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private Canterlot College : Dorm Life


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Nightfall decided to go to the party as is; no preparations needed. He sat for a bit after Eris (male) left, wondering how in Equestria he had come to like a rich pony... he had ALWAYS hated rich ponies!

"Oh well. Best explore a bit before going to the party."

And that's what he did. He got up and basically wandered the men's dorm halls, noting where Eris' (male) room was, then continuing onward until he found himself outside on the grounds. It was getting dark, and he wondered 1.) what had brought him here and 2.) how he had gotten here. He still knew, barely, how to get back to Eris' (male) room, but he questioned his sanity when he found himself out on the clean cut grass.

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"Honey! you're home!" Cherished sung in a sickeningly sweet voice. Eris eye's danced all over Cherished's body, she was wearing quite the little number. Eris stood in silence and sighed. "I will not be responsible for any heart attack tonight, hottie." "Oh Eris, stop it." Cherished blushed soaking up the attention. Eris inspected his dorm, Cherished had really pimped it out. "What kind of punch is this?" "Giggle berry. Nopony doesn't like it." Cherished turned on her colorful strobe light and hit a button to turn the music on. Eris felt like he was in a high end night club and nodded his head in approval. Cherished squeed, "I knew you'd love it!" Cherished flipped the music and lights back to normal and called up Lovely.

"Babydoll, where are you?"

"Oh sorry Cherished, we're coming."

"Good, see you soon. Kiss kiss."

Cherished sprawled herself seductively onto Kalypso's bed (while Kalypso was sitting on it). She nonchalantly stuck her plot up into the air, "wanna play?" Cherished's face beckoned Kalypso.

"He's a virgin, Cherry. He's going to need some punch first."

The duo's laughter was broken, "you got the stuff?"

Eris put two white pills into his mouth.

Cherished crept off her bed and engaged Eris in a passionate kiss. Their tongues dance together as Eris slid one of the pills into Cherished's mouth. "Now darling this is the only time I'm going to tell you not to swallow." Eris winked as he crushed the pill with his front teeth, Cherished copied.


Lovely closed her cell phone and smiled at Vinyl Blade. She seemed to have settled down, "well things are starting up. We better dash over. Eris hates waiting. He can be so impatient." Lovely laughed nervously. Lovely matted down Vinyl Blade and put some eyedrops in her eyes so she wouldn't look like she was just crying. "There. You look stunning." Lovely sprayed herself with perfume and puffed up her mane a bit as she made cute faces at herself in her mirror. "Perfect. Let's go." Lovely smiled and walked with Vinyl Blade to the party.

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Ice Beam looked over and saw his roommate trying to get his attention. "I wonder what he wants..." Ice Beam paused his music and said "Yeah, what's up?"


His roommate responded: "Hey, couldn't help but notice something. You look as if you're out to score tonight."


Ice Beam laughed nervously. "Um..yeah, I guess you could say that. Honestly though, between you and me, I'm really nervous about this party...and don't tell anyone but...I've actually never had a marefriend before..."

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Star Keeper chuckled. 'Success! I am a socializing god! Now that you have started the conversation, continue it. He seems just as nervous as I am, if not a bit more by the looks of his eyes and heart rate. Well, I'm just better at hiding it I guess.'


"You and me are in the same boat it seems. I never had time for a marefriend, not that anypony really wanted to."


He chuckled to himself over how foolish he had been over the years. Sometimes he had little crushes and other times he was infatuated. Well, only in one case did that happen, and he'd rather forget it.


"Who knows? We may get lucky tonight."

Edited by The-Master
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Dogboots laid there on marble floor rubbing the chemicals out of his eyes. Though he was having a difficult time seeing he could feel the eyes of everypony in the cafe even the kitchen staff was probably looking at him. Was it out of pity? or just in amusement? He grinned a bit as he was thinking to himself, "Well lets recap, First I end up in the female dormitories and get off the wrong hoof with my roommate, Then I see a mess being made in the cafe before I even get the shot to eat, and finally I get my ass kicked standing up to a big shot. Though on the bright side he did proved me right about his kind. I just can't imagine how sugar feels right now. If I had to guess probably embarrassed. Living with a janitor and seeing him get his mane handed to him. There's plenty of reason to not be around me." He frowned a little bit at that last thought but there was no time to worry about it now. He got up and tried making his way back to the broom closet. His vision was blury making it difficult to see where he was going. He almost fell back down before somepony caught him and was walking him to somewhere. He didn't know who though but then again he didn't care. He turned his head to a window or what looked like a window they were passing. Saw a pony there standing on the grass or it could've been a painting.


It was a while before he was in a brightly lit room. The most obvious place he could think of was that it was the infirmary. He was laid on a somewhat padded bed. It was difficult to hear what was going on but soon saw somepony staring down at him. "Mr. Dogboots? are you with me?" a famine voice said. "Yeah, what's up doc?" He said assuming it was the doctor of the infirmary. "I'm going to need you to open your eyes a bit wider. I have to give them some eye drops to take care of those chemicals otherwise you might end up with a nasty infection." The doctor said as a small bottle hung over his head. He complied and soon felt the sting of the eye drops land on his retinas. He barely cringed from the pain but after it was done he soon started to see a little bit better. "*sigh* thanks for the medicine doc but now I have to get back and clean up a mess." Dogboots said as he got out of bed and started making his way to the door before being stopped. "I'm sorry Mr. Dogboots but I can't let you go with those kind of injuries and without explaining to me what happened." The doctor said before letting him leave. "Well I need to get back to work cause my shift is about to start so i'll give you the short version of it. I got my mane handed to me by some big shot unicorn so that's it. Just give me some painkillers and let me get back out there to do my job cause I don't really have time to waste." Dogboots said trying to get out of the infirmary. His job meant more to him than his own health which was a bad habit of his. "Yeah that sounds like Eris. What'd you do to piss him off?" She asked not surprised by it. He guessed that he wasn't his first victim to be sent here. "I did what i'm guessing most didn't. I stood up to him and here I am. Now if you'll excuse me I have work to do." He said before being stopped again. "Your just like Eris. Get's injured during a game and he still wants to go back out there. Here's your painkillers and try not to get beaten up too often." She said as she levitated the pill bottle towards Dogboots. "I'll try to keep it to a minimum doc. See you later." He said as he grabbed the bottle and left the room.


He made his way to the broom closet while popping a few pills on the way there. He set up his stuff and made his way to the cafe. The halls were empty and the lights were barely on. He soon made it to the cafe and surprisingly it was cleaned already. All the coffee stains, spills and trash were taken care of. There was a tray with hot food sitting on a table with a note next to it. He approached the table and opened the note and began reading it. "Good to see somepony stand up to Eris even if it was a failed attempt. We cleaned up for you and left you a meal. Thanks for standing up for us little pony's. Sincerely The Kitchen Staff." The sight of the hot food and cleaning up for him while thanking him just made him smile. It helped make the day better and to that he ate his food in sheer bliss. It was the best thing he's had in weeks. It was certainly better than eating canned food. He finished his meal and put the tray back and made his way back to his room.

Edited by thor9356
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Star Keeper went over everything one last time. He had to get this right, his potential social life depended on this party. Star Keeper stood admiring himself in the mirror, going over the list once again.


'Hair; looking good. Not too messy but just ruffled enough.'


'Outfit; Casual, good casual. Good choice.'


'Teeth; eh... it will do. I'll deal with that later.'


'Smell; -sniff- very cologne-y. I guess that's good.'


'Breath; -sniff- mint may be necessary.'


'Overall; a solid 6/10. You've outdone yourself, Star Keeper. No bad.'


Feeling quite pleased with himself, Star Keeper took a breath mint before heading towards the door. Only 10 minutes till the party, and he couldn't hide his excitement. Well, that's a lie. He could, but the point stands anyway. He looked back to see if Ice Beam was ready to depart. He wasn't going to leave him hanging on a night like this.


"Are you ready to go now? I'm sure our presence will be missed if we're late."

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Parso thought

"before I go, i might have a drag"

he trotted to his suitcase and took out his packet of cigarettes and his lighter, opened up his dorm window and had a smoke,

"these things are gonna kill me but at times like these they're useful"

he left his room and headed for Eris' room for the party

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When Nightfall had reached his room again, the room smelled a little bit like smoke, but the window was open. But he didn't mind too much. He put on the best he had (although it wasn't his "Sunday Best" and it wasn't all that great either), and stood in front of a mirror.

"I sure just hope I fit in," he muttered as he left his room, closing the door behind him, and went to the party.


He arrived a bit later.

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He looked back to see if Ice Beam was ready to depart. He wasn't going to leave him hanging on a night like this.


"Are you ready to go now? I'm sure our presence will be missed if we're late."


"Yeah, I'm ready, let's go." said Ice Beam. "Just let me take a quick look in the mirror." Ice Beam looked at himself in the mirror, making sure he looked presentable for the party. His mane was as good as it was ever going to look. His clothes looked fine. "Okay, let's do this..."


As Ice Beam approached Star Keeper, he noticed a familiar smell...it was his cologne.


"Wait...are you wearing my cologne? Did you go through my stuff??? What the heck dude????"

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"Wait...are you wearing my cologne? Did you go through my stuff??? What the heck dude????"

"Um, well... you see I... Great Scot, look at the time! We simply must get going. Come on out the door with you."


Star Keeper hurried Ice Beam out the door, closing and locking it behind him. He patted his pockets to see if he had forgotten anything. Nope. All good. The pair now began to wandered down the hall way to the dorm where the party was being held. Once they had reached it, after a brief conversation on what they planned on doing at the party, they stopped dead outside, looking at the door as if it were some sort of gate to the unknown. Nervous gazes were traded between the two.


"Well... I guess we go in now." Star Keeper said nervously, Ice Beam giving a slight nod back. He reached for the knob and turned it open with a slight click, walking into the party atmosphere...



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Now back in her dorm room, Rockshire began to get ready for some party that she had heard of throughout the college. It was a bit odd, though. She was going to ask Sugar Rush if she wanted to go as friends, but ever since heading to the cafe, she hadn't seen hide nor hoof of her anywhere...


"Hmm... Maybe she's getting out more... I need to get out more. My sculptures can wait for a bit. I'm honestly needing to look for some friends."


She took in a breath, then looked in the mirror. Her orange mane was tied back, showing a bit of mascara. She could only smiled. This is what college life must feel like.


"Let's head out!"


Rockshire walks out the door, heading to the party's destination.

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"Babydoll, where are you?"

"Oh sorry Cherished, we're coming."

"Good, see you soon. Kiss kiss."


Lovely closed her cell phone and smiled at Vinyl Blade. She seemed to have settled down, "well things are starting up. We better dash over. Eris hates waiting. He can be so impatient." Lovely laughed nervously. Lovely matted down Vinyl Blade and put some eyedrops in her eyes so she wouldn't look like she was just crying. "There. You look stunning." Lovely sprayed herself with perfume and puffed up her mane a bit as she made cute faces at herself in her mirror. "Perfect. Let's go." Lovely smiled and walked with Vinyl Blade to the party.


Vinyl dried up her tears and was about to walk out the door, but she wanted to put something on first. "O-one second, Lovely. You keep going, I'll catch up." Lovely continued walking toward the party as Vinyl looked through her dresser. She pulled out a pair of red and black socks and slid them on. Before she left, she took the baggie and rolling paper from under her bed, flattened them out, and stuffed them down one of her socks. "This could sure as hell come in handy later on." She ran out of the door and caught up with her roommate. Together, they continued down to the party. Vinyl knocked on the door and asked to come in.

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Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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Star Keeper was all a bit overwhelmed by it all. Barley anypony had arrived yet, but the atmosphere seemed to send him into a panic. He had to find somepony who knew how to have good and proper "fun".


"Eris, I don't mean to sound like a totally confused book worm, but what do normal ponies do to have fun at a party? Regular ponies with their irresponsibility and their freedom of will. I must be honest when I say I'm note of the modern culture, and I am quite unfamiliar with many of the practices that go on within it."


"If you could point me in the right direction, and give a few hints, I'd much appreciate it. So, what exactly does one do at a party? Engage in polite conversation, or do they simply pass out from alcohol poisoning?"

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"Oh yeah of course." Lovely nodded and smiled at Vinyl Blade before leaving towards to male dorm. On the way she saw Dogboots wandering the halls, "hey." Lovely approached the brown earth pony, "I'm sorry about my brother shouting at you earlier. He doesn't mean it, he's just trying to impress the girls." Lovely had left after Eris' comment and missed the whole beat down. "You should come to our party tonight in the male dorms." Lovely smiled sweetly, "I'd love to see you there." Lovely met up with Vinyl Blade before entering the party. The place was jumpin' broski. Lovely made her way to sit on a bed and watch the other ponies. It was her first party after all.


As Nightfall and Paros entered the party Cherished pounced on them. Leaving kiss-shaped lipsticks marks on their cheeks, "I am SO glad you two came." Cherished stood between to colts and held their hooves with each hand. Cherished could tell she was making the boys uncomfortable, "here let me get you guys some punch." Cherished smiled as the two colts finished their cup. There was enough alcohol in the cups to even make the most proper pony a loose canon. Cherished smiled as she noticed the alcohol taking it's effect. "I LOVE this song, who wants to dance with me?" Cherished winked.


Eris was chatting up with a group of older college mares. They looked so beautiful and perfect it was hard to believe they were real and they were completely spell-binded by Eris.

"Eris, I don't mean to sound like a totally confused book worm, but what do normal ponies do to have fun at a party? Regular ponies with their irresponsibility and their freedom of will. I must be honest when I say I'm note of the modern culture, and I am quite unfamiliar with many of the practices that go on within it. If you could point me in the right direction, and give a few hints, I'd much appreciate it. So, what exactly does one do at a party? Engage in polite conversation, or do they simply pass out from alcohol poisoning?"

The older girls started to laugh as the over heard what Star Keeper just said. Eris sighed and put his arm around the lost-cause. Eris directed Star Keeper to the punch table so they could talk in private. "First, don't talk like that. Nothing worse than a bore." Eris used his unicorn magic to pour a glass of punch. "Next offer a girl." Eris paused before handing Star Keeper the drink, carefully eyeing him up and down. Eris sighed, "you might have to offer more than one. The alcohol should do most of the work for you." Eris paused again, "actually." Eris used his magic to shove a funnel into star Keeper's mouth and pour a large amount of alcohol down his throat. When Star Keeper started to gag uncontrollably Eris stopped and noticed Rockshire walking into the party. Perfect. Eris directed a drunk Star Keeper over to Rockshire, "hey beautiful. This fine colt right here is just dying to get you a drink. Can you be a dear and take one from him. He won't stop bugging me if you don't." Eris smiled at Rockshire and left Star Keeper to face her as he returned to his group of intoxicated mares.

Edited by Shankveld
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The death mare entered beside Alora, a soft knwoing smirk painted across her lips. Many of these ponies would surely think she had been rejected acceptance into the school because of curiculum, but the truth of the matter is that she was known as a dangerous character, and the docile teachers desperately wanted to keep their school death-free. Eris ooked up at her much taller sister and smiled softly, her sharp fangs glinting in the colorfull light. Her enterance was emphasized dramatically by the glittering glow of her magic that appeared almost like mist. It's darkened aura threw a glorious blue cast over the room momentarily as she moved. She was a beautifull being, slightly taller than the avarage pony, despite her small stature compared to her sister. Her multi-colored eyes glistened brilliantly and glowed gently in the dim lighting as she pawed her way into the crowd.


Unknown to the staff of the school, she would soon suddenly register in their computers as a student, all thanks to a special pony with a particularly tough crush on her sister. She had no need for unnecesary garb, for her markings were elaborate enough for even the most formal of occassions and her earings gave her a very relaxed appearance anywhere. However, she did allow herself to wrap a very elegant ribbon gently around her tail, as it dangled on the ground in a very gracefull manner.


"Now, dear sister, where is Saphira? I shall greet her...personally."


Not a single mare was known to be as perfect as Eris, all from her strong and seductive voice to her fantasticlly poised body shape.


Alora has been quite excited when she heard of her sister's brilliance in playing into the school's mainframe. Ninon was a sadistic beast, but horribly able none-the-less and even she was drawn to him occassionally. She strode beside Eris, leading her into the vast party scene with a suddenly enhanced stature. Her confidence shone through her eyes as the colorfull lighting casted glamorous streak across her snow white fur. Eris has aided her in tying her hair back for the occassion, but it hardly did more than allowed both of her eyes to be visable. Her violet tail whipped back and forth playfully as she made her way towards the bar alongside her sister. She leaned over the table and her tail curled upwards over her back naturally as is allways did when she was relaxed. No clothing covered her either, for she was also adorned naturally....if only for the left side.


"Eris, I do believe Saphira will be coming soon," she paused and gave a sly smirk, "you know her."


Saphira has taken a very long time to completely prepare herself for the social gathering. Her soft pink coat now had a soft glittering glow due to the powdered crystal she had applied, and she smelled faintly of cherry blossoms. She took far too long to admire herself in the mirror, and even longer to make sure her hair and crown were both perfect. Once she was content with her appearance, she made her way to the party, creeping in happilly. She flipped her hair and ruffled her wings, looking around for attractive stallions. To her dismay, she didn't find any presant...not that her search has been thurough. In fact, she was caught dead as ice in her path when she saw the death mare. Her green eyes were vibrant with surprise and she found herself being drawn towards the area.


"Eris! How good to see you!" She gave a convincing smile, bowing gently before the extravigant mare, her green eyes casted downward. After all, wasn't it bad luck to stare death in the eyes? Or was it a gift horse in the mouth? Possible both? I didn't truly matter to her.

Edited by Eris & Alora
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When Star Keeper started to gag uncontrollably Eris stopped and noticed Rockshire walking into the party. Perfect. Eris directed a drunk Star Keeper over to Rockshire, "hey beautiful. This fine colt right here is just dying to get you a drink. Can you be a dear and take one from him. He won't stop bugging me if you don't." Eris smiled at Rockshire and left Star Keeper to face her as he returned to his group of intoxicated mares.


Already Rockshire was getting paired up with another pony... She gave a bit of a confused look as she gandered at the drunk colt.


*Other than the alcohol, he's kind of cute... But still, the alcohol... Ehh, why not, Rockie? You could go for him.*


"Well, uh, I guess I can take a drink off of your hooves.", she offered. Using her magic, she levitated a glass from Star Keeper, taking a sip.


"So... I'm Rockshire. And you are...?"

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Vinyl walked over to Eris and looked him over, before saying, "Look, I'm sorry I overreacted back in the cafe. How 'bout we start over?" She grabbed a drink from the punch bowl and wrapped her hoof around Eris. For some reason, she wanted to get to know him and Cherished. Both of them seemed to know how to have fun, in the bed and out.

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Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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Well, a number of things began to run through Star Keepers mind at once. Maybe trotting up to Eris wasn't the magnificent plan he though it would be. It started okay, but things seemed to quickly get out of hoof. Offer a drink, yes, that seemed reasonable. What isn't reasonable is attempt to drown. He wasn't to sure how much alcohol he had ingested, but it was enough to instantly send him into a fit of random drunken behavior. To be quite honest he had never touched alcohol, ever. His body probably was bloody pissed at him.


Lets see, now he's bloody well shoved me with the first bloody mare she saw. Well that's just great. This night wasn't going down hic as he planned. Who the bloody hell is Rockshire? What the hell is wrong with modern hic society! This stupid binge drinking culture and drugs and booze and loud music and, and... holy crap she's cute. Wait, was that me or whatever was forced down my esophagus?


Name, give a name you daft dimbo. She asked for a name.


"Um, um... sorry. I'm just not used to this... um. Hi, I'm Star Keeper. You must be Rockshire." His smile was less than satisfactory He felt bloody well nervous, the amount of alcohol he was forced to consume only making it worse.


"I honestly wouldn't recommend drinking that."

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"Oh, this?" Rockshire said, as he raised the drink. "This is nothing. I've had harder drinks than this before. It's nice that you cared about me though..."


*HA! I can't believe it! The colt's nearly dying of being nervous! He won't last the rest of the night... But he's still cute.*


"So, umm.... Would you like to sit down with me? Maybe talk for a while?"

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Talk? I could barley keep my balance. I'll be amazed if I last the hic night. Rest assured that Eris will find something very disturbing under her pillow in the morning. Back to the situation at hic hoof.


"Tha-that would be nice. Thanks..." Star Keeper just about gave up on that sentence. So much for being a socializing god.


"I, I don't recall every drinking in my life actually. You can thank Eris for this." Eris will pay...

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Rockshire went over to a small, two person couch, motioning Star Keeper over to sit with her.


"Eris? Oh, are you talking about that pony who just set me up with you? That WAS a bit weird, I'll admit... But, don't worry. I'm not a heavy drinker. This is possibly the first time in a while that I drank. So, I'm perfectly sober."

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As Dogboots was making his way back to his room he was approached by a unicorn. She had a bright pink coat and a beautiful blonde mane she even looked like she was from royalty but would soon find out she was more along the lines of prestige. "I'm sorry about my brother shouting at you earlier. He doesn't mean it, he's just trying to impress the girls. You should come to our party tonight in the male dorms I'd love to see you there." Before Dogboots even had the chance to respond she already was making her way to the party and before long was out of sight. "*sigh* Sorry kid." He said as he continued to make his way back to his room. His roommate Sugar was more of a priority to him than some party. Parties weren't his idea of a good time anyway. He'd prefer to either be by himself or have a drink with a fellow hard worker. However Sugar was more important to him as he hasn't seen her since the fiasco at the cafe. He couldn't really imagine her going to that party anyways as it didn't seem like her style. He didn't know her much but he could tell that she wouldn't go to a party when Eris made fun of earth ponies like that.


The way back was nearly quiet as the only sound that could be heard was party music growing fainter with each step towards his room. The female dormitory was quiet as well. There wasn't any loud noises but then again most ponies were out partying or asleep either way it was good for him. He opened the door to his room and again to his surprise Sugar wasn't there. Her blankets along with her poorly hidden panties were there but still no sign of her. He tried not to worry about it though. "She's an earth pony. She can handle herself at least I hope she can." He said trying to reassure himself not to worry. He grabbed his saddle pack that was laying next to the door and threw it on his bed to begin unpacking. There wasn't much to unpack either just some spare clothes, canned food, some bits and a scrapbook. He opened up the scrapbook which contained photos of his travels. He looked at a photo of him and Braeburn together during his time in Appleloosa. He smiled remembering how he taught him how to applebuck. First time he tried it he nearly broke both his hind legs. .He laughed a little remembering how long it took him before he actually got it down.He flipped through some of the pages trying to find room in the scrapbook to add the note he got today. He set the note right next to a photo of him in Fillydelphia and closed the scrapbook setting it on the desk nearby. He took his boots off and set them near his bed. He could already smell the stench of his hooves leaving the boots. He finally laid down on his uncovered bed and try to sleep so he could prepare for what comes tomorrow.

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"Um, yes him." Star Keeper snared in his direction. Unfinished business remained.


"Aside from the pleasantries, I am curious as to why you didn't just leave me be when you saw a drunk stallion shoved in your direction? Surely you weren't the least bit deterred by it?" he stopped when he realized he was being a 'bore' as Eris called it.


Star Keepers greatest attribute and weakness. Curiosity. A curse in a way. It compelled him to delve deeper into any topic he found interesting. In the end, this all lead to his study of history and lore, his passion.

Edited by The-Master
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"I've seen more drunk stallions than you have just experienced in my life.", Rockshire concluded. "It's no big thing if you had only took in a small amount of alcohol like that. Besides, I, uh... I kind of find you cute. I can't help but not help somepony out whom I find cute..."

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(Oh man, I barely logged on the forums today ;~; I'll have to come up with a good excuse)


Sugar Rush wondered around the hallways. She had left the cafe, as soon as her room mate and her arrived, she didn't want to keep her behind and she didn't want to seem rude, but her urge to get some rest had gotten the best of her, after waking up, Rockshire wasn't no where to be seen on her room, so she decided to explore the College's campus. It wasn't a bad waste of time, she trotted along the empty hallways, *I wonder where she went on too, I shouldn't have left her so rudely* she thought *don't wanna start the year off looking like a complete jerk for* she thought as she entered her room "Hm, no sign of 'er" she said to no one in particular. She looked around "eh, I might as well wait for her" she said laying in her bed *sleep sounds good too...*

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