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private Canterlot College : Dorm Life


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Obsidian Slept in a very uneasy sleep with Whirlwind close by. At some point she knew Vinyl had been close to her, had touched her, kissed her. It felt good. Vinyl and her needed each other. She knew that, but the more things went on the more they felt like sisters....well...step sisters with no relation. She loved Vinyl and she wasn;t about to give up on her, but now here was Whirlwind. He was a blast from the past despite everything and he made her feel safe. Was she feeling something for him? She couldn't tell, but...hey wait...

Why was Rockshire kissing that freaky looking pony earlier. Isn't she with somepony else?


Her phone vibrated and she struggled to find it. When she did she read it to herself and deleted the message. She needed to get to Rockshire, but she hurt so bad. She texted a message back saying should would be there in about an hour.


She laid back down next to Whirlwind and Vinyl and took a nice, nap.

  • Brohoof 1

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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"Yes, I do have time, but what I also have are my morbid, deadly thoughts. I haven't told anyone, and seeing as you're some kind of expert in the area of people skills, I have wanted to commit suicide... Multiple times. Out of anger, out of fear, out of sadness. And my thoughts cause these feelings. I have time alone, by myself, and only with myself and my thoughts."

He snorted.

"That's understandable, but suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. If anything it's cowardly. You end up letting your doubts win. Besides, your not alone. Many others have been on the same path and to think that you're the only one is naive. Believe in yourself and create your own path. Don't fear failure." The stallion stated as he sat down across Nightfall.


(OOC: typing from ps3 sorry if its any different)

Edited by thor9356
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"I've faced nothing but failure. I'm beginning to think I am a failure, and nothing but. I don't want to live this way, but every time I try to change, things get worse. I am a walking bad luck charm, a pit of despair, a harborer of hatred, and an unpredictable fool. I can't stand it, but that's the only way I know how to live without going further into depression."

A few tears started from his eyes.

"I feel mentally challenged, but I know I'm not. I need help..."

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Obsidian Slept in a very uneasy sleep with Whirlwind close by. At some point she knew Vinyl had been close to her, had touched her, kissed her. It felt good. Vinyl and her needed each other. She knew that, but the more things went on the more they felt like sisters....well...step sisters with no relation. She loved Vinyl and she wasn;t about to give up on her, but now here was Whirlwind. He was a blast from the past despite everything and he made her feel safe. Was she feeling something for him? She couldn't tell, but...hey wait...

Why was Rockshire kissing that freaky looking pony earlier. Isn't she with somepony else?


Her phone vibrated and she struggled to find it. When she did she read it to herself and deleted the message. She needed to get to Rockshire, but she hurt so bad. She texted a message back saying should would be there in about an hour.


She laid back down next to Whirlwind and Vinyl and took a nice, nap.

Vinyl woke up a bit later and sat down on the bed, next to Obsidian, and watched her sleep for a while. Just being there with Obsidian brought a smile to her face and a warm feeling to her heart. After a few minutes, she started gently stroking her hoof through Obsidian's mane and laid down next to her.

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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Looking back it was Vinyls gentle touch that stirred her from her Nightmares and allowed her to sleep at peace. By the time she woke up, both Vinyl and Whirlwind were asleep. She didn't know if she as lucky to have two ponies who seemed to care so much about her, or cursed to hurt one of them. She sighed. But now wasn't the time to be selfish. She quietly walked over to her things and took out a long strand of older clear and darker shaded beads. This was an old strand with old enchantments, no where near the protection she usually has on them, but it was better then nothing. She slid them on and they covered about half of her. She hadn't worn them since she was just barely out of fillyhood.


She nuzzled Vinyl lovingly and kissed Whirlwinds forehead, then headed out to her own Dorm to see if Rockshire was there. They needed to talk.

  • Brohoof 1

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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not long after the papers were printed, word started to spread like wildfire all over campus. it was practically top topic throughout the students, even the teachers were speaking of Parso's demise. it wouldnt be long before word caught onto one of Parso's friends that he is dead

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Whirlwind was fast asleep as Obsidian's, dream of the time they first he remembered it being flat out arguing and fighting against each other. when he woke up he saw that the room was empty and there was a warm feeling on his fore head.


"well it's morning so she mush have had things to do, but still she should be resting" he said to him self before realizing that he had not finished unpacking and that he had a meeting with the head flight coach as well. Whirlwind got up and looked for a pen so he could jot down a message for Obsidian.


' I see you're feeling better now, could we meet up later today and talk, my dorm room number is 234 




he left the note were i could easily be spotted and left to head back to his room

Edited by PonyEcho
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"I've faced nothing but failure. I'm beginning to think I am a failure, and nothing but. I don't want to live this way, but every time I try to change, things get worse. I am a walking bad luck charm, a pit of despair, a harborer of hatred, and an unpredictable fool. I can't stand it, but that's the only way I know how to live without going further into depression."

A few tears started from his eyes.

"I feel mentally challenged, but I know I'm not. I need help..."


"That's the thing about failure. You always learn from them. It gives you experience and you end up making sure you don't repeat it. Otherwise it's like insanity. Doing the exact same thing over and over again expecting something to change. Your the only one who can make change happen. Nopony else can. Besides, your not alone my friend. You got me on your side." He said trying to reassure the broken Nightfall. It wasn't easy for him to get out of rock bottom and sometimes an extra hoof can always help in the long run.

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Star paused the infernal thing. What was he doing? What cold he have possibly gained from this? He was trying too hard to do what wasn't right. He looked at the scene he paused it, just an image of Shire and Dogboots looking at each other. There was nothing to see here. He ejected the disk and slipped it back behind his scarf. He would dispose of it later,but it was getting near 10, he had classes to attend at 10 30. He walked around the room gathering his things in his saddle bag and prepare to set off. Suddenly something caught his eye, something he hadn't seen before. A golden trimmed letter almost identical to the acceptance letter rested o his bed covers. He picked it up in his hooves and broke the wax seal. Inside was a piece of parchment with two lines clearly written in ink.


Star, you're almost there...

...hold on just a while longer.


He certainly didn't feel any closer. Maybe she was right though; I may just have to hold on a little longer and wait out these next few days. There was really nothing else that could be done lest risk another pony to humiliation.


((OCC: And I'm off. Technically since I live in New Zealand you're a day behind us and we had Christmas yesterday. We're still on Boxing day and we're heading off south for the next week or so. Merry Christmas, I only wish that our RP would have the same cheer.))

  • Brohoof 2


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"That's the thing about failure. You always learn from them. It gives you experience and you end up making sure you don't repeat it. Otherwise it's like insanity. Doing the exact same thing over and over again expecting something to change. Your the only one who can make change happen. Nopony else can. Besides, your not alone my friend. You got me on your side." He said trying to reassure the broken Nightfall. It wasn't easy for him to get out of rock bottom and sometimes an extra hoof can always help in the long run.


He sighed, a few tears still streaming down his face.

"You're right. I need to change."

He looked at the guard.

"Thanks... I'm going to need all the help I can get. If you know anyone else who can help, I'd be grateful."

He looked around a bit. His room was actually well-furnished. He noticed he was getting hungry and a bit dizzy. He closed his eyes.

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He sighed, a few tears still streaming down his face.

"You're right. I need to change."

He looked at the guard.

"Thanks... I'm going to need all the help I can get. If you know anyone else who can help, I'd be grateful."

He looked around a bit. His room was actually well-furnished. He noticed he was getting hungry and a bit dizzy. He closed his eyes.


"Of course. You should get some rest though. Feel free to contact me any time you need me alright? I got to get going though. As I promised i'll stop this investigation for you." The stallion said as he left his name and number on a small piece of paper. Dogboots soon made his way to the nearest payphone and began making a series of calls. After twenty minutes, everything was done. He just had to wait for the security stallion to call him up about the new eyewitness. He was kind of happy that his mind wasn't on Rockshire for the duration of his conversation with Nightfall. Instead of walking, Dogboots decided to take a bus back to the college. He grinned a little while riding the bus. "Heh, I wonder if Rockshire would've been willing to teleport me back to the college." He thought to himself as he let out a quiet chuckle. Not many mares or colts were on the bus with him so it was a quiet trip for Dogboots.


As the lonely stallion was approaching his dorm, a voice chimed over the radio. "Dogboots, you copy? over." The voice asked over the radio. The colt picked up the radio and held down on the receiver. "This is Dogboots, over." He replied as he knew what the call was about. "Canterlot Police just got a call from a witness who saw two mares fitting the description of whom we're looking for. Said that he saw them taking a train south towards Appleloosa. The police are going to try and get a patrol down there to catch up with them and they'll report the details back to us. Once again we won't have to do much work as usual. So, how was the injured Alicorn? Get anything out of him?" The security stallion asked over the radio. Dogboots soon grinned at the diversion he caused as he soon picked up the radio. "Negative, he was silent to me too but i'll be checking in on him from time to time to see if he gets better. Who knows? might be able to tell us something useful. over." The stallion replied as he went around the back of his dormitory to tend to his small garden. "I see, well let me know if you find out anything. over." The voice over the radio said pretending to sound interested. "Roger that." He replied as he put the radio away and began to work on the garden. He took out the small radio and tuned it to his favorite station. "I wonder if Rockshire would be interested in gardening with me? Doubt it. She's a famous sculptor. She wouldn't want to get her hooves dirty. It's weird though. I should feel bad that i'm betraying Star but I don't. Is this love? More than likely. Should I tell her that I love her? Well she knows that I like her and she really REALLY likes me but is that the same as love?" Dogboots thought to himself as he started watering his plants and tilting the soil. He took out his phone and looked at the screen in wonderment. "Should I text her? No. She said she would text me later. Just give her time." He told himself as he tried to hold back the urge. The sound of the Royal Canterlot Symphony on the radio helped Dogboots keep his mind off the matter and onto his garden.



Looking back it was Vinyls gentle touch that stirred her from her Nightmares and allowed her to sleep at peace. By the time she woke up, both Vinyl and Whirlwind were asleep. She didn't know if she as lucky to have two ponies who seemed to care so much about her, or cursed to hurt one of them. She sighed. But now wasn't the time to be selfish. She quietly walked over to her things and took out a long strand of older clear and darker shaded beads. This was an old strand with old enchantments, no where near the protection she usually has on them, but it was better then nothing. She slid them on and they covered about half of her. She hadn't worn them since she was just barely out of fillyhood.


She nuzzled Vinyl lovingly and kissed Whirlwinds forehead, then headed out to her own Dorm to see if Rockshire was there. They needed to talk.




Rockshire paced around her room anxiously. She didn't how to explain to obsidian her affair with Dogboots. "*sigh* What's taking her so long?" The worried unicorn said as her mind was swirling full of emotions. The sound of the door creaking open was a clear indicator that Obsidian had arrived. Rockshire took a deep breath and walked into the alicorn`s field of view. "Thanks for coming Obsidian. I can`t think straight anymore. I wanted to talk to you about what you saw with me and..." The nervous unicorn said as she trailed off sentence. Rockshire felt uneasy with how Obsidian might respond.


Edited by thor9356
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he made it back to his dorm with little trouble this time, maybe it had something to with what happened but he felt more refreshed, he lifted his hoof to open the door before grabbing under his wing "ow.... well i think her magics gotton stronger" he said to him self as he open the door and went straight for the shower.


minutes later he had climbed out of the steamy shower with out a towel on considering he hadn't even began to unpack, he opened his back and pored everything onto his bed and taking the towel and warping it around his as he began to up his thing away. 

  • Brohoof 1

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Vinyl woke up later and noticed everyone had head out. She remembered hearing a voice at the door last night that sounded like Rockshire's (seriously Rockshire, I didn't see your post. Next time please bold my name or something). She made a mental note to herself to see her later. She got out of bed and noticed a note on the bedside table.


I see you're feeling better now, could we meet up later today and talk, my dorm room number is 234 




Vinyl figured there wouldn't be any harm in seeing her marefriend's ex, so she walked out and to Whirlwind's dorm, grabbing her phone on the way out. She reached the dorm door and gave a quick knock. "Um... Whirlwind? It's me, Vinyl."

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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 knock. "Um... Whirlwind? It's me, Vinyl."


Whirlwind here a unfamiliar voice from his door, he didn't know a Vinyl.


he went to the door opening it to find that it was the mare who was in Obsidian's room, he barley even noticed her with all that happened last night.

"oh... you're Obsidian's friend...Vinyl" he open the door some more and invited her in "sorry about the mess, but i guess you here to talk about last night"

  • Brohoof 2

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Vinyl looked around uneasily. "Well, sort of, I guess." Vinyl walked in and sat down on Whirlwind's bed. "So, um... You and Obsidian? You two were... a thing? She never told me about you. So what happened back then? You know, if you don't mind me asking." Vinyl took a quick look around the room, then focused back on Whirlwind

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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Whirlwind sat down on the other bed and took a breath before answering the question "I feel this should be something Obsidian should speak of but, i know this would make her feel uneasy so i'll give you the details"


"yeah... back then we were a think... well we were more then that, but lots of things happened and she lost control of her power.... and then she just vanished.. until today"

Whirlwind put his hoofs on his lap and gave a sigh "I wish I had found her sooner"  

  • Brohoof 2

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"She and I have been helping each other with our... issues. Her with her anger and such and me with my..." She took a deep breath and released. "My sluttyness. The whole 'love potion in the punch bowl' thing didn't help with either." Vinyl paused for a moment and relaxed on the bed. "Without her, I'm sure I'd go to the pub and sleep with a bunch of guys... or worse."

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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"well i'm glad you two have been so helpful to one another," he said before griting his teeth about the spiked punch and what Obsidian said happened after but control his rage against those who were responsible and gave a sigh "thank you for being there for her..... it means allot to me that she has a good friend like yourself"

  • Brohoof 2

my DA http://heavyecho.deviantart.com/ check my stuff out

the Anime Club http://mlpforums.com/topic/48196-the-anime-club/ plz join us

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"Um, yeah... We're- we're more than just friends. After I broke it off with Eris and Nightfall messed it up with Obsidian... the first time, she and I just kinda... wanted to try something new. Along with the relationship, we also agreed to help each other in any way we could." Vinyl looked a bit uneasy having to break the news to Whirlwind. "We're also going to be raising our foals together."

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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Whirlwind smiled, recently fertilized eggs and now there speaking of raising foals together, just like how Obsidian and Whirlwind were "you know pregnancy don't work that way.." he smiled some more before giving a straights face, "you're both in college... we all are now ... do you know whats going to happen?" it was harsh of him to do this but he had to be level headed even if he was going to be a colossal jerk about it. 

  • Brohoof 3

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"We go to school like we normally would, then when they're born, we raise the foals together. And I'm sure the princesses wouldn't mind helping out when we have classes. We could also move into my place in the city and move out of the dorms. I think we have it covered."

  • Brohoof 2

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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Whirlwind place his hoof on his face at the mentioning of the princesses helping "yeah..... because they have so much time on there hoof to deal with your's and Obsidian's responsibility.... that's not how the world work it not sunshine and rainbows...... ok there some of that there but still, neither of you would be able to look after the foals on your own...." he stood up off of the bed "Now I want to help, i want to be the some pony i couldn't be for her, i want to be helpful"

  • Brohoof 2

my DA http://heavyecho.deviantart.com/ check my stuff out

the Anime Club http://mlpforums.com/topic/48196-the-anime-club/ plz join us

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"Hey! They probably would help out if I needed it. You don't know my relationship with them. But if you want to be there for us and help, then sure." Vinyl stood up and moved closer to Whirlwind. "You're a good friend to her, you know that? I haven't seen you much, but I can tell."

Edited by Feld0's Overlord
  • Brohoof 2

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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"thank you" replied Whirlwind as he opened the door so that Vinyl could leave "I'll help in anyway i can, all i want to do is be there for her "


"listen I have to go to training now, you you leave a message to Obsidian telling her to meet me some time later" he asked 

  • Brohoof 1

my DA http://heavyecho.deviantart.com/ check my stuff out

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"Yeah... Do you know where she went? She left this morning and I don't know where she is." Vinyl looked down and sighed, then looked back up at Whirlwind. "Do you really think I'm a good marefriend to her? I feel like I'm pulling her down rather than helping her. I dunno. Maybe you could do a better job?"

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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