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private Canterlot College : Dorm Life


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Vinyl looked at her phone and sent one last text. Great! Thank you so much. I'll be right over. She turned her room back to normal and started walking to Nightfall's dorm. The lights in the hall were dimmed so she cast a light of her own. When she got to the room, she knocked on the door and waited for a response

  • Brohoof 2

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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Dogboots was alerted when Star Keeper turned around. "Did he spot me?" He thought to himself but he soon he was wrong. He saw Star Keeper approach another pony. One he didn't seem to recognize though, "That's a Pony? I thought that was a bush? Can't see him too well. He must be a unicorn but it would be nice to see another earth pony around here." He continued to think to himself on top of a tree branch. He saw Parso just waiting for something. "Is he meeting up with somepony? If he were I would have to guess its that cherished mare. There's no way he would betray you but he might betray Draco. Those two have been at it like crazy lately. The two are like the living representations of Reason and Instinct. Not only that but if Parso were to catch me here it would mean that I doubt his trust. On the flip side though how do I know he wouldn't betray me? Damn, this is quite the gamble i'd be making. Unless..." He thought to himself before slightly hitting a branch. He had an idea that would buy him a small amount of time for him to continue his plan if Eris found out about it but it would be enough for him to continue it. The stallion jumped down and attempted to make a silent landing but the sound of boots landing on the dirt made some noise that he could be heard from a small distance but he payed no mind to it. He had to get back to his dorm quickly.


Dogboots took the long way around to get back to his dorm so he wouldn't get spotted by Parso. He charged through the door and saw a note lying on his desk. The note was from the Dean letting him know that Sugar transferred to another dorm. He threw the note aside though as he didn't have time to process what had happened. He needed to make an insurance policy for himself and a few others. He grabbed a piece of paper and started making a 2nd report about what happened with Rockshire and Star Keeper. He made sure to keep a couple ponies out such as Parso, Vinyl and Cherished to keep them safe. Plus show that he was still loyal to Parso himself and that he did not have any interest in his affairs. He did include Eris as the one who committed the crime and Draco for seeing it happen. The report seemed rock solid to him. The only thing that would happen to him would either be kicked out of the Campus Police for lying to them or put on suspension but the first was more likely than the other. They would still need him to be janitor though so at least he could keep his job. All he had to do now was get this report to Star Keeper and inform him of what to do. However, he had no idea where Star Keeper resided unless he were to break into the files again and look it up which would be quite a long and difficult progress.

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Star slumped down next to Percussive, setting down his heavy saddlebags. "S-sorry, my memory is a shocker. I was leaving, but it seems there was a group intervention waiting for me. That, and I was a bit intoxicated. You can't blame me."


Star tossed aside his dying phone, turning back Percussive, a he could see the inner conflict playing out on his face. It was similar to what he himself had gone through. "I can't help you fight your daemons,nor can I be of any help. But I can keep you company if you want."

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Percussive sighed. Somepony decides to stay with him and actually NOT torture him? What a shocker. He decided to drop the facade altogether. He felt a bit more comfortable talking.


"Thank you, Star Keeper... But, you're helping in a way. You're not staying here to torture me, or beat me to death or anything. At least I don't think you are."

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Vinyl looked at her phone and sent one last text. Great! Thank you so much. I'll be right over. She turned her room back to normal and started walking to Nightfall's dorm. The lights in the hall were dimmed so she cast a light of her own. When she got to the room, she knocked on the door and waited for a response


He got up from the bed and opened the door.

"Hey, Vinyl... Before you get any ideas, I was helping her already... Vinyl, this is Obsidian Winter. Obsidian, Vinyl. She was trying to get to the Dean's office, and didn't have anywhere to stay, and since Parso isn't in here, I'm letting her stay here..."

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"I could if you wanted me to." Star joked, but quickly got back on topic.This didn't seem like the time for humour


"Sooo, care to tell me what this is all about? The whole yelling at the air and such." Star didn't like to pry, actually that's a lie, he loved to pry. But this was a bit more serious,and his curiosity would have to take a back seat.

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He got up from the bed and opened the door.

"Hey, Vinyl... Before you get any ideas, I was helping her already... Vinyl, this is Obsidian Winter. Obsidian, Vinyl. She was trying to get to the Dean's office, and didn't have anywhere to stay, and since Parso isn't in here, I'm letting her stay here..."

Obsidian had quickly thrown her cloak back around her. She didn't have time to wrap the bandages around her midsection so she just pressed her wings close to her. She smiled, slightly embarressed being seen in a colts room with know pony else there....

She smiles ackwardly and lowered her head in respect. "Pleasure to meet you Vinyl"

  • Brohoof 3

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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Vinyl got a quick glimpse of Winter before she threw on her cloak. She nodded her head in return and responded, "The pleasure is mine." She stepped into the room and closed the door behind her. "So how's everything been going? And don't worry, Nightfall, I haven't gotten any ideas about you yet."

  • Brohoof 3

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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Vinyl got a quick glimpse of Winter before she threw on her cloak. She nodded her head in return and responded, "The pleasure is mine." She stepped into the room and closed the door behind her. "So how's everything been going? And don't worry, Nightfall, I haven't gotten any ideas about you yet."


"Um... Same as always... really bad. You, Winter? You never told me why you are here on campus..."

He sat back on the edge of his bed. Now there were two mares in his room... He didn't want Winter to be left out of the conversation simple because he wasn't addressing her...

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"Um... Same as always... really bad. You, Winter? You never told me why you are here on campus..."

He sat back on the edge of his bed. Now there were two mares in his room... He didn't want Winter to be left out of the conversation simple because he wasn't addressing her...

"Hmm? Oh....well, I'm hoping to focus my studies on magic. Just some fine tuning stuff."

She hated to lie but the truth was far worse. She was danerous with her magic when she lost control. She wished should could just be a flyer, or earth pony, ANYTHING but what she was...a monster.

"I have to give the dean my entrance letter and I hope to start soon, maybe find a place so I don't have to impose on you Nightfall.

  • Brohoof 2

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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Percussive sighed. Would he really want to tell some random pony, and just bawl it out? Well, he did want to know. And he seemed nice....


"Fine... Why I was yelling? Back at my old colleges, I was always tortured and harassed. It got to the point where I had constant nightmares and horrible memories. I made several suicide attempts in the past, and they have all failed. It was to that point where I needed to stand up and take charge. I acted tougher, talked in a gruff voice, which by the way, it burns your throat. And every time, it fails. I just decided to stop it altogether, and just try to kill myself again..."

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"Been there, done that, doesn't work." Star Keeper took of his old brown scarf, tossing it away along with his dead phone. He gazed at Percussive and then back down to the ground, pawing at it with his hoof.


"I used to have a friend, a good friend. She was so into her studies and her magic I couldn't help but admire her. We were kinda close, but she was more interested in magic than friends. So one day I decided I wanted to be more than friends, bucked up the courage and asked her. She turned me down flat. I didn't take it too well. And, well..."


Star Keeper trailed of into a small whisper, clearing his throat before speaking again. "You get the idea. But what I'm trying to say is that the past only exists for one reason; for us to learn, for us to gain experience so that we never make the same mistakes. We learn from them and move on. I started a new life; moved away to a small town, got a new job. Maybe it's time to leave this all behind."


Star Keeper got up from his slouched position, picking up his old scarf and his brick of a phone. "I'm not much of a help to anyone, all I can do is relay my own experiences. You have your own choices to make."


Star trotted off down the hallway to his room, turning back one last time to Percussive. "Good luck to you."

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Obsidian looked between the too and her nerves just got the best of her. She smiled to Vinyl and lowered her head politely to Nightfall.

"Oh, you know, I just remembered I need to try and get a layout of the land for tomorrow. I really am grateful for the invitation but I honestly just feel like I'm interupting....not in a coming between you two thing just -she paused- ....well, I just let myself get too comfortable. I'm sorry....


She had embarrassed herself by letting herself say some stupid and really open things to Nightfall. She let her guard down and she got a good first impression of this other Mare which meant she might do the same with her as well. She had to escape, like always. She dashed out the room and into the hall nearly in tears.

  • Brohoof 2

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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Obsidian looked between the too and her nerves just got the best of her. She smiled to Vinyl and lowered her head politely to Nightfall.

"Oh, you know, I just remembered I need to try and get a layout of the land for tomorrow. I really am grateful for the invitation but I honestly just feel like I'm interupting....not in a coming between you two thing just -she paused- ....well, I just let myself get too comfortable. I'm sorry....


She had embarrassed herself by letting herself say some stupid and really open things to Nightfall. She let her guard down and she got a good first impression of this other Mare which meant she might do the same with her as well. She had to escape, like always. She dashed out the room and into the hall nearly in tears.

"Damn it!" He cursed under his breath.

"Vinyl, excuse me for a minute..."

He ran out after Winter.

"Obsidian! Wait!"

He was open about being an alicorn, so he used his wings to try to catch up to her. He tried getting close enough so he wouldn't have to tell. That could wake up others and make a scene.

"Obsidian! You'll get lost! Wait!"

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"Damn it!" He cursed under his breath."Vinyl, excuse me for a minute..."He ran out after Winter."Obsidian! Wait!"He was open about being an alicorn, so he used his wings to try to catch up to her. He tried getting close enough so he wouldn't have to tell. That could wake up others and make a scene."Obsidian! You'll get lost! Wait!"

Of course being chased just put her in that much more fear. She knew he would catch her using his wings and she knew she couldn't use hers in case someone just happened by so she closed her eyes and pictured the gardens outside the college. Her horn began to glow a...glittery black? Yep.....Sparkling like a bright light suddenly shown on snowflakes in a nightly winter storm, she was about to hit the wall at the end of the hall and vanished in a puff of snowflakes and dark smoke...her cloak didn't make the trip with her....it smacked the wall hard and fell to the ground, an empty reminder of where she once was.

  • Brohoof 2

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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Of course being chased just put her in that much more fear. She knew he would catch her using his wings and she knew she couldn't use hers in case someone just happened by so she closed her eyes and pictured the gardens outside the college. Her horn began to glow a...glittery black? Yep.....Sparkling like a bright light suddenly shown on snowflakes in a nightly winter storm, she was about to hit the wall at the end of the hall and vanished in a puff of snowflakes and dark smoke...her cloak didn't make the trip with her....it smacked the wall hard and fell to the ground, an empty reminder of where she once was.

He saw her disappear. He hit the wall with a small thump. He had almost caught her, too. That fact that he didn't know where she had gone and that he didn't know where she would go and if he would ever see her again made him feel much worse. He slumped against the wall, burying his head in his hooves and letting out a few tears. He thought he may have had luck, but like always, life seemed to just steal it from him.
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She appeared out in the garden still running at a full gallop and smacked right into a tree.....ow.....

She was knocked back on her back and just laid there a while. She felt her black wing ache horribly. She may have fractured it. Great. Well it wasn't like she used them much anyway. She cursed herself for not remembering to include her cloak in the spell. She looked up at the dying starlight as morning surely would be coming soon. She rolled on her good side and cried. She cried in pain, she cried because she let her fears and shyness get to her. She cried because she was alone and she cried because she missed the warmth she had felt only a few short minutes ago. She paniced....again......The only thing she could do was lay there and just let her pain out.

  • Brohoof 2

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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Star Keeper was now trotting long the hall with a lighter heart. He had done what he could and he felt better for it. He trotted along the dorm towards his room but couldn't help but overhear the chaos unfold in the hallway. From his silent watching point he saw some random pony run away and another resembling Nightfall.


"I think I'm done helping others for tonight. I need some rest." And so he walked away, went to his room, and slept soundly. No regrets.


(OCC: I just wanted to wrap up my day. Nothing to do with anyone. Good night.)

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Draco heard crying during his walk through the gardens as he needed some fresh air. He walked into the garden and then noticed the crying lass. "Miss are you alright?" Draco asked his voice was with concern. He carefully walked towards her. He really didn't want to be sent through a wall again.

  • Brohoof 1

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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She appeared out in the garden still running at a full gallop and smacked right into a tree.....ow.....She was knocked back on her back and just laid there a while. She felt her black wing ache horribly. She may have fractured it. Great. Well it wasn't like she used them much anyway. She cursed herself for not remembering to include her cloak in the spell. She looked up at the dying starlight as morning surely would be coming soon. She rolled on her good side and cried. She cried in pain, she cried because she let her fears and shyness get to her. She cried because she was alone and she cried because she missed the warmth she had felt only a few short minutes ago. She paniced....again......The only thing she could do was lay there and just let her pain out.

He sat there, wondering if he could find some way to trace her."Where did I go wrong? What the hell scared her off? I told her Vinyl and I had nothing with each other, and- and... I got too cocky. Damn it! I was so close..."He got up and picked up her cloak."She will want this... Maybe I can start again..."He started walking, and opened the door to the outside. She would be lost, and he wouldn't be able to find her..."Damn my stupidity..."
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Draco heard crying during his walk through the gardens as he needed some fresh air. He walked into the garden and then noticed the crying lass. "Miss are you alright?" Draco asked his voice was with concern. He carefully walked towards her. He really didn't want to be sent through a wall again.

She looked up and sighed.....

"Oh great..the Drunk Pony. I'm sorry but I would prefer to be left alone. Theres nothing you can do for me . I just need to be alone"


She tucked her head under her wing and hoped he would take the hint. He seemed nice enough but she had little tolerance for what she had seen earlier in the night with him. She hurt too bad.

  • Brohoof 2

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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"Hey now I'm trying to help here. I'm not drunk anymore just having a bad headache. I won't leave a mare crying her eyes out. My mother would kill me if she knew if I didn't help out a mare that was hurt. If she was still alive," Draco said with finality as he sat down across from her. He then asked her "Are you hurt miss?" he tilted his head. Yeah he was drunk but now he had some clarity to his mind. This mare was an alicorn just life Nightfall but for some reason she was crying.

  • Brohoof 2

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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"Hey now I'm trying to help here. I'm not drunk anymore just having a bad headache. I won't leave a mare crying her eyes out. My mother would kill me if she knew if I didn't help out a mare that was hurt. If she was still alive," Draco said with finality as he sat down across from her. He then asked her "Are you hurt miss?" he tilted his head. Yeah he was drunk but now he had some clarity to his mind. This mare was an alicorn just life Nightfall but for some reason she was crying.

 "Listen, I am grateful you stopped. It was a kindnes but I just left the safety of somewhere else to be here alone. I just need time to think things through before making my next move. Please understand....what was it.....Draco?"


She tilted her head to the side and even though her eyes were still wet, they were sincere in what she was saying.

  • Brohoof 2

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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"You know you can talke to me about your problems. And yes it's Draco, Draco O'mally but I'll just sit here to keep you company. I won't take no for an answer. Plus I'll listen to your problems," Draco said with a smile on his muzzle as he looked into her eyes. Honesty in his silver eyes but a fire of determination.

  • Brohoof 1

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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Lovely woke-up and brushed her mane out of her face. It had been awhile since her and Eris had been at the College. Their parents had a way of whisking them off in an unplanned manner. One moment she was talking to Nightfall and Icebeam, the next she was in her old room. Why does my family have to plan a surprise vacation in the middle of the school year? And just when I was starting to make friends too. At least now Lovely knew she have her full focus on her studies and social life, that is if anypony even remembered her anymore. Lovely shook her blanket off her back and began to stroke her soft golden mane. It was morning and Lovely's growling stomach meant breakfast. Lovely trotted down to the cafeteria to get some food and catch up on what she missed. Lovely sent a quick text to Vinyl Blade 'heey I'm back :)'.

Cherished was sitting in the cafe when Lovely arrived. She was starring down at her phone texting. She had gone into hiding after things were getting semi-serious with Parso, and in a sick way it had almost deepened her desire for him. Absence makes the heart grow fonder as they say. "Oh hey. Look time no see. How's Eris?" "Good, good. He'll probably be here any minute." "How was your trip?" "It's always fun to watch my parent's at eachother's throats 24/7. Did I miss anything?" Cherished shrugged, "wouldn't know. I've been on the down low myself." 

Eris slowly walked into the cafe and took a seat quietly next to Lovely and Cherished. "Sorry I took so long getting here. I had ponyball practice all morning. Coach has been drilling me like crazy lately." Eris checked his phone for message; he had none.

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