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private Canterlot College : Dorm Life


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Obsidian smiled and nodded in gratitude to the drunken pony. "Thanks, that helps a lot. Maybe I'll see you again when you have fewer spirits in you." She turned her attention to Spark "I'm sure I'll see you sooner then later if I make it in the College. Your friend needs you. Go take care of him" She offered a friendly wink and moved past the ponies towards the Deans Office.


And as luck would have it, a break in the conversation came just as the other ponies parted inside their rooms. Obsidian stopped suddenly in her tracks but still bumped into the new pony in front of her. "Oh! I'm so sorry. I was just saying goodnight to those gentlecolts over there and totally didn't see you!"


She looked up and took a few steps back to get a better look at the pony called Nightfall. She smiled a little to herself and blushed. He looked rather lovely and....and....was he an alicorn? He WAS. She quickly gathered her wits about her and spoke.

Hi, I'm Sexy....Wait, no! I mean Your...No! I mean Hi! I'm Obsidian Winter. I think I'm more tired then I thought. Forgive my lack of proper edicate. I was told the Deans office is down this way but I wouldn't mind a guy, err a guide if you have some time."


Oh by the stars what was wrong with her. Its not like this is the first attractive colt she's ever seen. She just saw two that weren't half bad a moment ago, plus all the ones seen in her travels. "Get a grip Winter" she told herself. "Your tired, you have a headache and yes, its been a lonely journey but have some self respect, gah!". She then did the only thing she could think of....smile stupidly.

Her tired, awkward talk perked him up a bit from the bad feelings he had just been going through. He chuckled.

"Well, I luckily haven't gotten in trouble yet, but I still know where the Dean's office is. Unfortunately, seeing as it is past 6 PM, I can tell you that it is closed. Do you know advice as where to stay? I might have a bit of room in my room, if it comes down to that..."

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Draco flopped onto his bed lazily as he said slightly "That mare was mysterious wasn't she?" Draco asked while still alittle drunk. Draco slowly fell asleep on his bed after he sobered up alittle bit. Morning came by too quickly for him. He had a pounding headache and felt nausuea from the hangover. "By my ancestors someone shoot me now," Draco moaned out in pain.

  • Brohoof 1

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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Her tired, awkward talk perked him up a bit from the bad feelings he had just been going through. He chuckled.

"Well, I luckily haven't gotten in trouble yet, but I still know where the Dean's office is. Unfortunately, seeing as it is past 6 PM, I can tell you that it is closed. Do you know advice as where to stay? I might have a bit of room in my room, if it comes down to that..."


She frowned hearing the office was closed but then perked at his offer to stay in his quarters. But, should she?! It would be....scandalist...I mean what would all the ponies say? Maybe nothing....I'm sure its co-ed. I'm over reacting..YES. Of course I am. I mean its just a place to sleep....but what if he wants something in return?! And I don't KNOW this pony...He could be a crazy night stalker looking to take advantage of poor innocent ponies traveling far from home.....if I had a home....Oh no, I'm taking up to much time worrying about this. He's going to walk off and then I'll have no place to go....GO..I should go...yes...Go..No go...GO...NO GO...



Opps...she said that part out loud.......she giggled nervously

"I mean..uh...I can't decide....umm, if I should take your offer to rest or find something to eat first...heh heh....heh....."

She sighed and lowered her ears...epic...fail....Winter...

  • Brohoof 3

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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Nightfall already liked her. Her awkward nervousness was amusing.

"Eat or sleep, huh? Most have just come from a long journey, then... My personal advice would be to see which is worse right now: the tiredness, or the hunger. Go with the one that is worse."

Speaking of tired, he found himself a bit tired...

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Nightfall already liked her. Her awkward nervousness was amusing.

"Eat or sleep, huh? Most have just come from a long journey, then... My personal advice would be to see which is worse right now: the tiredness, or the hunger. Go with the one that is worse."

Speaking of tired, he found himself a bit tired...


"Well, actually I do have a few things left in my saddlebag to munch on, and I don't want to end up sleeping the hallway..."

She stood up straight, her head held high.

"Seeing as I have no where else to go, I would consider it kindness if you could put me up for the night. I would be in your debt Nightfall."

  • Brohoof 3

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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He smiled a bit. Finally, he felt like he was helping somepony out.

"Follow me, then."

He started walking off.

"I will say, while you are on the campus, you might want to watch out for a colt named Eris, Eris Nova. He may look handsome, but in reality, I've been told by a friend of his that he devours pretty mares like you, simply because he feels he can."

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He smiled a bit. Finally, he felt like he was helping somepony out.

"Follow me, then."

He started walking off.

"I will say, while you are on the campus, you might want to watch out for a colt named Eris, Eris Nova. He may look handsome, but in reality, I've been told by a friend of his that he devours pretty mares like you, simply because he feels he can."

"Well, you don't have to worry about that. I don't lift my tail for just any Stallion or Mare, but thank you for the warning. I really am grateful to you for this. Not many have shown me this kind of kindness recently, though there was this pink pony that threw me a 'welcome' party out of no where when I first came to ponyville. It was a little odd. Outside of that, this is the nicest thing anyone has done for me.....well...in some time.

She wondered as she followed the young colt down the hall what exactly this school would hold for her. So far she met a drunken pony, his very pleasent and friendly roommate and friend Spark and now Nightfall. She knew college would be a conglomeration of personalities both good and bad, but she had a feeling if she stuck close to Nightfall, at least she would survive the immidiate future.

Maybe it was her just wanting to believe in someone, in kindness again. Maybe in her tired state she just needed to believe there was more to her world then shadows and secrets. Tonight she would relax and feel safe. She would sleep soundly and try to let her troubled mind rest. Tonight she would trust that maybe some ponies just want to help others with no strings attached.

She followed Nightfall till they reached their destination and took a deep breath..."Trust, Winter....Trust someone for once" she said to herself. And she did.

  • Brohoof 3

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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"Well, you don't have to worry about that. I don't lift my tail for just any Stallion or Mare, but thank you for the warning. I really am grateful to you for this. Not many have shown me this kind of kindness recently, though there was this pink pony that threw me a 'welcome' party out of no where when I first came to ponyville. It was a little odd. Outside of that, this is the nicest thing anyone has done for me.....well...in some time.

She wondered as she followed the young colt down the hall what exactly this school would hold for her. So far she met a drunken pony, his very pleasent and friendly roommate and friend Spark and now Nightfall. She knew college would be a conglomeration of personalities both good and bad, but she had a feeling if she stuck close to Nightfall, at least she would survive the immidiate future.

Maybe it was her just wanting to believe in someone, in kindness again. Maybe in her tired state she just needed to believe there was more to her world then shadows and secrets. Tonight she would relax and feel safe. She would sleep soundly and try to let her troubled mind rest. Tonight she would trust that maybe some ponies just want to help others with no strings attached.

She followed Nightfall till they reached their destination and took a deep breath..."Trust, Winter....Trust someone for once" she said to herself. And she did.

"Right.. so, this is my room..."

He opened the door, going inside and turning on the lights, letting out a sigh of relief to fins Parso wasn't in here with another mare. He motioned for Winter to come in, magically moving some things around.

"So, just in case my roommate comes in here, I'm letting you sleep on my bed while I sleep on my roommate's bed. Unless you don't want that..."

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"Right.. so, this is my room..."

He opened the door, going inside and turning on the lights, letting out a sigh of relief to fins Parso wasn't in here with another mare. He motioned for Winter to come in, magically moving some things around.

"So, just in case my roommate comes in here, I'm letting you sleep on my bed while I sleep on my roommate's bed. Unless you don't want that..."


She stepped through the door and looked around. It was nice, actually. She had heard stories of how colts in school leave their living quarters but obviously those statements had been either not true, or this room was the except. She saw the two beds and then looked at the floor. It was way cleaner then about 80% of the places she had slept recently. "Oh, I couldn't take your bed, but I agree it may not be the best idea to sleep in your roommates either. I really don't mind taking the floor. You've been good enough to a total stranger as it is." She contemplated just leaving her cloak on but reminded herself she wanted to relax and plus, he was an alicorn too. Seemed as good of time as any to let go of one of her secrets.

She laid her cloak neatly to the and using her magic, unraveled the cloth she had around her sides. Most ponies would think she had been injured. It was a clever little ruse she thought. Afterword she stretched out her wide wing span, one wing being nearly all white and the other being nearly all black. Afterward, she took a deep breath and turned around to face Nightfall.....maybe he notice.......heh..heh....

  • Brohoof 2

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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She stepped through the door and looked around. It was nice, actually. She had heard stories of how colts in school leave their living quarters but obviously those statements had been either not true, or this room was the except. She saw the two beds and then looked at the floor. It was way cleaner then about 80% of the places she had slept recently. "Oh, I couldn't take your bed, but I agree it may not be the best idea to sleep in your roommates either. I really don't mind taking the floor. You've been good enough to a total stranger as it is." She contemplated just leaving her cloak on but reminded herself she wanted to relax and plus, he was an alicorn too. Seemed as good of time as any to let go of one of her secrets.

She laid her cloak neatly to the and using her magic, unraveled the cloth she had around her sides. Most ponies would think she had been injured. It was a clever little ruse she thought. Afterword she stretched out her wide wing span, one wing being nearly all white and the other being nearly all black. Afterward, she took a deep breath and turned around to face Nightfall.....maybe he notice.......heh..heh....

He was a bit startled, but then again, something had been different about her. He especially liked her one black, one white wing combo.

"For a mare as pretty as you, one would think you wouldn't hide the fact that you are an alicorn."

He went over and closed the door, the faced her again.

"This must mean you have a past... Never mind that now."

He magically pulled the mattress from his bed.

"You'll sleep better on it," he said, putting it on the floor. He climbed onto his roommate's (Parso's) bed.

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Star Keeper ducked into a nearby bush, ignoring the way it scratched at his coat. He quickly peered back out to see Parso standing in the middle of the grounds, just waiting there, but who for? Star tried to focus in but found himself on the edge of falling forward. He pulled back, taking a few deep breaths. Star pulled out his phone, after managing to retrieve it, and quickly set it on record. If his suspicions were correct, he would need to back up what was said. He only wondered how long it would take for the other one to show up.

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He was a bit startled, but then again, something had been different about her. He especially liked her one black, one white wing combo."For a mare as pretty as you, one would think you wouldn't hide the fact that you are an alicorn."He went over and closed the door, the faced her again."This must mean you have a past... Never mind that now."He magically pulled the mattress from his bed."You'll sleep better on it," he said, putting it on the floor. He climbed onto his roommate's (Parso's) bed.

Well it seemed he wasn't going to take no for an answer so she walked over to the bed and curled her legs under her, snuggling in to get comfy. She curled her tail around her and checked to ensure her beads were secured to her. As usually, they were. She was about to lay her head down when she looked over at the kind Colt who made all this possible. She had questions, but questions from her would lead to questions from him. She opened her mouth, then closed it again....then went to speak and decided again against it. She laid her head down and closed her eyes, but sleep just wasn't happening.

Edited by Obsidian_Winter
  • Brohoof 2

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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Well it seemed he wasn't going to take no for an answer so she walked over to the bed and curled her legs under her, snuggling in to get comfy. She curled her tail around her and checked to ensure her beads were secured to her. As usually, they were. She was about to lay her head down when she looked over at the kind Colt who made all this possible. She had questions, but questions from her would lead to questions from him. She opened her mouth, then closed it again....then went to speak and decided again against it. She laid her head down and closed her eyes, but sleep just wasn't happening.

He closed his eyes. He had helped someone today, so he felt good. He had also forgotten about Lovely, which if he had remembered, he would have been a bit depressed immediately. This new mare seemed to take his mind off of stressful things. And although he had been tired, his body seemed alert as soon as he lied down. He sighed and got up, getting a glass of water, carefully avoiding Obsidian Winter, or something like that.
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He closed his eyes. He had helped someone today, so he felt good. He had also forgotten about Lovely, which if he had remembered, he would have been a bit depressed immediately. This new mare seemed to take his mind off of stressful things. And although he had been tired, his body seemed alert as soon as he lied down. He sighed and got up, getting a glass of water, carefully avoiding Obsidian Winter, or something like that.

She heard a noise and looked up. She applied a slight about of magick into her horn to create some light. She was a little skidish being in a new place. She smiled to herself seeing him. "Hey Nightfall. Can't sleep either I see. Since your up, I've been thinking on if I should ask you a question. Its kinda personal though. Do you mind?"

  • Brohoof 2

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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She heard a noise and looked up. She applied a slight about of magick into her horn to create some light. She was a little skidish being in a new place. She smiled to herself seeing him. "Hey Nightfall. Can't sleep either I see. Since your up, I've been thinking on if I should ask you a question. Its kinda personal though. Do you mind?"


"Hmm? Oh... Yeah, sometimes my past comes out at night and... Never mind. Go ahead."

He grabbed his glass of water and slowly traveled back to Parso's bed. He didn't want to spill any water. He added to Winter's light by creating some himself.

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"Hmm? Oh... Yeah, sometimes my past comes out at night and... Never mind. Go ahead."

He grabbed his glass of water and slowly traveled back to Parso's bed. He didn't want to spill any water. He added to Winter's light by creating some himself.

She laughed a little seeing him light up his own horn. It really was a cool trick to learn. She propped herself up and looked him over careful. "So, you are an Alicorn I see.......where do you come from? I mean are you a royal or something else? Before you ask I can already tell you I'm -not- a royal myself. Maybe a long time ago my family was, but I certain haven't grown up in any castles or had anyone serve me. I can't even find good friends for that matter." She snorted at that, her mind thinking back on some of the more cruel incidents she had endured. But they got what was coming to them...oh yes, they g.....NO! NO NO NO NO, don't ever go back to thinking like that! You're here to learn control. You've come so far since then. She smiled sweetly hoping she didn't display any expressions that would have given away her inner conflict.

  • Brohoof 2

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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She laughed a little seeing him light up his own horn. It really was a cool trick to learn. She propped herself up and looked him over careful. "So, you are an Alicorn I see.......where do you come from? I mean are you a royal or something else? Before you ask I can already tell you I'm -not- a royal myself. Maybe a long time ago my family was, but I certain haven't grown up in any castles or had anyone serve me. I can't even find good friends for that matter." She snorted at that, her mind thinking back on some of the more cruel incidents she had endured. But they got what was coming to them...oh yes, they g.....NO! NO NO NO NO, don't ever go back to thinking like that! You're here to learn control. You've come so far since then. She smiled sweetly hoping she didn't display any expressions that would have given away her inner conflict.


"As far as I can remember, I've been here in Canterlot... in an orphanage. I don't even remember my parents... The owners of the orphanage always said it was some accident... I never got details... Anyway, when I graduated from highschool, they asked if I could leave... they mentioned being too old... I never got any help, like... money... I've just been on my own. I don't think I'll be able to graduate. My funds... they are diminishing quickly."

He sat on the edge of his bed.

"I don't know what to do or where to go... if I leave, I have nothing... If I stay, I may nothing and debt... I'm almost gone here."

He hung his head.

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Draco looked around the dorm room slowly his head was feeling better, a whole lot better. He needed to be outside as he needed to think. He walked out of the room quietly, so he didn't wake his roommate. He closed the door gentlely. When he was certain it was closed he walked through the halls slowly. When he finally was outside he looked to the sky "By the ancestors tonight is beautifull," Draco said as he gazed the the stars.

Edited by dragon4111
  • Brohoof 1

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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Vinyl had yet to hear back from Eris, so she decided to text Nightfall (she had gotten his number during some of their classes together). Hey Nightfall. I'm bored and I can't sleep. Would you mind if I came over to your room? Please? I don't have anything else to do and you seem like a cool stallion to hang with.

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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"As far as I can remember, I've been here in Canterlot... in an orphanage. I don't even remember my parents... The owners of the orphanage always said it was some accident... I never got details... Anyway, when I graduated from highschool, they asked if I could leave... they mentioned being too old... I never got any help, like... money... I've just been on my own. I don't think I'll be able to graduate. My funds... they are diminishing quickly."

He sat on the edge of his bed.

"I don't know what to do or where to go... if I leave, I have nothing... If I stay, I may nothing and debt... I'm almost gone here."

He hung his head.

She stood and walked over to him slowly, tilting her head to the side. She thought about the scroll she had...her one favor. Several thoughts raced around until finally she placed a hoof on his. "Listen to me Nightfall....I-I don't have anything really. Nothing but I shady past, magic I can't control and an old scroll my Great Grandmother gave me. But if there is anything I can do to repay the kindness you've shown me, I will." She laughed a little. "Here I don't even know you and yet its like I want to help you as if I've known you all my life. What is it about you dear Nightfall? Maybe I just have a soft spot for those who show me kindness......" Somewhere in the back of her mind she knew it was more then that.

  • Brohoof 2

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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Nothing, absolutely nothing. That is all that Star had seen. It had been nearly half an hour and here he was, sitting in a bush doing all squat. What was the point, his phone was dead and his back was aching. If he was lucky he could sneak away without getting noticed. This was immanently failed when Star tumbled through the foliage and crashed into the ground, his hoof snagged on a root. Wasting no time in checking to see if his cover was blown, he bolted away into the dorms. Coming to a screeching halt, he pressed his back against the wall, gasping for breath. "Never... doing... that.... again."


Star turned his head to see a shadowy figure slumped in the corner, what looked to be the stallion who had greeted him earlier when he was leaving. Star trotted curiously but cautiously over to his side. The crumpled pony seemed to notice his presence, turning to face him.



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She stood and walked over to him slowly, tilting her head to the side. She thought about the scroll she had...her one favor. Several thoughts raced around until finally she placed a hoof on his. "Listen to me Nightfall....I-I don't have anything really. Nothing but I shady past, magic I can't control and an old scroll my Great Grandmother gave me. But if there is anything I can do to repay the kindness you've shown me, I will." She laughed a little. "Here I don't even know you and yet its like I want to help you as if I've known you all my life. What is it about you dear Nightfall? Maybe I just have a soft spot for those who show me kindness......" Somewhere in the back of her mind she knew it was more then that.

He blushed a bit, but lifted up his head."What is it about me? I've been confused on what to do, what to think, what to believe my whole life... Sometimes, I'd never really thought I was worth much... That's me being crazy. I'll let you know when I need help."He smiled a bit, looking at her. One could see tiredness finally creeping back into his eyes. He looked over at his phone, the only thing he had that others had; anything else they had, he didn't really have it. He picked it up and saw he had a text."H-hang on... I never get texted..."He read to Vinyl's message, and grew a bit pale."Er- do you mind maybe having another mare here..? I don't know her well, and I don't know how she got my number, but... She seems trust-worthy..." Edited by Nightfall
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He blushed a bit, but lifted up his head."What is it about me? I've been confused on what to do, what to think, what to believe my whole life... Sometimes, I'd never really thought I was worth much... That's me being crazy. I'll let you know when I need help."He smiled a bit, looking at her. One could see tiredness finally creeping back into his eyes. He looked over at his phone, the only thing he had that others had; anything else they had, he didn't really have it. He picked it up and saw he had a text."H-hang on... I never get texted..."He read to Vinyl's message, and grew a bit pale."Er- do you mind maybe having another mare here..? I don't know her well, and I don't know how she got my number, but... She seems trust-worthy..."

"Hmm? Oh, no of course not. I'm your guest here. This is your place. Have over who you wish. I mean a young, attractive college student like yourself has to have a special somepony anyway." She smiled but for some out of the way reason she felt a slight ache in her heart. Was he taken? She should have asked! But why should she ask, they just met. "I-I can go if I need to. I can just wait till morning outside the Deans door. I don't mine" She meant it to. She suddenly had this need to escape. Maybe it was her fear of this other Mare. I mean sure he said he didn't know her well but all the guys say that and then BAM! They get married the next day leaving more innocent others heart broken! Okay, she had to calm down. This more drama then she had experience in the past two year combined.

  • Brohoof 2

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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"Hmm? Oh, no of course not. I'm your guest here. This is your place. Have over who you wish. I mean a young, attractive college student like yourself has to have a special somepony anyway." She smiled but for some out of the way reason she felt a slight ache in her heart. Was he taken? She should have asked! But why should she ask, they just met. "I-I can go if I need to. I can just wait till morning outside the Deans door. I don't mine" She meant it to. She suddenly had this need to escape. Maybe it was her fear of this other Mare. I mean sure he said he didn't know her well but all the guys say that and then BAM! They get married the next day leaving more innocent others heart broken! Okay, she had to calm down. This more drama then she had experience in the past two year combined.


"No, no, no! It's not like that! I don't have and never have had a special somepony. Besides, she is already with somepony herself... So please stay..."

He looked down at his phone and sent a reply.

Hey, Vinyl. Come on over. I'm guessing this is partly because of Eris, but you can explain if you come.

He looked back at  Winter, who looked a bit... nervous wasn't right, but there something about her that made her seem a bit sad, somehow.

"I should have said that before I asked..."

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Percussive tried to dry up his eyes, not wanting to make it look like he's been crying in the hour for two hours. He tried to put the facade from earlier back into him, yet, he still was trying to talk normally.


"Nah, no, it's Percussive, not Persuasive. Nice try though. Anyways, ah thought ya left the campus to escape from this place. Why are you back?"

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