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private Canterlot College : Dorm Life


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Rockshire could feel Star Keeper pulling her even closer to him, as they both laid on the bench. She really got into the kiss, ready to break away from the kiss until she felt something in her mouth. A tongue? It wasn't hers... He was trying to get his tongue inside her mouth, in which he was succeeding.


*Oh, so you wanna play THAT way, eh?*, she slyly thought.


Her own tongue decided to breach in his mouth. Occasionally, they both made their tongues tied to each other, in what felt like a battle in their mouths. She accidentally let out a moan from the kiss.

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A result. That was all Star needed. He was sure now of how he felt and how the other did as well. He parted from the kiss for a moment, looking back up at Rockshire on top of him. She was so cute right now.


"Um, do you think we should head back to my room now, just for tonight? It's pretty late and it's getting cold outside."


Star Keeper looked up with a smile, and was meet with one back. A moment of pure bliss flowed through him as he took in the sights and tastes. It was wonderful.

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She parted form her kiss, looking back into his eyes. This honestly couldn't have gone better, until he asked:


"Um, do you think we should head back to my room now, just for tonight? It's pretty late and it's getting cold outside."


Rockshire could only grin at that. *I think it just got better...*, she thought.


"Sure.. Let's go." She got up from him and back on her hooves, helping Star off of the bench. "Lead the way back..."

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Draco walked towards his room slowly ruffling his feathers slightly as he arrived into his room. He opened up one of his books that was written his his grandfather that detailed the O'mally families story but also the tragedy that came with it. "hmm grandfather always was into poetry and cryptic messages"Draco said to himself.

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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Cherished smiled sexily as Nightfall turned. "You wanna watch, or you going to bring Lovely back to her dorm?" Cherished was addressing Ice Beam. Cherished used her magic to lift a sleeping Lovely out of Paros' bed and into Ice Beam's arms. "She's in the the female dorm, third floor. Don't knock, her roommate won't be in tonight." Cherished opened the door with her magic and motioned Ice Beam to leave, he complied. Cherished locked the door and turned to Paros, "round two?"


Eris winced as the early morning sunlight trickled down the side of his face. Eris yawned and surveyed his surroundings. His dorm was a mess. Nothing that wouldn't take a little magic to fix. Perfect and spotless. Eris noticed Vinyl Blade sleeping soundly in his bed. Eris cleared his throat loudly, but Vinyl Blade didn't even move. How he loathed awkward after-party mornings.

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Vinyl rolled over on the bed and wrapped her hooves around Eris. She pulled herself close and kissed him. She never really minded the 'morning after's. The mare nuzzled her head in Eris's furry chest. She looked down and opened her eyes. "You didn't... Inside? Did you?"

  • Brohoof 2

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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"round two?"

"hell yeah"

Parso brought Cherished in for another passionate kiss and climbed on top of her this time

[scene censored for children's sake]

Parso rolled off cherished and grabbed his packet of cigarettes again. he took one and lit it, then put one in cherished's mouth and moved closer so the light from his could transfer onto hers

"just as good as last time"

not too long after, they both fell asleep

Edited by ParsoOfEquestria
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Star Keeper slotted the key into the door, gingerly turning as to not awaken anypony inside. Peeking inside he saw the cost was clear. He flicked on the lights and trotted his way to his bedside, gesturing for Shire to follow. She crept into the room with him, surprised that a colts dorm could be so clean. Ice Beam was out somewhere probably. If he wasn't back now he probably wouldn't be back till morning. Star Keeper turned to face Shire, looking into her eyes so deep. A smile crept up his cheeks as his heart and mind fuzzed in ecstasy.


"Are you ready?"


(OCC: Just reply appropriately and then we can call it from there. Suitable website content and such.)

Edited by The-Master
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Nightfall awoke, Cherished still in Parso's bed with him, but Lovely... She was nowhere to be seen. He closed his eyes, deciding not to panick, because if he did, Eris might be able to nab him. If he didn't... Why was he worrying? He hadn't done anything, so he didn't need to. He carefully got up and quietly left the room, going down to the cafeteria for breakfast. In the back of his mind, he hoped Lovely was already there, but he decided not to count on anything. Besides, he couldn't make Eris mad, or... He shuddered at the thought.


((OOC: goodnight! Don't get Nightfall into too much trouble, Shankveld. ;)))

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(Damn, I think I've posted only twice in this RP, gonna try to be more active)


Sugar Rush was fast asleep on her bed, she had been left alone again, not that she really minded, she wasn't fixing to bother Rockshire, she seemed a bit busy with that colt. She rolled out of her bed, she had gotten a day's worth of rest yesterday, "Heh, she's still not back? guess she must of been more busy than I thought" she said giggling a bit before yawning once more. She took a few seconds to stretch her wings. *I don't think anypony else is awake right now, I'll go check the cafe later and see if anypony else is there later* she thought as she looked around the room.

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Draco awoke a second time that morning and under his eyes were bags thanks to the neighbors 'fun'. He walked out of his room his wings up thanks to him tossing and turning. "Ugh I'll kill those two who ever they were up all night going at it like two jack rabbits in season"Draco said with a growl. He was not a morning pony. He arrived at the cafe and ordered a latte and a nice muffin. He waited for his order at his favorite table which was in the shadows.

  • Brohoof 1

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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It wasn't a pleasant sleep for Dogboots. He tossed, turned and squirmed on his mattress. From the looks of it he was suffering a nightmare. This continued on for what was left of the night for Dogboots. After the sun had been up he woke up in shock and breathing heavily. He looked around at his surroundings and saw the sunlight pierce through the window indicating that morning had arrived. "Thank Celestia it was just a dream" He said to himself trying to convince himself that it was just that but he knew it wasn't. It was a memory and a painful one at that. He glanced at Sugar's bed and saw that she was gone."Must've went to class" He thought to himself as he started changing back into his uniform again. Dogboots quickly glanced at the time. His shift wouldn't start until the late afternoon so it was a good time as any to grab some breakfest at the cafe.


The walk to the cafe was quiet and uneventful as usual. Most students were probably in class by now while some might be at the cafe taking a break between classes. Either way it was good for him. He entered the cafe and saw very few ponies around. He made his way towards the counter as one of the kitchen staff members waved him over. "Morning. Can I get-" Before he could finish his order the cashier placed the tray on the counter with his usual order. He was surprised that they remembered his first order and already had it prepared for him. He dug around his pockets to pay for the order as usual when the cashier had stopped him. "Its on us don't worry. A hero like you shouldn't have to pay for his breakfest." The cashier had said smiling at him. He smiled a bit at that sentiment as it was nice to know that not everybody treated him like crap. "Thanks but i'm no hero. A hero get's stuff done and I didn't. I just did what I thought was right." He said as he dropped what was left of his spare bits to pay for the free meal and looked for a place to sit. He glanced at some of the tables none seemed to suit him. There was a table that caught his eye though. The table was in the corner of the cafe and it wasn't well lit either but he could see somepony there. He looked closer and soon recognized who it was. It was Draco the pegasis from last night.


He sat at the table next to him and took out a pencil as he wrote something down on a napkin. "You've got some speed on you i've got to admit. You nearly caused me to go deaf with that stunt you pulled last night on me. However, I don't think I was your target. Plus you don't seem like a normal prankster as you attempted more than once to ruin that party last night like I tried. Although I can't say that my method worked either. I'm also guessing that you had the same reasons as I did to end that party and that's why I think we can work together. However, we can't talk here. If those stuck up nobles were to see us talking they'd bug me about having to deal with you which i'm sure both of us don't want. If your interested in what I have to say then I want you to meet me here" He said as he threw a crumpled napkin behind him at the dimily lit table. "Its a pub not too far from the dorms. Meet me there at midnight." He said as he finished the rest of his muffin. A waiter was approaching the dark table with a muffin and a drink for the pegasis. She stopped at Dogboots table returning the bits he had paid earlier. He put the money back in his pocket and exited the cafe to make his way to the broom closet to finish the rest of his drink in peace.

Edited by thor9356
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Draco noticed the napkin and saw the writing on the napkin.Draco reconized the pub"Hmm Yeah I'll meet him there"Draco's eyes widened when he noticed it was the security gaurd that had snuck up behind him"heh I see"Draco smiled to himself as his muffin came along with his latte"White chocolate Latte so nice"Draco took a sip of it.

  • Brohoof 1

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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Eris smirked at Vinyl and playfully dabbed the tip of his hoof over her lip. "Now, now m'dear. Ain't no mare allowed to stay in my bed, if I didn't visit in her first." Eris laughed and flipped his mane back. He was so cool. "I'm gunna grab some grub. See you around." Eris nodded towards Vinyl and left his room quickly dialing Lovely on his cell phone, no answer. Eris sighed in frustration and headed to the cafe. When Lovely wasn't there, but Nightfall was Eris couldn't help getting defensive. "What the buck did you do to my sister? Where is she?!"


Cherished awoke, her mane a big red afro. Cherished smiled and used her magic to fix her mane. She puckered her lips and nodded her head in an approval as she checked out her late night lover. Cherished snuck out quietly, to make sure not to wake anypony. She had a morning class and a hangover, she didn't need anymore.

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Parso awoke when sun glared in his eyes, he didnt have a complete hangover but he still had the heavy eyes. he reached over to his phone to check the time, instead of being greeted by his wallpaper, he was greeted by a number

"cherished isnt here, so this must be her number"

he saved her number into his contacts and noticed he had 12 text messages from Wynter

"jeez, he must've been trying to text me all night"

he left his room and headed for the cafe, he didnt have class until after lunch so he could get something for breakfast. when he arrived he saw Eris shouting at Nightfall and decided to approach

"what the hell is going on?"

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Draco's ears perked up and sighed infrustration"Oh shut up rich boy"Draco said as he took a drink from his latte' as he wasn't in the mood to deal with some over protective numbskull. from the shadows he glared at Eris"if you trusted your sister as you say you do you wouldn't worry so much"Draco said as he finished his muffin.

  • Brohoof 1

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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Cherished smiled sexily as Nightfall turned. "You wanna watch, or you going to bring Lovely back to her dorm?" Cherished was addressing Ice Beam. Cherished used her magic to lift a sleeping Lovely out of Paros' bed and into Ice Beam's arms. "She's in the the female dorm, third floor. Don't knock, her roommate won't be in tonight."


Ice Beam took Lovely back to her dorm room and laid her on her bed.


(OOC: I just wanted to do a quick post where I take Lovely to her room cause Cherished told me to)

Edited by RainbowDash92
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The sun peeked through the closed curtains, sending a narrow beam of light directly into Star Keepers eyes. He woke in a flustered state, regaining some breath he had forgotten to take last night. He raised his foreleg to block the sun from his eyes, trying to free the other which seemed to be trapped under something. Star Keeper looked down to his side and saw tucked in the same bed as him was the sleeping Shire. He resisted the urge to leap up in panic, though his eyes did widen in utter shock. His body ached all over, the type you get after a long workout. He tasted the slight tinge of booze on his tongue and another flavour he did not recognize. His mane was a mess, and the bed was in another state itself, not even half resembling the well pressed sheets from yesterday. The sudden realisation came over Star Keeper, putting two and two together. His free forearm went in for a facehoof, marvelling in the level of his own stupidity.


"Who am I?"

Edited by The-Master
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Eris smirked at Vinyl and playfully dabbed the tip of his hoof over her lip. "Now, now m'dear. Ain't no mare allowed to stay in my bed, if I didn't visit in her first." Eris laughed and flipped his mane back. He was so cool. "I'm gunna grab some grub. See you around." Eris nodded towards Vinyl and left his room quickly dialing Lovely on his cell phone, no answer. Eris sighed in frustration and headed to the cafe. When Lovely wasn't there, but Nightfall was Eris couldn't help getting defensive. "What the buck did you do to my sister? Where is she?!"


Nightfall spun around, a bit afraid at the sound of Eris' voice. He feared this might happen.

"Ok, ok! Look, so after you kicked us out of your room, she wanted to go to my room... because it's close to yours! And then, Cherished and Parso were already there, so she fell asleep next to them in Parso's bed, and then I talked with Cherished and Parso for a bit and then fell asleep in my bed, and then I woke up and she wasn't there! But Ice Beam had come with us to my room because... maybe because he had nothing to do. And so he might have taken her back to her room, but honestly, I don't know where she is! I'm sorry! I should have taken better care of her for you! I'm so sorry!"

He stuttered every now and then, and felt like cringing down, but he would only seem weak...

"Because you are weak. Besides, it's Eris. You don't want to get hurt, right?"

He did feel bad on the inside.

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Seems that desperate times call for desperate measures. In this case desperate measures meant using his hidden ninja skills to remove his foreleg from under the sleeping Shire. Challenge accepted. He started slow, edging it away from her. She stirred a bit but she didn't wake. After a bit of careful manoeuvring and well timed tugs, Star Keeper had managed to free half his foreleg Unfortunately if he removed it anymore he'd remove the support under Rockshire's head, waking her indefinably. He had one last idea. With his free leg, he begun to slightly nudge her to the side, making her roll over. Once she was on her side, his leg was free and she was still asleep. Nailed it. He slipped quietly out of bed, quickly brushing his mane before heading outside for some fresh air.


One way or another he found himself down at the cafe, thinking about what might of happened to Ice Beam last night. Star Keeper enjoyed his Breakfast Muffin and relaxed in the early morning sun. Seemingly out of nowhere he pulled out a pair of shades, casually slipping them on in his best attempt to look cool. This time it had relative success, although the only ponies present were Draco, Dogboot and a few others. He didn't seem to mind. He had allot to go over from last night. For instance, what was he doing with a mare in his bed and why did he have the most concussive headache? But then he felt something in his pockets, pulling it out it was a pair of painkillers. He couldn't remember how he came bout them, but it was a welcome sight indeed.. Throwing back the pain killers he began to recall last night. putting a few pieces together.


Star Keeper soon felt a sharp pain in his foreleg. He looked over to see what it was, taking off his shades to examine it. What it was is a burn mark running along the front of his hoof from some sort of electrocution. How did he do that? What scenario could have possibly lead to him shocking himself?


"Well I guess you could say that the mood last night-"


He slipped his shades back on for optimal style and coolness.


"-was electric."

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Eris smirked at Vinyl and playfully dabbed the tip of his hoof over her lip. "Now, now m'dear. Ain't no mare allowed to stay in my bed, if I didn't visit in her first." Eris laughed and flipped his mane back. He was so cool. "I'm gunna grab some grub. See you around." Eris nodded towards Vinyl and left his room


"Bye?" He was gone before she even opened her mouth. "Typical stallions, all they can think about is food, sleep, and sex." She sighed and rolled over. She cast a spell, which she learned in high school, upon herself to avoid the repercussions of last night. Vinyl got up and headed toward the cafeteria. She didn't have a class for another hour, so she had plenty of time to eat and chat.


She got to the cafeteria and noticed Eris yelling at Nightfall. She grabbed her food, walked over to them, and asked, "What's going on? Is something wrong?"

  • Brohoof 2

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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"Bye?" He was gone before she even opened her mouth. "Typical stallions, all they can think about is food, sleep, and sex." She sighed and rolled over. She cast a spell, which she learned in high school, upon herself to avoid the repercussions of last night. Vinyl got up and headed toward the cafeteria. She didn't have a class for another hour, so she had plenty of time to eat and chat.


She got to the cafeteria and noticed Eris yelling at Nightfall. She grabbed her food, walked over to them, and asked, "What's going on? Is something wrong?"


"Seems the older brother doesn't trust his little sister's judgement in their special somepony"Draco said as he looked at the mare"Ah your the one that the play stallion was with last night.Oh I'm sorry I'm over here in the corner with the dimly lit table. Well he's an idiot anyway for leaving you alone but that's my opinion anyway"explained Draco."Why don't you join me I'll order whatever you want miss I could certainly use the company"Draco said as he looked at the mare.
  • Brohoof 1

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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*Sunlight had creeped past her eyes, as Rockshire had opened her eyes to see that she wasn't in her own room. Was she in the clot's dorm?


"Buck, buck, buck! This isn't good! Why am I here?!"


She suddenly remembered. She slept with Star Keeper... And he was already gone. Great... She would have to sneak out if she wasn't going to be in trouble... She found a piece of paper, grabbing a pen, and wrote a note for him, laying it on the bed.


"Star, thanks a bunch for last night. You weren't bad at all. *winky face* We definitely need to do that a LOT more. Call me. XXX-XXXX. -Rockshire *heart over the I*


Rockshire snuck out of the room, heading out of the colt's dorm and back to her room.

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Star Keeper pulled out his schedule for today. Unfolding it, he looked to see if he had to any introductory classes on. Surprisingly all his classes didn't start till tomorrow. Today was for the basic subjects and tomorrow was for advanced. Since he was part of Advanced History and Classical Lore, he had the day to himself. First he would need to think of something to occupy him. He could go see Canterlot, It had been years since he had last wandered around the city. Possibly even visit the Royal Archives, to which his ban had been lifted. Star Keeper rested back on the chair, adjusting his shades and finishing the last of his breakfast muffin. So much to do, so little time.


First priority, as a good room mate he needed to find out what had become of Ice Beam. He hadn't seen him since he took off last night to call Draco, and he was slightly worried about him. 'Maybe I should check Lovely's dorm first. It would be my first guess. I'll stop by our dorm on the way to see if he's back yet.'


Star Keeper put away his shades and schedule, got up from his seat, and started to make his way to his dorm. As he left, he overheard Draco badmouthing Eris, again. Some ponies just never seem to learn. He didn't have time to get mixed up with the unnecessary ordeals, pressing on to his intended location.


Once Star Keeper found his room again after taking an unfortunate wrong turn, he unlocked the door only to see that Ice Beam still wasn't back yet. All his stuff was exactly as he left it last night. Well, the next place to look was Lovely's dorm. But then something caught his eye; a note to be precise. Star Keeper rushed to it, examining each and every last detain down to the hand writing. It was from Shire. All it said was this,


Star, thanks a bunch for last night. You weren't bad at all. ;) We definitely need to do that a LOT more.

Call me. XXX-XXXX.

Rockshire (heart over the I)


The note sent his heart fluttering. A sweet gesture considering he left her on such terms. He was sure she understood, the realisation still sinking in. He still didn't quite believe it himself at points. He pocketed the note and moved on to find Lovely's dorm. Star Keeper still had a lost Ice Beam to locate. He arrived outside the door in no time, softly knocking as to not wake anypony inside.


"Ice Beam, are you in there?"

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"Seems the older brother doesn't trust his little sister's judgement in their special somepony," Draco said as he looked at the mare. "Ah you're the one that the play stallion was with last night. Oh, I'm sorry, I'm over here in the corner with the dimly lit table. Well, he's an idiot anyway for leaving you alone. Well, that's my opinion anyway," explained Draco. "Why don't you join me? I'll order whatever you want, Miss. I could certainly use the company," Draco said as he looked at the mare.


((^^ Isn't that just so much more easily readable?))


Vinyl looked at the pony that had come up to them. "Sorry, I think I'll just stay here with them. Thanks anyway though." She took a seat next to Eris and started eating. She was still waiting for an answer from him.

  • Brohoof 2

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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