar blushed and made sure her panties were covered.

"Yes, it is, and they aren't sheets, they are blankets."

She said sharply, assuming he was making fun of them.

She was very defensive about them, seeing as her dead grandma had made them for her.

Glaring out at the room, Sugar stood up.

"Let's go to the principal. I can't share a room with a boy." She said angrily, sighing.

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"Ponyville, I moved there not long ago, came to Canterlot as soon as I finally settled there" she said as she walked around the room. She turned her head enough to look at the unicorn "Eh' sorry about my attitude, guess I'm still bummed that I had to leave my friends, don't worry though, I'm not usually like this, I'll get used to this place soon" she said her tone lighing up a bit "Enough about me, so how 'bout you?"

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He poured himself a bit of coffee. I'm going to be studying all night, I guess. He added a little bit of sugar, and tried the coffee. Just right. He took his steaming coffee, and his book (science, and maths), onto his desk. This will be a long night. He also took out his stationery. "Alora, if you have anything, tell me. I'll be in my corner studying.'

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"Lead the way then." Dogboots replied as he followed Sugar to the principles office. Admittedly he also wanted to know why he was placed in the female dormitories. Last time he checked he didn't look anything like a female at least to his own knowledge. He noticed that she seemed irritated about his earlier comment "Sorry about before. I usually associate blankets with sheets but uhhh what I meant to say was that you have nice blankets" He said trying to mend a bad situation which didn't seem to be getting any better at all.

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Yawn. Probably enough studying already. He looked at his now-empty cup. He went to pack up his stuff. It wasn't long before he finished packing all his stuff up. Let's get to bed. Not only have I completely tired myself out today, I've also revised through the night. He went to bed, and turned off the lights.
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That one pony he had avoided (barely) was now alone. He looked like the kind who had rich parents and threw parties just because he could. He also looked like a person whom mares could and do love. Maybe he could find something about him that was a weakness. He walked over and slumped down into a chair across from him.

"Obviously you aren't new here, like the some of the rest of us. So I'd like to know who you are so when I need help doing something, I know who to go to."

He leaned back, his wings outspread, but relaxed, showing that he was an alicorn.

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He couldn't sleep. I've been drinking too much coffee again, right? Probably. He turned on the lights, and imagined what he could do for these few hours remaining, until Princess Celestia raises the sun. Next time, I'm not staying up late. He opened up his book, and started reading. By the time I'm supposed to wake up, I'll probably fall asleep, and forget to go to class.

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"Oh wow Blade. You're a life saver. I wish I was responsible and organized like you. Don't tell Eris about this okay? Promise?" Lovely sung sweetly while smiling at Blade cutely. The two headed to the cafe to meet up with Eris.


"It's just my baby sister. She's harmless." But it was too late, Kalypso had already stormed off. Hmph. If he's got a problem with the girlies, he's not going to be happy about tonight. Eris leaned back waiting for his baby sister and her roommate showed up. Cross my hooves that Lovely scored a sexy roommate.

Suddenly a deep blue alicorn approached his. "Obviously you aren't new here, like the some of the rest of us. So I'd like to know who you are so when I need help doing something, I know who to go to."

"Well hello to you too Freshy." Eris smirked confidently. "The name's Eris Nova, captiano of the CC ponyball team. Shouldn't be too hard to remember since my face and name is plastered all over the awards section of the school." Eris winked, he loved talking about himself. Before Nightfall had a chance to respond Eris hushed him, Lovely and Blade had just entered the cafeteria.


"Oh my gosh! Wow! An Alicorn! A real one!" Lovely had completely ignored her brother and shifted all her attention onto to Nightfall. "Your wings are incredible. Blade come check these out." Lovely began to stroke Nightfall's wings and then blushed when Nightfall's gaze met her's. "Oh, I'm so sorry! I've just never seen an alicorn that wasn't one of the princesses before. And you're wings are just so beautiful." Lovely smiled.


Eris cleared his throat loudly to get Lovely's attention, "ahem." Lovely turned towards her brother as Eris rolled his eyes and directed her to sit next to him. "Sorry about that." Eris apologized to Nightfall, "you now how KIDS can be." Lovely frowned. "This is not my roommate, that little v-carrier stormed off somewhere at the sound of mares nearby." Eris quickly averted his attention to Blade, "and whom may this beautiful mare be? Lovely you never told me your roommate was so stunning." Eris bowed politely to Blade, "it's an honor."

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Vinyl looked around a bit uncomfortably as this stallion bowed in front of her. She had only had ponies bow to her when she was in the castle or with one of the princesses. "Uh, heh.. Thanks. I'm Vinyl. I'm just your average CC mare. There's nothing truly special about me." She took a seat next to Lovely

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Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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I guess I'll head over to the cafe then. Since I've got nothing to do, and I've been sitting on my for a few hours already. He gathered some of his stuff, and headed to the cafe. Unlike the dorms, the cafe was pretty busy, and had alot of ponies. "Hello" He said to Vinyl. "What's happening?"
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'Well, that was awkward.' Star Keeper thought to himself as he trotted back down the hallway.


'You had one job, man. One job! Make friends she said, it would be fun she said. Ah, this is going to be harder than I originally anticipated.' These buzzed around his mind like a swarm of parasprites. He looked down to his watch and stared at the time. 'There's at least a few minutes to spare till my first dedication. Might as well see if they serve any grub. Did I just think grub? Note to self: Never say that in public.'


A quaint little cafe stood close by. It was busy for this time but it was better than making social conversation with his new room mate. He ordered a Latte and looked across the room for a seat. He had ordered it to go so he wouldn't need to wait to long. He sat down at a free seat, the rest of them occupied by a bunch of strange ponies conversing over refreshments. He listened as another pony moved to join them.


"Hello, whats happening?"


'What an awkward greeting, but then again, it was better than my own one earlier.' Star Keeper chose to just ignore the conversation going on behind him and focused on pre-planning his study times.

Edited by The-Master
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Vinyl looked up at the pony that had just approached them. "Uh, hi. There's nothing going on that I know about. Should something be happening that I'm not aware of?" She looked back at the ponies next to her, waiting either for a response or for them to continue on with the conversation.

  • Brohoof 2

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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Sugar sighed, she didn't know where the principals office even was.

She looked up sheepishly and smiled nervously.

"Um, I- well, I'm new here, and I don't even know where the principals office is."

She shook her head.This was pretty embarrassing. She felt bad for her outburst, it wasn't his fault anyway, and it wasn't his fault that she'd left her panties laying everywhere.

"I'm sorry."

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For a long while Alora simply stood there and stared ahead. She cocked her head to the side and examined the male before her. Of course, Alora was never a picky being and was very adaptable. Therefore, this definately shouldn't be an issue for her. She never once said a word to him, but uttered the slightest twitch of her lips before turning towards the bed to the far side of the room as she began to unpack. On any typical occassion, she may have greeted him warmly, but she wasn't necessarily in the best of moods. The one person she hoped to see wasn't there, and she assumed the mare was working off-campus or something of simmilar manner. Her tail curled back over her back, the soft fur running to to both sides in the odd position. She sighed.


Saphira gaped at the creature before her. Did she have ANY idea who she was? She shooed the idea from her concience with an aggressive shake of her head. She ifted her head high and smiled, flipping her hair delicately as she ruffled her feathers dramatically.


Her voice was very soft, and yet exceedingly strong and sultry, "Of course! What mare WOULDN'T?" She giggled a bit, digging into her bag and setting a long line of perfumes along the edge of the nightstand. She pasted several images of verious colts and stallions over the wall above her bed aswell. "It's nice to see some commitment," a soft smirk painted across her lips, "I try not to chain myself down."


It was then that she turned towards the mare she had been speaking to, cocking her head to he side and thinking deeply. "You know, some green would really make your eyes pop."


(Sorry for the large amount of confusion, I'm lost.)

Edited by Alora
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"Oh wow Blade. You're a life saver. I wish I was responsible and organized like you. Don't tell Eris about this okay? Promise?" Lovely sung sweetly while smiling at Blade cutely. The two headed to the cafe to meet up with Eris.


"It's just my baby sister. She's harmless." But it was too late, Kalypso had already stormed off. Hmph. If he's got a problem with the girlies, he's not going to be happy about tonight. Eris leaned back waiting for his baby sister and her roommate showed up. Cross my hooves that Lovely scored a sexy roommate.

Suddenly a deep blue alicorn approached his. "Obviously you aren't new here, like the some of the rest of us. So I'd like to know who you are so when I need help doing something, I know who to go to."

"Well hello to you too Freshy." Eris smirked confidently. "The name's Eris Nova, captiano of the CC ponyball team. Shouldn't be too hard to remember since my face and name is plastered all over the awards section of the school." Eris winked, he loved talking about himself. Before Nightfall had a chance to respond Eris hushed him, Lovely and Blade had just entered the cafeteria.


"Oh my gosh! Wow! An Alicorn! A real one!" Lovely had completely ignored her brother and shifted all her attention onto to Nightfall. "Your wings are incredible. Blade come check these out." Lovely began to stroke Nightfall's wings and then blushed when Nightfall's gaze met her's. "Oh, I'm so sorry! I've just never seen an alicorn that wasn't one of the princesses before. And you're wings are just so beautiful." Lovely smiled.


Eris cleared his throat loudly to get Lovely's attention, "ahem." Lovely turned towards her brother as Eris rolled his eyes and directed her to sit next to him. "Sorry about that." Eris apologized to Nightfall, "you now how KIDS can be." Lovely frowned. "This is not my roommate, that little v-carrier stormed off somewhere at the sound of mares nearby." Eris quickly averted his attention to Blade, "and whom may this beautiful mare be? Lovely you never told me your roommate was so stunning." Eris bowed politely to Blade, "it's an honor."


So he knew Eris' name and Vinyl's name. But who really was the mare who had "freaked out" when she saw him. He smiled at her, almost a bit awkwardly.

"Eris Nova... And his younger sister... Rich family, if I've heard correctly."

"So, Eris... I assume you are liking this school and the popularity you have, but tell me if those assumptions are correct."

"And what was his sister's name..? She is quite pretty..."

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Sugar sighed, she didn't know where the principals office even was.

She looked up sheepishly and smiled nervously.

"Um, I- well, I'm new here, and I don't even know where the principals office is."

She shook her head.This was pretty embarrassing. She felt bad for her outburst, it wasn't his fault anyway, and it wasn't his fault that she'd left her panties laying everywhere.

"I'm sorry."


"No need to be sorry. I'll probably figure out where everything is located later on tonight when my shift starts." Dogboots said trying to reassure Sugar. It wasn't until a few moments later that he forgot to properly introduce himself. "Oh I'm Dogboots by the way. I'm the new janitor of this institution. Its nice to meet you." He said as he stuck his hoof out but soon remembered that he was still wearing his workboots and quickly lowered his hoof. He tried to think of a way to not only kill time but try to make this situation better. "You want to check out the cafe and grab a bite to eat? I haven't eaten anything for the past 9 hours and I could really use a meal." He asked Sugar before realizing that he would probably be putting his job in jeopardy by eating with a student but then again it wasn't the first time he's put his job in jeopardy.

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"Wait, you're a janitor?!" Sugar sqreeched, opening her eyes wide.

"I'm sharing the room with a janitor?!"

She looked at the floor in anger. "Oh My God... I cannot believe this."

She turned and sighed loudly.

"Yes, let's go to the cafeteria, I need to find the principal. Lead the way, Mr. Janitor." She said angrily.

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"You can call me dogboots don't worry about it." He replied as the two made their way to the cafe. The walk to the cafe was pretty short and silent. Dog Boots tried coming up with a good topic to talk about without it irritating her even more than she was. However he couldn't blame her after all its not exactly a good start to the day finding out that your roommate is a male living with you in a female dormitory and to make it worse he's the new janitor. He was also beginning to wonder where the principle was too.


After a few minutes the two finally reached the cafe. Dog Boots looked at the menu options and saw how expensive it was for food. Disappointed he could only order what he could afford. "Can I get a chocolate chip muffin and a cup of hot cocoa? and that'll be it for me." He said to the cashier as he took out the bits to pay for it. While waiting for Sugar to make her order he looked around the cafe and noticed that most if not all the ponies here were either pegasi or unicorns. This didn't really surprise him as this was Canterlot College home of the best and brightest which lets face it, he was neither unless they considered him the best janitor for this school.

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